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Coon Cheese Slices or Block 250g $2.59 (50% off), Danone Yoghurt 4x125g $3 @ Coles


Went shopping at coles today and thought that half price coon cheese was worthy of a mention - checking on pricehipster confirms that it is first time half price. Also saw Danone yoghurt at a nice price - these don't go on special too often either. Enjoy :)

Coon Tasty Cheese Slices 12 pack 250g $2.59
Coon Light Tasty Cheese Slices 12 pack 250g $2.59
Coon Tasty Cheese Block 250g $2.59
Coon Extra Tasty Cheese Block 250g $2.59

Danone Greek Strawberry Yoghurt 4 pack 125g $3
Danone Greek Honey Yoghurt 4 pack 125g $3
Danone Ultimate Layered Bliss Red Berries Yoghurt 125g Tub 4 pack $3
(Only these 3 flavours are $3)

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closed Comments

  • +1


    How's 4u going? Lol how do you have time to study and find all these bargains!

    • +2

      Exams just finished, did okay :)

  • +1

    Real ozbargainers buy their cheese by the 1kg block.
    $9.90/kg regular. Pre-sliced cheese is for flashy spend-thrifts. Might as well shop at a convenience store.

    • +2

      Real ozbargainers realise the qaulity of coon is far superior to cheap cheese and will find value in the qaulity and price. Cheap arses just buy cheap ;p .

      But on a serious note those big blocks are good for grateing then put a bit of corn flour through to stop sticking. You wont notice the tiny bit flour when you melt and its $5 a kg cheaper than pre grated.

      • +3

        I was referring to Coon @ $9.90. Same cheese, just not pre-sliced. It's far from the gratest cheese, but sure beats the cheaper home-brand stuff, especially on texture.

        • +2

          Yer Coon in the 1kg is the way to go. But this is still a good offer but $2.59/250g works out at $10.36/Kg…I am prepared to pay an extra 40 cents a kilo to have the stuff (precision) sliced for me.

        • I realy like the red cracker barrel stuff, but hot dam its pricey. Lucky its ok to splurge.

    • My axe is not good for slicing cheese

  • +1

    Cheesy deal lyl

  • Good deal. Thanks!

  • Corinda Q also have the cheeses. The extra tasty block works well shaved on pasta and fresh greens.

    The tasty slices also worked well on the Interloper black cat who was sneeking in, through a window, mouthing a native grey rat. the strategy was feed the cat cheese so I could get the rat. There was no way I could be sure if the rat had not been eating ratsack. FYI this cat who is trying to move in is about 4 years old and 7 kg of muscle and growing with the food he steals from our 17 year old black cat. At the moment our cat is the master and the interloper copies everything our cat does.

  • +2

    Its been about 3 years since i last saw crackerbarrell vintage half price, now that made me stock up.

    • Great they can get more vintage in ur fridge

    • where is cracker barrel on special???

  • How do you store? Wrapped in alfoil, cliplock bags and frozen.

    • Can you freeze cheese??

      • +2

        I used to. It works well. Especially for grated.

        • +1

          You could almost say it works grate.

        • +1

          @RedSky: I suppose you could…

      • +1

        When you buy frozen pizza, the mozarella cheese topping is also frozen anyway. I have tried it myself and it doesn't change the taste, but it does make the cheese crumblier.

        I wonder if camebert and brie cheeses freeze well and still retain the same taste after thawing, as they're quite soft cheeses. According to this source you can't.

        • Most imported cheese is frozen when it's shipped here. Freezing it again might spoil the texture a bit but it's already not at its best when it arrives!

        • +1


          all the more reason to buy locally produced cheeses then

  • Thanks OP!
    It was painful shopping without gift cards but worth it for coon :D

  • -7

    Racist to Indigenous Australians

    • If someone gave you this cheese with crackers, does the racism cancel out?

      Or is it just twice as offensive?

    • I don't get it

  • Thanks OP got me some cheese slices.

  • mmm… Dannon

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