• expired

Free UberCHOPPER for Those in Adelaide


From 11:30-3pm in Adelaide, Uber are offering free 10 minute helicopter rides for anyone with the Uber App!!

All you have to do is request an uberCHOPPER between those times, and if successful, you and a friend will be picked up from your location by an uberX and transferred to the secret location for the helicopter ride!

It is a no-strings-attached free 10 minute joyride over the city, with helicopters provided by local South Coast Helicopters and Aerotech!

Offer was sent via email! Demand will be high so get requesting!!

Ps. if you have a new friend to uber, share the code ADLCHOPPER and they will receive $20 off their first Uber ride (valid until 30 September)

EDIT: I actually got a ride with them!! Absolutely amazing fun! And i'm not in any way associated with UBER, just got lucky!

Referral Links

50% off 2 Uber Reserve Rides: random (214)

Referee and referrer get 50% off first/next 2 Uber Reserve Rides.

50% off 5 Rides for Referee, 1 Ride for Referrer: random (212)

For a limited time, 50% off 5 rides for referee, 50% off 1 ride for referrer. $15 discount cap per ride.

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closed Comments

    • +6

      You really are the new jv.

  • +2

    I couldn't even get icecream last time they had the offer a year ago, goodluck getting a choppa lol
    Most likely have 10,000 odd requests a hour and only 10 rides a hour

      • +17

        10 a hour makes sense of they have 2 choppers, 5 10min rides with 1-2mins loading/unloading

        • +5

          @Sir Casm:
          They have two choppah companies so common sense dictates they have more than one choppah

        • +3

          @Sir Casm: >with helicopters provided by local South Coast Helicopters and Aerotech!

          Except you didn't read the post.

  • +10

    more of a competition than a freebie really, demand is going to outstrip supply by orders of magnitudes

  • +11

    what a great promo to drive up interest though. I don't think silver top taxis or similar have ever tried this promo!

    • +2

      They hold protests and "they're taking our jerbz" awareness campaigns.

  • +13

    Get to da choppa!!!

  • +3

    and transferred to the secret location for the helicopter ride!

    Will it end with a multi level marketing or pyramid scheme seminar?

    • +6

      Secret location, the airport lol

    • Maybe they take you out to sea and push you out?

      • Maybe they do - "Sorry your 10 minutes is up, either get out here or pay us $500 to get you back to land"

        P.S Not a taxi driver

  • +1

    been trying since 11:30am. impossible to get

  • +1

    Who said nothing good happens in Adelaide?

    • +5


    • +1

      I believe it was Jeff Kennett.

      • +2

        You guys have helicopters now - how exciting!

  • For a second there I thought they had worked out the logistics to enable choppers as ubers to take you from A -> B, LOL.

    • Now that'd be sweet, expensive but sweet!

    • Actually that was either trialed by Uber in the US.

  • -8

    "It is a no-strings-attached".. well except being in Adelaide, and no one deserves that.

    • +2

      but why? this is funny

  • +21

    Forwarded to Bronwyn Bishop, thanks for the post!

    • +2

      CTRL-F, "Bronwyn Bishop", sigh, upvote.

      • Lest we forget

        • Pig at the trough.

  • +1

    i was actually thinking Motorcycles

  • +2

    This is a bargain?

    More like a competition….

  • -4

    I got to the chopper! What a great ride it was to see the view of Adelaide 1000ft up. Too bad the pilot asked me to pay him "three fiddy" and I couldn't. So he kicked me out.

    • +1

      Damn you got me all excited there for a second that an ozbargainer got a spot, did anyone here actually get in?

      • +3

        As the OP, I actually got it!! Just pure luck, was with a friend who sat and tried for ages! Absolutely amazing fun!

        • Photo or it didn't happen

        • photo or… did not happen broski

  • That explains it. I saw two choppers doing short rides out of the South Parklands yesterday - landing on the playing fields NE of the intersection of Greenhill and Glen Osmond Roads (across from KFC). They were doing clockwise flights across towards the hills to the east at about 1000ft, then around the hills face to around Cross Road/South Road before heading back to the Southern Parklands. They were working continuously for over an hour that I happened to see, and no doubt longer. I thought it was some sort of local company/office jaunt for a successful year or whatever.

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