This was posted 8 years 8 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Preorder] Nintendo Classic Mini: Nintendo Entertainment System - $104.97 AUD Delivered (£59.99 GBP) @ Amazon UK


[Preorder] Release date 11/11/2016

Remember the NES? It's BACK. In pog form!

…yes and I thought it was April 1st too!

30 built in games. Original controller. USB Powered. HDMI Output. Controllers useable with Wii/Wii U. stop paying the eBay ransom - get the "original" for less

Included Games
* Balloon Fight
* Castlevania
* Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest
* Donkey Kong
* Donkey Kong Jr.
* Dr. Mario
* Excitebike
* Galaga
* Ice Climber
* Kid Icarus
* Kirby’s Adventure
* Mario Bros.
* Metroid
* Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream
* StarTropics
* Super Mario Bros.
* Super Mario Bros. 2
* Super Mario Bros. 3
* The Legend of Zelda
* Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

The full story here…

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel K Keepa.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Hmmm, I remember reading about this. I was excited about it. That said seeing how American official price is $60 USD, wouldn't it be much better to wait till Amazon US stock it?

    • -7

      US one probably won't be compatible as they are in NTSC not PAL.

      • +4

        Compatible in what sense? Most TVs will happily play NTSC now….

      • +1

        Who doesn't have a TV which does both these days?

      • +6

        Would it matter? Sorry for sounding completely clueless (I completely agree that I am), but I thought those standards were for analog TV. Would the fact that it uses HDMI bypass that somehow as, as far as I know, it is digital (again, apologies for sounding completely clueless)?

        • +4

          NTSC all good these days on TV especially if its HDMI. It's the 110V that may cause an issue. You may need a cheap transformer to step down our voltage 220/240v-110V. I imported a Dreamcast years ago and had to do that. A basic power outlet convertor will not do this.

        • +1

          @Gringoesai: Since people have mentioned local model is AUD $100, I don't think a lot of people would go for even US model, that said, apparently it uses USB for power. I assume that voltage wouldn't be an issue.

        • -1

          Pal is 50fps. Ntsc is 60. It's matters when games play slower

        • @Gringoesai:

          This is powered by USB from what I read this morning.

        • @XeKToReX:
          If powered by USB then yeah all chilled. No one should be mentioning issues with 50hz/60hz unless playing on a pre 98 TV. Nintendo with this pokeago and now this. What's next?

      • +1

        @abc You need to upgrade your tv and knowledge.

    • Even then it's a little iffy. I bought a Superfamicom from Japan for about $20. It's basically the same thing.

  • No mario kart :(

    • +10

      That was SNES ;-)

  • AU release however can't see any pre-order available.…

  • Its going to retail in Aus for $100 -

    Wonder if the Aus version will have the PAL or NTSC versions of the games?

    • Perhaps more importantly will the system be emulation based or original hardware based.

      If this is original hardware it would be unbelievable.

      • +5

        May be a silly question but can the standard gamer really spot the difference between the two?

        I can understand as a purist, you want it based on original hardware (so games run as they did on the original console + using intended controller) but always wondered why this is so important on a system as old as this where emulation is already close to perfect. Only asking as im uninitiated on the topic.

        • +2

          Nothing wrong with emulators at all, purists suffer from the placebo effect of 'emulators just aren't the same'.

        • @rekabkram:

          Perhaps its like the argument of sound quality with Audiophiles. However emulation if done poorly will result in things like the Neo Geo X.

        • +1

          That's what annoys me most about these "officially licensed" products. The majority are essentially emulators, that won't allow you to play additional games other then what's included in the box. I would be all for this if it could play original cartridges.

  • According to Gizmod it will be 99.95 in Aus and release on 10 Nov.…

  • +4

    This is pretty awesome news but how is this a deal?

  • +1

    Castlevania and Ghosts 'n' Goblins.. 2 of the hardest ever games if i remember correctly!!!

    • +4

      Yeah cheaper locally, and you get it sooner.

    • -1

      Order placed

  • +2

    It's $4 cheaper here

  • +3

    Does it feature backwards compatibility?

  • +2

    Australian RRP is $99.95. Not much of a deal.

  • Looks like the controllers plug into wiimotes.

    • Yeah. I noticed that too. Maybe the snes classic controller works too

      • Apparently the Wii classic and classic pro controllers work.

        • That's good!!

    • You can use the NES controllers for Virtual Console on Wii/Wii U too!

    • Time for a power glove resurgence!

  • +6

    How is this a deal?

  • +1

    Yeah nah, I'll get mine locally.

    • I wouldn't be complacent. I can almost guarantee these will sell out and go up in value.

      Refer (a) game and watch re-releases (b) mini classics.

      Nintendo don't exactly flood the market when they do nostalgia stuff.

      • Oh well. I've always got my original system and RetroPi if I need a NES fix.

  • +1

    meh what is the deal.
    how will 1080p HDMI look on 480p games (if not lower res)

    • how will 1080p HDMI look on 480p games (if not lower res)

      Great, no issues at all. Have played Virtual Console games on Wii U via HDMI on a Full HD screen.

  • +2

    More expensive than retail.

  • +2

    USB power, wonder if it will work in a car.

    • You could run it off a usb power bank or anything that supplies 5V at enough amps.

  • Wow how could they miss out afew good games?
    - KAGE (Shadow of the Ninja)
    - Contra
    - Tetris
    - Jackal
    - Chip and Dale
    - Duck Hunt (Come on who doesn't remember this - i know u need a gun)

    Well hope they make the cartridge(ROM) for it.

    • Duck Hunt won't work on modern TV due to the difference between CRT/analog video and LCD/digital video.

      • They could have made it work with a Wii Remote If they wanted. Not surprised they haven't included it but.

    • With some hacking, this is exciting because it will be working with standard rom dumps.

      All the other 'mini systems' from the past have been EASILY expanded.

    • Well hope they make the cartridge(ROM) for it.

      This new console won't be getting any new games from Nintendo, physically or digitally. The 30 included are the only ones it will be able to play.


    • +1

      oh man takes me back to when i was a kid,
      we had mario and duck hunt on the one cartridge.
      i wasnt very good at duck hunt but i remember trying to beat the fast levels so i would sit right up close to the TV which made it a little bit easier to trap the ducks, i guess you could call it the aim hacks of the 90's

    • +1 for duck hunt. You were one of the cool kids back at school.

  • +1

    Pretty good… esp when you use the 15 GBP discount!

  • +1

    11/11 is like Armistice Day btw

  • +2

    The game collection in this is awesome! Great to see double dragon 2 and bubble bobble.

    Pal and ntsc matters for nostalgia. It's got to do with speed of game play and screen borders on top and bottom.

  • +2

    Overpriced even at $99 retail. No additional games will be coming out for it either. I would go with RetroPie instead…

    • -1

      Yeah, I was thinking an rPi and a controller would be cheaper than this (junk?).

      • A raspberry pi could use the controllers for this though.

        Iirc, Wiimote extensions are just I2C.

        The plastic case is not a bad case for a rpi though.

    • Agreed. When I saw the news article this morning I assumed it would be something like ~$30. Who would spend $100 on this?

      • If it's really a proper Nintendo the controller will be awesome quality. Exact button feedback like the old days and all. Oh, if only they added cart slot

    • +2

      Overpriced compared to ROMs? Sure what isn't? Every game is overpriced with that train of thought. Compared to actual retail of legit products, it isn't overpriced compared to the Virtual Console.

  • +2

    Can you blow into the cartridges?

    • Cartridge slot doesn't open on this one!

  • Will be cheaper to get local stock, now OP this is not directed towards you. its directed towards the people who sell it so don't take this personally

    • amazon are going to really care about a listing here, god that is the silliest justification i've seen in ages, just say you're negging the deal, not OP

  • +1

    This is amazing, nostalgia overload!

  • Since this is being downvoted can we move this to forums? This is an important discussion for many but not necessarily a bargain.

  • So, is this what Nintendo have been working on?

    I guess there's a chance this will be better than the NX.

  • +1

    Cheaper local.

  • +1

    cheaper pre order from jb

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