This was posted 14 years 9 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Kodak Express - 100x Free 4x6 Prints


Received this on email this afternoon.

Re-live and share those funny, candid and special moments with Kodak. This month we have a great print offer from Kodak Express Digital Solutions. Then get creative with our tips and projects to do more with your memories.

Set your memories free: Release the pictures from your digital camera or phone camera with 100x free prints Kodak Express Digital Solutions online.

  1. Simply follow the link above.
  2. Upload your photos.
  3. Use the coupon code 100FREE-Y at payment stage.
  4. Pick up your free prints from your nearest Kodak Express Digital Solutions store.
  5. Or pay $5.99 to deliver via email.

Offer applies to 4"x6" standard print glossy size. Free prints offer limited to one per customer. Offer is valid to 31st May 2010 and is only available from Kodak Express Digital Solutions Online Creative Centre. Discount code must be entered in at time of purchase. Discount code will apply only to 100 prints in the shopping cart. Any additional prints above 100 will be charged at standard pricing. No further discounts can be applied.

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closed Comments

  • Twice as generous as its competitors. Quick head count… 4 customers in my household.

  • +8

    "… Or pay $5.99 to deliver via email."

    I see, I pay them $5.99, turn on my printer and they will squirt the photos down the Internet to it. lol!

    • Ha ha ha ha!! Made me laugh :D

    • like free pizza with delivery via email

    • +1

      Yeah, I noticed that too. Decided to leave it in there and see how long before someone commented on it.

  • +1

    wont it take long to upload 100 pictures which are about 3MB each?

    if i do resize them then dont i lose quality?

      • +11

        Sure, and if you ever want to blow up a photo for Nan or print a calendar, it looks like you've taken the pics on an old mobile phone. How about recommending the user downloads a good, free image batch resizer? Fotosizer is a good one. You can get on without calling people ignoramuses!

      • +1

        if kodak's prints are good, you'll likely see the difference between a 5mp and 2mp image. i'd say >5mp for a 6*4 is less necessary.


        select your relevant images, right click -> resize (choose resolution) -> create new files

        this way you quickly get photos of an uploadable size, about 1MB for 5mp.

        • +1

          No you wont see a difference as long as the resolution is 1800x1200 (2.2 MP) and above there will be no difference on a 6x4. Labs usually print at 300dpi.

          Easiest pic resizer i have used is "pixresizer". It's free and takes only a few clicks to convert an entire folder of photos, just use the "batch" tab.

          • @Duff5000: theoretically, if the printing device or host's resampling algorithms suck, a higher-res image can actually look worse than an image at a lower native resolution.

            (e.g. try irfanview with 'fast resampling' enabled)

            fortunately they usually don't. :)

  • -1

    A bargain to me. I wonder if this is Kodak's online store or just someone using their name.

  • +1

    110 free prints! woot!

    • how did you make it to 110? i know it says you get 10 free prints when signing up, but when i entered promot code for 100 prints, the next 10 prints doesnt come up as free

  • 200 free prints! Great Deal.

  • +4

    Man the kodak express uploader was awful when I was using opera, it only let me upload 1 photo at a time. It would have taken ages to upload 100 photos like that.

    Luckily I decided to try internet explorer and I could upload all my photos at once.

    • +2

      Thanks for the tip - Chrome wouldn't let me upload multiple photos either…

  • Anyone knows if you have to order all 100 at one time or can you use it over several orders up to 31 May ?

    • Wouldn't mind knowing the answer to that too :)

  • +1

    so where in sydney can i pick these up?

  • +2

    I just tried doing one photo now. I entered the code at checkout and it said "Promotions applied to this order:
    100 free 10x15 prints". But it also said "The item(s) in your shopping cart do not qualify for this promotion. Please check promotional details".

    I went back and ordered the same photo x 100 and it worked. So it seems you need to order a minimum of 100 photos to qualify

  • +2

    Pickup Locations…

    Select "Print sizes and pricing" from the Left Menu under "Ordering Prints and Gifts"
    and click on "Pickup Locations" for a list of pickup locations…

  • Also it would only let me order 10x15 prints (still free if you order 100). The bigger size is fine by me but did it happen to anyone else?

    • +2

      I think 4x6 is in inches, which is the same as 10x15.

  • Sorry gys - could somebody please provide a direct link to upload/print photos
    …I couldn't find it


  • do i need to resize my photos? my photos mostly were taken with my 10mpx camera. what would be the best resolution to upload without losing any image quality

  • Glossy or matte?

    • +1

      glossy. i tried matte last time and I regret it coz the colour was flat. I would definitely go with glossy this time — just make sure you hold the photos on the edges so you don't get finger smudges all over. you WILL still get finger smudges on matte but it's not as visible. so just wash your hands before handling :)

      • ah, too late. i went with matte coz i prefer dull images over smudges.

  • Sweet deal, thanks

  • Hey guys

    Where do u put in the code? Mine goes straight to credit card Payment??? Do you have to make an account?


  • So you must resize all your uploaded photos to 700x1050 pixels? Takes some time doing it in photoshop, any other faster recommended way? Great post. Thanks.

    • +3

      No, that's just the minimum suggested. You can always use a higher resolution but the upload times will increase. That's the trade-off.

      • Oh okay thanks. Time to receive some distorted images and learn from it. First time printing photos..

    • +1

      You can always use PIXresizer, which is capable of batch converting to a lower res if uploads are an issue

  • +7


    Problems found (and solutions!)
    1. If you only have 99 prints (rather than the full 100) the code will not apply, and it will appear at full price (22cents). Simple solution, order doubles of whatever prints you like!

    1. Also… Your pictures need to be 6 MB or less each. Although if you are printing 6x4 images, 6 MB per image is more than sufficient. Just compress them. ACDsee seems to do a good job. Download the free trial and use the batch menu after right clicking within the software. Otherwise use photoshop or some other image editing software to make sure its under 6 MB.

    2. For those who can't calculate, 6x4 inch is roughly equal to 15x10 cms. So select that, with glossy print and you'll be right.

    3. The recommendation to online upload 40 at a time didn't apply to me. I threw 100 in, and it worked fine. You might have troubles if you have a slow net connection though.

    All in all, a brilliant voucher! Will look forward to seeing what Kodak prints are like.

    Thanks heaps for this thewinchester! You're a legend!

    P.S. For those that whinge about the quality of the printing, Go to snapfish and use the 50 free prints code.
    P.P.S. For those that snapfish OR kodak isnt good enough for you, go somewhere else and PAY for the prints.
    You shouldn't have any reason to complain if they are free!

    • What is the code for 50 free prints from snapfish?

  • -4

    Great finding. I guess we can have many accounts as long as we have many email addresses, thus we can have 100 photos x ….

  • great deal, worked for me =D

    Thank you~!

  • I am getting the following error on the final step:

    Server Error in '/' Application.
    Runtime Error
    Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.

  • Thanks for sharing!

  • +1

    Thanks to the original poster.

    I just used picasa (free google picure manager)and used the star function to select the photos i wanted. I then exported them to a folder at 1600 pixels width and uploaded to the kodak website. Average photo size was 1Mb and it took an hour to upload. Worked a treat. Hopefuly they print out ok but no loss if they don't. I selected free pickup option 5 minutes down the road.

    Just have to do the same for the other family members under their email address and save ourselves $88. ;-)

  • Thank you very much I just bought a new camera and this worked out perfectly.

  • You don't need to resize/export your photos to a smaller size if the size is under 6mb.
    One way to check if the photo will fit ok on to a 6x4 (or 10x15cm) without cropping is:
    1. Look at your photo resolution, e.g. 4368x2912 pixels
    2. Divide the higher number by the lower one i.e. 4364 / 2912
    3. If this works out to be 1.5 then your photo will print ok without any cropping needed.

    Try not to export your photos to a smaller size unless you need to :)

  • According to my bank transactions, I was charged twice. I can't find a "contact us" link anywhere on the site. Could someone link me? Thanks.

    Edit: I only received one receipt/email confirmation so therefore one order also.

    Edit 2: The email is at the bottom of the email for those playing at home..

    • It should have been free. I entered the code and checked out without entering credit card info. If you filled in credit card info rather than the promo code I would suggest it's probaby not a problem with the site but more of a problem of user error.

      • I opted for delivery so I had to pay for that and got charged twice (according to online bank statement). It could be that the statement is delayed or something, it says that it is not final. So I'll give it a few days to see if there are any changes to the statement before I contact Kodak about it.

  • HI guys can I ask how long it took some of you to upload 100 photos on the site and were these original size photos or resized to a small size?

  • Where do i go from the main Kodak home page?
    Can you post the link where you can start to upload the photos?

  • +1

    Regarding size: You really only need 1800x1200 to print a 6x4 (anything larger is not going to help). These digital labs normally print at 300 DPI so 1800x1200 is all that is going to be printed.

    Dont campare this 300 dpi to what is quoted on injet printers btw.

  • I'm getting an error at the checkout with the promo code:

    The item(s) in your shopping cart do not qualify for this promotion. Please check promotional details.

    i have 96 Photos, 10x15 Prints @ 0.22, which is what the offer for right ? what am i doing wrong ?

    Edit: Never mind, had to be full 100 photos, ordered duplicates !

    • +1

      your are missing 4 prints, thats whats wrong. Get some doubles.

      Edit: You got your edit in while i was typing :)

  • Is there a way to upload a whole directory (of 100 images)? As far as I can see we must enter each image separately and upload in groups no larger than 12. Not too worried about the upload time, this can happen while I'm doing something else. But, if we must enter each image separately this will take a lot of manual labour. Is it worth it?

    • I believe somebody reported success by uploading using Picasa and then exporting from Picasa to Kodakexpress. I can believe that Picasa is more reliable than the Java applet Kodakexpress supplies. You can tell how old the Kodakexpress site is when they write about being compatible with Netscape. lol!

      I think a nice bonus is that Picasa will scale the picture down to 1600 px wide. Not sure if this is done client side or server side. If client side then that's good because it cuts down your upload time.

  • +1

    Are we meant to receieve a confirmation email if we didnt register, but put the order through? Didnt get one, does that mean the order didnt go through?

    Thanks for sharing

    • likewise, i didn't get a confirmation email either … :S

      EDITED: May 28, 2010

      If you didn't receive a confirmation email after submitting the order, that means the order did not go through. I wrote in to their Customer Service to check, and they've confirmed that they did not receive my order.

      You should receive an email after submission with a confirmation order number. With that reference number, you'll be able to check on your order status.


  • +1

    10 x pos vote from me.

    47 images took 15 mins too load. x2 copies plus a bit extra.

    saving of 22.00 i think.

    good thing is you dont have to register for this. You can continue without registering or loggin in.

  • +2

    just a note about the terms that you agree to when you use the kodak site..i think it means you no longer own your photos. not sure though.

    1. You grant to Kodak a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, unrestricted, world-wide right and license to access, use, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, display, perform, communicate to the public, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, and otherwise use such Materials (in whole or in part) in connection with the Site and/or the Products, using any form, media or technology now known or later developed, without providing compensation to you or any other person, without any liability to you or any other person, and free from any obligation of confidence or other duties on the part of Kodak, its affiliates and their respective licensees;
      4.You also grant to Kodak the right to use your name in connection with the Materials.
    • +1

      lol I sold my consent for only 100 photos. I am cheap!

    • They don't own them… but they can use them for whatever they want in relating to the site. Which is bad enough.

    • thats a rort, and i mean it in the biggest way possible!

  • i've been getting runtime error all night, tried multiple browser… will give it a shot at work tomorrow morning

  • i've also been getting the runtime error, noooooooo!

    • use IE and don't upload more than 40-50 photos at once.

      • 7MB limit per photo. I had to resize a few biggies.

    • Same for me, I tried 3 browsers…same thing. Not sure if they went through as no email received.

  • i've uploaded 100 at a time.. using chrome, drag and drop…

    each image is like ~4mb.. no problem, uploaded all..

    I have ordered two lots (so 200) in total.

    I already got confirmation its done. just awaiting shipping to local pickup store

    • Did you order 200 photos by ordering 100 after 100 or did you wait after processing the first order.

  • I only see 10x15 prints $0.22.

    • 10x15 is cm, 4x6 is inches.
      same same.

  • +3

    Hi everyone!

    Great to see you're enjoying this promotional deal co-ordinated between Kodak Australia & the Kodak Express stores around Australia.

    It looks like you've helped each other answer the questions listed, but if you have any issues or further queriers, please contact us via email at [email protected]


    Kodak Australia.

    • Great of you to pop in and say hi! Welcome aboard.

    • Hi Kate,
      I came to the store to pick up the photos, but the staff and manager didn't know that online order exists. ???? The store is at Gateway Shopping Centre in Success, WA.

      • Hi yht,

        That's very disappointing to hear, sorry about that. Shane in our office who looks after the Kodak Express stores, tells me the owner definitely knows about the online offer & he's going to get in touch with him to ensure the message is passed on to the store managers.

        Did you manage to get your prints?

        • We had the phone call from the store that the prints were actually sent direct from Kodak, rather than printed in their store. They gonna contact me when the photos arrive. Thanks

  • Thanks for this. I'm picking my photos up at Forest Hill next week. Hopefully they know what I'm talking about!?

  • I recevied the first email said they got the order, recevied sencond email said they shipped the order, do i recevied the 3rd email they are in the store it's ready to pick up or you need to contact the store yourself.
    Just to confirm, does anyone received their photos yet?

    • When you received the first email? I didn't receive anything, it was an error on page anyway, but still…
      After I tried 3 browser same thing: error. I wonder what happens if you pay for it. Serious doubts about kodak online now.

      • got this problem as well, just use the basic uploader instead, i know it's slow, but it works.

        • It's not about downloading it's just the final step, after you choose pick up location. By the way, when you received the email? same day? later?

  • +1

    Picked up my photos today (Melbourne). Uploaded exactly one week ago. Print quality is acceptable at best. But hey there were free. About 20% of prints have lines through them (like when a print cartridge is running out on your home printer). Not sure if all prints come out of the same lab. I am a keen hobby photographer so maybe I am fussier than most when it comes to prints. Still a positive vote because they cost nothing but my time.

  • Just finished uploading my order and it took alot of patients and effort, the web page kept crashing and freezing when trying to upload 40 photos as recommended, uploading in lots of 15 was better but slow even with a broadband cable connection, I wont complain as its free but I would never pay to use this service.

  • Hi, can anyone let me know the quality of the photos? I'm uploading photos that have been resized (to about 140kb). Not sure how they'll come out once printed!

  • it worked perfectly. Cheers!

  • Nice one !!!!!!!!!!!

  • +1

    Hi, is there anyone in brisbane that have picked up they're photos?
    I went to the store today , " Pure Digital Pro Lab" shop 5 ,420 Queens Street Brisbane QLD
    However, the store wasn't even there anymore.
    People told me it was closed a few months ago.
    Can anyone please tell me what to do?
    Or did anyone experience the same problem?

    • +1

      I was wondering why I had not received an email yet!

      I am going to email [email protected] as suggested above.

    • I got an email back and Kodak they are going to ship them out to my home address for free, great service.

    • same thing happened to me. went to Watergardens VIC to pick up photos but apparently, the store has closed already, i sent an email to [email protected], hope to hear from them soon.


  • +1

    hi same problem with me the qld, Beenleigh Camera Centre store tel number has been disconnected. ill email support and ask Customer Care about it [email protected] . is there way to track the order?

  • +1

    I recieved my prints. quality is good

    • +1

      Also picked up ours from Carindale today.

      Quality looks great.

      A couple of headless shots, maybe I didn't have the right resolution. LOL.

  • if you get the order shipped email, does that mean its ready for pickup?

    As i got the email last thursday & went to pick up today but they said not ready yet?

    • +1

      The store gave me a call when the photos ready for pickup.

      • +1

        Mine didnt so dont count on it. After receiving the email maybe give them a call 5-6 working days later. Your chosen pickup store number is listed in the email.

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