Ted pays the GST on selected items! This means for people who are not travelling overseas anytime soon, they can get the 10% GST saving immediately.
Get extra $50 off code in the other deal: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/249867
Ted pays the GST on selected items! This means for people who are not travelling overseas anytime soon, they can get the 10% GST saving immediately.
Get extra $50 off code in the other deal: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/249867
Ted will claim your GST refund when he goes overseas. :)
It means they sell you grey imports.
This makes my head hurt, it's so stupid. Fine print even says "10% calculated at 1/11th Ted's price".
1/11th is 9%. Not 10%.
No, ted's right, you're wrong.
Okay, show me how I'm wrong?
no suprised bronwyn bishop doesnt know how GST works
The problem is that it's 10% of the base price. 10% of $100 (base) is $10 (GST), which makes $110 (RRP), but 10% of $110 is $11. If we know that the GST is $10 and the RRP is $110 we can work out the Base from that by dividing the GST by the RRP times the RRP - $10/$110 * $110 = $100.
Hope that helped
@digi79: Look I'm not sure if you clicked through to the deal, but it clearly says "save 10%" and you're simply not saving 10%.
You're saving 9.09%. Do the maths.
I understand perfectly well that GST is an added 10% on the base price. What I'm saying is that Ted is describing it as 10% when it's really not. Even according to their T&Cs.
@Bronwyn Bishop: Sorry, I misunderstood what you said. Didn't mean to cause offence. So if I did, my humble apologies.
They are being honest if slightly misleading - which is probably due to the fact that if they said that you were saving GST of 9.09% people would probably freak out coz GST is 10%.
At least they do acknowledge that it's no 1/10, but rather 1/11.
If they paying GST wouldn't it be 11% off?
You math bad
You English worse. :)
My bad, I thought the government increased the GST to help the deficit.
No, they are relying on trickle-down economics from giving tax breaks to high income earners and corporations (who are mostly over-seas owned, so don't really pay tax here anyway - so it's just extra profit to their overseas shareholders).
They had talked about broadening the base (to include more products/services) and increasing the rate, but they are trying to force the states to do it by pulling GST revenue funding from the states, but to date the states have resisted.
Thank you for the edit! It is indeed 9.09% off haha my bad
EDIT: Paid $818 for a camera that was originally $899.95 so that's ~9.10% off!
The Nikon B500 is cheapish at $340, plus a further $50 off if that other deal applies.
So there won't be any GST showing on the receipt then ???
Not good for those that can claim GST…