Just seen …..COTD Selling a GPS for $79.99 good deal
3.5" GPS $79.99 Today at Catch of the Day

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i think its the navigon brand. Model dont know.
see link http://www0.uk.shopping.com/xPO-Navigon-Navigon-GPS-7210-Via…
specifications are same
edit: its an european brand too
Price ranges from $252 but once again i dont know what model.
might be a good deal
It seems to be the same screenshot as this.. Navigon 1300
i was just about to post that. same dimensions and memory.
It's a Naivgon 1300 http://www.navigon.com/portal/au/produkte/navigationssysteme…
Selling at HN for $197 http://www.harveynorman.com.au/product/1255509325124/navigon…Seems like a good deal, maps are available on the internet if you know where to look. Probably much better than the $100 rebranded Chinese things available atm.
Hey mate, u know anywhere I can get maps for this? Ta!
just bought 1 for my mum who keeps on getting lost.
I wonder if this has complete POI, especially for Sydney and Melbourne… My current GPS is failling, with old map and lack of safety cameras…
That's it, I'll get it, even if I happen to hate it, I'll just sell it on eBay and probably lose $30 or so…
Does the Navigon use Navteq maps. Garmin does! Is the picture for display purposes only?
Yeah, it's Navteq maps. It's said to include POI Click, no idea if it's any good.
Says it uses Navteq maps!
is it definitely confirmed as navigon 1300
Take a look at the COTD vs Navigon websites. COTD have clearly copied the image from the Navigon website and rubbed out the name in paint. If you look closely you can see the image has been touched up.
Thanks for this. Was thinking of getting one from deal extreme. This way I dont have to search for maps etc.
can't find in the dealextreme.
sorry it was a generic one that you had to load the maps onto
so tempted to get one of these.
Just got one :D It looks like a good deal. The Navigon website says that they will provide you with the latest maps within 30 days of using the product. I wonder if that means this will have 2010 maps instead of 2009
Just grabbed one and trust that Catch of the day will not disappoint us. So far they've been pretty good with their deals.
Caught! While I'm aware you get what you pay for, hopefully it works well enough :) Now….to get a dash mountable holder thingy…. "but that's commercial grade gaffa tape officer!
hmmm hopefully you didn't source a dash mountable thingy… it says it comes with it…
Box includes:
GPS unit
Windscreen mount
USB cable
Car charger
I bought one too. So now what happens - do I just register at the Navigon website and get the 2010 maps for free ?
by any chance you can update the map for free? download from somewhere may be?
Yeah. It's actually really easy. Get a GPS from DX or Ebay and then pm me if you want more info. Igo8.3 or Igo amigo with the latest sensis maps (R17). Navteq maps are not as good.
just picked one up and the map subscription
Been holding out getting a GPS for so long- not sure why I bought this one but price looks good. Got the shredder while I was at it.
I haven't given into temptation all this time too but this time it seems like I might just have to. The price really does look too good, and with the features mentioned it seems pretty good.
Anyone know if this could possibly be used overseas by loading on overseas maps? I may use this in Malaysia too if I have the chance haha
Seen the following news while googleing this unit, not sure how the "Free Map Updates" related to the deal at COTD.
Press Release: NAVIGON Offers Free Map Updates for 24 Months with All New NAVIGON Devices Purchased Until the End of April
Aw crud, I just bought the unit + maps. Does this mean we got ripped off $20?
The Navigon site is b0rked at the moment, too.
I'd cancel my order and buy again without the maps but there's a $20 cancellation/restocking fee… :P
Ah crap, me too…Anyone from cotd comment on this?
I sent them an email asking about it but it may be too late in the day - haven't heard anything yet.
That is a weak promotion. The Navigon website didn't say anything on that
I bought the maps too. That is poor form by COTD. I am going to email them also with a link to the update news.
the $20 map thing sounds like a rip?
or they didn't know which is probably just as bad.
Bought this one, looks like a good deal.
Deal isn't anywhere other than mr gadget can anyone confirm if so we should be entitled to a refund
I can find it mentioned on several other sites, such as:
http://www.itwire.com/your-it-news/mobility/37937-navigon-pr…I can't find it on Navigon's site, though. The closest I can find is this:
http://www.navigon.com/portal/int/uebernavigon/presse/news/F…This looks like a similar offer but it's only for certain models and the freebie dates don't match up, so I'm thinking it's not the same offer. Ironically, I found the Navigon site a bit of a mess to navigate. Perhaps my new GPS will help…
Ah…. I cant decide if I sud buy it…. I mean 80 bucks is the cheapest known brand i've seen… but I may only use it once or twice for holidays and the other 363 days I will just be going to the same places…. sud I buy it? sud I buy it?
Yes Y not. Its a brilliant deal at 80 dollars. U won't find another at this price anytime soon (well that is if COTD dont display it as sold out only to bring it back the next week at a cheaper price, although i doubt will happen with this GPS) Just get it dude
Let see how many people complaint in 2 week time :)
According to this site, (as mentioned by Saturday above) http://www.mrgadget.com.au/gadget/2010/navigon-offer-24-mont…
It appears that updated maps can be downloaded for free via the "Fresh" software from the Navigon website 'til the end of April (crosses fingers that COTD deliver prior to then!) The Fresh software can be downloaded here. http://www.navigon.com/portal/au/kundenservice/fresh.html
I'll download it and wait eagerly poised over my keyboard for the next fortnight in anticipation of the delivery from COTD :)sweet. let us know how it goes. i just bought one also :-)
This is a great bargain.
And since it's wince based OS, we should be able to unlock it and make it as our Media player and GPS in our car.
No kidding. I just noticed the 'microSD' input. nice :-)
I'm assuming that the GPS functions will still be there if you 'unlock' it?
Yeah you still can use the GPS function and install other gps software like tomtom or IGO onto it.
I notice on Navigon 1300 website, there is a USB port mention on it. So maybe we can attach external harddrive/usb drive as well to play media files.
you can run tomtom on there/? sweet!
just bought it >< apparently u can mod it to run other gps software @@ Thanks TAN XD
I recommend Igo Amigo if you're a newbie or Igo 8.3.4 if you're a more advanced user.
thanks, time to do some googleing before the gps comes XD
Pm me if you want a good "source" to get these things. Igo 8.3 is highly customizable (eg. Text-to-speech, skins, colour profiles, etc..).
@pigeonstone: Sent. Anyone else please use this link. http://www.ozbargain.com.au/user/21047/contact
Just checked on the shopbot website and the navigon 1300 cost $1100+ from most of the shops … are they correct?
staticice was same
according to navigon site their gps are exclusive to harvey norman
Joke would be on us all if its not a navigon
That's a very good point. However if that happens I think we'll see 45 neg instead
if it's not Navigon then they are not selling something as described on the pictures, we can demand for a refund.
Have they shipped it out yet? I just checked mine and no update yet on my account.
they don't mentioned the name, how can u claim this is for sure navigon?
There are posts near the top of the page pointing out that the images COTD used in its ad are exactly the same as images used on the Navigon site (but with the brand name erased).
The pictures are for illustration purposes only. They never said its Navigon either.
Had a reply from COTD on this issue.
Basically, Mr Gadget (and the other sites reporting the news) didn't include all the details.
The free map bundling applies only to a specific promotion that Harvey Norman has at the moment in which the total transaction cost is generally $199-$499, depending on the model of GPS bought. So you can't buy the GPS unit from COTD for $79 and get the free maps.
It's not really Navigon "giving away" the maps, it's Navigon allowing Harvey Norman to offer bundling on particular models.
Which means that your $20 was not wasted! :)
To top it off, I got an email today saying mine had been shipped. Yay all round.
Aw does that mean those of us who chose not to get the $20 24 month map subscriptions hoping that we were entitled to the free ones miss out completely?
That's my understanding, yes. You could always try for a torrent, I guess. Or keep an eye on the Navigon site - they may have specials occasionally.
Got mine today confirm navigon 1300 30 day free maps only from navigon, so will activate my 24 months of maps when the next maps come out yeeha
Good to hear that.
Mine not even processed yet. Not sure when they are gonna ship mine.
I ordered 2 and my friend ordered 1, both on Tuesday April 13 and they haven't been shipped either. I'm hoping COTD actually has the goods in stock, not waiting for them to arrive from "Europe" :/
Update: I got mine, both works fine; One of them needs calibration but no biggie. It did take a few mins to get fixed on the satellites though.
Mine arrive too! I reckon it might be the 1310 because it looks to have 2GB of on-board flash memory.
how long does your take to get signal
It seems to depend on how long it's been since it was last on, and other variables (surrounding buildings/bridges, etc.). I've seen it take anywhere between two seconds to two minutes, except for the very first time it was switched on - which the manual warns could take up to 20 mins - when I think it took 5-7 mins.
How do you hack it to play music ?
Still waiting for mine. I emailed them to track my order. Still no response. Better be here before mothers day in may
Ordered mine on 14 April. They charged my credit card straight away. Today is 21 April but the order hasn't been even dispatched. It says "Order Status: Payment - eWay". Have no idea what it means.
Their conditions state: "Catch Of The Day aims to get parcels posted out within a day or two of ordering, however certain issues can make it take anywhere up to 5 business days to dispatch."
It's well past 5 days but nothing happened.
Probably shouldn't have bought from them. Very unreliable and uncertain…i got mine on Monday, sheesh its only been 4 business days since you ordered other shops that got megavotes took up to 3 weeks to post
I don't know, how you count days. I ordered and paid at 1 am on 14 April. By 7:15 pm on 21 April nothing happened. That makes it full 6 business days, not 4.
I sent an e-mail trying to trace my order. So far - no reply…
If they promise the despatch in 1 day and a max. of 5 days, they have do it as promised. For many customers delivery times are important. When I order goods I look at the delivery times and if they do not suit my circumstances, I won't order.
Unfortunately, it appears that that COTD don't honour their promises. At least in this particular case. If I new that they mislead customers, I would've rather paid a bit more and bought GPS elsewhere by now.
I placed order 13/Apr so far no any info neither…Those who received, have you received a notification saying delivery is in progress before got it?
i have the same thing. I emailed them and they responded saying theirs suppliers too a little extra time to supply the products to them. They will try and post it out in 2-3 days. Today would be the second day.
They just dispatched the GPS this afternoon.
I am just not happy it takes so long to ship it out and it will takes maybe another week to have it delivered.If anyone's after a 3.5 inch GPS, COTD has advertised they will be selling 3000 units for $59.95 during the next pressure cooker sale on 27/4/10. http://bit.ly/COTDPressureCooker
Thanks for the info.
But from the picture it's not Navigon. I believe it's Navig8r G35.
http://www.navig8r.com.au/G35_overview.htmThe image is looks the same as the G35.
For the quality i believe Navigon is better.
thats right. COTD rep on whirlpool forum confirmed its not navigon.
I sent an e-mail to COTD on 21/04. Got a reply 24 hours later that the unit should be dispatched shortly. Late afternoon on 22/04 received confirmation that it had been dispatched. Hopefully will get it after long weekend…
Received mine in the mail today. Got to say, not that impressed, cheap for a reason I guess.
The Good: Spoken street names. Cheap. Can set the volume quite loud.
The Bad: Touch screen very inaccurate. Have to calibrate it just about every time you turn it on. Hard to get button pushes to register. If you don't calibrate the screen, you can get stuck in some menus, unable to exit. GPS fix takes 3-4 minutes, but feels like forever. Maybe I got a dodgy unit, but would be interested to hear if other people get the same issues I have. Only two voice to choose from. Oh yeah, and can anyone figure out how to set the keyboard input so you get the QWERTY layout instead of ABCDEF layout?
Exact same problem I have. Its simply bad design. I'd rather get a Garmin. Theres a reason why they werent available in Australia before. Tried updating the maps but everytime you unplug it, you need to reset it.
Guys for those who still have not received theirs because of the long weekend, I just want to give a few tips and advice for this gps.
I Got it on Friday and mucked around with it and only today got it to the level I like. For the price we paid, it is a good enough gps probably suited towards someone's first gps. What I wrote above of the Garmin is still true but the garmin I was initially interested in is $200. This is about in par with Tom tom and navman
When you first take it out be careful with attaching the gps to the holder as the top can be scratched. Upon first use, you'll find that the screen is not calibrated and the bottom bars are not functioning. Use the calibration tool, preferably with a stylus (if you have one). the calibration menu is in option > option > calibrate screen.
When using the gps, whatever you do don't touch the speed camera menu, theres a uninstall option that you definately dont want your kid to press. What you may not know is that this gps already comes with a 30 day map guarantee. You can get it by downloading the freshmaps programs and creating an account on their website. I definately wouldn't recommend getting the 24 months map upgrades as this process is very complicated and can be full of problems. You'd be better off saving that $20 for another gps in the future. If you're vista user like me, then you'll need to create another account in windows to use the software otherwise it won't connect to their server. The maps are about 300mb so not good if you're still on dial up.
Yeah I would just get the one free map upgrade now and use it until it dies or you get something better. Every map upgrade you do, will slow down the gps somewhat. Now after you upgrade, don't press the reset or factory setting immediately or else you'll have to start the process all over again.
And that's about it, its a pretty sweet gps once everything is set right. Well hope this has been helpful. If you need more info, probably look on whirlpool.
Thank you very much for the tips. Will follow your advise when get the unit.
Btw, I read that you can download and install the latest maps from navigon website. Is it in accordance with "30 day map guarantee" that you've mentioned?
Any particular reason why we shouldn't touch the speed camera menu?Hi Bob
The reason is that there is a unistall option and if pressed the feature would be gone. Also you should do a backup when you get the gps just in case something goes wrong. Its available with the navigon fresh program. And to your question, yes it is the map off the website
Thanks for the in-depth comments, fuzor.
I agree with the point about screen calibration: the very bottom of the screen is one of their favourite places to put buttons and it's unfortunately one of the hardest places to press.
I successfully did an initial map upgrade to Q1 2010 maps using the Fresh Maps software and the 30 day guarantee. Did not have the problem of needing to create a separate Windows account but this was on 7, not Vista.
I did purchase the 24 months but have not activated it yet so I can't comment on the activation process. One nice point is that the 24 months does not need to be activated until late 2011 at the latest, so my device will be up to date for a good while to come.
Aside from the above points I am quite happy with it, though this is my first GPS unit so I can't really compare it to anything else.
I successfully did an initial map upgrade to Q1 2010 maps using the Fresh Maps software and the 30 day guarantee. Did not have the problem of needing to create a separate Windows account but this was on 7, not Vista
Is there a code included with the GPS for the 30 day grantee or is it simply when you first register the device with Navigon?
It does take a while to arrive. Just got mine today. So hang in there ppl!
There is no code for the 30 day latest maps guarantee. You need to download the Navigon Fresh software and there is a latest maps guarantee button which you click on.
Got my device today. Calibrated as suggested. Downloaded Navigon Fresh soft. Registered my device. Updated the maps. Tomorrow will test how it works.
Anyone noticed that in Navigon Fresh, the Navigon 1300 that we got through CoTD lists the available memory as 1837.5MB? Navigon's spec sheet for the 1300 says that it should have only 512MB flash and 64MB RAM. I wonder if we got a "special" version. :)
I got mine and It does have ~ 1.8 Gb memory. And it also has a slot for micro SD card
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what's the brand?