Just got back from Masters & noticed this on Bunnings Homepage :)
Bosch PSR 18V Brushless Cordless Drill Driver with Syneon Chip Technology $99 (Was $199)
(Includes 2 Batteries)
Just got back from Masters & noticed this on Bunnings Homepage :)
Bosch PSR 18V Brushless Cordless Drill Driver with Syneon Chip Technology $99 (Was $199)
(Includes 2 Batteries)
This is not an impact drill and might not be comparable to your existing one?
Who cares if it's not compatible?
Reading comprehension time.
Your post makes no sense at all.
Look in the mirror. Get off the drugs.
It's a drill to replace the old one. Who cares if it's not compatible?
It's like replacing a fork with a spoon or a hammer with a rubber mallet. They're similar but don't do the same job.
Your post makes no sense at all.
If it doesn't make sense to you because you don't understand the difference then maybe an obnoxious late night post isn't the way to go. This link might help
compatible and comparable are not the same thing.
No, compatible and comparable are not the same thing - however it was a TYPO that didn't actually change what I was trying to say.
So I will rephrase, for the slow learners here:
This is not an impact drill
Yeah, so what?
and might not be comparable to your existing one
It's a drill to replace the old one. Who cares if it's not comparable?
Who would replace a old NiCD drill with something comparable (equal)?
A completely different word isn't exactly a typo.
"This is not an impact drill"
Yeah, so what?
Maybe it is important to user somekp. LzBargain was just letting them know. The words "might not be" and the question mark at the end should have made that obvious to you.
It's a drill to replace the old one. Who cares if it's not comparable?
The person replacing the drill might care if it new one does not replace the same functions as the old one. And you call us "slow learners"?
Who would replace a old NiCD drill with something comparable (equal)?
Are you serious? Most of us would. I had an old nicd hammer drill. I could have replaced it with a comparable more modern lithium 18v hammer drill. Instead i replaced it with a regular drill which isn't really comparable because it doesn't have the hammer function. This was exactly what LzBargain was talking about.
A completely different word isn't exactly a typo
It is when Autocorrect is concerned. I mistyped and then didn't notice what was suggested. I am so sincerely sorry, it was a mistake - pleased forgive me! Sheesh.
This was exactly what LzBargain was talking about
Yes, and people here are intelligent enough to read a product description. Your personal circumstances don't clarify why LzBargain's comments are particularly relevant.
'sumkp' didn't mention if their old NiCD drill was hammer, impact, reversing or not, how many speeds, whether a keyed or keyless chuck, how many batteries or what capacity batteries, or anything else. They know what they own, yet didn't mention anything specific.
'sumkp' considers this deal COMPLETELY COMPARABLE to their old drill, to the extent that they are going to purchase one immediately. I'd go so far as to suggest that 'sumkp' considers this Bosch is an upgrade to their old NiCD drill!
It's 100% totally obvious that this deal is not for a impact drill.
Maybe it is important to user somekp. LzBargain was just letting them know
There are an almost infinite number of things that this deal is NOT for. Maybe some of those things are important to user 'sumkp', so should we all let them know?
Anyway, perhaps I should let you focus on my typo, so you may continue to miss the point of what I was trying to say. Deal is ended anyway, so ultimately pointless really.
This 18v drill/driver combo might also be a bargain for $98. Been looking out for one for a while. Haven't heard of the brand before though.
I would reckon that the Bosch is a much better brand and as such a better deal at around half price.
Do you know if its interchangeable with the Bosch blue series tools?
It is not.
XU1 is the Budget version of Ozito, if you can believe that.
XU1 power tools are manufactured by Ozito, and are marketed as an even cheaper alternative for entry-level users and the perfect tools for one-off jobs. Their range consists of only several of the most popular power tools, are only available seasonally, and are sold exclusively through Bunnings (toolcobber.com.au)
Wow. One-off tools should be banned. Literally, too wasteful to allow that in our society.
And yes I have that issue with printers etc.
One-off printers exist?
They don't mean they only work once.
I have a few XU1 tools i picked up for something like $12 each. Grinder has cut through heaps of concrete and metal, still working great. Jigsaw one of the threads on the blade holding screw has worn so it doesnt hold well any more. Cant complain, have used it several times over the past ~10 years. Sander still works as new. swapped it with a screw from the base so now the blade holds but the base comes lose. If i looked for a similar screw it would be working fine.
~10 years use out of some $12 tools is pretty good.
@Duff5000: I can vouch for the Xu1 grinder. Bought in 2001 for $25. Have done maybe 10 bathroom renos/ tile and floor cuts. cut up old cars and sheds. Still going strong. Plus it came with a spare set of brushes I havent used yet
I have a jigsaw and an electric planner. Had them about 10 years. The planner is great but the jigsaw is pretty ordinary but i have got more than my monies worth out of them
I bought an XU1 hammer drill in 2004 for a one-off job. It still works. It only gets used occasionally, but for $20 it was well worth it.
In that case they look hugely overpriced for a 'one-off job' tool.
the perfect tools for one-off jobs.
They save money by supplying fully charged and not including a charger.
Haven't heard of the brand before though.
XU1 is a Bunnings house brand at the even lower grade than Ozito.
It's cheapo shite.
Wow, brushless drills must be coming down in price.
Syneon Chip Technology
Huh ?
Made from Recycled Energy Polarisers
Reverse the polarity of the shields.
Oooooh computery things, it must be so much better!
Yaayyyy another thing to keep updated
It's Bosch's new way of providing 'tron-erised' power tools for the masses > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxJaGSoryms
The 'tools' of the future!
I believe it's rediscovered microchip technology from the ancient interstallar advanced race the Syneons.
Yes, but the advanced ancient Syneons eventually perished due to bad spelling errors: interstallar
Proof you can't survive on good look alone?
Correct spelling in syneonese
really need an impact drill for brick now.
you mean hammer drill?
Yes,sort of
Lot of people don't know the difference between Hammer drill, Impact driver, Rotary hammer. Took me a while to find out too.
Could you explain a little on all please ?
@binary-zero: Hammer drill is basically drill with tapping action, good for drilling through bricks. Impact driver, is not a drill it has lot of torque good for putting screws into decks. Rotary hammer has chisel action, good for breaking up tiles, and thin concrete.
A rotary hammer drill is the best drill to drill through hard stuff. If you need to drill holes in concrete a normal hammer drill won't do. A rotary hammer goes through concrete like it is butter
I used to live in apartments overseas where all walls were reinforced concrete, about 20cm thick at least and double that between apartments. Drilling holes with a hammer drill took forever, made a shitload of noise and was good for pissing off the neighbours. Loaned a rotary hammer from work once and whoah, drilled through like butter like you say.
Good deal and good drill but damn that "ergonomic" front handle looks like it would make the drill less than useful in tight spaces.
If you check the youtude video, it wobbles while operating.
that "ergonomic" front handle looks like it would make the drill less than useful in tight spaces
Great price on this, but would definitely avoid due to the front handle
It's cheap because it's not Made in Japan.
It's cheap because it's not Made in Luxembourg.
To be fair I have Bosch blue stuff that is made in China.
Blue bosch is made in Malaysia these days. Milwuakee/AEG/Makita made in China.
Malaysia or China…same same.
@cryptos: Yes I'm sure the people that are being paid to run the company simply have no idea of what is happening and you are just that brilliant that after 2 seconds thought you know better than them and therefore they're stupid.
Makes total sense.
Milwuakee now owned by chinese company Tectronic. Same owners of Ryobi and licensee of AEG.
Hi, I just bought it, it is made in hungary :)
That's good. Are you able to post a short review here?
so should we expect it to eat lots of power
+1 Gold!
seems like a pretty good deal with 2x batteries. Not sure about that front handle part though, seems a bit pointless and annoying.
I want to play a game.
Spot how many things are wrong with the stock Bunnings photo of the drill: image
Here's a start:
ill play.
what the hell is up with that pointless red light facing down at the hat/coat hanger
The look on the womens face is hilarious.
It looks like she is annoyed because he stuffed up the board leaning against the wall. The pegs should be angled up toward the long edge like the one hanging on the wall.
He's just happy 'cause he likes drillin'.
She must also be annoyed at the inconsistency of his peg length.
I'm surprised the PC perpetually enraged feminists haven't demanded the image be removed for being overtly sexist by implying only a man can use a drill and the woman is a useless wall holder.
She isn't even pretending to have a good time holding that wall..
I like your game…….
What's the point for 2 doors looks like both leading to the same outdoor space.
He's hiding some rubbish far right on the floor.
There is a cat flap in the door on the far right.
But the cat will need to LEAP through it, since it's so far off the ground.
There is a flat cap and a cat flap in the same room. My tongue is now twisted.
I think that's the mail collector, not a cat flap. The flat rectangular piece just above the box is probably the mail slot/flap; and the black silhouette in front of the window just above the mail collector is probably a sign indicating the address or 'no junk mail'.
On another note, the way he has clamped his timber is ill advised. I'd put a piece of scrap timber between the clamp and the timber, to prevent marring the surface.
Also, that drill bit looks to be of much larger shank than what the drill's chuck can accommodate.
The skirting board has an unpainted triangular wooden piece in front of it (To cover up the mouse holes or where he couldn't cut the parquetry to length correctly ?). This DIY guy is out of control ! Someone call the Home Enthusiast Police !
Why is there 3x Central vacuum ports for one room?Assuming they are
Thanks! Ive never seen that type
The one on the wall has 3 rows of pegs, as does the one leaning against the wall. The one he's making has 4 rows.
How many pegs does one need in their house?
She looks like she's thinking, "Why doesn't Steve do this bloody drilling outside instead of messing up our frigging expensive parquetry? Flog".
Bought one from bunnings Rockdale, 1 set left in tool section
Need hammer drill….
Then go and buy one.
Thanks , you're a life saver captain obvious !
Had one of them. Lasted half an hour of continuous work until it started to stink and never worked again.
Green bosch? Don't bother, all the green bosch gear I've had was terrible. The blue bosch tools are far far superior and imo well worth the extra even for casual use
Green bosch? Don't bother, all the green bosch gear I've had was terrible.
Worth it for the batteries alone. Let alone charger & power tool.
Biggest downside: that silly design with that vertical plastic strip in front of the grip. Probably done as a sales tool to make sure it doesn't step on the toes of the more expensive gear. I see no other logical explanation for that design.
Seems to be this one (albeit with 2 batteries, not one). Impossible to find this unit with the 'model number' listed on Bunnings' website. Clicking on the 360 degree view pulls up a different model without the annoying plastic strip.
Well done, overpaid Bosch webmasters.
Impossible to find this unit with the 'model number' listed on Bunnings' website
Bunnings often forces manufacturers to create special part numbers / skus / EANs / configurations.
This is because their "Price Match Guarantee" is only on identical to stocked items.
So this is normal drill.. not impact, hammer or rotary hammer?
Thanks. Would anyone know how does this compare with Bosch corded PSB 600 re green:
I don't mind corded..
Is the corded one better ? I see that it is impact drill.. so good for household wood and concrete drilling and screw driving? Thanks.
I bought one.
The FORWARD/REVERSE switch is not in the best location (seems prone to accidental knocks). I guess that goes part way to explaining the double-handle design (protecting the switch from external knocks but no protection from accidental finger movements right next to the trigger…)
My screw bit wasn't inserted straight so when I fired her up it would 'wobble' when spinning. For a minute there I thought it was a fault with the unit. Re-inserted bit and all is good. There is a FORWARD/REVERSE sticker on the unit. Mine was carelessly applied. One of my 2 manuals had what seems like grubby prints on the back of it (presumably from the Hungarian factory worker?).
Retail box was sealed with a white "Original Bosch" sticker on one side that has to be torn (or cut) to open it. No other 'security' seal to guarantee that nobody has had their mitts on it before you. It comes with no free Hungarian Salami.
It comes with no free Hungarian Salami.
Deal breaker right there.
Thanks OP, grabbed one. If you're like me and have other Bosch green 18v cordless tools, the two batteries and charger alone is worth the $99. Old batteries were only 1.3ah rated. These are 2.5ah rated so will last nearly twice as long and they're not that much heavier.
The batteries are compatible with other green 18v tools?
but us ozbargainers are invested in the ONE+ range thanks to those $99 blower kits with the charger & 5ah battery!
Sure are. Took them home and tested between them. The old batteries work with this new drill. New battery works with the older tools.
Awesome thanks! Will go get one tomorrow. Been waiting for ages for a good drill to come down in price. Can finally get off my old 10yo drill that has a Ni-cd battery!