This was posted 8 years 7 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Nintendo Classic Mini NES - $84.99 @ OzGameShop Preorder


With EB Games and JBHifi sold out of pre-orders at $99… you can pre-order it at Ozgameshop for $84.99…

Might not arrive on release date, but nice for a $15 saving… (and if you have player points waiting to be redeemed, even less!)

Here's my referrer link if you want to use that. I will receive 3% of all your order totals (excluding postage) in Player Points.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    anyone know if the Aus one will include an AC adaptor? This will be UK stock so just wondering if there's any difference?

    • +2

      Apparently no adapter. I would have bought this in an instant if it took carts.

    • Only US gets a power supply apparently. It will just need a USB PSU.

      • +9

        And if you don't have a spare USB PSU lying around your house by now, you seriously need a new mobile phone.

        • +2

          'I'm happy with my brick phone and proprietary charger thank you! It suits my needs perfectly. I dont need no iphone mumbo jumbo whizzbang gadget.' - old people around the world.

        • get off my lawn

    • +1

      I ppreordered with ebgames and the lady told me no adapter. Might cancel it and get this cheaper deal.

      Thought about using emulators but cbf to turn on cpu and load the roms each time each time the kids wants to play games

      • +1

        each time each time

        I see what you did there…

      • +2

        Do you have a tablet? I load GBA roms on my galaxy tab A and play mario kart while im watchin stuff on the telly. Im too lazy to go down the rabbit hole of finding other emulators for SNES/NES etc. but im sure they exist. Mainly cos im havin a ball playin me old GBA games like yoshi's island and mario spinoffs.

        The emulator is the free version on the play store. Its called MyBoy! free and a good roms site is emuparadise.

    • +1

      Use any old USB adapter.

      Depending on your setup, you may be able to power it off a TV or receivers USB ports too, or any other console that has a spare USB port that remains on when the consoles not running. I imagine a lot of people won't even need to connect the console to a power outlet directly.

      • +1

        I wouldn't, I would look at the bottom of the device to find its rated input, then find an adaptor which matches.

        • That seems unnecessary for USB devices, as long as it's not something completely dodgy that doesn't follow the specifications.

          Nintendo has an issue on its hands if you can't connect the unit to a standard USB port for 5v and up to 1.5A without the device damaging itself.

          If it was an AC adapter where the power could vary wildly that'd be a different matter, but the USB specifications should cover the power requirements. Worse case you'll have a port that can't output enough and the device won't power up.

        • @Smigit:

          Normal USB ports may not provide enough power - 0.5A for USB1.1/2.0 and 0.9A for USB3.0

          Being on the margin may cause reliability issues, so best to check requirements, but agree many of these sources may work just fine.

  • +4

    is it me or is this like a pi in a nutshell (pun intended)

    • +3

      pretty much ..with the exception that the roms on this are legal copies i guess? 30 games cant' take up much more than 5-10mb it seems a bit tight to only provide 30 games.

  • +4

    Awesome. I'd love a n64 version. In the meantime, emulation will do the trick.

  • +2

    Add code SHIPME for free shipping on orders over $30.

    • +8

      Shipping is free over $50 already.. no need to use code.

  • +4

    dont forget cashrewards

    • +19

      I forgot cash rewards :( I ordered one at JB Hifi at full price too. I'm going to log off now.

      • +15

        Hand in your badge and gun sir

        • +6

          Sorry sir, it's my first day.

        • +11


          Sorry sir, it's my first day.

          Detective work

          Member Since

          Your sacked

          Hand in your badge and gun sir

          And resignation

        • +1

          Good banter

        • +20
        • +8

          @easternculture: Sorry sir, it's my first day.

  • Currently unavailable
    We're currently waiting for price information on this item. Add your email address below to be kept up-to-date about Nintendo Classic Mini NES Nintendo Entertainment System Console.

    • Back in stock and the price has risen $10, scalpers.

  • Looks like all preorders are sold out now…

    Had it in my cart, and now its gone.

    • Same, had it in the cart, was still deciding whether to buy…

      • -1

        Noob mistake, order then cancel if you change your mind

  • are we going to see these relisted on ebay at inflated prices?

    • +5

      I doubt it. Why would we?
      They're just cheaply made Plug N Plays. I expect them to go on clearance shortly after release. Plus no one's going to want the NES version after the SNES and N64 version come out.

      • +2

        You would be surprised by the Nintendo fanboys and their collective ways.

      • +3

        Sage, you have no idea.

      • I just did a search and the very first result was one listed at $249.99, and at that price you don't get a second controller.

        Not to say it'll sell at that price, but it won't stop people trying.

      • +1

        This isn't a shitty Genesis set with shit games made by a third party for Kmart. It's a limited edition official Nintendo product. It will sell out until they stop making it then it will be scalped to hell.

  • -4

    This product isn't a bargain.
    It only emulates through software, you may as well spend less and get a Raspberry Pi with more functionality.
    Edit: If you're going to neg me, state your reasoning.
    The device doesn't have a working cartridge slot. You could just hook up an old low end smart phone to your TV.

    • +8

      Does Raspberry Pi come with 30 legal game ROMS, a traditional style controller and a fun nostalgic case?

      • +10

        Yeah you can buy the same controller for less than $4.
        Legality of roms is useless. host hundreds of ROMS legally because the cartridges aren't available for purchase. It's a grey area of law that is pointless to abide to. You can get the entire library of NES roms in about a minute. If Nintendo wanted to stop us from easily accessing them, they could but they don't care.
        The nostalgia case isn't worth $100 IMO.

        A lot of smart TVs can run a NES emulator without even adding anything to it.
        This thing is comparable to bottled water.

        • -6

          All true, but it hurts the feelings of people that have or will drop close to $100 on this waste of hardware, so that's why you got a torrent of downvotes on your earlier post.

          It's 2016 afterall: feelings are more important than facts - and if you disagree then you are a patriarchal cis racist who advocates raping Pikachu.

        • @c0balt: he got down voted for his unnecessary attitude, cool rant btw 👍

        • -8


          Whoops, I forgot that you are the authority on why he got downvoted.

          But anyway - if you bothered to look at the more tactful comments as to why this is not a good deal then you will see the same downvotes.

          Cool comment btw 👍

        • +3

          @Tal_Shiar: can confirm, the reason I down voted him was the unnecessary attitude

        • -4


          You would have downvoted him regardless based on your upvotes in this thread for comments that praise this device in retaliation to comments that point out how it's a bad product at a bad price.

        • +4

          @c0balt: People only say it's a "bad product at a bad price" because they are used to downloading 1000 ROMS for free to play via emulator. The fact of the matter is this is a licensed product that was available at a lower price point than announced; someone might actually find it a bargain. I use a Pi but unlike you I didn't feel the need to come in here and be snarky.

        • @c0balt: nope, wrong attitude is what made me down vote him.

          This device, at the end of the day, is the cheapest available at $85. If you can find it cheaper then please post it up. This isnt a "is this device worth it?" thread. Discuss that stuff in a forum please.

          I understand there are cheaper products that perform in similar ways but they are NOT licensed Nintendo devices.

        • -2


          This is a great place to talk about if it's worth it or not. Just because you say it isn't doesn't make it so. Also your voting history points a much clearer picture of how you would have voted than what you say is the reason why.

          I wonder how many people that buy this will get more than a few hours use out of it. It's more of a decoration piece than useful hardware.

          If that's the case then just buy a 3D printed shell to show off to your mates, why pay $80 for an emulator that's locked to 30 games?

        • @c0balt: official license product.
          Great for the non tech savvy.
          Cheapest price available.

          Hahaha I just read your other posts. You must be a PlayStation rep or something. Same rant getting shutdown over and over. Give it a rest.

          If you think it's not the cheapest price around or not a deal, then neg the deal. Cheers kid.

        • -1


          I guess you skipped over the posts where I talk about the 1000's of hours I put into the NES as a kid.. you know the post that's 2 below this at the time of writing over 6 hours ago.

          You may want to get your eyes checked, they seem to see things that don't exist! But that's common in this thread where people actually see value in this product at nearly $100.

          To think anyone who is critical of this product must hate Nintendo is laughable..

        • @c0balt: didn't neg sage, I think it was a fair point. Your reply on the other hand…

        • @c0balt: reply to this comment if you think you are an elitist.

        • @c0balt: I'm not the authority, but you seem to have no clue why Sage's first comment was down voted…. so I informed you, now you know 👍

        • Emulator + render plug-ins + 2061 roms >> this … but it will still sell bucket-loads, there's no denying.

      • +12

        It's mainly for people who aren't technical enough or cannot be bothered setting up the retro pi.

        In summary, people are willing to pay for convenience and this is exactly it - all in one NES system ready to go

      • -1

        I spent 1000's of hours with the real NES as a kid and our family skipped the SNES entirely.

        I have a lot of nostalgia for the NES, the real NES, not this cash grab BS with a product significantly worse than the original and more expensive.

        I'm a big fan of nostalgic gaming and watch heaps of YT/Twitch on the subject nightly. This is a waste of money and I hope it gets torn to shreds by the nostalgia content creators.

    • +6

      I'm struggling to see the appeal of this as well, and you're spot on with the Pi being an alternative… I guess it's a nostalgia factor that are going to swing a lot of people… But for a limit of 30 games, with no possible expansion out of the box? Not for me…

      That said, a price of $84.99 vs. other online prices of $99— price wise, you'd call it a bargain (almost a 15% discount, hot diggity!!), whether or not you consider the product worth it or not is not applicable on OzB (hell, even Voss Water posts score well).

      • +3

        That's cause you're paying for the bottle, not the water. Same concept with this deal.

        • +1

          Yeah but ROMS aren't "legally" free…

        • @gokhanh: I know but considering they're coming from Nintendo, it's old IP that they know they can still make a couple of dollars from by packaging it into a retro case and controller and inciting nostalgia at an affordable price.

        • @Trishool: Well, everyone likes money :)

  • +1

    I did some online research a below Q&A quote put me off, it seems to me the 30 pre-loaded games are all you can have. Yes, there may be, just may be a way to hack it to load more games up. However, that makes it not much different to the emulator that I am using if I have to hack this little box.

    " Can the mini NES play old NES cartridges?
    No, it cannot. The only games that the Classic Edition can play at launch, or at any point in the future, will be the 30 games we listed in the original announcement post. And have you seen the thing? There’s no way you’re fitting an NES cartridge in there without breaking the dang thing in half.

    Does the mini NES go online?
    The box doesn’t connect to the internet. In addition, there’s no accessible internal storage or external storage options whatsoever. Sadly, this means you won’t be downloading Virtual Console games either (which would have been an awesome trick, but will be reserved for the actual home consoles for now)."

    • Just curious - are there any particular games you have in mind to play which this doesn't have? Honestly, the only one I would like to try which isn't there is Metal Gear.

      But, all the classics I remember playing on it are there. Other than Duck Hunt :(

      • I am not sure if there translated names are 100% accurate . just to name a few that on top of my head.

        Nekketsu Kakutou series ( action games plus some sports games which the main characters are Japanese high school gangsters ).
        NINJA GAIDEN serious ( there is only one NINJA GAIDEN game on the list)
        Guerrilla War
        Action in New York

      • +1

        Solstice, Aussie Rules, International Cricket, Contra, Contra 2, Battletoads, Ice Hockey, gun.smoke, Rygar..

        Those were off the top of my head.

        At least you can get the Battletoads remake in the Rare Replay for pretty cheap.

      • "Sky Destroyer" and "Battle City"

      • +1

        Don't forget TMNT! Turtle power!

      • +1

        Ninja Turtles 2! Gremlins 2! Battletoads! Probotector!

      • If you have a Wii U, you can get Duck Hunt on Wii U store and use a Wii Remote as a Zapper gun, it's not the same, but it's still pretty fun

  • +6

    the hypppeeeee

    i love it
    i just wanna be a kid again

    (profanity) this adult shit

  • If JB HiFi doesn't have a special price on this the day (before) it releases I'd be very surprised.

    • +2

      They will all be price matching… there will be no shortage.. these things prob cost nintendo 10 bucks to make. They are following the apple way.

  • -1

    Damnit. Looks like I'm going to have to buy it for $250 off eBay at this point

    • +1

      Nice try, broden.

      There will be plenty of stock.

    • +2

      Target and BigW will have a lot of stock on day 1. Could be cheaper than JB and EB. Dont worry

  • Does it come with Duck Hunt and Wild Gunmen?
    Will it work with LED TV?

    • Click the link for games. It connects via HDMI.

    • +1

      Light guns don't work with modern TVs, as they rely on a quirk of old-school CRT televisions to detect the position of the screen you are pointing the gun at.
      So no.

  • I have a lot of nostalgia for the NES, the real NES, not this cash grab BS with a product significantly worse than the original and more expensive.

    I'm a big fan of nostalgic gaming and watch heaps of YT/Twitch on the subject nightly. This is a waste of money and I hope it gets torn to shreds by the nostalgia content creators.

    • +3

      Just curious, how is it more expensive than the original? The original came out with no games at ~$200 USD in today's money.

      I get that this isn't a good value proposition for you - but for non-technical people who want to indulge in nostalgia, I fail to see how this is a rip off.

      • I'm not saying they aren't. It's just that this website is a bargain website, and there are much better options out there for your cash and heaps of people here willing to help you get up and running with a much better system that's significantly cheaper.

        Nintendo gets a free pass on this site because most people don't even click on the link, and the ones that do are pretty die hard fans as evident by the Amibo deals we see on this site and the voting going on in this thread.

    • How is this more expensive than an original NES?

  • +10

    Don't know why everyone is complaining about the lack of games. I only owned a handful of games at that time and didn't bother me at all. It made me appreciate every game that I have and become master of all of them.

    • +2

      Yeah it's amazing how many people expect this to either feature every game released, or the ability to play physical cartridges (or both). I've also seen expectations for adding memory, adding games aftermarket, adding ports for original controllers etc etc. I don't think they've looked at the cost of this thing! It's actually cheap. Especially in the US.

      • -3

        Yeah, it's horrible that people expected it should play orignal NES cartridges if they are paying close to $100 for it!


        • +2

          How many people own original cartridges still but don't have a console they can play them on? Sure, the HDMI port would make life easier, but otherwise it seems like an expensive addition to cater to the vast minority of people that own original software. If this played cartridges the price for the games would likely go through the roof anyway, to the point where I imagine games would cost more than the console (if they don't already).

          Different regions also had different cartridge designs which meant adapters were required for imports, which is another issue that could be overcome but would be needlessly complicate whats supposed to be a simple self contained unit -…

          I'd like for the cartridge door to be open and for there to be a fake cartridge slot purely for aesthetic and nostalgic reasons, but I can forgive that not being there as well as the exclusion of a working slot.

        • +1


          Don't call it a NES if it can't play NES games then.

          It's a NES in the same way an emulator is a NES, just that this is many times the cost with significantly worse functionality.

        • +1

          @c0balt: it can play NES games, just not NES cartridges.

          It's not the first console to break format compatability. The PSP Go dropped the UMD drive and that was a current console, not one that entered the market almost 30 years earlier. I doubt too many people will be buying this who have a collection of cartridges who don't realise this can't take them.

        • I have a handful of NES games and no console, but it was a right time , right place deal

        • +2

          This isn't a Nintendo Entertainment System, check the official name again. That's why it doesn't play your 30 year old cartridges that you blew hundreds of dollars each for on eBay. If anything this is a clever, fun, cost effective way of repackaging the Virtual Console.

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