Hey good folk, looking for some advice, cheers in advance,
Background: Close friend of mine bought a van (registered in WA) from an individual who was at the time in Vic from WA. The seller did not acquire a Vic roadworthy before the sale. She went to go and get her Vic roadworthy and was told the car would never be roadworthy in Victoria and was rightly distraught.
I have been researching VicRoads and reading up forums and it appears that in Victoria it is an illegal sale seeing as though the seller did not acquire a roadworthy 30 days before the sale.
Before she takes action based on my research I am just wondering if I am correct. Does this means a Victoria roadworthy is required before sale or any state's roadworthy is applicable. (VicRoads does not state this, I would assume the roadworthy of the state of sale is required?)
In hindsight should have helped her more than just advising her on what she was looking for in the vehicle, knowing a little bit more than she does about licencing and such, but she was so interested in doing it all for herself and I didnt think much of it. Thanks GumTree seller for stressing her out of her mind about all that money going into the void:(
Thank you again!
half correct
you can sell a car in 2 ways here in Vic
you can read each of the details in the 2 links
not sure about the 30 days thing you are talking about