Found this today at Big W, Westfield Marion (S.A.). Apparently it scans for $39 but the ticket clearly states $25 and has the date that the price applies to down the bottom of the ticket. Feel free to go collect yourself a copy as I am not sure if this is only at this store or country wide.
XB1 Star Wars Battlefront - Big W - $25

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This game has really tanked - never seen an AAA game get so cheap, so fast.
This game looks amazing but EA have taken the piss out of the players by adding constant in game purchases to get new levels and shit characters. I'm so disappointed with it, I pretty much got an xbox one to play it.
The game is actually really fun, it had major issues in launch but now it's really great.
However expensive DLC and in game purchases ruined it and also it feels like EA jumped ship and they aren't constantly patching it. Feels like an abandoned game.
At this price it's def worth it
The launch issues are still all there. Terrible content to price ratio, plus player numbers have absolutely tanked on PC, though I heard that PS4 is still doing okay
Yeah ps4 not as bad as PC, still alot of players around at any hour
lol, i'd bite at $25 on ps4
You'd probably regret it a few hours later once you'd seen it all and found how lacklustre the whole thing was.
<Mod: Use classifieds for private selling>
Although I only played the Beta, the story of this game's popularity is fascinating to me. Keeping in mind the game is less than 7 months old:
Global sales PS4 Battlefront = 7.4 million.
Concurrent players on PS4 (24h peak) = 22,147I understand that people do move on to the "next thing", but… wow, they really moved on.
Yeah it's an EA thing
same fate as other Online only games that just didn't have enough content like Titanfall
I wished they used the model used by PvsZ: Garden Warfare which is also an EA game. PvsZ was priced competitively because it was multiplayer only and you didn't have to pay extra for the DLC which was put out regularly. That sort of model builds brand loyalty which ensures high sales for the IP; something I don't think Battlefront will enjoy.
Sorry, was referring to the original GvsZ - I bought the sequel but only get to play it a bit here and there. Why do you think the sequel isn't as popular? It seemed pretty similar to the original to me …
@Firefly: i think cos more kids have an xbox 360/ps3 and parents are buying them a whole new console for 1 game. they should've made gw2 for xbox 360/ps3
Ah, that makes sense although kind of embarassing to be reminded one of my favourite games is really a kid's game … :)
@Firefly: dw when I got my Xbox one. Ea vault had gw2 free for a week. I found myself
Playing it online (while
Kids were in bed sleeping)
I suspect its part of their sales later in the month and someones put it up a little early.
Should've been $25 from the start,with the content it came out with.
Is this game $25 worth of fun for a bit of splitscreen multiplayer? From what I understand it's just waves of enemies, but would it entertain me and my partner for a few minutes?
No, the co-op is very limited.
Sad to hear. I'm crying out for a good AAA couch coop game that isn't Call of Duty…
Oh god I hear ya, it's a shame split screen has been basically abandoned.
NBA Jam :)
Diablo 3 currently on sale about $29 great co-op
This deal is not correct. The sale tag is for a different product (A discontinued R2D2 controller).
You can see the product keycode on the sale tag does not match the product keycode on the $69 label for the game.Waiting until it drops to $10
i've seen this game cheap a few times but never jumped on it due to lack of players. EA really fked up on this one.
there's more people playing BF3 on PC right now - which is 5 years old (PC: 2955 vs 1265). Battlefront is barely 5 months old!
That's to be expected regardless though, as the PC player base overall is bigger than the player base of every other gaming platform combined.
that was comparing PC BF3 players to PC Battlefront players. Nothing to do with consoles, all to do with a 5 year old game vs a 5 month old game.
someone made a mistake. the "rrp" is 69, not 89. online price is 60 with 9.95 off.