Free stickers to raise awareness of dooring. Each flyer comes with four stickers - two for a car and two for a bike, you can choose to claim 1, 5,10 or 30 sets.
Now for the PSA:
A car door can cause terrible injuries if it opens into the path of someone riding.
That’s why we’re asking drivers and bike riders to think of the impact.
Look before opening your door
When getting out of your car always check behind for people on bikes.
Remember a bike rider may need to take the lane to avoid the car door zone, so please be patient and only pass if it is safe. Allow at least a metre (if travelling over 60km/h allow at least 1.5 metres).
You can be fined $319 and lose 2 demerit points if you pass too close to someone riding.
EDIT: More free stuff
Below Freebies for Sydneysiders only
Free T-shirt (pick up only during the free tune up sessions, see site for details)-…
Free cycling/maintenance courses -