• expired

AmEx Credit - Dan Murphy's (Online Only) Spend $100 or More, Get $15 Back (AmEx Issued Cards)


Check your offers
Do not spend yet!!! starts on 23.3.16 Terms changed - Starts 19.3.16

$15 back
Dan Murphy's Online

Spend $100 or more, get $15 back

Register by saving the offer to Card and spend $100 or more, in one or more transactions, online only at danmurphys.com.au by 4/4/2016 to receive one $15 credit. Limited to the first 15,000 Cards to register.

Please read the Offer Terms Show the Terms for this Dan Murphy


  • Offer only applies to spend on this Card. It does not apply to spend on any supplementary Cards on this account or any other American Express Cards you might hold.
  • Card Members must register by saving this offer to this Card and spend $100 or more on their registered Card online only at danmurphys.com.au, in one or more transactions, between 19/3/2016 and 4/4/2016 to receive one $15 credit.
  • Participation is limited to the first 15,000 Cards to register, and the offer is limited to one credit per registered Card.
  • Excludes all purchases through a third party. For example through an online aggregator (e.g. PayPal) or retailer.
  • In-store purchases are excluded.
  • Gift card purchases are excluded.
  • Offer valid online only at www.danmurphys.com.au
  • Credit is not redeemable for cash or other payment form.
  • Credit is normally issued within 5 business days of the eligible spend; however, depending on the merchant, it could take up to 90 days from the end date of the campaign to appear in your account.
  • Credit may not be applied to your Card Account if it has been suspended or cancelled and may be reversed if qualifying purchase is returned or cancelled.

Full terms and conditions available here.

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (10)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

American Express
American Express

closed Comments

  • Thanks OP

  • In b4 gift card questions

    • -1

      Nice work KaptnKaos!

      • Thank you.

    • What about gift certificates?

  • I purhcased a $80 gift card at dans using this offer last time and got the $15 off even though it did say not valid for gift cards,

    so would I be able to take advantage of this deal again?, plus I used a bank issued AMEX card

    • Did you buy it online?

      • yes purchased online, someone said that amex have no way or dont verify what the customer purchased….

        anyway, im trying to log in to my amex site and its coming up with error, contact customer service with error code 8
        my guess is that they no longer allow bank issued amex to be registered :(

    • If you register your card then you can use the deal.

  • +7

    manual register link please

  • +6

    Could the information we know about buying gift cards to then use at woolies be added to the post?
    Every time this sort of deal comes along, there's 4 pages of gift card comments asking the same things that were asked every other time.

    • Yes, you can buy Dan Murphy's e-gift card online and use it at all places that the WISH e-gift cards are able to be used.

      • +1

        he wasn't asking that

  • Time to stock wishcard, thanks.

  • I'm guessing Amex issues cards only?

    • Probably any AMEX card to be honest.

      • +1

        Don't have this offer on AnZ card

        • If a manual enrolment link comes up, try using that instead.

        • +1

          probably because it hasn't started yet. it should appear next Wed/Thur through the manual enrollments

  • +1

    Don't forget Cash Rewards/Shop and Mint

    • -1


      • +1

        Based on what…?

        • +2

          Based on they take months and months to pay. They decline things that i have purchased without explanation. They don't respond to emails. They are a disgrace.

        • +3

          @cnrmlj: Fair enough. I've had ~20 transactions. All came through in full, and within the advised timeframe. Free money.

        • @Utopian:

          1/4 of a year may be the 'advised timeframe' but it doesn't mean it's timely.

        • @arcticmonkey: You won't be around in 90 days? If you're that desperate for free pocketmoney, cashrewards might be the least of your problems.

      • Don't say that, the CR fanbois will hunt you down :/

        • +2

          I agree CR is bullshit. The last dan murphys November deal still pending until now. Email sent to CR, and their response: rewards declined due to they received less rebate from those company.

          So far i got approx $480 pending at CR since last november. So far only got rebate $33!

        • +2


          Don't worry, I agree too. I've voiced my opinions about CR many times here too.

          I'm just saying that criticism of CR on OzBargain always attracts neg votes from the CR fanbois.

          rewards declined due to they received less rebate from those company.

          Nonetheless, if that was CR's reply then it's a bit pathetic to be honest. Once you offer a percentage rebate you should give that percentage.

          If CR's rebate depends on the instantaneous percentage that their partner decides to give them (which is not how businesses operate), CR should be advertising their percentage rebates as being "up to x%" not a flat "x% rebate".

        • @KaptnKaos: I think you should stay out of future CR discussions Kaos after being caught with your hand in the cookie jar!
          See here for what I mean: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/239341#comment-3546131
          What have you to say?

        • @crouchie: The truth… IT BURRRRNS!

      • Even funnier. All the negative votes from the Cash Rewards drones. Well done folks.

  • -1

    Noticed last night Dan Murphy's on Ebay have Free ship for $50+. Range is cut down of course, but may suit someone. Hik!

    • +1


      • Hic

        • Hiccups

      • +2


    • +1

      But if you buy through eBay you won't get the statement credit because the purchase would be through eBay and not Dan Murphy's.

  • are Hiccups bigger ;)

  • +1

    madrooster manual link plz??

  • Can't see it in my offers (ANZ Black AMEX)

  • Thanks OP. I've to make sure that I can remember it next Wed.

  • +1

    any manual link?

  • Thanks OP. Saved to card, will get e-gift card again.

  • Does anyone have a link to the enrollment page ?

  • Thanks OP, already have the confirmation email from AMEX after my gift card purchase. I know it's early so it will be interesting to see whether they pay the $15 credit.

    • But in the T&Cs says that it is valid from 23/03, did you make the purchase today?

      • +1

        Yeah, just testing. If they don't pay I will just purchase again on 23/3/16

        • +5

          Received $15 credit

  • Good to bundle with My Dan offers - I grabbed a Feral Sly Fox 4 pack for $10

  • Can't see this offer available for Westpac black card or CBA platinum.
    Anyone can share a manual link ?

  • Anyone tried these type of deals with Amex Corporate?

  • +2

    Not appearing in Amex Connect so must be Amex issued only

  • +9

    Value of Amex just keep getting better and better.
    People bitch and moan about retailers not accepting amex, but the fact is that Amex is great for large purchases like flights, Apple products, David Jones/Myer, and other payments for your phone/power/gas/internet, fuel, groceries, and alcohol.
    Sure, some small vendors (like cafe's) don't accept amex, but hopefully they'll come around soon.
    Plus, it's so convenient using Apple pay on my Apple Watch or iPhone! I am NOT associated with Amex

    • +1

      Indeed. Shop small is the best. Great for opal top ups. My train travel has been discounted all year

    • Yeah, AMEX charges much more fees from Merchants, that's why it's not accepted widely and dwindling down.
      that's why they give you better incentives and wish buyers will persuade sellers to accept AMEX - a flawed thinking.
      in another word, if you're a merchant which card do you accept - one charge 3.5% or 0.5% off your total takings??

      • +3

        I would reckon more and more merchants are accepting Amex now, not "dwindling down".

      • Actually Amex have been making a concerted effort to reduce costs for small businesses, at least they were a year or two ago.

        That being said, they must be charging petrol stations a bit, seems more and more are denying Amex

  • I can already register the offer on my Amex essential card but can't see it on AnZ Amex so assuming Amex official only

  • Thanks OP had it in My Offers

  • niiiiiice.

    It does not apply to spend on any supplementary Cards on this account or any other American Express Cards you might hold.

    Last time they had the $80 deal, my supplementary card in the wife's name still worked. Guess I'll try it again, can't really lose since the gift cards can be used at woolies.

    And here's a reminder to anyone using Kaspersky Internet Security and can't checkout - disable the browser plugin (it was stopping me last time).

    • So did it work for the supplementary card?

      • I didn't try, the only reason I was able to do it last time was because I enrolled each card using the manual links. My supp card doesn't have a separate login so I could only activate the offer once.

        • +1

          Yes they do, sup cards are able to make separate logins

        • @Turd:

          I added one of my sup cards (which is in my own name but used for work related exps) under my own login and so managed to save the same offer for each card within the same login. For other sup cards, they have their own logins.

          I would suggest other OzB'ers who haven't registered for online logins (adding sup cards where appropriate) to do so for the convenience of saving future desired Amex offers. ;)

  • -3

    Does this work with those AMEX prepaid cards you can buy? Or do you need one of their god forsaken credit cards?

  • keep getting error messages when try to log in at the link. this happened about 6 hours ago saying try again in 15mins but still same problem. anyone else?

  • +2

    No manual link this time?

    • Any1 its not on my amex issued card :(

    • Forum ninja has gone in stealth mode this time

  • Struggling to find any good wine case deals - anyone have better luck?

  • God I hate the AMEX website, absolutely shocking.

    • +7

      I would hate for you to use the Citibank one then. In comparison the Amex one is fantastic.

  • No offers on Amex website after Log in

  • My offers say started 19/3 so they're active already!

    • Yes, just logged in and it says 19/3.

      • Yep. Start date has changed to yesterday.

        • The deal started! I just bought it :D

  • For some reason the Amex website keeps trying to get me to register my card number as soon as I log in. I have done this for my bank-issued card in the past, but this time only an error comes up. Anyone else having the same issue?

    • +2

      You have the wrong login name or password.

      • I'm reasonably doubtful of that. They're the ones I've had saved in my password manager and have used without issue in the past. Putting in completely incorrect credentials at the login screen comes up with a stock standard user/password error (different to what I'm experiencing), so this seems to be something else.

        • In the past if I put in the wrong credentials it has asked for my card number and then advised me of my correct user name. However this may not be the case for you of course.

        • "We are unable to register your card.
          Please call the number on the back of your card for further assistance."

          As mentioned above this is different to the incorrect credentials error (I am able to login, I just get to this page though) , and in the past I've logged in and redeemed statement credit offers.

          I've got a sneaking suspicion that this might be a petty response to a complaint I left with them during the Shop Small Promotion, where they'd asked me to wait 60 days to follow up a non credited purchase, and then refused to pay.

  • Just check online and my main Amex issued card has the offer but not the sup cards. Also started on 19/3 and runs to 4/4

  • +2

    Manual link pls?

  • So, has anyone actually bought a egift card using THIS offer and received confirmation that they have received the AMEX credit?

    • Do not spend yet!!! starts on 23.3.16

      That said, there's this and this and this.
      None of which answer your question :-P

      OP needs to update the deal as the dates in the second dot point under the Offer Terms have changed: between 19/3/2016 and 4/4/2016

    • +4

      yes - i have

      I registered this morning then purchased the egift card, then got:

      Thank you for using Amex Offers with your Card ending XXX at DAN MURPHY'S ONLINE. If your purchase meets the offer terms, you will receive a $15 credit. Credits usually take 5 days to appear on your account upon completion of your qualifying transaction, but may take up to 90 days after the offer has ended.

      • +1

        Interesting.. last time it was a straight up instant confirmation of the $100 spend. "If your purchase meets the offer terms, you will receive a $15 credit". Cheers for being the OzB guinea pig ;) If it clears in 5 days it would be great if you could let us know!

        • The last AMEX/Dan offer was only for an $80 spend
          I got 5 gift cards on 5 AMEX cards. Thus, the muncans now do their grocery shopping through Dan's!

        • @muncan: Yeah, I didn't want to confuse people thinking they could get away with an $80 spend on this offer.

          Reading the T&C's it says it excludes gift cards. Technically you can buy a "Gift card" and an "Egift card". So in fine print an Egift card shouldn't be excluded?….maybe??

        • @tunzafun001: I'm sure I saw some wording last time that gift card includes electronic gift cards..

      • +5

        update: cashrewards has tracked the transaction successfully.

        \guinea pig

        • Sweet!! Don't forget ole mate Cashrewards!

          *Edit - That being said, my last Dan Murphy's AMEX credit deal is still pending payment.

          *Edit 2- Just realised I left my AMEX in the EFTPOS machine at the shops last night…FACE PALM! (called and they have it…few!)

        • +2

          @tunzafun001: Think of all those points you'll be racking up in the meantime!

        • damn, mine didn't track it, i have a click history but usually they send you an email within the next 24 hours to confirm they've tracked the transaction =(

      • update: as with other posters, credit has been received. Thanks OP

  • +1

    Any manual link please ?

    • Just login to your account and look for the Myoffers tab.

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