Just add the MoBo to your cart and the SSD will appear as a gift.
Credit to Mr The Earth
Asus Z170-P D3 Intel Z170 Motherboard + Bonus Sandisk SSD PLUS 120G SATA3 SSD $155.
Just add the MoBo to your cart and the SSD will appear as a gift.
Credit to Mr The Earth
Asus Z170-P D3 Intel Z170 Motherboard + Bonus Sandisk SSD PLUS 120G SATA3 SSD $155.
Damn, what a shame :(
Not bad, i'm still rolling on ddr2 from the 2007 days
Is this compatible with ancient 1.5v DDR3 ?
The product specs say 1333mhz but doesn't specify a voltage .
Seems like an injustice to put 7yr old memory into a new board .
You have to remember the memory controller in Skylake designed for 1.35v.
Technically you CAN use 1.5v, but you're placing a strain on the processor, that could cause degradation.
The solution to that, would be to down volt the memory to 1.35v, then lower it's clock rate & timings to something that's table within that power constraint.
your comment matches perfectly with your avatar! +1
You should grab one of those new $1200US Nvidia Polaris Titans and breath some new life into that DDR2 system :)
don't you mean Intel Polaris Titans ;)
I was going to suggest a Tesla K80, because connecting a VGA screen to titan would be sacrilege.. So save the money by buying a headless gpu.
Lol, although most ssds are so light you can hang them from the cable if you really want
My hp microserver has an ssd held in place by the power supply cable bundle shoved along side it.
Pro tip: Velcro for affixing an SSD inside a case.
Duct tape :p
That's why you'll never be the CPU
haha, i think you mean fix the motherboard inside a case, but connecting an SSD can't be all that complicated.
the SSD made my decision to dump my 4790k so much easier, phew.
Just let me know where you dump it….🕵🏿
Wait, what.
Because the motherboard is a 1150 socket and the 4790k is 1151 socket. the $50 ssd gave him a 'reason' to upgrade to Skylake (1150)
how is that an upgrade, the number is a downgrade -1
Woops other way around
bro. google sarcasm, better yet put this in google: 'define: sarcasm'
oh, and 4790k is 1150 socket
Wow I'd be holding on to that 4790K Im waiting for kabby lake 7700k
i would be holding onto that 4790k and waiting for AMD Zen to get 8 REAL cores for a normal price.
Zen IPC is at i7 6900K Broadwell-E 8 performance so its pretty much like paying around $400 for an 8 core intel CPU that intel charged $1,599 for
AMD Zen will be the OZ Bargain CPU of choice.
Do you know when it will be released?
Will it work with this motherboard?
lol AMD.
You'll be waiting a long time for AMD to catch up to 4790k.
good luck with your REAL 8 cores, he he
what was wrong with a 4790k?
Presuming sarcasm by the op??
120gb ssd is cutting edge
Kinda hard to justify this board because it's DDR3 and RAM is so cheap.
I guess it could be a good option for a budget build if you already have DDR.
but free $30 SSD!
Where can you get a 120gb ssd for $30?
Gumtree :)
Especially the first gen SSD's with a controller which didn't perform TRIM
Potential there for further saving, if carrying your DDR3 across from your previous build.
Why is everyone crying about DDR3? DDR3 is still the industry standard, and will be in your computers for quite a long time.
Because a lot of us who want to buy a new mobo is because they want to build a new system, and DDR4 is the new RAM being used by most new mobo.
It's literally "Bargain hunting". Most PC builds are around the $600-800 build mark. Budget builds are everywhere. This is a bargain website, why anyone would cry at a good price for budget builds is beyond me.
Even if you built a $1k machine with DDR3, you'd not be doing any injustice.
Well I am planning a i7-6700K build and I am also looking for a bargain. Why can't I do both?
@edfoo: Because a bargain in the high-end of tech is irrelevant, you're paying twice to three times more for the same performance scale at lower end.
You don't find bargains buying a car for $450,000 rather than $500,000 .
@StoneSin: The way I look at it is if I can buy a $250 Z170 mobo for $200, then it is a bargain for me :)
@edfoo: So should I enter your thread and say "OMG sux cause DDR4 too expensive!!11" or should I say, "nice deal."
@StoneSin: Err when did I ever say this deal sux??? I actually think this deal is good but shame it doesn't utilise DDR4 and thus isn't what I am looking for.
The only person having a legit cry in this thread is you. The board being DDR3 is definitely worth pointing out, seeing as it's unusual for Skylake boards to use it, and most people would prefer to use the newer tech. Just wait in a couple of years when you want to upgrade your RAM but there's f-all DDR3 modules around because it's getting EOL'd.
It was pointed out the second this mobo rev was posted. Saying things like "Oh no it's DDR3" is both stupid and irrelevant.
How is it irrelevant? It's a major compatibility factor for the board. I see Z170 and just assume DDR4, because it's true for every other Skylake board I've seen. It's worth pointing out.
No it isn't because you're the only person here that's going to pay $5 - $15 less for DDR3.
Everyone else wants DDR4.
"Oh no it's DDR3"…
"Overall, comparing DDR4 to DDR3, there is little difference to separate the two."
So what? That article appears to be about Haswell cores.
Yes it's about Haswell. They've already indicated that DDR4 isn't a major performance leap at all. You're better off investing in a better CPU/GPU/Storage if performance is what you're after.
So basically if you have 1.5v DDR3 memory, don't bother getting this motherboard unless if you want to risk damaging your brand new spanking Skylake CPU.
Or you can just undervolt your 1.5v DDR3 memory to 1.4v or 1.35v and you're good to go. Or just buy DDR3/L that's rated at 1.35v out of the box. Or just get a DDR4 board as you mentioned.
@spillmill: It might be but it's pretty simple to undervolt your RAM. But if you don't want to go through the trouble just buying a DDR4 motherboard is your easiest bet.
"LED-illuminated audio shielding" - thank god for that. If I had to put up with one more non-illuminated audio shield, just one more!
Bloody Victorian :p
No one has mentioned the potential damage from skylake + DDR3? Plenty of coverage on this (google).
everyone knows intel can do no wrong.. hush you!!!
Dropped one into my cart— no SSD? Hmm…?
Expired. will update, thanks.
ddr3…even though is cheap