Would You Take Someone Else's Driving Infringement Points for Cash?

My wife works for a company where one of the Directors has a habit of constantly talking on his phone while driving. Being a bit tech challenged, he doesn't use Bluetooth, but talks into the handset, and has therefore racked up a stack of fines, to the point where he is about to lose his license. So he has offered some of his employees cash to take the points (not for the phone ones as they are obviously pull-over fines, but for some of the other camera fines like speeding, and red light offences).
What would you do if he asked you?

Poll Options

  • 121
    1. Take the money as you have plenty of points left.
  • 103
    2. Politely decline.
  • 297
    3. Tell him to suck it up, and accept the consequences for his actions.


  • Not worth it. It complicates things when it comes to insurance. As you now are considered a riskier driver, insurers have a reason to decline your application or increase your premium.

    Short term gain, long term pain.

  • Firstly you need to understand the consequence of using the mobile phone while driving, he could kill someone and you're just helping him by giving him more chance on the road.
    Secondly, you'll never know you will end up needing those points as law has changed and it will take a lots longer to accumulate the points once you lose it.

  • Dangerous douchebag trying to buy his way out of trouble. Sounds about right.

  • Seems like a bit of a dumbass if hes able to continually get caught by the police for the same offence.

  • So he has offered some of his employees cash to take the points.

    The fact he's asked multiple employees to take the hit, makes everyone vulnerable … One employee (The OP) started a thread on OZB. Another employee probably who told his friends at the pub. I'm certain another employee reported it to the authorities. Way too many people know about this conspiracy.

    Loose lips sink ships.

    • Great, now I'm thinking about vaginas again…

  • If I am in that circumstance, first thing first to think abt is to change job asap…. I dont want to work for someone who dont take care of his/her own life seriously and want to dodge the consequence… he/she would be easily dump your interest easily in case of his need.

  • Professor Teresa Brennan may be happy to take the fine. She has done it before.

    • If someone brings her back to life

      • Marcus Enfield didn't need her alive to nominate her as the driver. Guess that's what brought him undone in the end.

        • A lot of bs brought him undone. When it was found that she was dead (for YEARS) at the time of the event, he tried to say he meant another Teresa Brennan.

  • Politely decline. As others have said, you're committing a criminal offence. And a very serious one at that - making a false statutory declaration ie perjury. This is not something like stealing a chocolate bar from the supermarket. This is a very very serious criminal offence.

    Who knows when or where it might re-surface.

    And if the boss puts pressure on an employee to take the points, that would amount to bullying/harassment, and could even be construed as a constructive dismissal. ie pressuring an employee to break the law.

  • Don't do it and tell everyone else to refuse.

    Since he'll be losing his remaining points, any sort of transfer of the blame to another driver may be flagged as suspicious. The police or the state debt recovery officials can enquire into this case and most likely will if they find out about his senior management position.

    You'll both end up with a criminal record and a suspended jail sentence.

  • billy_bob,

    is "your boss" asking other people to take the fall for the mobile phone offence? or other ones like speeding/red light camera?

    if it is for mobile phone usage, he would most likely had been caught in the act to get fined, so it would be hard to get someone else to give up their points even if they wanted to………

    you might be able to get away with it for camera offence, but like other has said, just look to Marcus Enfield.

  • Points are only transferrable if you get a speeding fine or red light camera fine. You can't say it wasn't you driving if the cop saw you doing it.

    This guy must be a serious idiot. How hard can it be to spend ~$150 for a sun visor bluetooth kit and a cradle? It's about $450 a fine for using your mobile phone. Especially if he is a director why can't he afford a car that has bluetooth?

    If she has evidence of him offering money via a email , I'm sure the police would like to have a word to him about that.

  • Bash his shit head into the steering wheel until he learns his lesson! I have had many encounters with people who use phones while driving!

  • +2

    2 words, how much?

  • this person and this case:
    Jackson (previously known as Subramaniam) v Legal Practitioners Admission Board [2006] NSWSC 1338 (5 December 2006)

    • Um, thanks, but nobody is going to read all that….how about a TL;DR?
      Edit: found it in your previous comment, thanks. Very good example of what can go wrong.

      • yeah sorry, should have added the roundup here too. Forgot :/

  • +2

    Back when I drove my mum's car, the fines would come in her name. She wouldn't let me take the points (to protect my record) but made me pay the fines.

  • +1

    Only for my Wife. She needs the car more then me, and if I run out of points I won't be the designed driver, and finally can get pissed again at parties.

  • +1

    Remember if you have a clean record (no demerits deducted) when you go to renew your driver's licence its half price if you choose the 5-year option, that alone would be enough to tell him to p*&s off

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