This was posted 8 years 8 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Xbox One] Assassin's Creed Unity - Digital Code AU$4.12 ($3.91 with FB Like) @ CD Keys

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Another great deal from CD Keys, credit to HUKD as usual.

Get a further 5% off with facebook like (Code is revealed after you submit email, and since email confirmation is not required, just enter in any random email)

Paris, 1789. The French Revolution turns a once magnificent city into a place of terror and chaos. Its cobblestoned streets run red with the blood of commoners who dare to rise up against an oppressive aristocracy. Yet as the nation tears itself apart, a young man named Arno will embark upon an extraordinary journey to expose the true powers behind the Revolution. His pursuit will throw him into the middle of a ruthless struggle for the fate of a nation, and transform him into a true Master Assassin.

Introducing Assassin's Creed Unity, the blockbuster franchise's new chapter powered by the all new Anvil engine, rebuilt from the ground up for next gen. From the storming of the Bastille to the execution of King Louis XVI, experience the French Revolution as never before, and help the people of France carve an entirely new destiny.

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closed Comments

    • +1

      I reckon youd make like $2-3 profit…prob not worth ur time lol

      (wasn't me who negged u lol)

  • +5

    Bargain. It's unfortunate they don't have codes for PS4.

  • -3

    Only problem with these sites is that the keys are usually purchased with stolen credit cards and these are then the proceeds of crime, hence the insane prices. Do a google it badly affects devs and supports mass crime.

    • +3

      What is your evidence for this claim. can you please share it with us .

      • the key word is gray market, It's really hard to prove that the keys are not stolen. these sites are always sketchy and hard to trace the origin of the keys. Not saying it is but you have to be careful as you wont be backed by any sort of protection if your account is suspended.
        (the odds are you wont)

        • +1

          Grey market is purely a term meaning imported or sold via means other than the standard manufacturers distribution channel. It has no relevance on whether an item is legitimate or not. e.g. Kogan and many other web sites are also grey markets.

      • Here's a good article from a developer about grey market key reselling…

        • I wouldn't exactly call it 'good', or even an 'article'…irrespective of how salient some of it might be, it's still just a fairly biased rant from a dev.

          Some of the links were somewhat helpful though, thanks.

        • -3

          @StewBalls: They asked for evidence that "it badly affects devs and supports mass crime". The link I provided is exactly what they asked for. Why are you arguing the semantics of how I described it? It is an article for goodness sakes, and how is it not good??
          I think I realise now why I couldn't be a politician. Can't handle the nonsense.

        • +1

          @Fasty: The mere fact that you think your "article" constitutes actual journalism is quite concerning.

          Rant blogs from people with a vested interest in one side of a debate are nothing like actual objective evidence I'm afraid.

          Automatically labelling every seller on sites like g2a a scammer who is supporting organised crime is as ludicrous as accusing every seller on eBay of being a crook. There are actually quite a few shonks on eBay too, but you guys conveniently keep your pie-holes shut about that when snapping up CLICK20 deals hand over fist.

        • @StewBalls: Oh boy. Could definitely not be a politician.

          First, look up the definition of the word "article". Just type the word into Google by itself, super easy. Ok I know you're not going to do that, so here is the definition: "1.a particular item or object. 2. a piece of writing included with others in a newspaper, magazine, or other publication.". It's an article.

          Second, the article contains actual hard objective data from the dev themselves as to how it harms them (which was the evidence that was requested in the first place). It's not an opinion. It's demonstrating fact. It also provides links to other articles.

          Third, you have presented the straw-man argument that someone at some point suggested that every seller on sites like g2a are scammers. This is the post that I responded to (emphasis mine):

          "Only problem with these sites is that the keys are usually purchased with stolen credit cards and these are then the proceeds of crime, hence the insane prices…"

          Clearly you are arguing against something/someone other than what I responded to with the link to the article. This is also clear when you start referring to me as "you guys". Who are you talking to? I'm just one guy, who rarely posts on this site, but saw someone asking for a citation that I knew I could easily refer them to. I also have no idea what a CLICK20 deal is.

    • +1

      Yeah look this kind of comment requires a source

      • -4

        The source you require is your own common sense, that to sell this to you and make a profit means that the seller has to buy for $1 of $2 to make the slimmest of margins. To suggest somehow that the developers would be interested in doing that is ridiculous.

        While you're thinking about it, pick up this bargain;
        Free - The Little Black Book of Scams - Delivered from ACCC

        • +2

          Yer, coz Unity is still such a AAA hot seller, it's not like there's the slightest possibility that anyone would be looking to offload excess keys for a classic like this.

        • +2

          @StewBalls: That and like Black Flag before it, there were a heck of a lot of copies made available as pack in promotions. A fair few of their keys that get offered for really good prices are games that have been bundled with hardware at some time…and many of those games belong to the sort of packs you find Target offloading for relatively cheap 9 months later having not moved for most of the year. I suspect it's just as likely digital codes were removed from bundles as they weren't helping sales of hardware anyway at this point and new promotions have come in.

          The code to me anyway looked like a scan of a physical card for what it's worth.

          Not to say theft doesn't occur out there, but if I was going to purchase keys on a stolen credit card Id probably be buying up COD, Overwatch and other titles like that, not more Assassins Creed which saw similar low prices for previous titles.

        • @Smigit: they do most certainly buy up all the aaa games too and sell them dirt cheap. A simple google of the matter will reveal all the evidence anyone needs to see to look past the lure of a cheap deal.
          Theres been plenty of people reporting keys being revokee due to them being purchased illegally/stolen. (Far cry 4 etc)

        • @Alpacino299: Sure, but does it apply to or are we clumping all of the sites into one basket? For Farcrys issue I can see G2A popping up as a source but not CDKeys.

          And yes, CDKeys do sell COD and the like but the prices in those are nowhere near what you see for things like Assassins Creed and the like.

      • -1

        See my reply to the original comment. I included a link to an article by a dev, which itself contains more links to more articles.

    • -4

      Exactly, the hell with these shady key resellers. They should be banned from OZB.

  • +1

    Great price, I bought mine for $29.95. Hard slog of a game. Boring campaign and annoying character. Not that satisfying when you finish.. Only pick up if you have plenty of free time. Or at that price for a quick look.

    • Rofl. Sounds as good as Assassin's Creed III, the last time I ever bothered with this franchise.

  • For those wondering about the source of these digital codes/keys and the frequency of these appearing for sale, there are legitimate ways of obtaining them…

    Some download versions of games originated from cards with the code printed on them. There are several ways of obtaining these games - two of them explained below are the most common:

    • The suppliers of the consoles would bundle these cards with consoles as part of the usual 'Console + 2 games' deals that are commonly sold at stores like Target and EB Games. They are usually given to the customer separately - as in they were not slipped into the box at the factory. It's likely that the consoles are sold without these cards (usually when said deals expire), leaving them sitting in the storeroom/cabinet for months/years. Then, as time goes by, these stores may clear them out at whatever price it was originally set at - which is usually at $0.01.

    • Download versions can also come packaged with other games or accessories. The card would be slipped into the game case, usually with the manual and map (if applicable) or box at the factory. It's simply that the customer who bought the game/accessory didn't want the extra game included (download version) and would sell it to recoup the cost of the game/accessory itself.

    Microsoft loves supplying their games this way - done as a way of getting people to create/sign into a Microsoft account, which would then force them to connect and use their online services.
    Sony doesn't seem to do these practices for unspecified reasons - possibly to keep their line of products simple and easier to use (that is another story).

    Off the top of my head, these Xbox 360/Xbox One games were obtainable as download versions printed on card and were sold in stores. Note that is not a complete list:

    Xbox One

    • Assassin's Creed Unity/Black Flag (as a bundle)
    • Dance Central Spotlight
    • FIFA 14
    • Max and the Curse of the Brotherhood (both 360 & One as a bundle. Yep.)
    • Tom Clancy's The Division
    • Gears of War Ultimate Edition
    • Zoo Tycoon
    • Kinect Sports Rivals
    • Tomb Raider
    • Rise of the Tomb Raider
    • Halo Master Chief Collection
    • Rare Replay
    • The Lego Movie

    Xbox 360

    • Rainbow Vegas 6 1 and 2 (as a bundle)
    • Alan Wake + DLC (as a bundle)
    • Just Cause 2
    • Fallout 3
    • Dark Souls
    • Forza Horizon
    • Forza Horizon 2
    • Tomb Raider
    • Dance Central 2
    • Wreckateer
    • Fruit Ninja
    • The Gunstringer
    • Gears of War 1
    • Carnival Games: Action!
    • Peggle 2
    • Far Cry Predator
    • Far Cry Blood Dragon
    • Call of Duty Black Ops II
    • Borderlands 2
    • Skyrim

    Feel free to ask me any questions.
    I've owned and dealt with many games like these (I don't own an Xbox One, but it's the same gist as the 360).

    • +1

      Awesome info, thanks for this!

      The link I provided earlier was specific to Steam keys so it's nice to have info regarding cheap Xbox keys

  • Now $4.08

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