[PC, Ubisoft] Assassin's Creed Shadows $82.96 @ Green Man Gaming

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Deal ends in 20 hours.

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Page states that it is a preorder but the game has already been released so maybe the page hasn't been updated?

Redeem key for Ubisoft connect.

Let's see how this release from Ubisoft pans out…

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  • +3

    it doesn't look very historically accurate, Japanese likely are not happy with this portrayal hard pass.

    • +6

      You may be interested in Yasuke Simulator instead, it is made by HistoryAccurateDevelopers and they have stated on the store page The Yasuke simulator team has done its research and went above and beyond to provide a totally historically accurate depiction of Feudal Japan with Yasuke the Samurai.


    • +7

      since when was assasin's creed a history documentary?

      • +9

        Since they started editing Wikipedia entries of historical events to match the game's lore

      • I can only think there's some contingent of people who've based their entire knowledge of western civilization (and its many manly values) on previous assassins creed games. Those guys are now a bit nervous that this one is going to undermine the ironclad authority granted by playing video games and using marble statue avatar on twitter.

    • +5

      it doesn't look very historically accurate

      Ass creed has literal ancient aliens, Illuminati and mind control lmao.

      This looks mediocre but it was never meant to be realistic.

    • +3

      It was one of the top pre-ordered games in Japan. Normal people who don't look to be offended by everything don't mind.

      • -1

        It's a big title release, of course it's going to be a top pre-ordered or a seller, people likely pre-ordered even before any gameplay footage came out. Normal people who want crap/forced storyline with ever declining AC game quality, sure.

        • +1

          Reviews are good. You don't have to like it.

          • @Aureus: You're right actually, 7/8 out of 10 is really good for AC series, probably the best it's able to get.

    • +5

      It was raised in Japanese parliament yesterday, the PM is more concerned about tourism it might promote and how people might treat and deface places like shrines.


      • Do they realise that foreigners have played other games before that are based in Japan?

    • +3

      (not a response to above, but a general comment)
      Gatekeeping Japan. Every other country/culture nobody complains. They do Japan, all of sudden thousands of white knights battle cry to defend their precious Nihon.

      Who cares how accurate it is as long as it's fun and doesn't depict things over negatively.

      • -5

        Well for one Ubisoft were the ones that came out to say their main character is historically accurate.

        They made a figurine using a WW2 damaged Torii gate as one of the props, they've since walked back on that.
        They made it so you can romance Oda Nobunaga's sister Oichi (married), famous for her character in Japanese history as a sign of honorable/faithful, good character.

        There are literally Japanese citizens that are upset about the game, they even talked about it in the Japanese parliament because they've not gotten permission to use real locations of shrines, they're upset that AC team made it so you can physically destroy shrines and other sacred objects in game.

    • You're right, they're not happy about it.

    • -1

      AC has always been 'based' on history, so that point is moot.
      The Japanese are 'likely' not happy?

      OK Asmongrub/Grubbz.

  • +7

    You'd have to pay me way more than $82.96 to play this.

    Edit - They want me to pay for it? Hard pass

    • +2

      Won't have to wait too long for a 75% discount on Steam, likely in the next winter sale.

  • +3

    Physical copy is cheaper in Amazon

  • +8

    AC is so dead .

    • +7

      Sigh, gone are the glory days of Black Flag. I'd love to see an updated pirate style RPG with a similar setting.

    • +3

      Valhalla made $1B USD

      This game will equal it

      • +2

        Offset by 3 bombs like avatar, skull & bones and star wars: outlaws, not to mention they cancelled around 8 games recently.

    • +2

      Never really been my cup of tea, only played the PSP and Vita ones to completion anyway,

      But, like Call of Duty every. single. year., this game will surely make money arse over fist.

  • -6

    For those that want to romance oda nobunaga's sister as a black samurai in Japan.

    • +1

      where did all these inbred slackjaws come from? there's been an infestation of them over the last 12 months.

      • -1

        You good? What are you upset about?

        • +1

          Are you getting down voted for ruining the story or because someone's offended by something? Can anyone explain.

          • -1

            @wrjcu: Who knows, judging by the sentiment here most aren't going to play it, so assuming it's the second.

  • +5

    Hard pass

  • +2

    Ubisoft did this to themselves.

    • +1

      Quite a few games with similar themes as Assassins Creed Shadows have failed within the past year.

      Wonder if this will make or break Ubisoft.

      • Honestly I hope this sets an example for the big gaming companies that they should really focus on gaming and leave the politics aside. Make good games and people will go out of their way to support it.

  • The environment looks amazing, especially with the season changes

  • Thanks!

  • +3

    This game was being discussed in Japanese parliament. Must be good

  • +2

    After the Valhalla bug which took Ubisoft nearly 9 months to fix where you couldn't proceed without starting again, and even then you might get stuck again…I'll wait 6 months to see how bug ridden this is.

    It pissed me off that I put a couple hundred hours into it and they just say, just start again….(profanity) off.

  • -3

    WTF. A black samurai. no thanks.
    ubisoft can keep the woke sh** for themselves

  • Keep your $82.96.

    If you want to play it, wait 3-6 months and check the price.

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