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Exetel Broadband Plans from $39/Month with $0 Activation Fee until June 30 Includes NBN and ADSL

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$0 Broadband Activation Fee on all 12 month plans until June 30. Save $59.

You can get unlimited NBN plans or ADSL bundles including line rental from $59 per month.

Haters gonna hate. But they definitely save me money and in my experience my internet is always fast and connected and they've done nothing wrong except when they once jacked up prices but did a backflip.

Fine print:

The Exetel Broadband Plan Activation Fee is free. Depending on the service ordered, there may be additional up-front charges which are not a part of this promotion. These include, but are not limited to, charges such as Phone Line Activation Fee or Copper Line Installation Charges, Lead-in or Additional Cabling, Equipment Charges such as Modems, Routers or Splitters, Missed Appointment Fees or any complex on site work required to provide a functional broadband service. Residential plans only.

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closed Comments

  • +9

    I don't think this is ozbargain worthy as these are their regular prices.

    Lets be realistic here, Exetel have a bad reputation, they cheap out on their connectivity and have poor Internet speeds during peak, and if you use too much data on their unlimited plans, they will kick you off.

    TPG on the other hand cost $10 more for the exact same plans, they have very good connectivity and peak speeds and you can upload and download 24/7 and they don't mind. TPG also have free activation.

    Even if you wanted to save $10 a month, why do you want to support a company with such shady business tactics?

    Check out http://whirlpool.net.au if you want to find a decent ISP, Exetel is not one of them.

    • TPG's 500GB is actually 250GB on-peak. If 250GB is not enough, you'd then be jumping up to unlimited, which is really $20 more expensive.

      That seems to only apply to 100/40 though.

      • Why would you get 100/40 and get that plan though… You could go through your limit in a day.

    • +1

      It's a limited time deal, not regular price.

      In any case, there are plenty of "long running deals" on OzBargain.

      Lets be realistic here

      So are you speaking from experience or hearsay?

      • -2

        let me clarify.

        The monthly cost listed is the regular price.

        Exetel have a deal where you get free activation in a contract, however other companies offer this already.. so its not a deal.

  • Yeah I agree. Signed up with them on NBN. Peak times are rubbish. I'm on the 100/40 plan and get rubbish Netflix resolution and torrents don't even connect to peers. In off peak times I can max out my connection speed for torrents. Strictly legit torrents haha

    • So just got a reply to my complaint to Exetel. They say 'we not give any priority to p2p traffic.' So if they 'prioritise' everything else does this mean they are deproteinising torrents?

      • This was years ago, but I found when running torrents, even throttled to a very low speed, or just seeding, all my Exetel traffic was slowed.
        I had to turn off torrents completely to stream video at peak times.

      • The answer is yes.

        They do throttle.

      • Sorry I meant 'deprioritising'. Anyway I'm paying $89.90/month for 100/40 unlimited but due to my distance from the node the best I can get it 40/20 so I guess a 50/20 plan would be ideal but no one offers them anymore.

        Any suggestions for a replacement ISP anyone? At a similar price? We don't use the home phone at all.

        • I don't think there is a 50/20 unlimited plan that is cheaper and isn't from a random ISP with no reputation.

          Are you saying you are on fibre to the node? Thats unfortunate.

        • @samfisher5986: yeah FTTN. Here's there next reply re P2P: If your decision is to leave Exetel to someone who can better serve you with better P2P speeds, we cannot stop you, this will definitely impact Exetel as a business.

        • @Bellpop:

          What are they trying to say exactly? :/

        • @samfisher5986:

          I said I want to be able to access my maximum speed regardless of how I'm using it. They said we will try to fix Netflix but can't do anything about P2P

        • @Bellpop:

          Oh sounds like a roundabout way to say they shape traffic and their links are overloaded.

  • +2

    Exetel have a bit of a reputation for terminating customers who use too much data, but when I had technical problems their call centre was quite helpful and competent.

    Spintel is a similar service, but more data 400GB vs 150, or $5 cheaper unlimited, with no setup fee and no 12 month commitment. Same Optus equipment at the exchange.
    A lot of us moved over when Exetel terminated their old plans and pushed us onto more expensive and inferior ones.
    They've been good for me. Please message me for a referral to get $25 credit (each) if you'd like to try it. The no-commit part is good, in case you move home or have service problems.


    How do you get free setup on TPG?

  • I am going to have to hate. I was with them for ~5yrs and their speeds went up and down. They over charged me 3 times, but I do miss the good old days when they released plans and then edited them on the fly as they read the response from ppl on whirlpool.

  • So despite what has been said above, this is a deal as there is no activation fee. Hence, you are saving $60.

    I am with Belong ADSL and only 500m from the exchange, but the speeds I get are about 3mb/s. So probably the same sort of problems those with Exetel are experience. I get drop outs as well which are annoying.

    However, I did get a very good deal with Belong, which some may find useful. Their standard rate is $60/month with no activation charge and a free modem. They had a code for the first month free in March (and have specials and codes from time to time). If you join them, they give you the rest of the month for free. So my plan activated on 1 March so I got the rest of March for free. Then April was free through the code. Then if you use Cashrewards and join through that they give you $100 cashback (which I have now received). So all in all I am getting 13 months with Belong for $560, which works out to $43 a month including activation.

    Now to call Belong and find out why my ADSL speeds are so slow.

    • -1

      Except other ISP's like TPG also have no activation fee.

      • TPG website says $99.95 setup + 6 month commit + $20.

        • -1

          Exetel is $99 for no commitment
          TPG is $99.95 for no commitment

          Exetel is free activation if you stay for 12 months
          TPG is 18 months.

          Basically the same thing. Not a deal.

    • As a previous Belong customer, I must say their network is full of congestion in peak time. I am at RESERVOIR DSLAM.

      I did couple of trace routes which I have included in my old thread.

      I never have another problem since I swapped to TPG and TIOed belong for cancelling my contract.

      Their customer center was always overloaded during peak time and I believe there were too many complaints.

  • +2

    Ugh, there's nothing more obnoxious than the dismissal of valid criticism with the meaningless catchphrase "haters gonna hate".

    • Criticism is welcome. I did not intend to dismiss criticism with this phrase. Rather, I was anticipating it.

  • +2

    I have been with Exetel for a loooong time. Everything people say about them is true, slowing torrents, kicking people out, peak speeds, forcing you off plans, differnt plans for new and current customers, it goes on and on,

    BUT it is not true all the time, they go through periods of these issues but 99% of the time it is an uneventful great service which is cheaper than almost anyone else.

    NBN $49 for 500GB with cheap calls if you want them

    Pretty good.

    • Must be really good while I'm at work because it's certainly shitty when I'm home…

  • -6

    HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA Who would go with Exetel?

  • I use Exetel, I have the 100/40 plan, so far every time I have run the speedtest.net it reports I am getting faster than 100/40. No problems with torrents, gaming or general usage either. We are 4 people in the house, each with a tablet, a phone & a computer, plus a couple of consoles.
    I know they have a bad rap ( I only read about the bad rap after I signed up with them)but 4 months in and I have no complaints.

    • speedtest.net only tests local servers, Exetel has huge issues with international traffic.

  • +1

    Sorry OP, Many others and I were on that very plan until they kicked us out and asked the remaining to go on the $49 plan!
    And the plan is still on, how ridiculous?
    These people do not deserve a single customer!

  • TPG FTW!!

  • I've got ADSL with Exetel. Speeds tested with speedtest.net are always 12-13 Mbps down, 0.6-0.7 Mbps up with 18ms latency.
    @samfisher5986 said that speedtest.net only tests local servers and that Exetel's international speeds are bad, however you can choose any other server you want to test against. I just tested to a server in San Fransisco and got 12 Mbps down, 0.64 Mbsp up

    For the people who are on TPG, what speeds to you get?

    • +1

      I get the exact same results as you, day in day out. I have been with ExeYtel for about 4 years. Never had a single issue, perhaps I'm lucky.

  • i use Exetel…. to pricematch :) Im with Skymesh, very happy with their service so far

    • Tell me how this price matching works

  • Exetel are rubbish, plain and simple.

  • +1

    Was a long time Exetel customer, speed was OK not great in regional WA, price was continually jacked up with only decent offers for new customers. Left when moving house, glad to be rid of them, did not value long term customers at all.

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