Hello community,
I'm in big trouble. I sold my car via Gumtree, wasn't aware of having buyers information (name, address and licence no.). After 1 month just found out buyer hasn't transferred the car yet to his name. Getting lots of toll notice. Don't know what other fines are on the way.
Called Service NSW, they said they can't do anything without buyers information. Went to police they can't so anything.
Only information I have is him mobile number which is switched off, sent few text messages as well.
Please suggest me any solution.
I know I'm stupid. Have done very big mistake but I'm human and (expletive) happened. Please help me.
Make a police report and deem as technically stolen but with qualifying explanation as to the background. The police have to accept the report.
If you get pinged for any more offences you can defend yourself by stating the car has been technically stolen and you are covered in the explanatory notes.