"Individuals can collect their free pair of Rainbow Laces from any Rebel or Amart sports store from Monday 21st March."
"We won’t sit on the sidelines while something like homophobia threatens to taint the sport we love. That’s why we’re asking you to wear your rainbow laces for the Rainbow Round of Sport between Thursday 31st March and Monday 4th April, 2016."
EDIT: Individual freebies are still available at some Rebel and Amart sport stores.
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Personal Attacks
Abuse, name calling and malicious comments directed at a person or a group of people are unacceptable. Disagreements and debates are fine and encouraged but please respect everyone's opinion. Comments of this nature will be removed and if a vote is attached to the comment, then the vote will also be revoked.
Please be respectful in conversation and remember this is a deal for shoe laces AND NOT a discussion about homosexuality. Either get the laces or not. Either way let's move on.
Please use the report link or the Talk with a Moderator forum.
We also have a Mental Health Page for those who need to speak to someone.
I ordered 50 for my high school gaypride club
Does anyone know if I have to collect them or will they be delivered?