This deal is back again
Get 3 months of Premium for $0.99.
$11.99/month afterwards.
You can cancel the subscription as soon as you subscribe and you'll stay premium for 3 months.
This deal is back again
Get 3 months of Premium for $0.99.
$11.99/month afterwards.
You can cancel the subscription as soon as you subscribe and you'll stay premium for 3 months.
Nearly time for my last 3 months to renew!
Cheers OP!
If I signed up for Premium 3 weeks ago and still on the free month trial, how would i get this deal? Would I need to cancel and reapply?
technically you'd probably need a new email address and possibly a different Credit Card as its only for new signups only
Probably don't need a different CC. Maybe someone can verify. Even then, you can probably use paypal instead of CC. It should technically be a different payment method.
It's all hypothesis, btw.
You need a new CC, and email, and if you use PayPal, your linked cards get registered as if you weren't using paypal (need another CC)
So far i have Paypal bank direct debit, Amex #1,
Amex#2, Amex supplementary card 1&2, city bank CC, ANZ cc, ING CC
Next will be a new everday account with ING which gives you a new card…
All for the sake of music!
@paloverde88: I take it your one of those people that don't value 1c..
99c is not Virtually Free, It's 99c.
I can give you my Paypal details and you can give me 99c, virtually for free
@j03: strange, I tried that but it didn't work… I'll try again though for my wifes account, thanks mate
@ozy: Haha same here! I'm trying to figure out how to get a new debit card from CBA without them asking why I have so many accounts/cards. Do you know how long this deal lasts? My current trial ends in 2 weeks so ideally I'd like to get it only after it expires so I don't waste the 2 weeks left, but it doesn't say how long this 3 months for $0.99 offer is on for :/
@modernwalls: not sure mate, but I'd overlap the 2 weeks for the peace of mind that I didn't pay full price for the next 3 months :)
@ozy: cheers i might get the new trial sometime today then. any tips on how to get more payment methods? I think my bank will start getting suspicious if I have like 5 debit cards all with just a single $0.99 transaction for them. I considered getting those Mastercards from BigW but you have to pay like $5 for the card itself and then top it up with money, doesn't really seem worth it :(
@modernwalls: mate, Who cares what your bank thinks, its your money!
There's no down side to doing it.
@ozy: true that. also I just saw the date for the offer ending, its June 30 so I'll have some leeway. thanks for posting this offer! did they email it to you? I found the previous ones just by randomly logging onto the website
a different email is required. but no u don't need a different payment method. But its safer or more convenient to use paypal as you can remove the ongoing authorization payment via paypal.
Thanks guys. Cancelled and reapplied- needed a different email address and credit card. It's clever!
I'm scared they will keep charging me
cancel the subscription as soon as you subscribe
Just in time as 3month trial of google play is about to finish
Thanks OP! Just paid for this month but the offer ends on the 30th so should be able to create a new account and get the 3 months.
Signed up for Google Play Music with free Red YouTube (first 3 months free, then $9.99p/m) a few weeks ago and I've just uploaded 13000 songs to Google Play Music. Can't see myself switching now but gonna try this Spotify thing anyway and see what all the fuss is about. Thanks, OP.
Can you download music to your device with Google Play?
Thanks. Is it similar to Spotify premium where you can also download songs to your phone?
Although once you 'leave' the program, the songs are also gone with it?
@jayz: Yes. Though you can only play the saved songs on the Google Play Music app. But if you download an app called 'MusicMate' it allows you to actually save the songs onto your phone and therefore allows you to transfer them to your computer.
Wow, this is amazing. I was looking for something after my 15 days Deezer premium expired and it's definitely not worth it. I'll stick to Spotify. Thank you :)
If you're jailbroken you can just get the tweak "Deezelife" and it'll always be premium ;)
Apple Music sucks the big one. And they delete your music off your hard drive just to suck a little harder.
I'm getting "Oops! Something went wrong, please try again." when trying to pay :/
Tried both paypal and CC.
Odd, doesn't work with any of my cards or PayPal account. Even tried another browser and tried from my phone over mobile data and still can't get past payment stage
Same, I had to try 3 methods before I got one that worked. Paypal (first choice) did not.
I had this issue when I tried the free 3 months this ages ago. I think it was my ad blocker. Just temp disable it.
I managed to get it working when I signed up a 2nd new account and used a different credit card straight up. I think what might have happened is when I created the first new account, I used my Paypal account which I used before, so it must have flagged that Spotify account as belonging to someone who had used the promo before, and then prevented me from using any of my cards on that account. Could the system really be that smart?
I think the main problem is if u have playlist and stuff sorted .. Once ur premium acc expire can u transfer those list to a new acc ?
In some capacity you can. When i was sharing with my roommate I just found myself on Spotify and followed my playlist. Alternatively, if you still want both you can collaborate on the same playlist (both can edit), or you can just copy the songs from that playlist to a playlist on your new account.
You can share your playlist from your expired account to your new account :)
Anyone else having trouble creating an Australian account. I am only getting USA and not accepting my CC?
What method are you using? Online? App?
Online, might have something to do with unblock-us. Ill try it form work
Same paypal account works for me. 3 months of free music!
Not really free. You did pay 99c didn't u?
Paid with Paypal, no dramas. Great deal, OP!
i actually want a US account so I can use with Amazon Echo. Any thoughts? I tried to switch but it wants a US card number.
Wow great timing my 3 months 99c subscription was about to expire tomorrow :)
existing customers never get a good deal :(
Set up a family account with your mates, could save you ~$9 a month!
Thanks OP now I can skip through songs to my hearts content 🤓
It's a good deal, Spotify is great, been using it for years, even though I have Apple devices I didn't like Apple Music.
Whilst I like the idea of taking advantage of the 3 months for $0.99 I hope people don't abuse it too much that the only music streaming companies that can stay alive are Apple Music/Google due to their enormous bank roll. I would hate for the music streaming industry to end up as another Apple/Google duopoly.
I've been using Apple Music since it was released… I keep hearing that Spotify is better. I'll have to give this a shot.
I don't think Spotify is any better. In some ways it's worse :
* You can't play an album in "album order" - it's always shuffled.
* Genres are far too broad
* I'm still trying to work out how to find a curated playlist, if such a thing exists on Spotify
Will all the playlists songs still be available after I cancel my premium subscription?
Any restrictions on playing the songs in the playlists? I know that the offline mode
is no longer available. Anything else?
For existing customers there is 3 months for $11.99 deal on at the moment as well.
How do I activate this? I'm an existing premium user
I'm curious too, I just had a look and couldn't see anything. It offered me the standard family deal ($17.99).
Just following up this I think it might be depend on the age of the account. I have an account from about 2 years back and I saw the offer when I logged in after clicking on the 0.99 deal. However I did not see the 3 month offer for another spotify account that is only a few months old.
I think you didn't read the title, it says "new customers" so it doesn't work if you've already signed up for premium
I just got a notification and email about it this morning.
Limited Eligibility "Terms and conditions apply. Offer not available to users who cancelled Premium after April 18, 2016."
@ TopGun31
For existing customers there is 3 months for $11.99 deal on at the moment as well
Got offered the same deal on my old cough account ;)
I subscribed and canceled straight away and now i don't seem to be able to log in. Did i do something wrong?
My bad, was trying to log in with my email address. Oops :)
Thanks love spotify! Its actually worth the full price but in typical ozbargain fashion I cant refuse the saving.
The credit card payment section doesn't seem to be loading. It keeps giving me the loading wheel.
Keep getting javascript error when I try to pay, on both Mac and iPhone, looks like they're having some issues, try again later…
can you pay for it with telstra prepaid balance?
No. Uses real money. Its not considered an in app purchase.
After paypal confirmation it goes back to the same spotify page. I click continue and it goes to paypal page again. Endless cycle. I get no error messages or nothing.
I was getting the same issue. I used a cc instead. Worked.
happened to me as well. i think it detected a spotify entry previously in my paypal account and perhaps rejected it
Why won't it accept my AU zipcode? What to do?
I am on the etc etc website
Log in > go to your account > change your location from US to Australia and try claiming the $0.99 premium again. On the payment page, the zipcode field should no longer be there
Does Spotify download and cache the song. Or do you have to be re downloading it all the time ?
Thanks OP! Great deal.
It appears my problem originates from having changed my IP to watch USA Netflix :/ (which I don't use anymore)
so…Spotify think I am in the USA and won't let me change my country setting :/…now need to change my IP back…how?? sigh
Subscribed and cancelled. Thanks op!
It allowed me to subdcribe even it said not for customer already tried preimum.
not much of a user myself, but started using it for the kids.
Thanks for the info about being able to cancel straight away but keep the premium until the end of the month (much better than having to create a calendar reminder). I don't mind the free version on desktop but for 99c willing to try it ad free for 3 months!
Great first post. Well done :)