Our last promo did so well for AliExpress & Cashrewards that they've been kind enough to give us a commission increase to pass on to our members for a further 4 days. Happy shopping, and thanks for the continued support :)
AliExpress Cashback Increases from 7% to 10% @ Cashrewards (Ends Sunday)

Referral Links
$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.
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closed Comments
Me too. I was waiting for some time and decided to buy yesterday, bad timing.
Cancel and buy again, if you really care.
Sound good, now….. Whatto buy?
With the arrival of the new Apple Watch tomorrow perhaps some knockoff bands to go with it?
A guy on Whirlpool said he used to import them and sell them on eBay. He said the eBay ones can be hit and miss but he strongly recommended these ones from m AliExpress:
Good luck!
Is that an affiliate link?
That guy would be me…
and no it's not an affiliate link - it's a link to the ones I used to buy
I was sitting on the fence for a reasonable pricey item, but I think you sir have persuaded me.
Anyone know if the $4 new account coupon will work with the CashRewards cashback?
If you use a coupon code that is not listed on this site (Cashrewards), rewards may not be payable.
The word 'may' is causing lots of guessing and confusion.
It all depends if Aliexpress decide to pay out or not.
I use shareasale myself and sometimes transactions get voided by the merchant as they don't want to cash out extra after a customer used a coupon to get a large discount.
$4 new coupon won't start until 19th ?
well I created an account for the $4 coupon and it can't be used until the 19th anyway (after sunday).
would rather wait and get $4 + 7% cashback
edit: as above - yht is correct.
And Ali will mark-up 3% more for all popular items.
AliExpress is like eBay in the sense that it's full of many stores. The stores control the prices and not Ali. If one store is expensive you'll find it cheaper at another.
Anyone here bought a minipc from AliExpress?
Second that! I've been eying off the hystou mini pcs for a while now….
Any problems with customs in Australia? It says they will help you avoid them by writing a low price on the item, e.g. US $50 at one seller I checked. Also comes with illegal copy of Windows 10.
Is the 6th generation skylake version worth the step up? Was considering an i5
https://m.aliexpress.com/item/32706215407.htmlAny problems with customs in Australia? It says they will help you avoid them by writing a low price on the item, e.g. US $50 at one seller I checked. Also comes with illegal copy of Windows 10.
No. Since its value is under $1000AU there are no import/custom fees.
The <$60 generic Wintel boxes are normally the ones without genuine Windows as a license usually costs $15-$30 from Microsoft.
Surely someone here did, but most likely the item is still in transit, or they are busy opening Paypal dispute cases.
AliExpress doesn't even use Paypal……
Yes, Bought an i5 4200U 6 months ago. Slow shipping but working very well!
Noob question - Anybody know if there's any stores on Ali (or anywhere else) where you can get a good deal, and also claim TRS (i.e. charges GST)?
No. You can't get GST refund on AliExpress.
Question that I'm not sure if your able to answer Rep
Every time I click through Cash Rewards to AliExpress rather then going to AliExpress direct I very vastly different search results.
For example, search "Toggle Clamp 101D"
Through AliExpress direct I get 28 Results
AliExpress through CashRewards I only get 17 ResultsCan you explain what's going on there ?
I have basically given up going through cash rewards with AliExpress as I find the item that I want, then log into cash rewards and direct to aliexpress only to not be able to find the item from the seller and if I search enough specific details that I manage to find it, the sale isn't tracked…..In general, login, browse and add everything to cart. When you are ready to checkout, open a tab to cashrewards, close all other tabs and click from cashrewards straight to checkout. More site interaction, less chance to get tracked.
Might by time to buy a RN3P Kate
This is a fairly big deal. Considering the broad range of products the discount applies to.
Surprised there's not more discussion.because you can get $4 off $20 + 7% by waiting a day afterwards. It's not that good in comparison.
well who said I was going to use cashrewards?
Topcashback pays out using coupons on aliexpress. They have so far at least.
$4 off $20 is a 20% saving.. the 7% is gravy anyway.
@gringo: Sure if AliExpress decide to pay out Topcashback. If they're not going to pay out one affiliate then I doubt they'll pay out a another.
but even if they don't.. why take 10% when you can get 20% by waiting a day (with no pending period)?
.. and then you just make multiple accounts.
I assume we are both trying to save people the maximum, right? This way isn't the maximum.
you are buying a $300 item off aliexpress? most things are free shipping - you can break up into multiples of $20.
but if that's the way you want to do it - go for it.
Why not?
A phone,
A mini PC
Lots of stuff in the ~$300 price bracket.How about carbon wheels for your bicycle?
https://www.aliexpress.com/wholesale?catId=0&initiative_id=S…OK - well I wouldn't buy a CPU from aliexpress for that much. Are you going to get your electron microscope out and verify it isn't a fake/bad batch?
And given I don't want to die at 60kph downhill.. carbon anything for a bike I wouldn't get from aliexpress either.
Anyway, I know what I'll be doing. Buying on the 19th for ~25% off if CB goes thru.
Hi OP,
I have received the expected cashback email and it is only equivalent to 7% of the purchase price on Aliexpress not 10%.
Can you please confirm if that is the case?
same here
okay, it's fixed now. thanks
Of course, I just bought something from there yesterday for the first time in years…