Ships from China. 2-4 week delivery.
Cheap enough so I picked one up just in case I need a spare.
Ships from China. 2-4 week delivery.
Cheap enough so I picked one up just in case I need a spare.
no its not only allows you 2 buy 1 and 1 only and you wont have issues
no its not only allows you 2 buy 1 and 1 only and you wont have issues.
That is almost incomprehensible LOL
Punctuation. Try it.
So why is this a bargain? These are $1 every day of the week and from multiple sources, not only on eBay but other sites also.
They normally go for $4-5 delivered on eBay so this is about 75-80% off.
Could you provide some links to these 'multiple sources' you mention because I couldn't find them. Next cheapest I could find was $1.50 and that was also from a Chinese store doing a sale.
Type USB mouse in the eBay search bar and sort low to high.
Those are all manipulated search results with the only thing available for $1 being a Mouse Pad.
Above are ALL the $1 listings. If you click on any of them you'll see that you can't actually buy a mouse for $1.
These are $1 every day of the week and from multiple sources, not only on eBay but other sites also.
I've just shown you that they are NOT $1 on eBay.
What are these other sites? I'd love to see them, but something tells me that you just won't find the time to look them up :P
Just got myself a new gaming PC. I have no money for a mouse so this is perfect.
You'll probably regret it.
I purchased 50, used my APPY15 code. 50 mice for $35 delivered. Enough supply for a few months of gaming.
If $35 will only last got a few months, that's horrid value. Best to invest in a g502 or the like for the same price and use it for years to come.
my favourite collective nouns are for baboons and drummers
@ChillBro: Maybe he destroy his mouse after losing the game(out of anger) and so 50 mouse would last him much longer.
Actually… they are getting pretty damn good!
After I receive them it says I will be
Cool and Fashion
Surely it must cost more for the material used in these?
they must have made it in obscenely large quantities at the lowest price possible, but there is no market for it (because the quality is so poor) so might as well cut losses and sell it for a buck each.
Um … no?
I knew where i saw this mouse, its the cm storm clone alot of retailers stock with a keyboard and mouse bundle. $30-60
While the cm storm glows its a piece of shit. you sweat or use it on glass, or pad it reacts poorly and guck acumulates over time. while this was chinese made i wonder what would be for $1
Some of the feedback on mice they've sold:
"dont working"
"dont run"
"Mouse looking great but middle button scrolling not working as it supposed to"
"mouse wheel is not working as it should"
And my favourite:
"Definitely works like a 0.99 mouse, looks really nice though!"
Although a lot of others like it:
"Amazing quality for the price. I been paying 8 times more for same quality mouse"
It won't be like a $30-100 mouse, but may be ok as one to chuck in a bag to use sometimes
be like a $30-100 mouse, but may be ok as one to chuck in a bag to use sometimes
Be perfect for use in your electric mobile home
thanks op, broguht the mouse becuase it matches my joggers
Brought them together to prove their style matches?? Don't forget to take a photo and show us!
Where did you bring them?
this mouse sux i have it and it does not even track properly. skips like mad. i would take a ball mouse over this
Mine arrived this morning. Been using it all day to test it out and have yet to experience any issues. Maybe you got a dud?
Also got mine today works great, thanks for posting the deal.
received mine. not too shabby. works perfectly fine. Will throw it on the pile of other stuff that I bought but don't need at the moment (but might need in the future)
@altomic: Ha ha it's good to know I'm not the only one, in fact mine has become 2 piles might need in the near future and the other might need in the distant future.
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