Hey fellow ozbargainers, I have been looking for the PS4 to go on sale for quite a while and missed out on the recent Target sale at $369, as it was only available in store. This seems like the best price available at the moment, when combined with discount code and free delivery. Cheapest I could find elsewhere was ebgames at $378 + delivery. I hope this helps a few…especially those that previously made the wrong decision and bought xBox ;p
P.s don't forget 1.25% cash back through Cashrewards.
Sony PlayStation 4 500GB + Killzone: Shadow Fall - $349 Delivered @ Sony Store eBay

Last edited 26/07/2016 - 19:34 by 3 other users
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Why dont you try your luck at big w tomorrow first?
agreed, the Big W deal is insane
Excuse my ignorance. I have tried to search but cannot find the Big W deal. Are you able to link it please
Yeah and i bet it would have sold out in store within 5 minutes of store opening. You'd have to be there in front of the crowd when the doors open to rush in and get it.
I was there at 8:00am when it opened and was only accompanied by 1 other person in the 30 mins I was there. heaps of stock (15 units)
That's odd. You'd think that there would be more. Perhaps peoples haven't been receiving their Big W catalogues in time.
Since when did buying an Xbox become a wrong decision? Ever heard of a thing called preference?
Well, I guess he's talking from a pure technical point of view ;)
I own both xb1 and ps4, I regret getting the xb1.
No Uncharted Series; no deal xbone
I've played all the uncharted games -including on PS Vita - but I still picked up the XB1 recently. At $250 (1TB) with the latest Tomb Raider I couldn't resist.
I've got two ps3's and 20 or so games still to enjoy there. I'll get a PS4 (slimmer version) when it comes out later this year. Then I will play uncharted 4 :))
Meanwhile I'll finish tomb raider, halo collection, sunset overdrive etc on the box.
Uncharted Series for PS4 is overrated, in my opinion. All the best Uncharted games are on PS3.
Of course, I still prefer PS4 over XB1 purely because there are a few very good exclusive JRPG games on PS4. If there weren't any JPRG on PS4, I wouldn't buy PS4 - Just Dance and some casual games on Wii are good enough for most of us.Personally I find PS4 simply has better exclusives. I love the Uncharted series, am looking forward to Horizon: Zero Dawn, No Man's Sky is PC/PS4 only, Nier was solid yet underrated, and I am keenly anticipating Last Guardian if it were to ever arrive.
More than enough reason for me to take PS4 over XB1's Gears of War and Halo.
Plus PS4 has always been more supportive of Indie development, and tons of nice, fun little games make it to PS4 due to that.
and there is a thing called logic or rational choice as well
Since when microsoft anounced the xbox 1 at E3 2013 with the following features:
- always online verification to play offline games
- each game locked to 1 system so cant share or resell games
- kinect always on to spy on your home
- costing more than a ps4 but is less powerfulAfter the backlash and the fact sony not doing the same microsoft changed these rules but the bad perception for customers already there and buying an xbox from then on was deemed by many as a wrong decision.
Okay, but what about the rational people who realise that the things they didn't end up doing and therefore aren't an issue anymore aren't a prohibitive factor in buying one? Who cares what they said? They didn't do it, so move on.
Are the games you like on Xbox? Buy an Xbox.
Are they on PS4? Buy a PS4. For me, the games I like are on Xbox, so I bought an Xbox. Meanwhile there's not a lot drawing me to the PS4 other than Nier Automata sometime in the future.Edit: Oh dear god I just realised who you are (from Whirlpool) and I regret responding.
Lol, suicine is a Sony Pony… Thought everyone knew? 🤔
Those first 2 features were amazing but misrepresented by the public. The online authorization check was something like twice a month and you could always put the disc in to play the game if it was authorized. It just meant if you were authorized you could always play your games without needing to put in the disc.
I don't understand why people were so paranoid about the kinect. It's just a camera.
I don't understand why people were so paranoid about the kinect. It's just a camera.
nothing is just anything with Microsoft, a decades-long NSA collaborator:
https://www.gnu.org/proprietary/malware-microsoft.en.htmlI can go on and on with countless links.
Similar thing with all modern OSs today, phones and 'Smart' TVs included.I heard the new Xbox One bundle deal comes with a tin foil hat as well…
Too bad facts always make intellectually-challenged users respond with lame tinfoil hat comments. As predictable as can be. No challenge to the facts, just insults to the messenger. Weak.
http://gizmodo.com/confirmed-nsa-paid-google-microsoft-other…@cheepwun: Then save your money up for a Farady cage.
If you really think that M$ or any other corporation really give a shit about your data, you do need that hat. They keep data to sell it and to tailor advertising to you. They keep it because the government tells them to or because some shady department thought there was a need to.
Everything you do is recorded now. Banking, shopping, holidays, fuel consumption, where you drive your car… And I bet over all this, you use Facebook or Twitter or Instagram or YouTube. You use a mobile phone? Android or Apple? Got Netflix? Hell, I bet Ozbargains even holds data about what you do. 911 was an inside job. The PM is a puppet for some private conglomerate run by an international bank and headed up by the Rothchilds family. Wind farms give you cancer,power companies can make power for free but sell it to you anyway and…
Gold is the only TRUE world currency…
I would say, go hang out on a conspiracy website… But they probably use tracking cookies as well…
I'll hang out here where it's obvious the ignorant need me. The law of ignorance: the most ignorant are the first to attack.@cheepwun: Not ignorant, more, not paranoid and/or powerless to change what these companies do and/or trapped into being given little to no option to use alternatives.
You read all user agreements, start to finish? Bet you don't and you just click "agree" just like everyone else. Who buys a new $1000 iPhone, reads the whole 48 page user agreement and clicks "don't agree" at the terms and conditions screen, re-packs their new phone and takes it back?
While I am aware that my every move is being watched and recorded, I take steps to minimise my exposure to what they have access too. But one thing I can not do is change what they do. I am not going to boycott every company that has a sleeping in bed with shady government departments attitude.
You're the first to complain that the big corporations are watching you and giving your data to the government, but the first to cheer when the government kick in the door of a house and find tonnes of drugs and/or terrorist weapons, plans and persons.
You're like a hippie crying "save the environment" yet you're driving around in a shit box, smoke blowing 1968 VW Kombi van.
Or a better analogy… A paranoid conspiracy theorist, getting on the Internet from their Windows 10, Intel powered computer, using their Huawei modem connected to Telstra network to get on a website to tell people about companies sleeping in bed with the NSA, then using their Samsung S6 to get on Twitter to let their followers know they just blogged a great piece about privacy. Then to celebrate, taking a photo of your chai double mocha expresso malt choc free trade coffee grande and posting it to Facebook, Instagram and snapchat…
Neg me all you like, still does not change the fact that you be hanging out here, waiting in the corner with your tin foil hat on…
Or, you could offer an NSA free, open source, whale friendly alternative to play all my Xbox One and PS4 games on. I'd support the shit out of that!
Lol, he put ;p after that comment, don't lighten up, this is very serious.
Ever heard of a thing called a joke?
Learn your text emoticons.
if total sales worldwide mean anything:
(higher sales generally mean more likely game support, but that or may not be relevant or true, but there you have it)
I prefer Xbox mainly for the controller…..
Although, after turning on a PS4 for the first time and thinking my Xbox was slow and annoying to try start a game. The PS4 is way worse and loud
Mine is whisper quiet and quick, like a cat.
Must be faulty PS4…no idea…
The fanboys are already on the attack cos I said I like the Xbox controller better and the PS4 I used was loud…lol
There is no wrong choice. Enjoy what you want.
Both are wrong choices, theres only one right gaming system.
Xbox controller is better built though, ps controllers can't take too much rage
@krisspy: Oh yes, I forgot about those guys….They must've just recently gone to sleep though, the sun just came up
Are you sure it isn't an actual black cat you are talking about?
Waiting for the comment for someone telling others that they can build an equivalent gaming PC for this price.
Nah it's always 2x the price (approx $700) then comparing a PC that cost twice as much to a console that's half the price. Then when you ask them to compare apples to apples a $350 PC to a console they ignore you cos impossibru
Don't mind me. Im just here for the inevitable flame war and mass down votes on comments…
I own both and while they are different, I can't really see what the difference is when it comes to playing games.
And because I have not had my daily collection of neg votes… The Xbox one controller is soooo much nicer to use compared to the PS controllers… And dat elite controller! If I could use my elite controllers on my PS4, the PS ones would be straight on the gumtree…
If I could use my elite controllers on my PS4, the PS ones would be straight on the gumtree…
heard about the USB connector issues on the Elite yet?
Own two of them and have already posted on here somewhere a while back about how crap they can be. But like anything, I have been super careful with mine knowing that they have issues.
Knowing about that, would I change my mind? No. These Elite controllers are freaking awesome!
As a female with small hands I don't like the xbox controller because I find it too wide. But I don't like the PS4 controller either, it's designed really strangely and it hurts my hands. So for me they both kinda suck in different ways. I miss the ps3 controller, personally.
I don't think one console is 'better' either. They're just different. I'm just a Sony fan because I had all the PS consoles, and I really enjoy the Vita, etc. But competition is good.
I have to agree with the smaller hands. My Daughter can hold and use a ps4 controller but really struggles with an Xbox controller. Ended up buying a cheap XB1 weird controller because it was about 3/4 the size of the original.
And I'm in the same boat when it comes to PS4 vs XB1. I own both and cannot tell the difference between the quality of any of the games I play across either of them. Any Cross platform game looks the same to me. I think the PS4 vs XB1 arguments only exist because people want something to argue over.
I don't know about the controller thing. Maybe it's just my preference. I have a 360 controller for my PC and while I agree it's built well, especially compared to other controllers you can get for the PC, I've always enjoyed the dual shocks more. I've used every iteration of the dual shock so far and have always preferred it to stuff from Microsoft or Nintendo. I don't have particularly small hands either. From a visual standpoint, I've always thought the dual shocks were sexier too.
Help Me OzBargainers.
Should I buy a 500gb PS4, or hold out for a 1tb model?
500gb will be enough memory for me, so really only asking if there are further benifits in having a 1tb model.
I recall some issues with the 500gb model that was resolved with the 1tb model.
Is this still the case?No, physical storage space is the only difference between the 500gb and 1tb models.
The issues you are referring to only affected earlier consoles.
Wait for NEO coming this Oct.
As someone who thought 500gb was going to be enough, I've maxed it already in 1.5 years, and I only really play a few games. The problem is the free to PS+ member games. Even trying them takes up a lot of space. So If you're going to get PS+ membership and will download the games on offer with it, perhaps wait. Otherwise there's no reason not to get the 500gb.
That said, I you can increase the storage yourself by replacing the HDD. By the time you fill it up, it'll be out of warranty and you can look into doing that too. I'm probably going to do this soon, too.
Wont the current PS4 price drop once the new model has been released?
My PlayStation 4 is used nearly everyday, for Netflix, cheaper options I think.
Are people still buying PlayStations?
Cause I like too feed trolls… What should they be buying instead, genius?
Genius and PS don't go together, doll. Wake up 👆🏻
PC, maybe. I mean people are buying a console to play exclusives.
Tell you what, you come up with a PC build that can play the same games as Xbox One and PS4 for the same price point. I'm still waiting for a $299 PC that out performs a console. I can't even get a half decent NUC for that price, so I'm all ears. Convert me to PC for gaming…
@pegaxs: Actually you can build a PS4 crushing PC for the official price of PS4 which is $479.
I can't even get a half decent NUC
If you don't mind Linux, you can build a decent PC for $300.
@motor89: I already use Linux, so no issue. But for $479 (official PS4 price) this PC needs to run the latest games, such as Division, Doom, Overwatch, etc, at their max res the same as what consoles do. I'm all ears. Let me know what you can build for that price. I can't even get a good video card for that price…
at their max res the same as what consoles
Except, the highest settings of PS4 isn't same as the highest settings of PC and PS4 is often scaled down to 720p and locked down to 30p. It is not difficult to build a system to beat PS4 for that price.
@motor89: Gears of War 4 on Xbox One is reportedly going to be 1080 @ 60fps in PvP. There is going to be a PC version of it. What's a good system for $299 that I can get to play GoW4 at those rates?
And there are plenty of games that run at 1080/60fps on PS4. Doom is an example of a 1080 game with 60fps and it's on PC. So, how about a $349 PC that can play Doom at that res and frame rate…
I don't need 1920 @ 180fps, I am used to consoles after all, just 1080 @ 60fps for some of the latest mainstream games (not shitty Steam indie developer games.)
Sorry for the stupid question but is this brand new or refurbished? It says brand new on the page but when I go on the official sony store ebay page it says the ebay store specializes in refurbished products.
so they have just lowered it by 20% after the sale has finished …
looks like you get killzone free too