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Fresh Roasted Speciality Cofffee 7 x 270g Bags $59.95 + FREE Shipping @ Manna Beans


$59.95 deal includes the following:

1 x 270g Colombia Supremo Pensilvania
1 x 270g Colombia Inza
1 x 270g Brazil Capoera
1 x 270g Costa Rica La Pastora Tarrazu
1 x 270g Honduras Beneficio San Vicente
1 x 270g Nicaragua Diamond
1 x 270g Lucky Dip

Price inclusive of shipping anywhere in Australia. Whole Beans Only.

Costa Rica La Pastora Tarrazu
Region: Los Santos, Tarrazu
Varieties: Caturra & Catuai
Processing: Washed
Altitude: 1,300 – 1,800 masl
Flavours of tangerine, mellow citrus, & pineapple with sweet chocolate finished. Lively acidity with round body.

Colombia Supremo Pensilvania
Region: Pensilvania, Department of Caldas
Processing: Fully Washed
Sweet creamy cup with cocoa & malt upfront. Clean nippy acidity with a mellow finish of malt & hazelnuts.
Honduras Beneficio San Vicente
Tropical fruit sweetness which is subtle at first but intensifies with guava, strawberry, hints of passion fruit & orange marmalade.
Cupping Score: 88.1
Altitude: 1,200 – 1,800 masl
Processing: Washed

Brazil Ipanema™ – Capoeira
Region: Sul de Minas
Processing: Natural
Altitude: 850 – 1,250 masl
A full creamy cup with cocoa notes throughout. Mellow orange acidity. Dark chocolate and malt to finish.

Nicaragua Diamond Microlot
Region: Matagalpa, Jinotega
Processing: Fully Washed
Sweet juicy cup with a delicate raspberry acid. Black tea notes go into a honey malt finish.

Colombia Inza
Village: Turmina Lamanga
Altitude: 1,750 – 1,850 masl
Processing: Washed & Sun Dried
Sweet chocolate & caramel with a hint of ripe tomato. Lush in the cup with floral notes enveloped in a voluptuous milk chocolate & caramel-toned fruit that persists in the gently rich finish.

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Manna Beans
Manna Beans

closed Comments

    • +1

      ….but its Coles. This is considerably better quality.

    • +2

      @Martin_Henry It's 7 x 270g not 7 x 240g and all coffee is of specialty grade and fresh roasted to order. Also free express shipping :-)

      • the original title did say 240g.
        I reported it and it's amended now.

        • @dahser86, Ahh thank you my apologies then! Must have been a miss type. Appreciate you following up ;-) Just to clarify for everyone it will be 7 x 270g bags that we are shipping

    • +1

      Have you seriously just down voted this because Coles is cheaper? Wow, please educate yourself.

    • +1

      I started buying my coffee beans from Manna a few months ago and it is miles better than anything sold in supermarkets. Only capsule coffee tastes similar but it is not cheaper nor healthy.

      • +2

        and capsule coffee is terrible for the environment.

        • +1

          They say coffee in general is bad for the environment, but the capsules take 500 years to break down, Aussies alone use 3 million a day. Suprised that they are not banned tbh

        • +2

          @jjno41: I hope they will be soon enough. It's a travesty.

        • @toshin:
          S/he probably meant not in the sense that putting coffee grounds into the soil is bad for it, but that the land clearing, planting, harvesting, transporting and processing of coffee is resource intensive and potentially bad for the ecosystems from whence it came?
          I'm not sure, I'm only guessing. But any type of mass crop planting is bad in that regard. I'm specifically concerned about the non-biodegradeable, wasteful capsules that are now generated in enormous numbers and deposited into landfill. And no, I don't use takeaway coffee cups. Everyone should get themselves a nice reusable takeaway cup to take along with them :)

    • This guy is funny… :)

  • how fresh are these beans?

    I heard freshly roasted been are only good for a few weeks as they go stale quickly.
    after that, you loose all the good health benefit of coffee.

    what remains is just good smelling grinded powder with no health benfit.

    and because Coffee smells great, we the average consumers would not know the difference anyway.

    • All coffee is fresh roasted to order(ie I roast daily so it will always reach you within a few days of roasting). You are correct, It is considered fresh for the first 3-4 weeks and then it will start to decline in quality until it is equivalent to what you'd find in the supermarkets.

      Once you drink more fresh roasted coffee you will find it easier to pick up on the differences between fresh roasted and not and should definately be able to tell this from the aroma. You will also be able to experience the more unique qualities between regions, countries and roast profiles that are present in fresh coffee but often lost outside of this window :-)

  • Are they fair trade? Very interested if they are. Thanks in advance OP.

    • +1

      No not all of these coffees are registered fair trade. We do have some fair trade registered coffees on our site but certification is not available for all countries and although a great platform and extremely relevant to buy responsibly we find that a lot is absorbed in fees and it can actually be more effective to buy relationship coffee and work more with the farmers.

      Some of the Colombian coffees we get, although not registered fair trade, premiums are paid directly into the farms and people we work with within the industry here in Australia visit and help with farming practices and improvements. These relationships make a more direct impact to the farmers and their families and allow the farms an avenue to sell their coffee here in Australia which wasn't available before.

      • Hi mannabeans, Thanks for the response and clarification. Much appreciated.

  • Hi Mr. Beans. It's uncanny how these deals pop up as we are running out of coffee! But, we have a slight obsession with Jamocha in our house, any deals coming up on that?

    • +1

      Hey Mossy, hope you guys had a great weekend ;-) Happy to offer 4 x 480g or 2 x 980g for same pricing if that suits. I pretty much always have Jamocha available so happy to substitute. Please leave notes in Paypal to let me know what you're after(ie how much of it you want to be Jamocha) Thanks

      • Awesome! I have ordered 2 x 980g Jamocha hits. Thanks again!

  • 7 bags - my goodness! By the time I've perfected the grind the bag will be half empty!

    I need coffee so I will leave comments in paypal :)

  • Hi Rep. I am wondering if you can still do the $59.95 deal for 2 x 980g Southern Mountains?

    If not, do you currently have a 2 x 980g deal going?

    Thanks very much.

    • Sure, I can do that. Please leave notes in Paypal :-)

  • Expired:(

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