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[Steam] Evolve Stage 2 (Previously Named Evolve) Now FREE Indefinitely for PC Users (in Game Purchases)


I know this is F2P, but it was previously a paid game, so it's a bargain in my book!

Turtle Rock Studio has announced that Evolve is changing, with the game moving to a free-to-play business model on PC. There is currently no word about these Stage 2 changes coming to consoles.

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  • +10

    i was hooked on the free beta before launch. bought the game…then players dwindled..
    awesome concept and game…although im terrible and shit scared playing as monsther. havnt fired it up in a long while.

    • this is pretty much me, too :)

  • +1

    What type of game is it? Asymmetrical multiplayer?

    • +6

      Yeah an asymmetrical FPS. people V 1 alien.

      • Thanks, could be good at a LAN.

        • Do people really Lan anymore?

        • +4
        • @MudNoodle: Yep

          So is this a sequel or has the original game turned F2P.

          Because I bought a russian version on steam, which got revoked. And I never bothered to get it again.

        • +1

          @SpaceFrog: Bit of both. Its the original game, but changed quite alot and made free to play. Maps are smaller, action more fast paced (which some people are hating as it has killed the stealth aspect) and there are new and changed skills\perks.
          But hey, it's free. I always wanted to play the original, but it never came down in price. So I will be giving it a go.

    • no its a disproportional conglomerate simulation

  • +2

    It looks like a pretty cool game. But I never picked it up at launch, then I heard that there was no one playing it, so I avoided it.

    I'm glad it's free, hopefully that will bring some life into it and now looks like it'll be pretty fun at smaller LANs

  • +2

    pay 60$ for it, now it is f2p. Nice

  • thanks

  • -2

    its actually a pay to win game now

    • Really? I thought they were just cosmetics or did they change that?

      Not even worth downloading if it really is pay2win.

  • ever since evolve came out, i was always wanted to play. since the price tag and the steam review stops me from purchase it, i downloaded a pirate version and trying out campion mode.

    it was fantastic.

    i really wish this DLC has addressed many critical issue.

    1: MMR match making and pre-leave panaty.
    2: ultra wide screen support.
    3: damn price. They never realise if they halve the price, they can get more than double the sale?

  • Nice OP. I've always wanted to playt this game :D

  • Downloaded yesterday. So far so good.

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