This was posted 8 years 9 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Half Price PS4/XB1 Games @ EB Games $49.98


EB games is having a Half price sale on both major console titles

Most of the games are for 50$ for both PS4 and XB1

Link for PS4 Games…

Link for XB1 Games…

Just pasting few titles and links for

$49.98 Titles

Grand Theft Auto V……

Halo 5: Guardians…

Halo 5: Guardians Limited Edition…

Destiny: The Taken King Legendary Edition…

Fallout 4

Just Cause 3

Star Wars Battlefront…

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt…

Fifa 16

Need for Speed……

Assassin's Creed: Syndicate Special Edition……

WWE 2K16

NBA 2k16

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4…

Related Stores

EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +3

    EB games is having a Half price sale on both major console titles

    no Sega?

  • +26

    Star wars battlefront was never $100 at EB, and GTA V has been around $50-$60 for a year. Their "half price" claim is outright lying.

    • +2

      All stores do it. They jack the price up to RRP which they never sell it at anyway and then say 50% off. Biggest load of shit!

    • -1

      Well, there's a difference between Was price and RRP price. RRP is what was set from the developer company. Was price is from the store. Technically they can still say "half price" from RRP. Unless it's further "half price" or "slashed from xx".

  • +2

    Well, charging $99.95 for The Wicther is criminal in itself, so 50% off that is barely a deal.

  • +3

    No nargain. Fie example: Target has had Halo 5 on sale under $40 for 2 weeks.

  • +11

    Half price at EB. yay so in other words, the price that these games sell everywhere else!

    • +2

      Well probably still cost more in most instances.

  • Picked up Deadpool for $30 on the weekend for xbone. Probably the only bargain I found.

    • +5

      Deadpool for $30?.. you got ripped off

    • I thought that game bombed in reviews

      • +6

        Each to their own bro - some people love fifa i think its a pos

  • +2

    So they are normal prices this week then.

  • +1

    I got both NBA and WWE 2k16 for less than $50 around Xmas.

    It really surprises why people preorder games from EB with their inflated RRP!

    • Because you can price match? let alone the many exclusive editions….

  • +2

    Still a rip off

    • Where can I get it cheaper?

      • Which game?

        • Sorry replied to the wrong post

  • +1

    Skylanders Swap Force is $9 for each console, eg:…

  • most amiibos are half price as well, refer to deal posted yesterday.

  • +3

    halo 5 is $29 at target ATM

  • +3

    Battlefront Xbox One is $39 at Target.

    Those RRP discounts are fraudulent.

  • +1

    Half price at EB really means that it's probably now only five bucks more than you could have got it at Target on launch day for months ago.

  • +4

    LOLOLOL, yea sure half price. Anyone that plays games knows what a joke these prices are. Nothing against OP, but this isn't a bargain.

    Every single game you'll find here will be nothing more than regular RRP with (as some people have pointed out above) some titles already at lower prices elsewhere.

    Sorry but -ve.

  • +2

    EB + SALE = oxymoron?

  • I know it's been cheaper online etc but I got Skyrim Legendary Edition PC for $20. Activates on steam. Now just to remember how I got my save games off the 360 again.

  • +1

    It still bothers me why they operate on such a a business model - price everything $20-30 above what the JB Hi-Fi/Big W/Target is offering next door. And it makes me wonder why there are still so many people going in to buy overpriced games…which perhaps they ignorantly do not realize are cheaper next door.

    The only time I buy something from EB is because I can't be bothered walking to the other side of the shopping centre and if (and only if) they price match.

    • But they have all the older games. I buy a lot of older stuff second hand or from the half price bins.

    • +1

      Think about it this way. With their price match policy (which is hit and miss) they can afford to have the games at high prices. You come in and price match, if it's above nett, cool here you go still make profit. If someone just walks in off the street (mom, dad, aunty etc) and just pays full price, here you go bigger profit. It's not overpriced when you don't get a second price.

      Also one quote that has always stuck with me is "There are two types of people in this world, those that have more time than money and those who have more money than time". If I'm making bank but spend quite a bit of time doing so, I don't want to spend my time off looking at where the cheapest deals are, I want it right now and EB will have it.

      • Yeah completely agree with you there - sometimes people are willing to pay the premium for convenience. EB is reliable in terms of having stock usually and I'd consider myself a loyal customer because of their price match policy. It just feels like their higher prices is just dirty tactics to prey on the idiots who don't research game prices across several stores first - eg: the mother who knows nothing about video games but desperately goes and buys a new game for their kid who keeps complaining about it.

        Maybe my feelings towards their business structure is akin to region pricing we see on Steam? Why are you charging $80 for Fallout 4 when Jb Hi-Fi next door sells it for $60? That sort of thing. I guess the difference is that the (informed) consumer gets a choice as to what price to pay.

        Additional rant: I bought the new Fire Emblem from them by price matching to Target - they didn't even bother checking the price I quoted ($55 - and for the record there was no Big W in the shopping centre I was in), but I felt I could've pushed my luck and said $49 and they would've sold it to me for that price without blinking…

        • Haha more likely they had a few price matches with Target and just got used to it. The digital vs physical pricing is a whole another barrel of fish though.
          I read/heard somewhere (take with a grain of salt, as with all things from the internet) that big retailers like EB force publishers to set their online pricing equal/above physical by boycotting them if they don't. Publishers understand the established customer base of brick and mortar stores and don't want to upset their distribution chain.

          Again, could be 100% wrong, but I heard it somewhere and it makes sense.

  • +1

    is $49 for destiny TTK a good price ? cant seem to find it anywhere cheaper

    • The cheapest I have seen a physical copy was $59 at Target.

    • not worth it.

      check on ebay or use this:
      grab a second hand of destiny for $10 bucks and then the dlc expansion pass for $25 or w/e it is…provided you're on xbone :P

      • yeah im on xbox one, thanks il have a look

        • No worries.
          You could even grab a preowned copy of vanilla Destiny from EB for $12 and the expansion pass separate.

  • saw this in store yesterday. had a laugh when i spotted all the PRE-OWNED copies of MGS phantom pain jacked up to $78 right next to the "half price" sticker.

    The ACCC has something to say about it:

    "Misleading prices may include:
    - a ‘before’, ‘was’ or ‘strike through’ price where only a limited proportion of sales were at the higher price in a reasonable period immediately before the sale period started
    - ‘savings’ or ‘discount’ statements when compared to the recommended retail price (RRP), but the goods have never been sold at the RRP or the RRP does not reflect a current market price."

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