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50% off 1kg Certified Organic Hemp Protein Powder $29.98 + $5.50 Shipping @ hempfoods.com.au


1kg Certifed Organic Hemp Protein Powder
Normally $59.95
Now $29.98 + Shipping $5.50

To claim this offer, simply use this coupon when checking out at www.hempfoods.com.au

NOTE: Valid to 8th of July. Limited stock.
This offer only applies to stock with a best before date of 20/09/16

Remember - Hemp should only be consumed in countries where it is legal to do so.
* For external use only in Australia and New Zealand

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Hemp Foods Australia
Hemp Foods Australia

closed Comments

  • +1

    Price please :)

  • In medicine "External Use Only" means it needs to be on the outer skin i. e. Skin's surface. It cannot be swallowed, eaten or drunk. Nor it should be put in eyes, ears, nose, mouth or broken skin.

    So, i don't get it :)

    • +2

      They had to do something with the rest of the plant..

    • +1

      Well, it is normally consumed in all other countries, consumption of hemp products is considered illegal under laws regulated by FSANZ (Food Standards Australia and New Zealand.)

      Standard 1.4.4 – Prohibited and Restricted Plants and Fungi in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code) prohibits all species of Cannabis from being added to food or sold as food in Australia and New Zealand.


      Hemp protein powder for external use only.



      • That's stupid. Hemp is the male form, and the high levels of THC is found on the female form… but anyways.

        thelaw #bereaucracy

        • I agree with you, the bureaucrats involved with writing the legislation likely cared not for the details.

          "Just outlaw everything associated with the marijuanas."

          -Them, probably.


          However a proposal to permit foods derived from hemp has been prepared by the FSANZ this year.

          If you're interested you can read about the issue and its current standings here.

          By the sounds of it there are concerns over roadside testing showing positive for cannibidiol levels, concern that the general public will confuse this amendment as the legalisation of "illicit" cannabis and concerns over how this food will be marketed in general.

        • @Allurint:

          Yes, because people = stupid.


          But anwyays… prolly not worth going thru "reefer madness," the decorticator or william randolph Hearst and how we all got fooled by marketing but hey all good.

          P.S. After legalization, Denver has one of the highest levels of economic growth and crime rates dropping but OMG DRUGS!

        • @Allurint:and the US government has taken out loads of patents on medicinal cannabis applications.

  • Funny how that protein looks suspiciously like hash in Morocco :p

  • +1

    how high will this make me?

    • +3

      About 3 highs.

    • +1

      About as high as you're feeling right now..It doesn't.

  • +1


    For external use only in Australia and New Zealand

    All seems legit…

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