This was posted 8 years 8 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PS4 1TB Console + Uncharted 4 Game $390 @ Costco (Membership Required)


PS4 1TB Console + Uncharted 4 Game $390 @ Costco (Membership required)

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Costco Wholesale
Costco Wholesale

closed Comments

  • +4

    Wow! Great price. Keep in mind Costco also has a great returns policy so if you have any issues with your console, even a year or two after you bought it, you can probably return it hassle free as long as you kept your membership active.

    • -1

      Why not forgo the Costco membership entirely and pay $10 more for the same at JBHifi? You'd be saving $50 overall and the JB version includes the better limited edition of the game.

      • Lol, the JB bundle doesn't have the limited edition of the game - what makes you think it does?

        • +1

          The phone's auto-correct has brought shame upon me, once again. I put console, but it changed it to game for some reason?

        • @infinite:

          Lol, I think you missed the more obvious autocorrect where your phone substituted "better" for the phrase you obviously intended "hideously ugly" (although the little gold insignia is nice).

      • because i hate the ugly grey colour and controller

      • The JB deal has ended, now back up to $499:…

    • Can you return for a refund? Or exchange?

      • +1

        You can get a refund as long as you keep your membership active from the time of purchase until return.

  • +3

    Inb4 Iggemo arrives.

    • +4

      This comment is dumb, only idiots would comment this sort of thing mere DAYS before the new PS is released.

      • Mere days. How many to be exact. Iv heard sept

  • +2

    It's $10 less than JB Hifi, I wouldn't sign up for Costco for this. (Which is $60)

  • +1

    Keep in mind that this is not the limited edition uncharted 4 bundle as JBHIFI.

    • +7

      So it's not as ugly as hippos slong?

      • +3

        Ahhh thats why I like it so much!

    • Yeah that's the shittier edition. I keep my console colours straight OG cuz

    • so its the nicer black one and not the ugly grey one? yep thats the one i want

      • It's actually blue IRL and it looks baller with the gold insignia

        • says you, i dont like it, to each their own i guess, if only it was still black with the gold writtings, that it would still be cool but that hideous grey/blue..

        • -1

          Obviously says me, I made the comment.

      • Talk about a broken record, we get it, you don't like the colour of the Uncharted console, along with the other one hundred people that have said the same thing on this site.

        You can give that horse a rest now mate.

  • +1

    Playstation Neo, comin atcha…… dunno about this.

  • Brilliant price, so glad I have a Costco within range as I am sure they will also have a great price when the Neo comes out :)

  • +4

    I would wait for PS4.5 coming out this September.

    • +4

      Would you? That's nice.

      • Yeah, it must be wonderful to be one of these kids, so young and naive as to assume Sony consoles will drop in price a reasonable amount just because a newer one was released…

        • I think he's implying he wants to wait and buy the more expensive new version. Hardly a bargain seeker :p

        • +3


          In all fairness, sometimes it is good advice. I hopped on one of the $389 Xbox deals, only to regret it a month later when the elite bundle came out as I ended up buying the controller anyway. It is good to know if new models/bundles are coming out soon so you can make an informed decision.

        • +1


          I'm sorry, but how is telling someone to wait for something that they may not even want or need good advice?

        • +1


          Meh, more just letting people know what other offers are coming up and letting them make up their own minds.

  • +1

    Although this is a great deal for us aussies, we should bear in mind that PS4 VR and PS4 Neo are soon coming as well. Dont buy a ps4 if you already have one.

    • +10

      So you're saying I shouldn't buy a PS4 if I already own one? Sound advice.

      • If you are someone who would like to upgrade to 1TB instead of buying a hdd for your ps4.

        • +2

          I don't think anyone would do that.

        • @tranqme: you never know. S

        • @yummycoot:

          Common sense tells me otherwise.

        • +4

          @tranqme: People purchase completely new electronic devices all the time even if their current device is upgradable. This often comes about from a lack of knowledge or skill, or a high disposable income ("Oh, I'll just buy a new one and get the new features"). Think about someone buying a new laptop because the drive/memory was too small/slow , when they could have just upgraded those parts. It's not too much of a stretch to think the same thing may happen with a PS4 purchase.

        • +2

          @tranqme: I do know people bought 1tb to replace existing 500gb PS4 just to get the slightly newer model for the lower noise and heat reasons.

        • @wtfnodeal:

          Fair enough, in that case I can understand why someone would want to buy a newer console when they already own one.

        • @wtfnodeal: do these friends of yours wanna sell me their 500gb model for cheap? i have no need for a 1TB. i pretty much only play one game at a time

        • @nx1nx1: Not my friends. Just heard it over people on the train said they traded in the 500gb model for 1tb model for these reasons.

        • @wtfnodeal: damn.. was hoping for a bargain to setup a little home game room to play with my brothers…

  • $399 at jb for the limited edition console + game. Think its for 1 day only though.…

  • I waited this long and i think i keep waiting after the psneo actual news on release comes out.. have a few ps4 games ready when that happens.

  • +2

    Pretty sure this is Costco matching the JB offer for two days

    Note it expires on the 9th of June

  • Any news on jailbreaking the ps4?

  • +1

    are the 1TB ps4's the new improved power saving model yet? or are they still clearing old stock with the lure of 1TB?

    • they are the really good new ones. comes with the uncharted so new bundle

  • +1

    Bought one, must say I'm very disappointed with the ps4 as a console.

    1- no 4k output?
    2- cannot connect a bluetooth headset, it has to be via cable to the controller!
    3- many games require you to be logged into psn the whole time just to able to launch the game! Don't want to do log in but I don't want to be forced to update to latest firmware…

    • You should wait for PS Neo.

      • +1

        Or should have googled before buying.

        • +1

          yep. mad cause it doesn't do what it doesn't claim to do. lol

          btw, i use a blutooth headset with mine, so don't know what the problem is with yours.

        • @nx1nx1:

          Do you the official headset? Apparently you can't use any other brand

        • +1

          @sirs2k: yeah… i do. maybe thats it.haven't tried others. but pretty sure my mate doesn't use the official one… i should check with him

  • Could the reason this be selling at this price is because the photo shows the bundled game offer expiring 01/06/2016? Unless COSTCO are still selling it?

    • I just went there and they took off the $100 instant rebate. It turns out to only be a 1 day deal. I went to the Costco in Auburn/Paramata Road

      • Think it says expires 09/06

        • It may be store specific, I'm actually going to go to costco after work to buy some other items, so I'll check and see what the Ringwood (VIC) one is like this evening!

          Stay tuned folks!

        • @digitalaxon:

          sold out at ringwood.

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