Cashier not taking NZ coins

Hi all,

Was at Aldi tonight and paid for my groceries in cash which included some coins. As the cashier was counting the money she picked out a NZ 20c coin I had given her and said she couldn't take it. She gave the coin back and asked for another 20c.

I know it was a NZ coin but was quite surprised by her response. Has anyone had this experience happen to them?


      • +3

        if i owned a tourist shop in NZ i'd accept AU at parity hehe.

  • i got given a NZ$1 instead of $2AUD at the Rusty markets in Cairns. Meh ill survive.
    PS why is AUD $2 smaller than the $1

  • +1

    Well there's 20 New Zealand cents worth of chuckles in the thread. Thanks :)

  • Don't feed the troll.

  • Next time try Euro. They are a German company after all.

    • Nah, pay in Deutschemark. Remind them of the good old days.

    • In my first job many, many years ago I worked for a business assisting Aldi to commence operations in Australia - it was pretty amazing what they were doing and the Albrecht family are incredibly savvy. Anyway, I will never forget getting told off by one of the founding Albrecht brothers (I think 4th or 6th richest at the time) for putting him on hold too long (perhaps it was 2 minutes) when my boss was taking too long on a call and I was playing receptionist given she was away. rant rant rant rant…. DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT TIME IS MONEY??… and that is why I spend time on Ozbargain (I need someone to blame for being a tighta$$)!~

      • +1

        I wonder what the uber ALDI person thinks about mundane tasks such as going to the toilet. Think of all the money lost during that time! I hope he keeps a bottle with him during meetings and takes a dump into a pot. You know, to maintain total efficiency. Time is money.

    • Can I pay in wiener? Nevermind, on second thought I might be a bit short.

  • Haha !!! One of the funniest thread on OzBargain….

    OMG are you serious?

      • I just make sure to give em to the next customer lol

  • nice try troll

  • Troll, definitely.

  • +1

    I'll swap your NZ 20c with a Zubat?

  • lol, hard to tell if your joking or not.

  • What are you guy talking about? We use Deuschmark in Australia. In Austria they use Aud

  • +2

    Wonder if Woolies will accept Pokecoins. $15 does equal P1000

  • +1

    Funny story that. I brought in a 10,000,000,000,000 Zimbabwean note the other day to my local bank. They wouldn't accept it for some reason. Said something about they didn't have that many Australian dollars. Those bastards.

  • +4

    I just wasted 5 mins of my life reading through this thread.

    • +6

      Is not a waste, you now know turd was once used as currency

      • Still is in Canberra.

  • -1

    What?op have you smoked pot?

  • +1

    Do what everyone else does and use them in a vending machine?

  • +1

    I'm not upset by your storey.

    Better luck next time OP.

  • -1

    Is is a troll. Seriously, why were you suprised when it was rejected?

  • Long time since I've accidentally paid using wrong currency and had someone reject it but it has happened. It happens the other way around too, some stores give foreign coins as change and won't take it back the next time you go there and try to buy something.

    I'd say always check your small change but it happens to rarely that it's not really worth the time.

  • +1

    Some restaurant gave me 1 british pound once. I was going to UK anyway so I was happy. Dodgy places usually try to give it away to their customers because it is easier than trying to exchange them what with the fees and all.

  • It is almost impossible to exchange foreign coins, just so you know. You might get it in exchange but they do not accept coins.

  • +3

    I tried to pay with a jar of salt at Coles today and the cashier refused to even process my transaction. I couldn't believe it. Like it's basically the same weight as a bunch of 20c pieces??? I am writing fifteen angry letters to the ACCC as we speak.

  • Not being rude this is australia therefore we accept only aud currency… i don't understand where the confusion is

  • +3

    See if they accept tears as a method of payment

  • +1

    This happens so many times every day where I work. The customers jack up every time I reject it. Not currency as far as I am concerned!

  • +2

    I once ran a pub in England, American tourists were baffled because we didn't except USD, they would ask what currency the menu was in.

    • With the declining pound, nows a good time to take advantage of tourist stupidity.

      • I hadn't seen that clip before, it's pretty accurate, we would get a lot of wealthy American customers who would have there card declined and then furiously explain all of there net worth in detail, only for me to explain its the cards security that has kicked in, did you tell you credit card company you were going overseas?

  • +2

    Surely OP is trolling….

  • +1

    About a few weeks ago, I got a 20c NZ coin from Aldi. Did not realise until I used my wallet again. I learnt I need to double check the coins I receive from Aldi.

    • +1

      They had to somehow flog the coins they had mistakenly taken from op on prior occasions

    • Get in touch with OP, that's the probably the coin that he flogged in his earlier visit

  • +1
  • Paid for things with a NZ 20c piece far to many times to count, no one has ever questioned it. How do I get them? I have never been to NZ. I get them in change from other stores like Woolworths, Coles and any shop really, so obviously there are a lot in circulation in Australia. I would be surprised too though, not for the cashier questioning it and rejecting it, rules are ruless and all that, but i would be surprised from the cashier actually checking.

  • Yes, it has happened to me.

  • Definitely not right.

    You should definitely do something about it to prevent it happening to someone else. You should definitely sue someone.…

  • Use your phone next time for payment to avoid this issue altogether. Phone is fine.

  • +2

    OP are you retarded? That's all I'm gonna ask

    • +3

      Thank God that's all you're gonna ask cos that was rubbish.

  • bottletop the ultimate troll

  • If I was the Aldi Cashier, my response would have been: "PLEASE EXPLAIN???"

    • Bahaha haha bahaha. That would have been HILARIOUS.

  • There is a fine line between getting a bargain and scamming.

  • I know you tried to pay with a legal coin, but was quite surprised by your innocence.

  • Hi OP, you're more than welcome to come by my local business and pay in Kuwaiti Dinar.

  • Forum thread of the year.

    I hope this one doesn't get deleted haha.

  • Honestly, your best option is to obtain a budget flight to NZ and demand an exchange for your 20c coin. I'd even ask for commission for all your hard work.

  • in honour of the olympic spirit, I'm going to laugh in portuguese


    Just when I tought my Friday was meh… you gave me a good laugh

    • Actually, if you were to laugh in Portuguese it'd be kkkkk or rsrsrsrs. Lived in Brazil for ten years. As mulheres sao gatinhas e tem peitos, bucetas e bundas deliciosos!

  • +1

    Kudos to the Aldi employee for being attentive enough to pick up on the foreign 20c. He/she told the OP politely that it has to be Aussie currency to be used for payment instead of being violently outraged. Definitely my vote for employee of the month.

  • dam you made my week …. you are toooo funnyy…

    i am off to fiji and bringing back 20kgs of 5 cent peices to use over here.

  • What's wrong with the OP's question? Isn't NZ the 7th state of Australia?

  • Seriously dude you are a bottle top

  • -1

    Hate me if you want, but 99.999 percent of the time, the only reason I HAVE a NZ coin is because woolies or something gave it to me, so I always give it right back when I can :p. (I know its not the best because it just keeps the cycle ongoing but on a personal level it feels like it levels itself out for me because I was short changed originally).

    As someone that went to uni in Sydney, the places there always change me international currency (guessing its because of the international students). I've never had anyone refuse the currency, but I'd much prefer not to have to deal with it, and just pay normal currency if I can.

  • +2

    If you want to use NZD, you're on the wrong site. Go to

  • -3

    Omg are you guys born here? Plenty of times in this life I've used a NZ 20 cent coin and never ever had it rejected. I accept them too. I'm seriously surprised that so many are thinking the op is trolling. NZ 20 coins are as Australian as Aussie tender.

  • For the last fifty years of my life I've always accepted nz coins as standard currency and never had anyone complain either

  • OMG thank you for enlightening me to one of the stupidest posts on OZB I've ever seen.


  • +2

    We could be onto something here, someone should figure out how much the difference is, if we import a container load will we make a profit. Then with our profit we can buy some land, use the empty containers as buildings and set up Ozbargain hq. Ozbargain hivemind away!

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