• expired

[Steam] Top Bundles and Packages in The Steam Sale


I found this post on Reddit listing the best bundles and packages with at least 3 games on the Steam sale.

All credit goes to the reddit post here:

Please note that since this list is from a USA poster some of these bundles will be more expensive for us even though they are still priced in USD because there is regional pricing set by some publishers for Australians :( some bundles may also be unvailable in our region.


Here is the post in its entirety:

In Steam, the packages are old style where the price is set and games that you already own are a wasted purchase. The bundles are the new style, where games you already own have their price subtracted from the bundle. This list shows the price the bundle would cost if you didn't own any of the games. Both lists are sorted by Price Per Game. (If you have Reddit Enhancement Suite then you can sort the tables however you want, but let me know if you think I should sort it a different way by default!)


Title Discount $USD Games $ Per Game
Back To Basics Mixer Bundle 86% 0.75 11 0.07
16Bit Nights Bundle 88% 0.24 3 0.08
Back In Time Bundle 88% 0.24 3 0.08
Pug Life Bundle 80% 0.29 3 0.1
Fun with Physics Bundle 75% 0.49 4 0.12
"Digital Homicide" Super Saver Discount Sale Bundle 75% 0.44 3 0.15
God Bundle 70% 0.59 4 0.15
Digital Homicide Mega Pack 65% 3.23 18 0.18
JRPG Happiness Love Bundle 70% 1.09 6 0.18
Digital Homicide Summer Sale Saver #1 65% 2.03 11 0.18
Digital Homicide Summer Sale Saver #2 65% 2.03 11 0.18
Puzzle Bundle 70% 0.74 4 0.19
Monster Mayhem Bundle 70% 0.94 5 0.19
Top-Down Action Bundle by New Reality Games 60% 0.78 4 0.2
SHMUPers Bundle 70% 0.59 3 0.2
Platformer Bundle 75% 1.19 6 0.2
Space Bundle 70% 0.80 4 0.2
The Big One 65% 4.37 21 0.21
Super Mega Bundle by New Reality Games 60% 1.64 7 0.23
Infernal Dream Collection 55% 0.71 3 0.24
Camaquem Casual 50% 0.73 3 0.24
Developer Alliance Pack 2 70% 0.74 3 0.25
Platformer Bundle by New Reality Games 60% 1.38 5 0.28
Zonitron Productions Mixed Pack 40% 1.18 4 0.3
Lilly and Sasha Bundle 34% 0.97 3 0.32
Awesome Games Bundle 50% 0.98 3 0.33
Space Pilgrim Saga 33% 1.31 4 0.33
Hipix Studio Bundle 30% 1.72 4 0.43
Nova Dimension Games 50% 2.42 5 0.48
Astronomic Games 60% 2.44 5 0.49
Data Hacker Trilogy 50% 2.16 4 0.54
Half-Life Complete 40% 7.27 11 0.66
Half-Life 1 Anthology 45% 2.73 4 0.68
Dagestan Technology Complete Pack 30% 8.92 12 0.74
Microblast Games Bundle 25% 3.33 4 0.83
Meridian4 Action Bundle 25% 5.96 7 0.85
Cleverweek Games Complete 30% 5.12 6 0.85
Meridian4 Arcade Bundle 25% 4.31 5 0.86
Summer Sale Bundle #2 - Limited Studio Pack 25% 5.96 6 0.99
Endless Loop Collection 40% 4.12 4 1.03
OtakuMaker Studio Pack - Part #2 25% 6.18 6 1.03
OtakuMaker Studio Pack - All Games 30% 17.82 15 1.19
Telltale Collection 33% 58.19 47 1.24
Meridian4 Publisher Bundle 25% 24.77 20 1.24
Valve Complete Pack 55% 31.73 25 1.27
Counter-Strike 1 Anthology 40% 8.08 6 1.35
OtakuMaker Studio Pack - Part #1 25% 8.51 6 1.42
Worms Collection 48% 13.73 9 1.53
Pixel Puzzles Complete Pack 32% 7.82 5 1.56
Storm Sharks 45% 4.99 3 1.66
Merge Games Mega Bundle 25% 56.29 33 1.71
Libredia XXL Adventure Bundle 30% 17.08 10 1.71
Lonely Troops Collection 25% 12.70 7 1.81
Summer Sale Bundle #1 - Limited Studio Pack 25% 11.51 6 1.92
Left 4 Dead Bundle 25% 5.99 3 2
Choice of Games High Adventure Bundle 25% 8.00 4 2
Choice of Games Superpowers Bundle 25% 14.17 7 2.02
Choice of Games Urban Fantasy Bundle 25% 12.49 6 2.08
Heroes Rise Trilogy 50% 6.43 3 2.14
Choice of Games Sci Fi Bundle 25% 8.77 4 2.19
Daedalic Adventure Bundle II 45% 10.97 5 2.19
Broken Sword: Complete Pack 30% 11.06 5 2.21
Choice of Games Literary Bundle 25% 16.06 7 2.29
The Caiys Collection 33% 7.01 3 2.34
Frozenbyte Collection 2016 40% 14.27 6 2.38
Every Game from Choice of Games 25% 73.44 30 2.45
Choice of Games Sword and Sorcery Bundle 25% 12.34 5 2.47
Trinelogy 30% 7.50 3 2.5
Rake in Grass Bundle 30% 12.56 5 2.51
Every Game from Hosted Games 25% 23.56 9 2.62
Classic Wargames 50% 11.23 4 2.81
Mysterious Places Bundle 30% 11.87 4 2.97
Detective Stories Bundle 30% 12.57 4 3.14
Fantasy Worlds Bundle 30% 12.57 4 3.14
Legends & Myths Bundle 30% 12.57 4 3.14
NEOGEO Bundle 36% 20.12 6 3.35
Adult Swim Games 34% 45.13 13 3.47
BioShock Triple Pack 32% 10.52 3 3.51
Best of HeroCraft - Developer Bundle 25% 18.26 5 3.65
Milkstone Studios Complete Collection 25% 15.42 4 3.86
Might and Magic Heroes Bundle 25% 16.84 4 4.21
Nival Steam Bundle 25% 25.82 6 4.3
Tripwire Complete Bundle 45% 40.88 9 4.54
Pyrodactyl Complete pack 30% 13.96 3 4.65
Counter-Strike Complete 35% 24.36 5 4.87
Roll7 RETROspective 25% 17.23 3 5.74
Fearsome Shadows Bundle 30% 23.77 4 5.94
Saints Row Ultimate Franchise 65% 26.00 4 6.5
Borderlands Quadruple Pack 41% 26.21 4 6.55
Ubisoft Arcade Bundle 25% 45.88 7 6.55
Borderlands Triple Pack 40% 21.56 3 7.19
Amplitude Endless Pack 25% 33.99 3 11.33
JMJ Films + Games Bundle 33% 37.61 3 12.54
Resident Evil/Biohazard Collector's Pack 37% 66.28 5 13.26
The Complete GRID Bundle 30% 55.14 3 18.38


Title Discount $USD Games $ Per Game
Zonitron Productions Ten Games Pack 90% 0.79 10 0.08
Art Appreciation Pack 83% 0.50 3 0.17
Labyronia Bundle 83% 0.50 3 0.17
The GooBundle 87% 0.51 3 0.17
New Reality Studio Pack 90% 4.99 23 0.22
EQ Games Puzzle Pack 90% 0.99 4 0.25
JRPG Bundle 90% 0.99 4 0.25
Hyperspace Pack 90% 0.79 3 0.26
Excalibur Sim Bundle 90% 0.99 3 0.33
Teddy Floppy Ear Bundle 90% 1.09 3 0.36
Developer Alliance Bundle 90% 1.49 4 0.37
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Collection 75% 1.24 3 0.41
Commandos Collection 85% 1.94 4 0.49
Elven Legacy Collection 75% 1.99 4 0.5
Half-Life 2: Episode One 80% 1.59 3 0.53
Quell Collection 80% 1.59 3 0.53
YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Classic Pack 75% 4.99 9 0.55
MacVenture Series Collection 75% 2.24 4 0.56
Two Tribes Classics Pack 83% 1.69 3 0.56
X-COM: Complete Pack 80% 2.99 5 0.6
Heavy Fire + Reload Triple Pack 73% 1.88 3 0.63
Agricultural Simulator Anthology 90% 1.99 3 0.66
Dracula Trilogy 80% 1.99 3 0.66
Pinball Thrills Triple Pack 80% 1.99 3 0.66
Cossacks and American Conquest Pack 75% 4.99 7 0.71
World of Animals - Pets 'n Pals Collection 75% 4.99 7 0.71
7,62 High Calibre, 7,62 Hard Life, Brigade E5: New Jagged Union Pack 75% 2.24 3 0.75
Introversion Complete Pack 85% 2.99 4 0.75
Two Tribes Pack 85% 2.99 4 0.75
Alien Breed™ Trilogy 90% 2.29 3 0.76
Cyan Children's Pack 60% 2.39 3 0.8
The Oddboxx 75% 3.24 4 0.81
Realms of Arkania Trilogy Classic Bundle 75% 2.49 3 0.83
Arcania + Gothic Pack 90% 4.99 6 0.83
The Orange Box 75% 4.99 6 0.83
Hexcells Complete Pack 70% 2.69 3 0.9
Worms Crazy Golf Fun Pack 85% 3.74 4 0.94
KranX Complete Pack 75% 3.74 4 0.94
LucasArts Adventure Pack 75% 3.74 4 0.94
1C War Games Collection 75% 8.74 9 0.97
Hacker Complete Bundle 90% 2.99 3 1
Classic Naval Combat Pack 85% 2.99 3 1
Junior Field Trips Complete Pack 80% 2.99 3 1
Still Life Collection 80% 2.99 3 1
Supreme League of Patriots Season Pass 80% 2.99 3 1
Mommy's Best Action Pack 50% 3.99 4 1
PopCap Favorites 75% 4.99 5 1
Classic War Pack 75% 7.49 7 1.07
1C Space Collection 75% 8.74 8 1.09
Lords of the Realm Complete 66% 4.41 4 1.1
Serious Sam Complete Pack 90% 9.99 9 1.11
Complete Naval Combat Pack 85% 4.49 4 1.12
Avernum Bundle 70% 3.59 3 1.2
Anomaly Über Bundle 80% 5.99 5 1.2
Geneforge Saga 70% 5.99 5 1.2
Sinister Stories Bundle 2 88% 9.59 8 1.2
Sinister Stories Bundle 84% 9.59 8 1.2
The New Adventure Company Hits Collection 80% 17.99 15 1.2
World War II Collection by 1C 80% 10.99 9 1.22
Nordic Games Classic Mix 80% 15.99 13 1.23
Classic Explorer Pack 75% 3.74 3 1.25
Railroad Tycoon Collection 75% 3.74 3 1.25
Wizardry 6, 7, and 8 75% 3.74 3 1.25
The Guild Collection 80% 4.99 4 1.25
Theatre of War Collection 75% 4.99 4 1.25
Falcon Collection 50% 4.99 4 1.25
Classic Action Pack 75% 6.24 5 1.25
Classic Adventure Pack 75% 6.24 5 1.25
1C Strategy Collection 75% 7.49 6 1.25
Microids 30th Anniversary Bundle 85% 8.99 7 1.28
Dreamcast Collection 75% 5.24 4 1.31
Gothic Universe Edition 80% 3.99 3 1.33
The Giants Game Pack 80% 3.99 3 1.33
Broken Sword Trilogy 60% 3.99 3 1.33
Painkiller Complete Pack 90% 6.99 5 1.4
BIT.TRIP Collection 80% 9.99 7 1.43
Humongous Entertainment Complete Pack 50% 49.99 35 1.43
The Daedalic Armageddon Bundle 90% 15.99 11 1.45
Divinity Anthology 85% 4.49 3 1.5
Massive Assault Collection 75% 4.49 3 1.5
Red Faction Collection 90% 5.99 4 1.5
SpellForce Complete 90% 5.99 4 1.5
Flatout Complete Pack 85% 5.99 4 1.5
The Blackwell Bundle 70% 5.99 4 1.5
Heretic + Hexen Collection 40% 5.99 4 1.5
The Ironclads Collection 85% 7.49 5 1.5
Tex Murphy Complete Pack 75% 7.49 5 1.5
The Trip'n Balls Pack 70% 11.99 8 1.5
Cyan Complete Pack 60% 11.99 8 1.5
SimBin Mega Bundle 50% 19.99 13 1.54
Pendulo Adventure Pack 80% 7.99 5 1.6
Unreal Deal Pack 80% 7.99 5 1.6
Black Mirror Bundle 80% 4.99 3 1.66
Dungeon Siege Collection 75% 4.99 3 1.66
King's Bounty: Platinum Edition 75% 4.99 3 1.66
Overlord Classic Pack 75% 4.99 3 1.66
Gundemonium Collection 50% 4.99 3 1.66
The eXceed Collection 50% 4.99 3 1.66
X-SuperBox 75% 9.99 6 1.67
Disney Mega Pack: Wave 2 75% 14.99 9 1.67
Mumbo Jumbo Collection 50% 39.99 23 1.74
Men of War: Collector Pack 75% 8.74 5 1.75
Pajama Sam Complete Pack 50% 12.49 7 1.78
THQ Classics 80% 17.99 10 1.8
Tomb Raider Collection 75% 19.99 11 1.82
Disney Mega Pack 75% 27.49 15 1.83
King's Bounty: Collector's Pack 75% 7.49 4 1.87
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: The Complete Edition 75% 7.49 4 1.87
Complete Shooter Pack 50% 7.49 4 1.87
QUAKE Collection 40% 14.99 8 1.87
Codename: Panzers Bundle 80% 5.99 3 2
3079/3089/4089 Triple Pack 60% 5.99 3 2
Braveland Trilogy 60% 5.99 3 2
Wolf Pack 40% 5.99 3 2
Bridge Constructor Bundle 60% 7.99 4 2
The Rad Pack 60% 7.99 4 2
Arma X: Anniversary Edition 80% 9.99 5 2
Daedalic Adventure Bundle 80% 9.99 5 2
Grand Theft Auto Collection 80% 9.99 5 2
Hitman Collection 75% 9.99 5 2
King's Bounty: Ultimate Edition 75% 9.99 5 2
Spy Fox Complete Pack 50% 9.99 5 2
Pro Simulator Pack 80% 13.99 7 2
Freddi Fish Complete Pack 60% 13.99 7 2
Double Fine Bundle 2015 80% 19.99 10 2
Putt-Putt Complete Pack 60% 19.99 10 2
Daedalic - Gigantic Bundle 82% 28.79 14 2.06
Deus Ex Collection 75% 8.24 4 2.06
Animation Arts Bundle 75% 12.49 6 2.08
Disney Princess and Fairy Pack 75% 12.49 6 2.08
Capy Games Bundle 75% 8.74 4 2.19
Overlord Ultimate Collection 75% 8.74 4 2.19
Disney Other-Worldly Adventure Pack 75% 17.49 8 2.19
Doom Classic Complete 40% 8.99 4 2.25
The Book of Unwritten Tales Collection 90% 6.99 3 2.33
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Master Collection 75% 9.49 4 2.37
Nancy Drew Collector Pack 40% 47.98 20 2.4
Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy 75% 7.49 3 2.5
Port Royale 3 Gold and Patrician IV Gold - Double Pack 75% 7.49 3 2.5
Air Conflicts Collection 70% 7.49 3 2.5
Nightmares from the Deep Collection 70% 7.49 3 2.5
Time Mysteries Collection 70% 7.49 3 2.5
Luxor Collection 50% 19.99 8 2.5
Arma 2: Complete Collection 80% 7.99 3 2.66
Sacred Franchise Pack 80% 7.99 3 2.66
Grotesque Tactics Complete Pack 60% 7.99 3 2.66
METAL SLUG Bundle 50% 7.99 3 2.66
The ASTRO SAGA - 5 Game Bundle 29% 13.48 5 2.7
The Daedalic Comedy Selection 75% 11.24 4 2.81
Thief Collection 75% 11.24 4 2.81
The Dark Eye Universe Bundle 85% 8.99 3 3
Ultrabundle 52% 11.99 4 3
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Deluxe Bundle 70% 14.99 5 3
7 Wonders Collection 50% 14.99 5 3
Company of Heroes Complete Pack 75% 9.24 3 3.08
Paradox Indie Bundle 75% 12.49 4 3.12
RPGs by Spiders Studios 75% 12.49 4 3.12
Saints Row Ultimate Franchise Pack 75% 12.49 4 3.12
Egosoft Collection 75% 22.49 7 3.21
Carpe Fulgur Collection 80% 9.99 3 3.33
Risen Franchise Pack 80% 9.99 3 3.33
Disney Cars Classics 75% 9.99 3 3.33
Disney Flight and Racing 75% 9.99 3 3.33
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Bundle 75% 9.99 3 3.33
Sam and Max Complete Pack 75% 9.99 3 3.33
Brothers in Arms Pack 50% 9.99 3 3.33
Earthworm Jim Collection 50% 9.99 3 3.33
The Tale of ALLTYNEX 50% 9.99 3 3.33
Crazy Machines: Wacky Contraption Ultimate Collection 66% 16.99 5 3.4
THE KING OF FIGHTERS Triple Pack 70% 10.49 3 3.5
EA Racing Pack 75% 17.49 5 3.5
The Tale of Tales Collection 50% 10.98 3 3.66
Max Payne Complete 80% 10.99 3 3.66
Crysis Collection 75% 11.24 3 3.75
Mount & Blade Full Collection 75% 11.24 3 3.75
Midnight Mysteries Collection 50% 14.99 4 3.75
World of Ardania Bundle 75% 22.49 6 3.75
The Tale of Tales Experience 50% 22.49 6 3.75
Star Wars Classics Collection 25% 29.99 8 3.75
Fallout Classic Collection 40% 11.99 3 4
Iceberg Interactive - Cool as Ice Bundle 80% 19.99 5 4
Black Forest Games Bundle 50% 19.99 5 4
LEGO Batman Trilogy 75% 12.49 3 4.16
SPORE™ Complete Pack 75% 12.49 3 4.16
Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: Trilogy 50% 12.49 3 4.16
RollerCoaster Tycoon Classic Collection 50% 12.49 3 4.16
The eXceed Collection: Aural Brutality Edition 50% 12.49 3 4.16
X3: GoldBox 50% 12.49 3 4.16
Paths to Glory Sports Simulation Bundle 75% 29.99 7 4.28
Total War Master Collection Sept 2014 75% 29.99 7 4.28
STAR WARS™ X-Wing Bundle 40% 17.99 4 4.5
F.E.A.R. Collection 75% 13.74 3 4.58
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Master Collection 75% 13.74 3 4.58
Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth Classics Bundle 68% 19.19 4 4.8
Wargame Franchise Pack 70% 14.99 3 5
Call of Duty Warchest 50% 14.99 3 5
The Tale of ALLTYNEX Deluxe Edition 50% 14.99 3 5
Microsoft RTS Collection: Age of Empires/Age of Mythology/Rise of Nations 80% 19.99 4 5
Silent Hunter Collection 50% 19.99 4 5
Tripwire Bundle - March 2014 75% 24.99 5 5
Paradox Platinum Pack 75% 29.99 6 5
Dawn of War Franchise Pack 75% 34.99 7 5
Bohemia Interactive Bundle 63% 111.00 20 5.55
Call of Duty World War II Bundle (ROW) 50% 22.49 4 5.62
Blitzkrieg Complete Pack 50% 17.49 3 5.83
Total War Grand Master Collection 75% 41.24 7 5.89
Umihara Kawase Trilogy 40% 17.99 3 6
Dovetail Games Franchise Collection 2 70% 23.99 4 6
Company of Heroes Franchise Edition 75% 24.99 4 6.25
Paradox Grand Strategy Collection 75% 24.99 4 6.25
Stardock Bundle 2016 50% 49.99 8 6.25
Sonic Games Collection 50% 56.49 9 6.28
Sniper Elite Trilogy 75% 19.99 3 6.66
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Grand Master Collection 75% 19.99 3 6.66
Celebrat10n TrackMania2 Pack 50% 19.99 3 6.66
Heileen Bundle 50% 19.99 3 6.66
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Elite Echelon Edition 50% 19.99 3 6.66
Agarest: The Complete Saga 50% 22.49 3 7.5
Celebrat10n TrackMania Complete Pack 50% 29.99 4 7.5
Reiza Racing Simulation BUNDLE 40% 23.99 3 8
Dead Rising Collector's Pack 70% 26.99 3 9
Resident Evil 4/5/6 Pack 51% 29.39 3 9.8
Call of Duty Definitive Collection 50% 199.99 11 18.18
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Franchise Bundle 50% 69.99 3 23.33
Call of Duty: Black Ops Franchise Bundle 50% 79.99 3 26.66
Call of Duty Complete Zombies Experience 50% 89.99 3 30

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closed Comments

  • +3

    +1 OP, thankyou. Will have to take a look once work is over, so many bundles

  • I havent checked alot but the Bioshock bundle price is wrong

    Its $12.21 USD not $10.52 USD

    • +4

      Oh that's right there will be regional pricing on some of these making them more expensive for us even though it's still priced in USD :(

      Just updated the OP with a note on the regional pricing.

      • +4

        Yeah. Borderlands Quadruple Pack shows $39.03 not $26.21

        Aussie Tax strikes again

        Dont mean to be a downer but your post is somewhat misleading based on this.

        Might want to mention in the post these are for US region

        • +4

          Thanks just added the US region note and put the warning in bold now. You will find a lot of the big name publishers like THQ, Activision, EA, Bethesda will have regional pricing applied for us but a lot of the smaller indie publishers will charge us the same as the USA.

        • @Agret: Good man :-)

        • Just wait until they do actually tax anything you buy from Steam….which apparently will occur in a couple or more years from now, last I heard/read.

  • ohh Fun with Physics for 49 cents, thank OP!

  • +1

    +1 for the effort! Dont have patience to go through now.

  • +1

    Damn thats some impressive work Agret +1.

    • +14

      I just copy/pasted it over from the Reddit posting, all credit to the original poster over there.

      Edit: Ohhh it just got removed from Reddit because they didn't want a bunch of lists cluttering their deals page haha, now we are the only ones with the list :D

      • P2P at work :) in premise.

  • +2

    Technically a dupe of https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/254361, but this has better information.

    • Although because I posted the reddit page as the URL for the deal rather than the Steam store homepage now it comes up as a "reddit" store related post so maybe not the best for people trying to search for steam deals later on? Doh!

      • +3

        If the mods remove this listing for being a dupe - they better copy your formatting into the other topic as it's really helpful having it laid out the way it is in this listing.

      • I could always merge the two together, with the content from your post appearing in the comments section of the original, then putting a reference to the comment in the OP so users can find it.

        • Your avatar is what NZ could've become. #LongLiveBlackFern

        • @Nobita:

          Tell me about it.. Still disappointed, but it'll happen one day.

  • +20

    damn that was a struggle to scroll down to get to the comments xD

    • Worth it, though. ;)

    • +7

      10/10 would scroll again.

  • +2

    man I wish we had the steam controller and steamlink available here, bundle for them together is 37% off :/

    • +2

      Those prices on Amazon weren't too bad were they?

    • xbox controller and a hdmi cable will do it better and cheaper anyway.

  • +1

    Stardew Valley 20% off

  • been waiting for a cheap Rise of the tomb raider.. anyone know if its cheap/in one of the bundles?

  • anyone recommend any games that would suit 4/7 year old kids who might use a PS4 controller to play together?

    • +5

      Any of the Lego games? My 6/7 year old boys LOVE them. Not too violent either.

    • +1

      I seconded the recommendation of the Lego games. Here's a good site to help find you some games:


      Just tick couch coop and split screen.

    • The lego marvel games are pretty good as wedge suggests. We give the likes of pac man, dig dug and galaga a run - which you can get on steam. Or you might find in BigW a PnP stick similar to this one to simply RCA to TV.

    • +1

      Also after some Lan games for children . My 10 year old son has his mates over once a fortnight for a mini lan . I can highly recommend "flat out 2" , It only requires very modest hardware and works really well . Other games they seem to enjoy playing together are Minecraft and Terraria . He also plays "Portal 2" in co-op with his mates online and at home with me . Lego games are great but all a bit same-same .
      FYI flatout 2 is down to $1.50US . Well worth it .
      Any other suggestions ?

    • +3

      Battleblock Theatre and Castle Crashers, $2.99usd each in the sale.

  • Any party games pack? Could not find word party :)

    • +2

      The You Don't Know Jack series are party games: http://store.steampowered.com/sub/33692/

      • +4

        You can get both at Bundle Stars a little cheaper currently https://www.bundlestars.com/en/bundle/the-jackbox-combo-pack

        • +4

          Thanks for mentioning this nanonoise. You can also get a 5% extra discount on any purchase from Bundle Stars by using the voucher code SAVE5.

          To be totally transparent, I work for Bundle Stars - hopefully it's within the rules for me to tell you about this extra saving :)

        • @grantgamer:

          Cool! Please post on OzB every now and then when there is a decent deal going on :) I'm sure most of us (well, some of us) will appreciate it.

  • +2

    Picked up CS:GO for $4.87 ($6.50AUD) cause I already had CS:S and the original CS and CS:CZ! :)

    Great price for those in my situation

    • Did you buy the Counter-Strike Complete bundle to get that deal?

      • +1

        yep - comes up as the full bundle price until after you put in your card details
        it also came up on the CS:GO page when I went to look at that (saying you owned 3 items in this bundle - buy the remaining for a discount)

  • +4

    Highly recommend Euro Truck Simulator – even without the bundle it was only like $7.

    • Im in, where is Doreamon btw ?

      • He's right here eating some Dorayaki.

  • +2

    Grand Theft Auto Collection does not appear to be available to us Aussies - the link redirects to the Steam homepage.

    • Same with Max Payne collection. Must be a Rockstar thing.

      • I got the max Payne pack last time. Required USA trickery

        • VPN? Careful with those, they're against Valve ToS.

        • @thescarecrow84:

          Had a yank wow guildee gift me it I think was a while ago

  • +2

    Sweet, bought the Back To Basics Mixer Bundle for $0.63 (already had 2 of the games) and IdleMaster tells me it has 24 cards. Profit!

  • If Stardew Valley is 20% off until the 5th July, worth waiting to see if it goes on a further % flash sale between now and then, or doubtful?

    • +1

      There are no flash/daily sales anymore. Whatever price is on the store is what it will stay.

    • +1

      pick it up, awesome game!

  • Great timing! Just loaded up the PayPal with USD the other day.

    • +1

      Why would you do that? PayPal exchange rate is much worse than 28degrees/citibank

      • There is no exchange rate when you're paying with USD. There was no fee in adding USD to my account either.

        • +3

          Thanks for making that clear

        • When you add USD to your paypal account although there is no fee there is still an exchange rate involved in converting the AUD from your bank into the USD PayPal balance

        • @Agret: Yes, but I'm not transferring from an AU bank account ;)

        • +6


          Is that you Malcolm!? ;-)

        • +3
  • +2

    OOOF! By the time I finishing analysing all these links….the sale for NEXT year will be on.

    Thanks OP!

  • +3

    not sure why i clicked through every single link on the list, but i did…

    nothing really for me…possibly Trine 3 at 83% off (already have 1&2).

    bought the platformer bundle the other day, should have waited!!! oh well…

    hand is now sore from all the clicking, thanks a lot OP!!! :P

  • +5

    I started a forum topic with my list of best games under $10 in the sale https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/254442 I would be interested to see other peoples lists.

    • Thankyou, having a look now

  • +1

    Costume Quest 1 & 2 Bundle is at 90% off also. Pretty good price, I guess: http://store.steampowered.com/sub/53813/

  • +1 for Metal Slug boys

  • Interesting to look at that list

    Kind of sad to think that with the advent of amazing processing and graphical power the quality of the games have got so shite. Looks good but no story

    My fave games would be
    Left 4 dead 2
    Assassins creed 2
    The last of us
    Knights of the old republic
    Battlefield bad company 2

    Gosh they are old now

    …not counting dota 2

  • Can anyone recommend games that work well with the steam controller (purchased from the amazon offer posted on OzB a couple of weeks back)

  • Great post, thanks for sharing!

  • +3

    I see the Half-Life bundle doesn't include HL3. Oh wait…

    • :(

      Why won't they just make it?

  • +2

    The Stick of Truth is 75% off as well. Epic game.

    • +1

      Censored version though.

      Pirate it if you want it.

      • Eh, I don't disagree with you but it wasn't really the dev's fault that it was censored in Australia.

        I patched my censored steam version and it got rid of the censored stuff just fine.

  • +1

    I really want the Steam Link! I know you can buy from amazon but still! Sell to Australia Steam!

    • I think you miss out on the free games if you don't buy it via Steam. If they still offer them at this point? I wish they sold directly too, I wanted to preorder it but haven't bothered to get one now.

      • Well Amazon is price matching the steam link from the steam sale. I just paid $113AU for the steam link, steam controller and shipping.

  • Bugger *** looks like I will be the first to neg this because I just spent $27 on games I will never play.

  • https://www.reddit.com/r/GameDeals/comments/4phrg8/steam_sum…

    Post you're linking to was deleted because there was already a stickied post for it.

    • The sticky only has the games that Steam decided to feature on their storefront. This post is a list of all bundles/packages on the steam store that have 3 or more games.

  • bye bye ~$240

  • Great work OP. Anyone know when the deal expires?

    • +1

      July 4th I think.

  • +2

    Metro 2033 Redux Bundle for $7.49 is a good deal from some pretty fun story-driven FPS fun :D

    • I wonder how the word 'fun' translates in Russian post-apocalyptica.

      • Hahaha must have been tired when I wrote this comment!

  • That's a lot of game to go through.
    I would be disappointed if the games I buy comes up in a future bundle :-(

  • +2

    Any good deals that aren't bundles?

    Thanks to ten billion indie games that I have no interest in, sifting through a Steam sale list is very difficult now.

  • Railroad Tycoon Collection YAY!!!
    And then I click on it and there it is… Missing!
    Bit sad as these were fantastic games.

    • Maybe region restricted? If you know someone in the USA you can PayPal they can gift it to you on Steam :)

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