I'm a new member here in OzBargain. I love sharing new ideas and getting to know more of you guys.
I'm a new member here in OzBargain. I love sharing new ideas and getting to know more of you guys.
Did you report her?
Yep, when they created a spam forum post
I've used ReadyFlowers in the past and was pretty happy with the service. I hope you guys can do some deals in the future.
My dog has no nose.
I like bikies
May is the only month spelled with three letters
I am Iron Man
I bench press 296.2kg
say Hi to jv if you see him :)
Careful of jv. She is savage!
It's a she?
Nah she's harmless
Please don't be discouraged by jayvee (jv), he/she makes stupid unnecessary for no reason
And when you see Savas, say "Savas backwards is savaS"
savaS postive vote inserted
When you see Bearosaurus ask him why he hasn't posted http://m.ebay.com.au/itm/131677526549?_mwBanner=1
just checked, controller is $14ish bucks
OP is already in the naughty bin.
Statistics: 1 posts / 0 comments
…and in the sinbin already, now that's impressive! :)
Im New Here in OzBargain
How did you get in ozbargain
shes definitely 'in' ozbargain……penalty bin! lol
Oh, you didn't know about the special entrance?
Only cool people were allowed in
I hear there's a welcome mat at your back door. ;)
Only for select people, sorry to say but you're not 1 of them :D
@StewBalls: What about the front seat of a DeLorean?
Oh, and not sure about you using the term "I'm OK" anyway!
Make sure to read the Deal Posting Guidelines and Store Rep Guidelines. If you follow them then you will be viewed favourably. Happy posting :)