Inappropriate images on day care workers Instagram.

In reasearching possible day care centres in Brisbane I have been checking their social media to try get a feel for each centre.

One centre in perticular that we liked had only 1 image attached to its location tag on Instagram that was posted by one of the workers (this image is not a problem). This particular lady has an open profile though and the rest of her pictures are very sexual and focused around her submissive BDSM lifestyle. (Lots of taped up nipples etc)

I'm sure this would be deemed inappropriate for a primary/secondary teacher, should the same extend to child care workers?

Would you take any action and alert the centre?

Just trying to weigh in and see if our initial reaction is warranted. I personally don't have any issues with people's lifestyle choices, but perhaps there is a conflict here?


  • +152

    Horrendous! Where can I find this link to said particular lady so I can report her?!

      • +35

        Pretty sure spaghettiman was making a joke in reference to this:

      • +16

        No, it is not appropriate. Look at all the internet creepiness you have already generated towards this poor anonymous person. Consider getting a life.

        • +14

          Consider getting a sense of humour

  • +42

    Hi there,
    I think I would need to view the material personally to make a judgement. Could you please PM me the person's profile, for research purpose only.

    • -7

      I guess if it's a public profile, there is no harm, right?

      • +19

        You know the rule…pics or it didn't happen.

  • +73

    If it's her personal life and it isn't hurting anyone else and she doesn't behave that way at her job why is it relevant?

      • +34

        I guess that would be up to the company's policies then but I don't think you need to take it into your own hands to report her. Not unless it's compromising her job performance in any way

      • +1

        Taped up nipples are nothing to do with BDSM - they have to do with prudish people/events/establishments that can't do naked in public.

        And wow - if you're looking for childcare you must have had sex. Who needs to know that? Leave the woman alone.

  • +6

    Sounds hot!

  • +28

    I would personally just not choose that centre, if you are concerned. She isn't wise sharing her sex life/preferences on instagram, but it's not like she's showing a sexual interest in children, so it's not really your place to 'report' her.

    • +27

      If you report her, she could lose her job / respect at her workplace, so do bear in mind what you are doing could also ruin somebody's career.

      If she's a terrible human being and /or is a known pedophile than yeah I would have no qualms about her losing the job.

    • +13

      I wouldn't let her take care of my kids, but maybe she can take care of me…

      • +2

        JetLi, pls

        • +2

          That's "Please Sir!" /cracks whip

  • +10

    You might have a particular objection to people with those predispositions being associated with your child, and rightfully so.

    But the thing to remember is this - is it illegal? Probably not.

    So while you can consider reporting that worker to whoever you might think is worth reporting to, they aren't breaking any laws. Besides, as long as they are not disclosing their affiliation with a child care or school facility they probably aren't flouting any workplace policies either.

  • +38

    I wonder what kind of activities parents were participating in, in order to create children in the first place…

    • +62

      I know a parent who showers naked

      • +4
        • +6

          There are dozens of us

        • +1


          That is all.

      • +1

        my wife showers naked too. ……… under the outdoor shower. But Shhhhhhhhh don't tell anyone.

        • +3

          Does she have Instagram :)

        • +1

          @Japius:does she work for a childcare center in Brisbane?

  • +36

    so you became a member just to post this and stir things up..
    The person is not doing anything illegal, it is her personal instagram account.
    let it be.

  • +6

    Why don't you contact her and explain the situation?

    • +6

      this anyone in today's age should be aware of the impact of social media on thier career. Pretty unintelligent to link her personal social media accounts to her workplace if that sort of content is there, this is the same reason teachers change thier fb names. But give her a chance to learn instead of contacting the organization

  • Why don't you let us contact her?😁

  • +51

    So now as well as being paid minimum wage to look after your pretend most important thing in the world, your child, while you go off and earn the most important thing in the world, money, you expect the child care workers to be sexless in case the children are damaged in some vague undefined way?

    Remember, money is more important than the kids as illustrated by you offloading them to someone who might damage them by being sexual in some way not around your child. I'd be worried about what the bank teller is up to, never know how the money might be damaged by them not being a virgin.

    • -3

      Now don't hold back with your judgement – tell us what you really think! Otherwise, you might miss out on the opportunity to really hurt someone's feelings!

    • +2

      I wouldn't say she expect her to be sexless though. She expect her not too share her sex pictures and BDSM lifestyle.

      Some comments also said that whatever they do in (private) life is their business… I agree, but when you share your private life openly, that is not private anymore, is it?

      Let's pretend this happens to a famous politician, are our opinions still the same?

      To answer the OP question though, I would just find another childcare. You should report it in order to get her stop sharing her private life, not to get her fired/humiliated. Think of the best way to report it anonymously and privately. Should look to a different childcare anyway. because after reporting her, you wouldn't trust her to take care of your children, would you?

  • +134

    So a lady that has accidentally left the security settings of an instagram account open is just about to be dragged through a whole world of shame and possibly loose her job, just because you all feel like entitled "anonymous internet users".

    Send her a PM message, let her know that her account settings are open and there is some "risqué" images visible and her reply will tell you everything about what sort of a person she is. If she replies with a F-off i wouldn't send my kid there. If she replies with a "thanks for that, i didnt realise" then she is just a normal person, and I'm sure you kid will be fine. I am willing to bet the second scenario is more likely.

    If you send her the PM, you are being a good person. If you don't, you are not being a good person. If you name and shame her, or contact her boss, you are being a A-hole.

    These sort of moral dilemmas are easy to work out, every time, just imagine yourself in their shoes, and ask yourself what you would like to happen.

    When did "do as you would be done by" disappear?

    • +13

      Perfect response.

      • Agree - this is the correct way to handle it. Do it very friendly and non-judgemental and be very diplomatic / along the lines of you were researching Childcare centres and were looking at that centre and for hashtags around that centre and found where she had hash tagged the centre. Then because her profile is open, you were also able to see her private photos. then suggest that it may be preferable to her employer to make her profile more secure so that her non-tagged images are not visible to her employers and concerned parents.

        Whether or not to add that today some employers and potential employers monitor their employees social profiles and in that industry, parents will check and judge too is something I would have to think about.

        I personally prefer private direct approach before considering anything else - in all scenarios (except illegal of course( and workplace politics too).

    • -3

      +1 blackmail material for the boss

    • +5

      Or you could just message her and ask if she'd like you to tie her up.

    • +1

      We know only a few sketchy facts, and you are already certain? Wow.

      "Do as you would be done by" disappears after reading zillions of stories like for example this one:…

      Looking at up votes here, for vast majority of people the most appropriate and most popular response is… a joke. Guilt, blame and a sense of responsibility about matters affecting their children may (or may not) come later. These sort of moral dilemmas are easy to work out for people with very poor observing and learning capabilities.

    • +1

      Hey, the internet horde is not supposed to be reasonable?!

  • +4

    I'll stick up for OP here.

    I think it is unprofessional to connect your personal social media to your workplace if that social media contains anything that may cause offense or upset to other people, or embarrassment to your employer or things like that.

    This is no moral or value judgement on what people do in their personal life, merely you need to be sensible and smart in what you share and with who and any public associations you make. As OP says he didn't go seeking pics of the employer, he just effortlessly clicked her name from a pic of the workplace and that's where the trail led. Anyone else could do this. I would suggest it was naive of the employee and careless.

    Of course, as others say, if this were reported it could adversely affect her employment if she has employers who are a bit shitty and put it on file instead of just privately cautioning her to review what she shares online.

    OP is within his rights, as are doubtlessly other parents who saw the same things, to go elsewhere.

    Of course, this leaves the situation exactly as it is. I would be inclined to send a message to the employee via social media and simply and dispassionately let her know her pics show by looking for the school and she might like to review what she shares.

    • +9

      I would check that she actually does work at the child care centre. The shot at the Child Care Centre might be an old one and she doesn't work there anymore anyway. Or alternatively the shots on Instagram are old and were taken years ago before she started working in Child Care. What people do in their private life - might shock a lot of people. You'd never know about their "other life" unless pics were put up and proper security hadn't been applied.
      Child Care workers can be very transient because of the low wages and the poor conditions. Lots of parents go to work because they prefer it to looking after their children. So don't make your decision based on a surprise into someone's private life. And definitely don't be the one who couldn't help yourself to spill the beans to the employer. I bet if you did do that - then you couldn't bring yourself to enrol there anyway because they would know something personal about you.

  • +17

    The images are inappropriate according to you, not according to the Fair Work Act or possibly not even according to the child care centre's employment agreement. This person is under no obligation to conduct themselves in any way in their private life other than by behaving in accordance with the law.

    The worst thing this person did was tag herself in a work post on her personal Instagram. That might have been done by someone else that works there, not her. Or her location settings might be inadvertently turned on without her knowing. If either of these things happened and the worker did not intend for her personal Instagram to be connected with her work one, then contacting her employer would be pretty inappropriate and unfair of you.

    You have no idea what people who interact with you every day of your life do in their own time. And being submissive in bed has nothing to do with that person's ability to care for your child. She could have become your favourite worker there and you would have had no idea, had you not chosen to be a total stickybeak under the guise of protecting your child from the evils of sexual exploration.

    Be honest with yourself about what your real problem here is. You're testing the ability of employees at that workplace to lock down their social media, not be a saint in their personal sex lives. If you didn't discover the contents of this person's Instagram because it was set to private, you would have assumed it was ok and probably gone ahead with this place.

    By all means vote with your feet if the idea that an employee at a child care centre doesn't have the same values about sexuality as you, but don't try to ruin someone's employment just because you don't agree with their personal sex life choices.

  • +16

    Stop being such a farking prude. This is all part of the problem with our society. So she enjoys BDSM. Sounds like you could probably do with a bit of action.

    • +4

      What if she was a "he"? Would that change peoples thinking?

      • +7

        My childcare centre had a male carer and it was the best thing injecting some testosterone into that place, the kids really responded well. I never stalked him on instagram so I do not know if he enjoyed BDSM but then again, the very old large female centre director looks like the type who would be into BDSM but peoples personal life is just that..personal. I am sure I do things in my personal life that would offend some prudes but unless these carers are into kids I see no reason for it to be an issue what they do at home

      • +2

        It absolutely would make a difference…he would be crucified by the media & the extremely vocal man-hating PC community in general.

        • -2

          Oh the poor poor men! No one ever thinks of them!

  • +4

    I think there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

    People's personal lives and professional lives are separate. That's all there is to it.

  • Actually some employees are required to have a certain code of conduct - and this can be deemed by the workplace or the profession. For example, government workers, teachers, health professionals etc. health professionals have an ethical standards code as well as s legal code of practice plus employer standards to think about.

    In Today's world it is also very foolish to criticise your employer openly, as I've seen many colleagues do on Facebook. Also any content that is not showing the right tone is foolish for anyone as employers and potential employers do check out your social profiles. So even if it is a personal account, it makes no difference. Obviously this employer does not or they just have not seen it yet. I would expect that industry would be very careful about their staff.

    As I've said in a reply, private message them (see above for outline). This could save her job if the employer just hadn't found it yet! Many people just go not know how to use the security settings.

  • +1

    My son is attending day care. We've been to 2 different ones and he still likes the first one way more than the second one. So we take him back to the first daycare even though it's an hour away from where we live.

    There are a lot of things to consider when choosing a daycare. For us, what matters is how the staff conduct themselves at the care centre than what they do at home. As long as it doesn't affect my child and other children that he mingles with, it's none of my concern. The staff in the second daycare didn't give a sh-t about the kids. Eg shelves fell on my son because it wasn't secured, kids bullying, segregation between boys (the 'stronger' gender) to the girls, presence of nails as play tool for children aged 3-5 years.

    What I'm trying to say is if her performance is good at work. She's attentive to kids, show compassion and a good carer, her private life shouldn't be dragged in and risk her losing her job. There are more important things like her professional behaviour and attitude that matter, not what she does privately.

    What I strongly recommend you to do is have play dates before enrolling to get a feel what the daycare is like. Daycare is expensive. Once you are enrolled, you need to give a few weeks notice before quitting.

  • +4

    In my experience those who are open to sexuality and playing with power (bdsm) are far more balanced and capable than most, particularly with interacting with children. I do not see it as a problem for a day care center worker to be 'into' that, nor for that matter, a primary school teacher. I would be happy enough knowing that this person is comfortable with themself.

    The only problem i see is that she hasn't thought about her social media privacy (or maybe she doesn't care)

  • -5

    BDSM is a generic term that covers all sorts of activity. It includes those who enjoy giving and receiving pain and dominating vulnerable individuals.
    If a person has a propensity to that kind of behaviour then maybe you won't want them looking after your precious child.

    • +5

      My understanding is that, one of the most important concepts about bdsm is consent and trust between both parties. It's not about abusing vulnerable people, that is not bdsm, that is rape/sexual abuse etc.

  • Some great advice given here regards Private Messaging her as she's not been very wise photo tagged to Instagram. I'm guessing though that you will now never be 100% happy & secure with your child at this centre as this will always be at the back of your mind. My recommendation to Mums is to always trust your gut instinct. Good luck in finding the best placement for your child.

  • +4 In the sunshine state there is this standard.

    This answers your question. Do they hold the card or other State equivalent?

    If that is standard leave well enough alone ! If not, do not go there, but you may 'wish' to get involved if you really have a concern for the welfare of the charges.

    If you needed to ask !? it seems you may be seeking permission to do a course of action and then allocate blame if it blows up.

    If you can't sleep with this " matter " don't go out with it

  • Jesus titty (profanity) Christ…

    Why would you post to a public forum, rather than discreetly messaging said person? You're basically willing to entrust a stranger with your spawn, and ask a public forum what you should do, but you have your (presumably tidy whiteys) underpants in a twist over some (presumably) consnensual, pictures?

    Message the poor woman rather than trying to beat up internet outrage.

  • +1

    "I'm sure this would be deemed inappropriate for a primary/secondary teacher" What is inappropriate to you doesn't mean inappropriate for someone else. You just remind me about those idiot who want to force people to do what they think is right. Someone sexual preference is non of your business. Personally i dont care what someone else is doing in their private life as long as its not harming me in anyway. So if i decided to believe that your username is totally inappropriate and very rude to me and went to report you to your employer would you be happy about it? If you like the place then send your kid there, if you dont like it then go somewhere else. Please get a life.

  • +6

    Get a life OP

  • +12

    "Lots of taped up nipples"

    I am not sure that really is anything to worry about, shes covering up the tiny bit of skin that seems to offend people the most (especially instagram) so what is the actual problem? If OP is that much of a Prude just go elsewhere, stick your head in the sand and pretend every other worker has no sex life and lives like a nun in their personal lives just so you feel ok leaving your kid with them while they are at work….you know work? the place where you go and conform to whatever is required in return for a pay cheque and then once you leave work you do whatever you like within the bounds of the law and hopefully without the judgement of prudes?

  • +1

    Surely this is a troll post, otherwise the morals of the OP are the problem?

    • +1

      Probably, given they created an account just for this

    • morals are a bitch arn't they

  • +9

    Oh shit.

    What about all the people I deal with with interests, religions, political opinions or sexual preferences which don't align with mine?

    I was at McDonald's the other day and the person behind the counter looked like they supported Day Light Savings, but gosh darn it, I'm against that.

    I'm never eating McNuggets again.

  • +1

    Probably just contact her so she can remove the link between her business and personal media

  • Is she single ?

  • -7

    To be blunt, if I was able to find out those kinds of details just from Googling someone's name, then that person has shown an incredible lack of judgement. Not for the acts themselves, but for being a 'professional' yet not severing the link between risqué personal acts and work.

    Lots of high and mighty people telling OP that's it's none of their business.I wonder how many of those people would be thinking the same way if it was their kid.

    It's kind of like in Fitzroy/Collingwood (Melbourne) - the heart of Green voters nationwide. The locals advocated heavily for asylum seekers to be set up in those areas years ago (always had crime there, but there has been a significant increase as a result of primarily Sudanese immigration), yet the vast majority of the locals now refuse to send their kids to the same public schools as the people they advocated so heavily for.

    It's hilarious to see the hypocrisy, the divergence from what people say to what they actually do, unfold.

  • You could have chat to her about setting on facebook leave it at that .

  • +6

    Send her this OzB thread.

  • Is your kid smart enough to find her Insta and make sense of the photos? Probably not.

    So who cares.

    • But DAD is then mum find out kid not in day care any more.

  • Nice.

  • -4

    Maybe you're just upset because you conceived your child with plain old vanilla sex.

    People like you shouldn't breed, especially when you just have children to palm then off to someone else. Children aren't a novelty. If you can't look after your child full time, don't have them!!

    Being abandoned daily by your parents is what'll damage your child, not some worker handcuffing someone late at night outside of work hours.

    • What are you on about?

      • +2

        He/she suggesting the mother and father should not work Full time and be a full time parent.

        We call this the "high horse desease".

  • +1

    You have two options - ship your kid off to this child care - or don't. You are not going to find the validation you seek here.

  • +3

    People have trouble dealing with sexual honesty.

  • +1

    could you provide the username for said person, for scientific purposes

  • +2

    Best thing is for the OP to go into each prospective child care centre, sit and interview the child carer workers.

    We need more child carer workers not less. Child care workers have to undergo Police checks, get paid minimum wages, have no career advancement and manage scores of unruly kids. These people are super heroes. They deserve to let off some steam and have a little happiness. I'd rather have a happy worker looking after kids than an angry one.

    The OP's rationale doesn't make sense. The lady in the Instagram has the same right to own an Instagram page as anyone else, to express herself the way she likes. She also has the right to choose any job she wants. What right does the OP have to take any of this away from another person?

    I'm a guy and I feel sad that there are women holding other women back.

    In terms of fears I don't think there is much to worry about. I'm not a specialist but there are no BDSM shops that cater for toddlers. I don't think the OP's child is her type.

  • +5

    As I understand the OP it is not about what the child care worker does outside of work, but rather: is her lifestyle going to somehow affect the way she interacts with my child? Most replies miss the point completely by surgically separating both and assume that a "hobby" will be completely left outside the centre door.

    THINK: if a child care worker hobby is music, she is a keen player and composer, would you not expect your child to have some exposure to music, and some music related activities?

    But… some checks were already performed, you should always trust the authorities to do things properly. Do not worry your pretty little head, dear. Get life (classic, this one).

    I applaud the OP for questioning, thinking, asking for advice, showing interest. No specific advice; we do not have full details (nor should we). But in principle the OP does the right thing. Respect.

    • Great comment! Very balanced.

  • +2

    You are a stalker and people in glass houses should not throw stones. I guess you are Mother Theresa right?

  • +1

    One would think that having a childcare worker who understands the meaning of discipline would be a bonus..

  • +1

    I pretty much got dumped for bringing up something like this, my ex girlfriend was a primary school teacher at a public school and she was a bit of a spoilt princess from a well off family and she was friends with parents and teachers from the school on facebook. She had this quote on her facebook which said 'Public school kids go to beach houses for summer holidays, private school kids own them.' I said dont you think thats a bit rich considering you work at a public school? And yeah it didnt go down well and she dropped me soon after lol.

    • +2

      Sounds like you dodged a bullet there.

  • +1

    what she does in her private life really doesnt matter if it has no affect during school/childcare

  • +4

    I'm going to go on a rant here, but this is a rant I need to have because I am absolutely fed up with this litigious culture where we have become so politically correct that we wish to report every single little thing we see. It is completely and utterly ridiculous that it has come to the point where people don't have any COMMON SENSE.

    If the person is doing something you don't like, then just go away and let them be. If they're not hurting anyone, let them live their life. Just use your bloody brain and send your kid somewhere else if you don't want that lady looking after your child. Is it really even that hard?

    Why would you report her, or sue her, or make her life difficult? What joy does that bring you apart from feeling like you're morally superior. This is actually a genuine problem with society at large, it seems like everyone is just hell bent on proving that they are morally superior to other people that they take the high ground, that they become touchy and easily insulted, that they forgo any sort of common sense, instead arguing on "the principle of the matter" on matters that have no principle and are simply not important.

    I see this all the time. The other day when I was driving, traffic was slow and a car tried to left turn into slow moving traffic. The car in front of me didn't want to let them through, so pulled down their window and started berating the other driver about "right of way". Does anybody care? Not only have they wasted their own time, but they unnecessarily caused drama on the road. I'd say just let the bloody car through, if they don't want to, that's fine, just go and let them be, someone else will let them through.

    This is exactly the same bullsh!t that you see elsewhere in the world where bakeries are getting sued for refusing to make a cake for a gay couple. Why are people so idiotic, if they don't want to bake you a cake, just get your fu*cking cake from somewhere else. Why do you want to get your cake from them so badly that you would sue them. What do you even get out of that apart from being able to step on them and say "hey I'm right and morally superior to you", it's just litigation and school yard bullying gone mad. Just leave their store, perhaps tell them how hurt you are or whatever and find another store that will gladly bake you a cake. What a waste of taxpayer dollars on this completely stupid court case.

    Now to bring this back. OP, just use your head. Why do you want other people's opinion? You just came here to spur outrage and get people to come out with the pitchforks and be on your side. You just wanted to seem morally superior and step on someone else to make yourself feel big. You might not admit it, but that's natural human emotion/actions. Can't you just think about it and make the decision as to whether you want to send your child there or not without seeking attention from a bargain community and reporting her to whatever wasting everybody's time and money?

    Seriously, is it really that bloody hard? To be honest with you, I doubt whatever we say on here will even change your mind? If you've already decided that you don't want this woman looking after your child then just move on.

    Sorry for the rant, but I am seriously just so sick of people creating fusses about nothing and wasting everybody's time for no other reason than to inflate their own moral stature and ego.

    • +1


      People just want to be sooky lalas and stomp their feet for attention instead of letting be.

    • @paulsterio: you are correct. And you are completely off topic.

      Looking at one post above yours, @Davo1111 said exactly the same thing (took him/her one line), and noted: "if it has no affect during school/childcare"

      The OP is about this IF.

      I give you an example: a bank manager advising me how to invest my hard earned money regularly attends Gamblers Anonymous Australia meetings.
      * @Davo1111 says: this is his private life, not my business IF it has no effect on my investment with this bank.
      * You say: do not inflate your personal morals, is it really that bloody hard to change the bank?
      * The OP is asking: would you people alert someone to protect your investment and investment of other people, what do you think?

      To paraphrase what you said: seriously, is it really that bloody hard to understand what the OP is asking and stop this TAN about Life, the Universe and Everything?

      • I didn't phrase myself well, but I really think this "if" shouldn't be asked at all. I think it's a really terrible thing that people assume others are somehow incapable of acting professionally, that their personal behaviour somehow influences their ability to perform their job and that others are lacking in integrity. I've seen people get fired over social media posts and other things which have nothing to do with their ability to do their job.

        I'll go with the example of the bank manager - you're saying that basically because he's a problem gambler, there is some chance that he is not good at advising people to invest their money.

        I agree that that can have an effect, but what about if he was lazy and didn't research his investments properly, what if he chronically doesn't get a good nights' sleep and therefore makes poor decisions, what if he is a divorcee and has some particular vengeance against happy married families, what if he just doesn't like you and wants to ruin your life…etc.

        We could go here and list out hundreds of character traits that could lead to him not doing his job properly. I don't know about you, but I think this sets a pretty dangerous precedent. This means that a potential employer can use very vague personal traits to judge you rather than use merit. I don't understand why you would want to do this when you can look at things such as their work history, what their clients say about them and their past performance as indicators of how competent they are in their job.

        I think it is very worrying that people lose their jobs over issues which are not performance related. Why do you think this happens? This happens because of this moral stomping issue that I'm talking about. Instead of trying to judge the childcare worker based on character traits, why not judge her on her job performance - talk to other parents who send their kids there, go for a visit and see how she does her job…etc. Isn't that just the much more logical thing to do?

        Fair enough, I'm being completely off-topic, but this is a real problem, especially as it pertains to employment.

  • +3

    "I am seriously just so sick of people creating fusses about nothing and wasting everybody's time for no other reason than to inflate their own moral stature and ego".
    Thanks for the demo!

    • Thanks for the demo!

      Yes, you're funny, but the difference is, nobody has to read my rant.

      If people make complaints or send things to court, they have to be dealt with, often in slow, expensive and bureaucratic ways which end up wasting everybody's time, money and making other people's lives harder when we all should just use common sense and live and let live.

      I'm not an opponent of free speech, people can (and should) say what they want to. If OP wants to confront the childcare worker about it, then so be it, that's their issue, but there's absolutely no reason to file complaints and engage in stomp on each other using public resources and time.

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