Best price I've seen for this so far…not sure if a mistake or a preorder special as the PC price is still $79
Updated - seems that Watch Dogs 2, COD and Battlefield 1 are now $69 as well:
Best price I've seen for this so far…not sure if a mistake or a preorder special as the PC price is still $79
Updated - seems that Watch Dogs 2, COD and Battlefield 1 are now $69 as well:
In-store pickup would have made this a no-brainer.
Rather play it on the day of release, ya know. Hoping $69 is the launch price.
i agree , you cant pick it up that same day if you pre order online ??
Not with JB, unfortunately.
you just gonna go in then day of release and pick it up without pre ordering?
Usually when you pre-order games they ship a day or 2 earlier so it arrives at your house on release day
I've never had a pre-order land on release day here in Adelaide.
Wow, thats a great price! I wonder how much collectors edition will go for…
No collectors edition I could find in Oz..same story with ff15. Only US and UK sellers on ebay charging higher prices plus high postage. If anyone knows an oz retailer ordering collector's editions, please share…I want the vynl. It's going for around 180us in the US.
As with anything collectors you have taken too long to consider purchasing it.
Mighty Ape had the collectors along with local retailers. Mighty ape had mafia 3 collectos for roughly $160 if i remember correctly.
All the retailers had for months after it was announced. All of them gone now :(
That's a good price for the consoles! The PC version can be had here for $47.19
cdkeys has a good rep on ozbargains from what I've seen in the past, so if you aren't looking for a physical copy this could be good for you.
Mafia 2 wasnt as good as Mafia 1. High hopes for this.
Mafia 1 was one of the best, if not the best, game of my childhood! So many good memories!
Agree - stories have been AMAZING in Mafia games.
Mafia 2 didnt have that ridiculous racing segment that was later patched to skip it.
Took me 2 weeks to go pass that mission. With many keyboard throwing moment.
I usually don't pre-order… but might have to make an exception on this one.
The best bit about Mafia 2 was the ending :( many feels
Good price, i'll pick one up. Hope its like gta! Never played other Mafia before except the boardgame..
You'll love it!
Yep! Ordered, thanks op!
No love for the Legacy COD :( Don't care one bit about Infinite Warfare but itching to play COD4 remastered. I'll Probs just buy from EB then use the code for MW1 and return it lol
You need the iw disk 2 play cod4 so gl returning
Check the FAQs. It says that it is a fully digital game download. Honestly, I'd buy it separately if I could, it's just that they don't sell it separately. IW looks like a halo/titanfall mashup to me,
It is a full game download but you can only launch COD4 from within IW's menu.
Yeah, bet they didn't think of that scenario….lol ;P
I hope you do.
They won't let you return it if the code has been used.
Don't preorder. Just don't do it. Don't reward sloppy releases, and don't continue perpetuating the industry hype train that wants to lock you in to day one purchases. Remember how BF4 was a dog at release? Or how No Man's Sky promise so much yet didn't deliver? Don't get burned. Wait for the reviews.
No Titanfall 2?
$69 version doesn't come with cod4 remastered?
Nope, that's the $130 Legacy Edition which is exclusive to EB or the $160 Legacy Pro Edition which also includes the season pass.
bf1 is now 89? ;(
Shows $69 for me and $89 for PC.
oh, spot on. thanks jonesy!
Wait for target & big w, they might launch at $59. who knows! just wait a bit
Has target or big w ever released a AAA title for $59?
google yourself
Late reply but Target isn't getting this game in.
I thought you meant Mafia 3.
Just be cautious with pre ordering. Remember how far watch dogs 1 fell short of its advertisements…..
Pre ordering is deteriorating the industry as developers pocket the money and release unfinished games avoid it if you can. My 2c
But watch dogs 1 was not as bad as people say? Except the online part. Hackers everywhere on PC with super speed and invincibility lol.
I will definitely get watch dogs 2 but at cheapest as possible
Look at the e3 vs actual game comparison.
I don't know about you but no game that is shown on e3 is ever the same as actual game comparison, especially the case for games that was first revealed.
No Man's Sky beats Watch Dog in terms of falling short of its advertisement.
I didn't mind Watchdogs and will play the second, but will wait until its out and on sale before buying.
Friends don't let friends pre-order. Not even once. Ever.
$89 for PC? Cd keys will probably be around the $60 mark…
Hot damn there is going to be a lot of game neglect in my household this summer…
Infinite warfare worth it just for MW1 remastered. That's going to be a blast.
If only they did nba 2k17 and PES2017 for $69 as well!!
I loved Mafia 2, will have to get this. Thanks OP