This was posted 8 years 11 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

AminoZ 20% off Store Wide,ON 4.5kg 100% Whey $127 Delivered or $152 + Box of Quest [Back Order]


What a great price for Optimum nutrition 4.5kg protien bag

ALso 20% off storewide

You are also able to add a PROMERA HEALTH BETA-CRET 2.0 30 SERVES for $9 or ~ $7 with 20% off (usually ~ $40) with your order.

Tip: If you want to use a referral link for extra $5 off, follow these steps: Removed - doesn't work

Edit: waiting time for the back order is 2 weeks.

Referral Links

Referral: random (531)

Referees get $10 off their first order. Referrers get $10 worth of Z Points.

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closed Comments

  • EC any idea how Bulk Nutrients compares to ON?

    • +5

      I also didn't put that picture wt*

      • think its random. maybe say random things like car crash, oranges, rubber nipples, blow, balloons

      • -1

        I also didn't put that picture wt*

        That's what your organs look like after taking these products for extended periods…

        • Thats looks to be an adrenal gland after 3 months of using supplements, removed after its former owner died from cardiac arrest at age 24.

          originally it was only 5x3cm, now its about 5x the size, and has its own heartbeat.

          Scary stuff - dont do drugs kids

    • +2

      I've tried both (few samples from BN), I prefer the taste of ON personally and have been using it a lot longer.

      The price is a bit cheaper for BN and you can order in multiples of 1kg, but then again you have to buy it direct from them so the price doesn't vary much and you have to order over a set amount to get free shipping, etc

      Personally I found the mint BN a bit artificial but the salted caramel was pretty good.

      • +1

        Have to agree that the BN Choc Mint tasted artificial (not that nice) and Salted Caramel was very nice :)

        • +1

          Yeah alot of BNs are quite sweet, I buy a few packs of unflavoured to dilute the sweetness a bit. With milk, chilled, it's good enough.

        • @stonkered: The raw flavor? Can you drink it with just water?/ how does raw taste with water

        • +1


          It's almost flavourless, doesn't taste good or bad in my opinion. Bit better with milk. Drinkable but you're not gonna be thinking it's good or anything, just down the hatch.

        • @stonkered: So its defs not bad tasting, that its a pain just to drink? Mind you this is just with water.

          Thanks your reply, defs helping me decide if I should order the raw flavor.

        • +1

          I have the Bulk Nutrients WPI raw, but I don't drink it on its own, it gets used in recipes such as home made: protein bars, protein boosted smoothies, protein brownies etc.

        • +1


          Lol, well I don't want to give you the bum steer mate, and some are more sensitive to taste than others, I'm the type that could do well on those Survivor food challenges!

          But, no, it's definitely not bad IMO, but it's isn't good either.

          Having said I don't drink it straight, I usually mix half scoop of chocolate or whatever, with a half scoop of raw, cos I find the flavoured protein from BN too sweet.

          Email them, they may be able to send you a sample scoop.

        • @stonkered: Thanks, thats a great idea to mix it up. They don't offer raw flavour sample, so looks like I'm going to have buy flavored pack as well in case raw is bad lol

        • @GameChanger:
          There are only a few actual manufacturers of protein … Fonterra being one of them. I have bought 100% Fonterra WPI from a seller on eBay and whilst it mixes poorly (unsurprisingly), it actually tastes better than many falvoured mixes by the fancy protein blender brand names.

    • EC isn't concerned with which is better for quality rather the quantity of referral kickbacks..

      • Would explain his no response

      • I could say the same thing about you with your iherb posts

        • -1

          Let's see, then perhaps apart from this money spinner we should probably highlight your scrounging efforts from other referral posts;

          • iHerb
          • Groupon
          • Stacksocial
          • Amaysim
          • Ourdeal
          • Strawberrynet
          • Vitacost
          • Catch of The Day
          • Pricepal

          Sorry EC, for the benefit of others, did I miss any?

        • -3


          At least i don't go writing a page worth of crap science trying to deceive others and make them believe that a supplement is worth buying

        • @easternculture: Remember that super food supplement you wrote about? I'm still waiting for a reply from you about protein

  • +1

    damn good price, just bought a 4.5kg bag at aaasuppliments for like $150 oh well

  • I bought the Extreme Milk Chocolate last time this deal was on. Second best protein I've tried behind Max's. It dissolves well and tasted great in water, let alone milk etc.

    Great deal!

  • Where are you?

    /gif eastern culture

  • why are all these pics showing up

    • /gif no clue

    • /gif confused as well EC

    • /gif noob

    • /gif no idea

    • /gif Its a new reward for OzB top posters

      congratulations Ec!

      • +2

        Looks like he gone out to celebrate

        No replies from him

        • +2

          Nothing like a cold pint of whey to celebrate your acheivements

    • April fool thing perhaps?

  • Haha, crazy. I thought it was because I enabled beta features today.

    • Now I'm sad I didn't get one. /gif sad is that how it works?

  • inb4 OB'ers crash their site like we did with GNC

  • /gif whey bro

  • /gif protein

  • /gif buffed

  • Perfect timing! Im almost out of my previous bag. Picked up some Strawberry Cheesecake Quest bars too.

  • Thanks OP, just orderd

  • Why is that these days that only Whey is being sold? What happened to the Curds?

  • +1

    Better off drinking milk post workout.

    • +2

      Perhaps if you are trying to gain or bulk up.

      Do you realise how much sugar (lactose) is in milk? A lot of calories in milk, not everyone is trying to bulk up.

      • Raw Steak?

        • I do agree with you, but carrying around steak isn't as convenient.

          I use a variety of nutritious foods for 90-95% of my diet. I have a Whey shake after gym workouts for convenience.

  • what's the best flavor of these whey? I've tried chocolate and vanilla but both of em is meh

  • Clicked on referral links, nothing changed in my checkout.

    • Did you click on random referral?

      • Maybe I didn't understand the steps but I tried both.

    • -4

      You need to actually click the referral . Then refresh the page . Then on the right hand side of the page , click proceed to payment .

    • Im not having much luck either :(

      • -2

        They have disabled the hack. It was working earlier today

  • anyone else having trouble activating the code on mobile site?

    • -1

      Yep . Was testing a product and won't work in mobile browser

      • thank you

  • Thats awesomely cheap. I normally wait for sales and even then its only around $150

    Flavour of choice for me is: Double Choc > Turkish Delight > Cookies and Cream > Chocolate > the rest

    The mixability is good, minimal froth, flavour is good but not as good as Cellucor.

    FYI: This is a mix of WPI and WPC, just something to remember when comparing it with other protein powders. =)

  • Can't get the $5 referral link to work. Tried a dozen times.

  • Great price. Ordered.

  • nice find, ordered a bag myself

  • This is worth a sign in and postive. Great work EC! cheapest purchase ever on AMINOZ for this product for me :)

  • Have always used ON since i started training, 100% whey, serious mass, casein. All great products. If only peanut butter came in the 4.5kg bag. Rocky road is good too!

  • Nice work. After some research I settled for the Universal Nutrition Ultra Whey Pro 4.5kg and a tub of Beta-Cret, $120 delivered for the 2 is amazing!

    I miss the cheaep USN at Chemist Warehouse.

    • I can't get the 20%. I tried NOFOOLCRUNCH as the coupon but it isn't working. How did you get it 20% off? Is deal over?

      • Do you try on mobile site. If so it wont work. Gots to be on normal website

    • Yeah I did it on laptop.

      Didn't see they had a 7kg bag that works out better value, damn!! Time to stock up maybe…Winter is Coming..

  • still works

  • Any idea on ETA on when these are shipped?

  • When I questioned why my order hasnt progressed passed processing they said all ON 4.5KG is out of stock. 2-3 weeks til they get it in stock then another week for delivery to us….

  • +1

    2-3 weeks??

    The eta under your order status keeps changing by 2 day increments.
    If i knew it was 2-3 weeks from the start i'd have cancelled.

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