• expired

GamingPC - i5-6600 6th Gen Skylake, 16GB DDR4, 240GB SSD, 1TB HDD, R9 390 GPU, H170 Mb Only $1263.20 Delivered @ PC Byte eBay


HI Guys,
I have been needing a very high-performance pc after my last build (which was 8 years ago!) finally died. So pardon me if my tech talk is not upto speed but I believe this is a damn good build for the price

What you get:
Intel Qaud Core i5 6600 3.9GHz 6th Gen Skylake
H170 motherboard
16gb DDR4 ram 2133Mhz
1TB 7200rpm HDD
240 gb SSD
R9 390 8GB gDDR5 GPU or gtx 970 4gb gDDR5 for $10 more
Optical drive
650W psu (very highly recommend to upgrade to this as bare minimum)

Step 1.
Go here and add this as the base build to your cart:

Step 2.
Go back to above link, and pick upgrade ram option 8gb->16gb ( or just go here and add to cart http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/161813007301)

Step 3.
Go back to step 1 link, and pick upgrade motherboard option H110->H170 (or add to cart http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/162024708825)

Step 4.
Go back to step 1 link, and pick upgrade PSU option 550W->650 Watt Bronze ( or http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/172153389147) Highly recommend you guys to upgrade the PSU

Step 5. Now to add SSD, 240gb - go here (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/252624) or here http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Sandisk-SSD-Plus-240GB-520MB-s-La…

Please note Step 1-4 is one build, assembled, tested and delivered, step 5 is delivered separately, I was going to use the upgrade option but u/donnot pointed we can save few more $$ if we buy separately

Your final total should read $1579

use the current eBay promotion code from here (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/252388)

Your build should now be $1263.20

if you use cash rewards 1.25% cashback, your net build is going to be $1247.40

Those who want the GTX 970 4gb for $10 more (net $8 after discount) use this as the basebuild - http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Intel-Quad-Core-i5-6600-3-9GHz-8G… rest of the steps are same

This does not come with windows - personally I am going to purchase windows 7 pro key from reddit microsoft market place for $20 USD and get the free upgrade to windows 10 till July 29.

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eBay Australia

closed Comments

  • Store needed in title.

  • can you change the gpu?

  • test

    • hi please read process $1259 ebay price is base build only - $1263 is final with all upgrades included

  • This is awesome, I am going to pull the trigger on this. Anyone disapprove? Also can you give me more details on the windows? Currently only have a Macbook pro retina

    Edit: I think personally I'd rather pay extra $49 and upgrade to 6600k CPU

    • Yes if you intend on over clocking you should but I won't be over clocking since I'll be using AutoCad a lot instead of say gaming

      • I don't tend to overclock either but just incase you know.

        • +7

          You'll need a Z170 board then.

        • +1


          Think i'll just stick to 6600 then.

    • +4

      Going with a K you'd need to upgrade the motherboard to a Zxxx

    • +4

      Think you need a Z series Mobo for OC? eg Z170
      Edit: whoops, too slow

  • +13

    This does not come with windows - personally I am going to purchase windows 7 pro key from reddit microsoft market place for $20 USD and get the free upgrade to windows 10 till July 29.

    Learned something new. Thanks OP.

    • +1
    • +5

      Just a heads up; the copies whilst legit keys aren't strictly "legal".

    • +6

      It kind of defeats the purpose if buying a (potentially) "not for resale" key.

      Microsoft has so far done everything in their powers to make "stealing" Windows 10 as easy as possible (they so far allow upgrading KMSPico/Daz cracked versions, they gave free full version upgrades to previewers and they made unactivated Windows 10 just a little bit naggy but tolerable). Right now the hard part is in fact to stop your old Windows from being updated.

      It will be interesting to see if their tune changes in a few months.

      • +2

        TOLERABLE!? lol

        I am clinging so hard to my Windows 8.1, but damn man the notifications are getting bad!

        • +2

          Each to there own but what makes you like 8.1 so much? I find Win 10 to be a better version of 8.1

        • +1

          Have you taken the steps to disable the win 10 annoyances?

          Users that want to remove the KB3035583 “Windows 10 downloader” update from their Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 installation can take several steps to get rid of the update. The “Windows 10 downloader” update is installed as recommended update KB3035583 and adds a /Windows/System32/GWX folder to the system.
          How to uninstall KB3035583 - The Windows 10 Downloader for …

        • +1

          There is an official, Microsoft way, to stop all that by using registry keys, etc, but it is not easy to do outside a corporate environment.

          Fortunately Steve Gibson made a utility to do it for us. Check out https://www.grc.com/never10.htm

          (I'm not associated, but I am a fan of his work and his "Securuty Now" podcast on TWiT.)

        • @Goof:

          Useful site too.

        • @Super King:

          Had wifi issues that weren't resolved through command-line after upgrade, don't like the idea of the auto-shutdown you can't turn off just…if they're pushing it, there's a reason.

          8.1 works, 10 gives no new features I need…

          I'm considering the move to Linux, but obvious compatibility stuff is deterring me.

        • @Super King:

          Just returned from a gaming seminar where MMO organizers/operators are still using 8.1 The general comment was that Windows 10 is not yet "game ready". They are waiting to see if the major update changes that. These guys have businesses to run and can't afford to have issue with the hardware at all unlike office PCs where the occasional reboot is fine. PCs can't crash in the middle of a battle.

        • @freesteakknives: I assure you Windows 10 is game ready, it actually has better compatibility with older titles than Windows 7/8/8.1 did. Yes it is not a good idea to change the entire OS of a machine you use to make a living on a daily basis though. If you are a professional streamer you should stick to whatever is working for you and only upgrade once a game you want to stream requires DX12/UWP/Windows 10.

        • @Agret: They are still testing Win10 with their gaming suites and you're right, if pre Win10 is working for you then why change. I'm also guessing there's a dependency on the games played and the hardware that you run on. I'm running AMD processor and graphics card and I do get some weird video jitter from time to time with some games that gets resolved with a reboot. Didn't happen under 8.x

      • Right now the hard part is in fact to stop your old Windows from being updated.
        It will be interesting to see if their tune changes in a few months.

        Microsoft's monetising 10 in transparent ways. Only enterprises can disable this (and they have to pay for 10), so what's the incentive to stop trying to upgrade everyone else?
        Additionally, a (currently) Recommended Update, with security connotations, becomes not recommended on 1 August?

      • I don't think you able to upgrade to win 10 from a pirated windows…can you….? It'd put your win10 installation on a trial period or something….and then you have to re-enter a genuine key to keep using it…

        • +1

          Upgrading from a pirated copy of Windows 7 to Windows 10 gives you a valid Windows 10 licence.

          This is because MS has no way of knowing the difference between a Daz (pirated) activated version of Windows 7 and a OEM pre-activated install.

        • @PainToad:

          I'm sure they are able to use IP checking as is the way for some programs(and games) to know that it's already registered and stuff… They could phone home too unless you've listed all the addresses they use to communicate to block in which case they can't….

        • +1

          @Zachary: umm dude you have zero idea what you are talking about. Daz Loader installs custom GRUB MBR boot loader that emulates the SLIC bios certificate that is used by OEM Windows 7 installs combined with a generic OEM product key. This is a weak security that Microsoft created back in the day, the newer Windows 8/8.1/10 OEM installs actually have a unique product key inserted into the BIOS SLIC table and not a generic certificate/key pair so the OEM activation cannot be emulated.

          By emulating the Windows 7 BIOS certificate before Windows even boots Microsoft have no way to detect this as anything other than a genuine OEM activated install of Windows. This lets you perform an upgrade to Windows 10 which registers your hardware with a genuine activation of Windows 10. There is no 'IP checking' as part of any activation. They can phone home all they want but it's just sending back the details of the genuine Windows 10 activation.

          The only downside is once you change your hardware in the future after the free Windows 10 promotion you won't have a valid activation anymore and will need to buy a copy since you don't have a Windows 7 product key you can enter from the sticker.

        • @Agret: You're right, I have no idea what I'm talking about…hahaha Thanks for the explanation!

      • +1

        At Deakin only certain IT degrees had access to onthehub

    • +3

      I don't get people that buy these keys on reddit. They are basically pirated keys (reselling msdn etc) and while they work they are illegitimate. You aren't any more in the clear with these than if you go find a hacked key online for free.

      • A resold msdn key is way less likely to be blocked and flagged as nongenuine

        • true, but it is still the same as a pirated key and leaves you unlicensed. why pay for something you could have found online for free. Either buy a real key or not, their is no middle ground. People seem to think that because they are paying for their pirated key they are somehow better off.

        • Using a Windows 7 loader/activator fixes the problem as well, and the point here is that in both cases you're violating the EULA, so there's no high-ground to claim. The difference is that you're out $20 (or however much) in one case but not the other.

          I'm not condoning either method, just sayin'.

        • +1


          Obviously it's simpler to just put in a key and never worry about it again. With activators, you often have to disable antivirus before installing, configure your antivirus to ignore it, and more importantly you're allowing a program created by some random and downloaded from some dodgy site to run with admin privileges on your system.

          Maybe none of these are a big deal but there's still a difference between the two methods.

        • @cainn:

          If you do go the Reddit was - is there a potential problem in 1 year of MS asking for an authorised version on Win 10?

          If you don't go down the Reddit was - where can you get a legit cheap version of Win 10? (If you're not a student)

        • @berko_max:
          What you run the risk of is MS detecting that the person selling these is violating their license terms which means the MSDN keys they are selling you would be all invalidated. This is a problem a lot of people run into with these dodgy sites, quite often though you won't hit the problem till 12 months or more after you activated or if they resell the same key too many times.

        • @dazweeja:

          Pros and cons I guess, but you're overstating the difficulty and danger of installing a loader. Yes, you need to temporarily disable AV in order to install it, but then you're done. That's it. You end up with an activated OS, and it's a tried and true method that's worked for years now.

          On the other hand there's no way for you to know where a purchased key came from (they're almost always being resold so even the seller can't necessarily be sure), or whether it will remain valid. If it was free that might not matter beyond the possible inconvenience of having to acquire another one, but again you've paid money. Maybe that's the part of it that sits less well with me.

          Anyway, whatever. It is indeed your choice. Do whatever you feel :)

        • @cainn:

          "Pros and cons I guess, but you're overstating the difficulty and danger of installing a loader."

          You didn't address the danger component? Dodgy program from unknown author from dodgy website. Can't scan with most AV because they all report a dangerous program regardless. It could install a rootkit or do any number of dodgy things. Sony was installing rootkits for years before anyone noticed. Lenovo have been busted a few times too. Why do you trust this program or developer to not do the same?

        • @dazweeja:

          It's NOT a dangerous program (AV programs crack the shits with a whole lot of software that merely bypasses restrictions because that's how the industry wants it). I'm not going to link to an example here, but what you're saying about the method (which you can google for yourself) is simply erroneous, as evidenced by years of collective community experience with such things.

          (all it is is a method of exploiting a security hole in the Windows activation mechanism, and once its done, its done)

          But again, do what you feel. Seriously.

        • +1


          You know I'm probably treading on thin ice here, but since the topic is in the air I feel obligated to point out that anyone who is still pirating their copies of Windows (I'm one of a growing number of "reformed" pirates myself who is now running Linux and a big steam library, although I also have a legit Windows 10 tablet) that you can't just get a Windows loader from the first place you stumble upon on the internet because there are a lot of "fake" loaders that actually are viruses (a common problem that can afflict all sorts of Windows software unfortunately). The wise course of action (if anything about piracy is ever wise) is to obtain a loader from a popular forum or legit torrent site where there is active community discussion about the files that are made available.

        • @cainn:

          Nowhere did I suggest that installing a rootkit was part of the activation process, nor did I suggest that AV programs weren't reporting a false positive (in fact, that was my point - known false positives are useful for hiding malicious code). I was simply making the obvious point that running a program with admin privileges where you don't know the developer, don't know whether the program you have downloaded has been modified by a third party, and can't verify that it doesn't contain malicious code, is a significant risk. Some people would be happy to pay $20 to not take that risk. It doesn't affect me either way.

        • +1


          Beyond downloading a loader from a dodgy site (kinda like how unsuspecting people often download fake antivirus software and end up with malware-infected systems because they're not savvy or experienced enough to have done the proper research or gained the proper perspective) there is really no risk at all. Get the software from a trusted site and you're fine. Really. You can keep insisting that it's dangerous all you like, but again countless people have been using this solution for years now and it has proven to be safe (the code has essentially been frozen for some time and the still-active torrents that you'll find links to are years old). Community peer-review doesn't get much better than that, especially when you consider how many of those peers would jump at the chance to essentially "proper" an activation hack and expose the author if there was even the slightest reason to do so.

        • +1

          @dazweeja: Hey man I understand your concerns and like I said it's more "genuine" to get a key than use a loader but if you are more technical there are alternatives :) KMS sever only requires a checkin every 180 days and there is a great open source KMS server emulator coded in C that you can download:


          If you have a router that you can flash openwrt/ddwrt to you can run the server directly off your router. As it says you can even download it for android and just reactive off your phone every month or so if you wish. It's cool because you can activate your entire network of Windows PCs / Office installs off one device using KMS.

          Alternatively I suggest looking up a forum called mydigitallife and tracking down the official thread for Windows 7 Loader or Microsoft Toolkit which are the loaders I would trust most and mydigitallife is where the real authors of the programs post

        • @Agret:

          Thanks mate. That looks interesting. I have a Ubuntu server here running 24/7 so I might do some experimenting. All my Windows PCs are already genuinely licensed but sometimes I spin up Windows VMs for testing so this might help.

          I've visited the MDL forums but I'm pretty sure the (Daz) Windows Loader download thread was deleted a while back which is why there are probably millions of people unknowingly installing malware onto their PCs (see the top Google results for Daz Loader or KMSpico for example). I have the MD5s for the 2.2.2 version so could probably find the genuine files from Daz somewhere on the net if I was so inclined, but with the server software you've linked I don't think I'd need to.

        • @dazweeja: If you install the KMS emulator on your linux server you can setup the following DNS entry:


          (scroll down to Manually Create SRV Records in DNS)

          and then if you install your virtual machines with the generic KMS keys they will automatically activate from your KMS server :)

          you can even go a step further and automate the key entry using an unattend.xml file in your setup process

        • @Agret:

          Great info. Thanks!

        • Thanks for the info on KMS servers. I like MyDigitalLife as well.

    • +2
      1. Install a clean Windows 7 ISO.
      2. Activate with Daz.
      3. Upgrade to Windows 10 using an ISO from MS.
      4. Automatically legit activated
      5. License automatically sent to MS server.
      6. Reformat.
      7. Install Windows 10 with ISO again.
      8. License automatically retrieved from MS server.
      9. Windows 10 activated.
      10. ????
      11. Free Windows 10 license for the life of the PC.
      • I read that you can install Windows 10 key and if you have genuine Windows 7 key you can use that to activate the Windows. Instead of first installing Windows 7 and then upgrading that. Can anyone confirm ?

        • +1

          Yes this is true, if you download the latest Windows 10 ISO from Microsoft (TH2/1511) you can install Windows by entering a Windows 7/8/8.1 key during the installation or post-install and it will accept it no worries.

      • Win 10 automatically checks and updates your programs without your permission, including checking if they're licensed.

        I think this makes it a step back for those who might pirate and use cracks, or am I mistaken?

        • +1

          You are mistaken. Yes Windows updates are performed automatically outside of the enterprise / LTSB editions but no license check is performed and they don't remove any activators on your computer. Microsoft don't care about individual endusers pirating Windows, they only care about large organisations because that is where the real money is to begin with. Site licensing is very lucrative for Microsoft and they will kick your companies ass if you try and run your large organisation with pirated copies of Windows.

        • @Agret:
          I'm talking about Win 10 disabling other software such as games etc it deems as unauthorized.

          Windows 10 Terms of Use Agreement,
          "We may automatically check your version of the software and download software updates or configuration changes, including those that prevent you from accessing the Services, playing counterfeit games, or using unauthorized hardware peripheral devices."

          Windows 10 will sniff out and block pirate games and unauthorised hardware… http://www.t3.com/news/windows-10-will-sniff-out-and-block-p…

        • @chyawala: That is pure fear mongering and nothing like that has ever happened. That piracy thing refers to Windows Store related content.

        • @Agret:

          There's zero reason to use Windows 10 activators atm (until free updates end). Follow the steps above and you'll have a genuine copy of Windows with no hacks, cracks, activators etc. It's a legit license for the life of the PC.

        • @PainToad: It's not genuine or legitimate but it is definitely a valid license as far as Microsoft servers are concerned :P

  • +1

    How do I get GTX 970 for $10 more? Can't see it as an option in the listing.

    • +1

      op updated

      • +1

        Thanks, Id go the 970 GTX option.

  • +1

    Hi guys,

    I'm thinking of this PC… $919 before the discount… http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Intel-4-Core-i5-6400-3-3GHz-16GB-…

    - Is this good value after the discount? I tried building it in pcpartpicker, but couldn't find all of the parts
    - Does this build have wifi?
    - How restrictive is this motherboard in adding a graphics card in the future? I probably wouldn't need to add anything more than one of those GTX 2gb cards… but not sure if I want to add it now or later… are the prices good value? GTX950 2gb is $259 pre 20% discount
    - The 110 motherboard appears to support 2 screens… if I add a GTX950, can it drive more displays?
    - If I want to make it more quiet, do I add a CPU cooler? which one?

    • +1

      Depending on the H110 motherboard it may have Wifi.

      It appears to be reasonable value, but you don't know what parts they will skimp on from that description. I'd be wary of a generic 550w PSU. If you're willing to do a similar build but choose your own parts you could easily get it around $919 or less, but with the added bonus of you knowing what is in your PC. I did a quick add to cart of similar items and it worked out cheaper, although I didn't include the 1tb drive.

      As for the motherboard it's hard to say without a spec sheet. It's better if you can put your graphics card into a PCI express x16 slot, but yours may have x4. It may not make a difference but in this case x16 is probably better. Again, unclear if it has x16.

      Think I missed a few questions but i'm very sleepy, hopefully someone will fill in the others

      • +2

        What modern day motherboard wouldn't have a x16 slot? Normally it's the second / third slots that suffer but the primary graphics slot is always 16x

    • I'd probably get a 960gtx with 4gig. I assume they are around 300 with he current sale.

  • +1

    Edit: Misread link :)

  • +6

    For a system with no OS, it's a decent enough price if you need it prebuilt or can't wait for a better price on a prebuilt system, but isn't amazing imo. This is just throwing similarly specced decent quality parts into a build - you could save more by optimising where you buy from or taking advantage of specific parts being on sale http://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/tfDmGf

    • That's a good deal if you don't put any value on your time

      • Well, it depends how you define your leisure time. Can't afford to atm, but I get satisfaction out of putting electronics together.

      • It takes less than an hr to put together a PC from scratch and have it up and running. There's not really that many components in it. Just slap some ram into mobo, place CPU, put some thermal paste and heatsink. Screw PSU into case. Mount motherboard in case. Put in hdd and ssd. Connect power cables. Put in GPU. Done.

        Install windows from USB/DVD and then download graphics card driver and install. Good to go. Installing from a USB onto an SSD takes about 10-15min.

  • +10

    Pretty good deal. A close equivalent using the sellers in this deal is as follows:

    Type Part Price Discounted Price
    Case Corsair 200R 112 89.6
    Processor i5 6600 369 295.2
    Ram Kingston 16GB DDR4 Ram 110 88
    SSD Crucial BX200 240GB SSD 99 79.2
    HDD 1TB HDD (western digital blue) 82 65.6
    Mobo Asus H170 Pro 179 143.2
    GPU Gigabyte nVidia GeForce GTX 970 OC TwinTurbo 499 399.2
    PSU Thermaltake Smart Power 650W 80 Plus Bronze 139 111.2
    Total 1589 1271.2

    The case in my one is better than the one they're offering. Probs same for mobo too, but they havent specified what they're providing. Asus's H170 Pro is a good one.

    The smart buyer will probably not want a GTX 970 or R9 390, but would wait a few weeks for the RX 480.
    1TB HDD is bad value IMO, better off spending abit more for 3TB+.
    For Power Supply I wanted to put the full modular EVGA G2 650W (Gold), but it's not available from any of the sellers in this sale unfortunately.

    • +1

      Interesting, any idea of cost of the RX480 in Australia?

      I was about to click purchase on this one, but thinking whether it's worth doing my first self build from components.

      • +1

        id say $299 AU.

    • +2

      For fun during my lunch break I checked your items for their individual cost on msy;

      Type Part Price
      Case Corsair 200R 89
      Processor i5 6600 305
      Ram Kingston 16GB DDR4 Ram 94
      SSD Crucial BX200 240GB SSD *Wasnt on MSY 85 IJK
      HDD 1TB HDD (western digital blue) 68
      Mobo Asus H170 Pro 165
      GPU Gigabyte nVidia GeForce GTX 970 OC TwinTurbo 419
      PSU Thermaltake Smart Power 650W 80 Plus Bronze 104
      Total 1329

      I could deff. get better prices searching around, but MSY is usually my go to store for cheap pc parts I cant be bothered looking around for. SO GG good deal!

    • your build would have to built by yourself Raven right? Is the 2 year warranty on parts as well?

  • +4

    I recently bought:

    Motherboard: GIGABYTE GA-B150M-D3H $129

    RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2x8GB) DDR4 DRAM 2133MHz (PC4-17000) C13 $103

    PSU: Thermaltake TR2 S 80+ 550W $70

    Got i5-6600 $279 delivered few days ago.

    I am waiting on buying a vidya card, now is the "worst possible" time - wait for 1070 or r9 480 IMO. Or you may be kicking yourself … ;)

    • -1


      Best time! Don't mess around with the bloody next gen crap - it's so unbelievably overpriced, go with current gen's best for much greater value.

      IE: GTX 980/Radeon R9 290

      You can get multiple if you're really bothered about multi-screens or 4k.

      But if you're talking single screen, I challenge you to find any game those GPUs can't play on max settings seamlessly. Plus, IDK the specs but…are you sure your 550w will handle what you're planning to throw at her?

      • +8

        go with current gen's best for much greater value

        Absolutely not. The GTX 980 is currently going for ~$650. If you can find stock of the Founder's Edition GTX 1070, then that's mostly selling for just shy of $800. Non-reference designs will be coming soon™ and will be selling at $50~100 cheaper while offering similar or better performance by virtue of higher clocks and better cooling.

        The GTX 1070 typically offers notably more performance than the 980 Ti, often matching or surpassing even the Titan X in games[1][2][3][4], let alone just the 980. The value proposition for buying a 980 right now is pretty terrible unless you absolutely can't afford to spend the extra or can't wait for or find stock of one of the newer cards.

        • And this is not even going into the RX 480, which is on a whole other level of value…

        • …okay then. Enjoy!

  • A 650w PSU is more than enough for a single card built. No upgrade required

    • +2

      It's a 550w before the upgrade to 650w but 550w is still more than enough for a single card PC with 1 hdd. The description also states:

      Corsair / Thermaltake / Cooler Master / FSP

      So it's not like it'll be a generic rubbish PSU. No point upgrading the PSU for this PC.

      • Definitely agree. Didn't notice the 650w was the actual upgrade. 500w is generally always enough

  • Would it be better to get the system without the gfx card and purchase the card later
    or wait for a future deal that includes the rx480?

    • +1

      Probably be better to purchase the system now and card later. Buy something like this system and change out the rubbish generic power supply for something like this and you're set. Could get a Sandisk SSD Plus 240GB for ~$80 after the 20% off eBay. These 20% deals don't come often.

    • +1

      Well CPUs haven't really advanced much over the years. It seems the consumer focused market is more about efficiency than raw power these days moving to lower nm circuits that yield better performance for less transistors and lower wattage. If you bought this system today it'd still be great in 5yrs. Compare the 2600k to the 6600


      The performance is only a marginal improvement from the 2nd generation of Intel i series CPUs to the 6th generation.

      If you feel like you want to get a powerful desktop computer why wait? Just buy it now and you won't regret it. Make sure you get an SSD though or your system will feel sluggish still. I doubt that you'd save much by waiting for the RX480 for another deal, the release of the card is not too far away.

  • +3

    Is PeterNgu91 still active? Could possibly have an actual build listing with these parts put up at a slightly lower price.

    • That would be awesome

    • I reckon he's still having nightmares about that epic sale.
      Maybe pm Francesca? https://www.ozbargain.com.au/deals/pcbyte.com.au

      • Personally not overly worried as I've got my build completed already. For anyone considering buying it may be helpful, could potentially save another $50 or so just for a quick message to a rep.

  • This is a nice little setup for the price. Good job OP!

  • +1

    Just a note about 16GB RAM: Most people still can't benefit from anything over 8GB.

    It still doesn't offer ANY benefit over 8GB in games, and while many people think it might within 5 years, that's what we thought 5 years ago too.


    Most people are getting 16 anyway because it's not that expensive.

    A very few are getting it because they actually can benefit from it, as they are professionals doing heavy 3D modelling or photoshop or CAD, or lots of VMs, etc.

    But if you're not one of those people, and that extra $40 means you can afford a better GPU, etc - something that will make a difference - consider sticking with 8GB until there is some benefit to upgrading.

    • +1

      Depends. Ram can help if your a pleb and have too many programs running at once, ie, don't run a very clean ship.

    • Hi I utilise full 32gb at work

      • +2

        And I use 3TB of RAM in one of my work machines too, doesn;t make it a good idea for a Home user. utilising 16GB is very rare for a home user and most certainly won't benefit from it at this point in time, but it is so cheap you may as well throw in 16GB unless those extra few dollar really will break the bank.

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