• expired

Woolworths Mobile $30 Prepaid Starter Kit for $1 in-Store with Woolworths Rewards Card or $3 Delivered Online



Looks like Woolworths mobile fixed their system issues and it's now our task to test it.

Same as previous deal. Just that there is a limit of 1 pack per customer instead of 2.

update 9/6: seems Woolworths Rewards card now required in-store with limit of one per account

Update 11:25am: snappy1234 has reported the $1 sim card being available in store also. Check with your local store.

I have cancelled all the 4 orders($12) I placed early this morning via online chat.

Can confirm that it is $1 in store as well (Town Hall, Sydney).
Expiry date on the pack is 01/08/2017.

Limit of 5 per customer.

Proof: https://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/137114/40038/img-20160…

I managed to get 9 (went twice and luckily, the guy who served me initially was not there in the counter)

Referral Links

Everyday Extra: random (947)

Referee and referrer get 1500 points after referee's first paid month of subscription.

Related Stores

Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards

closed Comments

  • Yeah just got the same email. Looks good.

  • yes just got this email and got the refund this afternoon.

    • +1

      I didn't get a cancellation email, but got this email, and also got refunded!

  • +5

    Got the follow up email saying don't worry it will be shipped…even though I didn't get the cancellation email to start with!

    • Same

  • Does that meant the card will be charged again??

  • +1

    Pardon the French but these guys are well and truly phucked in the head!

  • -2

    Hi All,
    I managed to pick up 6 of these kits (I used the temporary cards in front of cash register) but am unable to activate them. I do not want to give them my ID which is needed to activate. Is there any way around this?

    • +2

      I was under the impression you have to provide some form of ID by law to activate a mobile service…

    • -1

      Why? Read the fine print,they don't and can't hold onto your details
      They are just used for verification as required by law then all the private stuff is deleted
      Just untick the box where it says ' do you want woollies to spam your inbox' and its all good

      • +2

        Well, that's what they tell you anyway. Until one day they get hacked and all their customers' personal details (including yours) are online for everyone to see (and use).
        Ashley Madison (2015) anyone?
        Or Icloud images of celebrities (2014).
        Target 110 million customers payment details (2014).
        JP Morgan Chase 76 million client records (2014).

        • +3

          you just went full tinfoil

        • +4

          I think you and a lot of people are too naive.
          Of course big (and small) corporations are collecting data about people as much as they can. Yes they may not do it with malicious intentions, but that data is stored (where? servers in Australia? Philippines? India? Russia? Nigeria?) and possibly one day it will be hacked and used for other purposes that may not be so innocent or legal.
          People's details and information are a commodity sold and bought by businesses and other unscrupulous people.
          There are instances when you cannot avoid giving full ID (banks, government departments, etc), but a mobile phone company?

        • @gwenty:
          Buddy, I agree with Maxi below and everything he says is true. ID retails for ~$200 AU if you know where to look. I guess you are one of those people who think ignorance is bliss…

      • -2

        Is there any way to cheat the verification?

        • No, it's a legal requirement. Unfortunately Woolies don't give you the "Credit Card as an ID" option that other providers like Optus use so you will need your Medicare card or your drivers license to activate.

          Can I ask why you don't want to provide them with ID?

        • +2

          Have you tried Google
          I hear good things
          Try typing in' conspiracy theories '
          Might be right up your alley
          Why do you want a phone anyway
          You know they can triangulate you
          And the satellite's are watching
          Best you only go out on cloudy days just to be safe
          The aliens are invisible anyway, so you can never tell when their right behind you, or crawling on you roof

          Ok now deep breaths
          Can you remember where you left your meds?

          But seriously
          how are people in the future going to know what the peak of civilisation was like without knowing how you wasted all you free time watching new toob or oldflix , calling the shops to see if soup is on sale?

        • +1


          Can I ask why you don't want to provide them with ID?

          Drug dealer

        • @Beach Bum:
          You do not need to go to the enormous knowledge on Google.
          A simple search on Ozbargain for "stolen identity" will give some "close to home" facts.
          But I imagine that a beach bum would not worry too much about that ;-)

        • +1

          Nah,drug dealers make enough money to buy false identities. Who knows they may be using yours right now!!!

        • -2

          Thats right
          That is why I refuse to give my details. I know for a fact that you can get hold of a stolen AU drivers licence for as little as $200 AU. So thanks for your smarty pants comments
          Yours Sincerely
          The learned Bargainmuncher

  • picked up a few in Parkes NSW tonight expiry 31/12/2017

    plenty on the shelves in the regional areas

  • Looks like they cancelled the cancellation. Can't complain.

  • I just got a text saying my data is 50% used and I have like 5210 MB left…wtf
    I only activated last week and definitely didn't blow my bonus 6GB (which I obviously didn't get) and their online chat function isn't even working. grrrrrrr

    not cool when I have another 1746914 packs to use lol

    • +3

      It's 50% of the 1gb bonus. The data is split into buckets of 2,1 and 3 gb totaling 6gb.

      • +1

        ahhh relief. thanks for that. So I have another 5 gigs to go…

    • -1

      Isn't that like 5.21 GB though
      I've been using them for the data t download games to a console
      After about ( bit hazy here ) a dozen sims, they get moody about activating any more
      Rang them and they suggested gumtree if I had any more
      I think I'll hand them out to staff at the hospital next time I'm there

  • FURTHER UPDATE - they refunded all my online purchases yesterday!!!

  • I never received the email cancelling the order but I did receive the one saying don't worry the order will be shipped shortly. This morning I see that I have been refunded. I only purchased 1 sim.

  • Trying to register a sim but keep getting

     Error message
     Sorry, you have exceeded the number of ID check attempts, please try again in 30 mins
  • +4

    Funnily enough back in stock at full price at the end of the sale. Smells like bullshit to me.

  • Just got refund of my 4 online orders, even after I got the email saying they wouldn't cancel it.

  • Refunded the 1 sim I purchased too.

  • +4

    refunded for both sims purchased online. and also received same email to ignore cancellation email (never received) and order is on its way. not surprised now why woolies are going downhill in this competitive market.

    • same

    • Same also. Who's taking bets that the SIMs were sent out anyway?

    • +1

      received the cancellation cancellation email too (but not the original cancellation one) and have now been refunded.

      Spoke to Woolies online and then by phone. Appears that they oversold and are cancelling many. First in best dressed etc etc. But they are still selling the sim card, now at full price. Aldi it is then….

    • refunded 1 or 3 so far, no doubt expect the other 2 to be refunded.

  • 14-Jun-16 14:36:40
    Date / Time of Usage Data
    Called Number / SMS N/A
    Duration (HH:MM:SS) /

    Data (MB)

    4,910.877 MB
    Usage Cost $0.00


    • Cut back on the porn :)

  • +2

    I spoke to online chat support yesterday and they claimed despite receiving a refund for my 4 orders I would still receive them… I got the ignore cancellation email but no actual cancellation email.

    Anyone not get a refund?

    • +1

      I'm in the same boat as you. I got the refund, I got the ignore cancellation email but didn't get any actual cancellation email.

      • And today I come home to find my SIM card in the mailbox.

    • Got 1 in the mail, all 4 emails were the same email/address.

      Considering I received refunds not going to dispute/chase up not receiving the other sims, bit dodgy of Woolworths changing it from 1 per order to 1 per customer retrospectively.

      • +2

        All mine were refunded and delivered. You still may have more on their way. Mine arrived across 3 different days.

      • Final update, recieved the other 3 today.

        Very happy with the outcome/so odd orders were refunded.

  • Had anyone actually received any in the post yet?

  • +1

    Received mine this morning. They've cancelled 6-7 of my orders and gave me 2 (me and gf) based on 1 per customer policy. =(

  • +2

    Just received mine. I ordered one and had received a refund. Strange.

    • +1

      Same here, I bought one received a refund & now I received the sim.

    • +1

      Ordered 4 with same name but different emails, 3 were refunded. To my surprise I received all 4 sims in the post today. Exp 31/12/2017.

    • I order 3 with exact same details.
      1 was refunded, and the remaining 2 arrived in post today. Maybe the refunded one might still appear in next weeks post?

      • my refunded one arrived today, so I received all 3.

    • I order 3 with exact same details.
      All 3 were refunded
      1 arrived in post today

      Seems to be a few different responses. Still, I'm happy with my 1 month phone usage for free.

      • +1

        UPDATE: A second sim arrived in today's post. So my situation is:

        I order 3 with exact same details.
        All 3 were refunded
        1 arrived in post Friday 17/6
        1 arrived in post Monday 20/6

        • I also ordered 2 SIMs, exact same details.

          Both refunded.

          1st arrived in post Tuesday 21/6.
          2nd arrived in post Wednesday 22/6.

          What's better than a $1 SIM? $0 SIM.

        • @goosmurf: What's better than a $0 SIM? -$1.50 SIM, -$6.50 SIM and if you're lucky -$15.50 SIM.

        • @PBG: LOL that's some next level shit. :D

  • I ordered two but only been debited 1 and received 2 in post today xD

    expiry 31/12/2017

  • As with others, got a refund and the card so it was basically free.

  • How long prepaid sim cards remain alive if I don't recharge them after 30 days?

  • +3

    Got my [refunded] sim in the Post today. Thanks Woolies and SPK

    Currently using my store bought sim for $1.

    (12GB data on Telstra for $1…never thought i would see the day ;))

  • Got my refunded sim today. Trying to get it to work in my unused Telstra 4G hotspot but no luck yet even when using the correct APN, hopefully I can get it to work

    • Got it to work in the end! Very happy and will be jumping on the Optus $35 per month deal soon for the EPL ;)

  • Ordered 7 and got refund for all 7. Received 4 to date, so we'll see if the other 3 arrives. Very strange indeed but still happy with the outcome. Should not have cancelled my other 4 orders at the start. Doh!

  • I order it from the last deal but still have not receive anything since 22 MAY … damn !!!

    • Same here, I have not received my order from the 22nd of May. I rang them 3 weeks ago they said they are in transit.
      Rang up 5 business days later & they said they are re-sending them, but I still have not received anything.

      But I did receive my order from the 8th of June.

      • I tried them on email and phone but have posted on their FB site as well. Hope it gets resolved soon, it is so annoying.

  • Does anyone have this problem?

    So i bought a few of the Woolworths starter packs and activated them on the May 30th and expires on the June 30th. When it came to that time, I noticed that I wasn't able to simply recharge the starter pack onto your existing mobile to Woolworths. So i called up a customer care and they said I needed to port my number to another provider and port it back to Woolworths, which should technically work. I bought an Optus $2 sim and ported my number to Woolworths to Optus, so now my number is on Optus. I'm trying to port over my number back to Woolworths again and they're currently saying my number does not exist, not activated etc, but I tried my mobile data from Optus and it does work! I calling back and forth to fix this issue and this is a real big hassle for me. I didn't expect this to take this long.

    So knowing that quite a few people bought multiple starter packs, i'm wondering how do you recharge using the Starter Pack?

    Do you simply create a new number or do you do what I'm trying to do?


    • -4

      Keep your card that has your number ported to it and put in one of the $30 cards.

      As the card expires, take it out, destroy it.

      Put in next card, activate it.

      Repeat till no more cards.

      Put card with ported number in.

      • With the same number or exisring number?

        • -5

          Keep the card that you ported your number too, activate each of the others with that number that they came with.

          Porting your number to each card just isn't worth the hassle. If you have another phone or pad (samsung - ipad - etc.) utilise your capabilities there.

          Don't port your number again until you change providers full time, not on these monthly things.

        • @Thatwey: So do I create a new number when i activate one of the $30 starter packs? I'm able to insert a dual-sim into my phone but i'd rather not do that because I don't want the people I know asking me 'Why is your number different?'.

          Oh and also I tried porting from Woolworths to Woolworths, that doesn't work.

          To my knowledge from customer care, they said that these $30 starter packs are only mean't to used for the first month on your existing number and that you can't reuse them again.

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