• expired

Genuine LG TV Remote Control $8.50 C&C @ The Good Guys eBay


Works with all LG TVs including Smart TVs, LG TVs with Freeview, LG 3D TVs, and LG Non-Smart TVs.

From reviews on TGG's site, seems this is easier to use than the magic/smart remote that ships with TVs. Enjoy :)

Mod 21/9: Unexpired & updated deal with new CODE15.

Original 15% off eBay deal

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closed Comments

  • +30

    I don't have a LG tv, but still tempting to buy one, I seriously have a prob i guess :(

    • +28

      you can buy the TV later…

      gives you a chance to learn how to use it properly in the meantime…

      • I have an lg tv and 2 remotes for it but 3rd or 4th should mean not having to look for a remote anymore …..

        • Good place to store all the envelop batteries.

        • @gccmelb: My question is… can you use those extra remotes and eneloops to change channels on your neighbours tv, and drive them crazy??

      • jv jv jv….how can you learn without the TV (facepalm)?! lol

        • The time to start learning about skydiving is not once you have jumped out of a plane.

    • And we're sure you've already got the batteries, so you're ready to go.

  • +1

    thanks for the heads up on the deal i was in need of another one

  • +1

    Cant pull the trigger as my TV is Sony and not LG

    • +1

      Leave it near the kids, you'll be able to watch what you want until they work it out.

  • +5

    bought one and forgot to put in the code to save 1.50 :(

    • +26

      Hand in your OzB membership immediately :)

    • +2

      did you go through cashrewards ?

      • Or Pricepal :)

        • +1

          None of the above! String me up

  • +2

    will it work on a Kogan TV?

    • +32

      Will a Kogan TV work?

      • +3

        for 12 months they do.

      • +5

        some deep questions being thrown in OB recently

        • It's where the Stoned Philosophers hang : )

    • Kogan have remotes for Z series starting at $11.00 delivered(dicksmith.com.au)

  • Anybody know if there's something similar for Samsung TVs?

    • +1

      Phone with an IR blaster?

      • Thanks, but have none.
        I now control the TV with an app anyways, but would prefer to have a standalone remote.

    • +1

      i've bought 3 of these for different model samsung TVs and they have worked perfectly - US$3.08 delivered from aliexpress linky(aliexpress.com)

    • +1

      There are Chinese clones of the Samsung original remotes - button feel is not as nice as the genuine, but otherwise they work fine.

      Do a search for BN59-01039A on ebay, they are around $6.

      • thanks @altomic and @oznik!
        Will search up and get one of those!

  • +1

    Thank you! Why did they make it so hard to show a list of channels on the new model remotes? This old style remote with the "List" button is so much more convenient. I have been waiting for a reasonably priced replacement for a few months.

    • Buy 10 and save $15.

      • save $15.


        • Hi jv! :)

        • @stuhtb:

          Hi stuhtb.

          How many remotes did you buy?

        • +3

          @jv: None, I'm broke… spent all my money on this :P

        • -1

          @stuhtb: Thanks, Obama

  • Does this work on a Samsung TV?

    • +1

      as per OPs comments

      Works with all LG TVs including Smart TVs, LG TVs with Freeview, LG 3D TVs, and LG Non-Smart TVs.

    • i've bought 3 of these for different model samsung TVs and they have worked perfectly - US$3.08 delivered from aliexpress linky(aliexpress.com)

  • If only this was a Sony, I could really use one to replace the Puppy chewed remote we've got now.

    • +1

      Then keep the remote controls away from the dog.

      • +1

        Cheers for the advice.

  • +5

    I don't own an LGTV, but this would come in handy to mess with the neighbours TV, make them think they're haunted.

    • +2

      I'm pretty sure that an infra-red signal from a remote control has a limited range and won't pass through walls. It probably won't reach as far away as next door. So you will be wasting your money.

      • +4

        I'll be outside their lounge room window duh

        • +2

          Next thing you know the neighbours are charging you with stalking :P

  • Shame no stock anywhere near me :(. This looks exactly like the remote that came with my tv.

  • SNAGGED!!!! Thanks :)

  • +2

    I've got the exact remote with my TV.
    Unfortunately I am purchasing another one as the main buttons are basically broken(have to press really hard to elicit a response).
    I have had the TV for less than two years and used it in moderation, so from my experience the remote quality is quite shoddy.
    Cheap replacement though.

    • Same for me. Have just about got to stand on the volume control to get a response.

    • Same here.. must be a common issue as argonbay appears to have similar issues as well!

  • I have 3 lg tvs and the one remote rules them all.
    Its pretty basic and simple to use but dosent work on ALL lg tvs.

    I have a 2004 plasma 42 incher and basic functions work but the other things just dont work…. yet the older remote works with all functions on the 2012 lg tv.

    • I have 2006 LG 65" plasma (weighs 80kgs) the remote works perfectly with a friends 2014 LG Led. the remote also works perfectly with a spare LG dvd player as well as a theatre surround sound system. talk about great intergration.

      • My 04 lg remote is a multi function. Lg done well with this fact of cross model use.

  • Thanks, got one!

    Even $10 seems amazingly cheap for an LG branded one or are they always that price?

    When my original LG remote broke after maybe 3 years use I swear the LG replacements were more like $50-70. I thought I was doing well getting a Logitech universal remote to replace it for about $15 on clearance from ALDI a couple years ago.

  • Got one. Thanks TA - you made my day.

  • I didnt even know this existed!

    Perfect! My parents have been struggling a little with the smart remote. Thanks!

    C&C stock in WA is pretty much non-existant so I just paid for the shipping, still a decent deal at $16.50 since apparently you cant buy it anywhere else!

  • Go Ozbargainers, 56 sold in one hour!

  • Thanks TA. Volume button stuffed on my current one. Great timing.

    • same issue here too. I can up the volume but not down. Bit unlucky now that they don't have any available for click and collect in WA. Don't feel like paying $8 for delivery.

    • Yes, mine is the same. Looks like it is the common issue that LG remotes have.

      • Yep, volume up is okay but volume down is stuffed.

        • Exactly same as mine.

    • same. All buttons work fine except volume controls.
      Pity all stores seem to be out of stock now, and near $10 postage just ain't appealing

  • Mine has a crack in the case, this is ideal, seems like this TV might last a while so its good to have a spare.

  • OOS? Says the seller doesn't have the available qty (I'm trying to buy 1)

  • Got one, thanks TA. I hate the Magic remote MR500 that came with my not so smart Webos LG tv, this is a perfect replacement.

  • I get the following error message when trying to check out for click & collect. OzBargained I guess.

    Something went wrong. Please try to check out again.
    Error codes: 70245 70438

  • +1

    I picked one from TGG Caringbah Sydney (I was getting an error when trying to click and collect so went in store). It's working very well on my 6 years old LG. Responds on soft touch, no issues with the keys as other have reported. Way better than the original remote. The box says made in Korea, doesn't specify which one.

  • None at all in SA, way to go GG.

    • "331 sold in 24 hours"

      How many did you expect them to have?

      I know when i ordered 20 hours ago (2h after deal was posted) only 1 store in WA had any stock and its a really far one, so i just paid for delivery.

  • Darn it, no Click and Collect stores so I could save $8 postage and handling fees. My LG tv remote also has volume issues, so this deal would have been ideal!

    Guess that is the tipping point then, I will just have to buy a new TV instead



  • I bought some of these LG remotes. I got the confirmations and then another email saying that the store in Geraldton, WA had been assigned to fulfil my order. I live on the Mornington Peninsula in VIC about 30km from the nearest TGG store. They will earn their delivery charge.

  • Worst. Pick up. Experience. Ever. (that's what she said)

    Jeebus the hoops they want you to jump through to prove it's your order!!!!

    Took me 15 minutes to collect an $8.50 item

  • Picked up mine okay but needed drivers licence. All seems to work fine on my 2011 Smart TV except for Recent, Smart and My Apps buttons. Smart button brings up message saying "No storage units available" which is strange cause I do have a HDD connected.

  • Anybody got one of these they're willing to part with?

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