The Goodguys is selling at $899 BingLee at $849 and Applianceonline at $729.
Looks like not too bad.
Here's the link…
The Goodguys is selling at $899 BingLee at $849 and Applianceonline at $729.
Looks like not too bad.
Here's the link…
Good idea. I'm about to buy. Do you know the link for the Harvey Norman amex registration?
This seems to have expired?
Bugger. Tried the direct link by forumninja in the comments but it said limit reached on signups.
Showing out of stock.
I think it depends on which suburb you choose. I put Haymarket and it shows in stock.
Good machine, just bought one. Thanks
Can recommend this machine, owned one for 2 years. Silent, good programs, good warranty (2 year as standard from FP), had some bearings go (possibly from when i moved house) but all covered under warranty and fixed quickly right before my 2 year mark was up (repair is covered for a year as well).
We've also got this machine. It's very efficient and extremely quiet. The countdown timer isn't always accurate but other than that, I can't fault it.
Great price too. Think I paid $800 or so a few years back.
Bought one. Thanks OP!
I am an appliance technician and repair these for a living; DO NOT buy this model. This is by far the worst machine F&P ever released in a front loader (anything with that same front facia design avoid like the plague). They are nothing but trouble; their main bearing and seals fail all the time, their pumps fail constantly, their suspension arms are cheap and have a habit of bouncing around damaging cabinets, their inlet valves squeal, etc. F&P are not the company they once were (after being bought-out by chinese Haier)… they're cheap for a reason. If you're going for a front loader spend the extra $$ and either go LG or Samsung, even Bosch (which used to be bulletproof 5-10 years ago) have changed their designs so its hard to recommend them now.
Just a friendly warning to my fellow ozbargainers… ultimately people will do what they want :)
Hi Rev, I am looking to buy matching front load washer and heat pump dryer, what manufacturer models would you suggest? I have been looking at the Bosch home professional series at the moment
I would normally recommend Miele combo (if you're got the money to spend), but their parts can be incredibly expensive out of warranty which is a huge downside. Their bearings and pumps are bulletproof though — the only issues we see with their washers is they have "airbreak" assemblies which tend to get clogged with detergent and general crap over the years of use. As long as people avoid putting hairpins and stuff through their wash though their generally really good, otherwise maybe a Samsung WW75J4213IW which are pretty good machines for something cheaper.
Traditional vented dryers will always do a better job (and be quicker) at drying your cloths if you've got good ventilation and dont mind a bit of lint in your laundry. We always recommend a basic Simpson dryer with a dial-control. Basic and easy to fix and rarely breakdown. You can pick one up for about $250-300 new.
The appeal of a condenser dryer though is that they are supposed to collect the lint and water in their capsules. But condenser's have a nasty habit of collecting lint inside the machine too and clogging the motor, pump and electrical components up. They are good in theory but still arent perfected and can be incredibly hard to work on which costs more $$. So hard to pick a good one but I'd probably go maybe Miele, Bosch or Electrolux for a condenser.
Hope that helps :)
I have the cheapest Samsung 7.5kg front loader money can buy, gets run all the time and so far no issues. when I bought it for $400 I was expecting to write it off after a couple of years, but it's been solid for 2.5 years now, and with the prices of parts and repairs these days I don't think it's justifiable to fix these machines except from a green perspective, at least until people in China have a decent minimum wage. Personally don't see the reasons this would cost 2 or 4 hundred more that the Samsung.
Hi theRev
Thank you very much for the heads up! . I'm looking to purchase a dishwasher, family of soon to be 6, so don't have a lot of time left over for doing the dishes.
What brand/model would you recommend? Don't have a lot of budget after feeding all the kids :D , so a basic/cost effective appliance would be great.
Any insight would be greatly apprecciated, thank you.
On a budget go for the Dishlex DSF6106. This model (pickup on sale around $500, usually $600 I think) is pretty good for the value and its one of the only brands of dishwashers we as technicians recommend (the others being maybe a Miele or LG). We just dont see them that often and when we do they are quite straight-forward and easy to diagnose and fix. Also Electrolux (the mother company of Dishlex) are brilliant to deal with on warranty issues. You can go a bit cheaper into other brands like Euro or Haier but they're just trouble. People get upset sometimes when their dishwashers breakdown after 5-8 years but thats about the life expectancy of one doing 5-6 washes a week. They are machines which do a lot of work and their motors, control boards and elements work very hard in the household so its only to be expected.
Also if you've never had a dishwasher before its important to know as well that they're not food processors. A lot of people we visit daily expect the machine to just get rid of everything that goes into it when they're not designed that way at all. Sauces and gravies are fine; ANY food no matter how small (including corn, peas, etc) is a no and you would be surprised how little can block up a pipe or stop the pump. The filter will catch most of it but chicken bones are the worst and when thin glasses break sometimes its almost impossible to get all of the fragments out in 1 visit.
Good luck :)
I'm looking at the Hoover 7.5kg Front Load Washer DXA 175AH/1-AUS.
How is the Hoover brand in regards to quality / breakdowns ?
Guess they make good Vacuum Cleaners why not washing machines LOL :)
Hoover is a bit of a weird one; up until recently we were all under the impression they werent making Hoovers anymore. But it looks like some other company has bought out their whitegoods and have been selling them. We occasionally see them and its mostly issues with their control boards going. Apart from that they're not too bad inside and seem to be fairly durable, on comparison older Electrolux machines perhaps… but I really have no idea who is handling their warranties these days.
Good find. I bought one of these from GG about 9 months ago and cost an extra $100. As others have mentioned very quiet.You have about a minute or so to add any extra laundry to the wash after you press start.Don't rely too much on the countdown timer, it can take an extra 10 mins on the everyday (59) min wash. But besides that very happy with the machine.Oh and when the drum clean starts to flash you have a few more washes before you have to clean the drum.Just throw in some detergent and the machine will do the rest.The machine will not let you do any more washing until the drum is cleaned.
I just happened to buy one of these 28 days ago at good guys, hello 30 day price guarantee! This hopefully has saved me some $$, Thanks OP!!
So far this machine has been a major improvement to my old LG front loader washer that packed it in after 9 years. Biggest difference was the noise during spin cycle, the old one was like a jet taking off, this one is silent. Now we can run it and still hear the TV :)
I did a bit a research before buying and this one has a lower running costs than the comparative LG (which gets higher recommendations from choice) and seemed like the best one in the price range to me. The miele units start at twice the price but have the same warranty period so I couldn't justify the spend, can't see how it could outlast 2 of these machines.
As for being made in china, isn't everything these days?
Even the cheaper LG models(eg WD1200D) appear to be from china not korea.
…. and this one has a lower running costs than the comparative LG (which gets higher recommendations from choice)
What sort of running costs are you comparing?
I was comparing using choice data with their estimated 10yr costs which are using a default cycle and monitoring water and electricity usage.
Lg WD12021D6 came in at $967 vs this fp at $561. Of course take that with a grain of salt.
So much of difference given that electricity ratings aren't that different! I doubt that though I wouldn't know criteria for the comparison. A lot of it depends on which cycle you choose for washing and what temperature, assuming that amount of usage is similar in both cases.
Yep I was surprised as well how that works, but those advertised ratings are sometimes at settings you don't use so in reality at the settings that actually wash clothes it may be much higher
9 years is a good run for a washing machine without any issues. It sounds like your main bearing was on its way out if it sounded like a jet taking off :) Also, having dealt a lot with Miele in my industry they will generally cover their products for a good 4-5 years. The standard 2 year warranty is only a customer guarantee promise… they are a very good company when it comes to customer service and will always come to a compromise with a customer (usually they cover parts and the customer pays labour). The wash results are also much better and the construction is like comparing apples and oranges.
And I wasnt having a stab at China specifically; they do some good work sometimes, but the company itself (Haier) are not good news… and unfortunately when they bought out F&P they integrated their designs and materials into the mix. Which means F&P (traditionally from New Zealand) is constructed very poorly now (and have been this way for the last 6-8 months). The only thing in the range this doesnt seem to apply to (yet) is their top-loading machines with the push-button design.
Yeah wasn't a bad run. I think it was the carbon brushes had worn out, but lg don't offer that (~$30) part standalone instead it was a new motor and maybe pcb at $300.
It always was that loud from the start, this was an older belt driven not these quieter direct drive ones. If I had of known the massive difference I would have upgraded sooner.
Yeah I would have preferred a unit built elsewhere and I really like the miele stuff (have vacuum and dishwasher) just couldn't justify the price this time - maybe when this one dies 😃
So… Has anyone thought about buying this on eBay from TGG on their higher priced listing $899.
Not applying the 20% eBay discount
Then applying for the 120% price beat?
TGG - $899
HN - $595
Difference - $304
120% Price Beat = $364.80
Meaning you actually get it for $534.20?
Sorry.. Link was for 8.5kg.
TGG - $799
HN - $595
Difference - $204
120% Price beat - $244.80
Meaning you actually get it for $554.20
They don't consider eBay price when considering price beat.
I called them to check. What a crap loop hole.
Yes they don't consider OTHER resellers eBay prices.. But even if you buy it from their eBay store (no different than going into a physical store) its considered a non-TGG sales platform.. So that means you technically are buying from a different ABN if you buy anything from TGG eBay store.
They are price matching instore as well, but still.. :P
@r1mick: No stores match eBay prices of other stores. There's a reason behind it. The eBay discounts are a part of the promo run by eBay itself and not always fully borne by the retailers. Therefore, in most cases prices with eBay promotions will generally be lower (at least slightly) than that the stores could ever afford by themselves. Hence, they can't match eBay prices - even the same stores can't when you go for in-store purchase.
But the issue is that they don't consider their OWN eBay store part of TGG.
So you can't get a price beat garanturee if you buy from TGG eBay store yet find a better price from a bricks and motor store. They consider their own eBay store not part of themselves.
@r1mick: Yes, for the above reason. Pricing strategies of eBay store and brick and mortar store are different at times, so they can't consider them both as one.
Picked one up today. Can confirm. Good deal. Thanks @vinoccc
Guys , based on discussion above , I bought one as it was too good to resist at this price when I much needed a washing machine .
I also got sucked into a 99 dollar 4 year replacement warranty at HN taking warranty to 6 years in total . Was it the right thing to do or would you suggest I get my 99 dollars back ? I have 7 days to decide .
I think its good to have replacement warranty. $99 for 4 years sounds ok.
I got pretty much same deal. $700 total bill with 6 years of warranty looks good!
In regards to the replacement warranty. I was offered $69 for my 4 years.
hi shavanni, can you please let me know which store this was at? thanks
HN Belrose
Thanks. Local wouldn't match. You got a great deal :)
Could you tell me which store? Thanks
for the $69?
HN Belrose
I was just about to order the Fisher & Paykel 7.5kg QuickSmart Front Load Washing Machine
Reading some of the posts here is making me hesitate…
Online posts / reviews are very positive and low noise washing / spin cycles are a big + for me.
While comparing many washing machines online. I always get pointed back to Fisher & Paykel being the quietest low noise spin cycle machine in a reasonable price range.
I know Bosch is a good quality long lasting beast but I find them to be very noisy or at least at my mothers place its like an earthquake generator LOL :)
Hearing Samsung or Panasonic I cant stop thinking of TVs LOL…
Which in turn makes me question their ability of making low noise good quality washing machines.
Sorry, couldn't help myself making a silly statement smile :) I`m sure they have decent quality washers…
Whats my alternative ( excluding Bosch & Miele ) in price range of $480 to $680 max with good quality built and very low vibration / noise washing spinning cycle?
I have a Samsung front loader and the noise is quite loud (like a jet). The cycle times are also quite lengthy (about 2-2.5hrs for a normal load on cotton setting).
I think you should be fine with the FP, and there is room to negotiate on cheaper replacement warranty at HN.
Thanks for your input, helps a lot
I love the quick wash options and custom programable washes for shorter spin cycles at lower rpm
Combine with amex spend $300, get $50 statement credit