• expired

FREE Upgrade to Footlong When You Purchase a 6" Sub & Drink @ Subway (Eat Fresh Club Members)


I just received this on my membership , you have to activate offer and then you have 4hrs to go in and claim it from your chosen store

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closed Comments

    • depends on what you order you need to go on their website to see the costs of the different 6inchs

    • if you wait more than 5 secs to bag something JV I noticed the store was missing when i pressed submit !

      • -7

        if you wait more than 5 secs to bag something

        Where did I 'bag' your post ???

        • Google gives the worst definition ever:

          bag /baɡ/
          AUSTRALIAN/NZ informal - criticize.
          "the fans should be backing him not bagging him"

          Google thinks that Aussies will criticize, but they actually criticise, I believe.

          Macquarie defines it better.

          Bag: Colloquial to criticise, especially sarcastically.
          Criticise: –verb (t) 3. to judge or to discuss the merits and faults of.

    • PRICE in title

      That's just getting silly now, jv.

        • +2

          Sometimes you gotta use common sense instead of just blindly following the guidelines.

          In this case, the price is not fixed. There are different prices for different subs. To make it more complicated, the prices are also different between stores.

    • I'm sorry, I didn't quite understand that. Did you mean:

      "Hey OP, good looking out thanks for the post!

      Don't forget to include the store and price for the deal in your title.

      Here's a link to OzBargain formatting suggestions!"

      There's so much negativity out there in the world already, let's keep imbuing this wonderful community with more positivity!

      Have a great week all

      edit: dangit my beautiful ASCII peace hand doesn't render properly :(

      • +1

        this positivity is just a waste of database space, jv was being efficient not negative

        • I think it's pretty easy to be simultaneously positive and efficient in a post, if one makes a bit of effort.

        • @paragon:

          What exactly in my first comment is negative ?

        • @jv:

          JV ,it wasnt negative, i clicked submit , realized I forgot to put subway ,clicked edit and put subway in the title and in that literal 5 seconds it took to do that you were all over it. All I was meaning was take a breath, somtimes we can see our own errors without having them pointed out… we are trying to save a dollar here not the world ….

        • @deb3103:

          and in that literal 5 seconds it took to do that you were all over it.

          I made 1 post…

        • @jv: online communication is vastly different than face-to-face; therefore, it can be hard for people to accurately gauge one's intended tone and connotation.

          It certainly sounds like you didn't intend to come across as negative.

          I interpreted your use of caps and abrupt sentences, without any gratitude for the OP's effort, as negative and not very helpful/constructive. I think a simple sentence as mentioned previously could make all the difference.

          Edit: the above applies to everyone, including me. It's entirely possible you and others interpreted my reply as snarky, which it was. I didn't have to reply that way, could've just made my point without being cheeky :)

        • @paragon:

          I think a simple sentence as mentioned previously could make all the difference.

          I disagree… I think people should just post the facts.

          If people take offence where no offence has been posted, that's their problem.

          If people attack other people in the posts, that a very different topic….

          eg. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/238942#comment-3539392

      • +1

        Yep I think sometimes we all forget this Is a community and we're all here by choice, lets keep it positive people.


    • +1

      Hi, since it's impossible to add PRICE in Title due to many variables, you can use this formula:

      if x = 6 inch sub
      y = drink
      z = foot long sub
      a = Total cost

      a = x+y

      Since we know that z is free, so x = z.

      Hence final cost:

      a = x+y = z+y

      Hence the total cost of Foot long sub + drink will be same as the total cost of 6 inch sub + drink. You are welcome. P.S. I suck at maths.

  • -4

    Most people wouldn't get 6 inches…

    • +1

      I would take it if I could

  • +1

    Whats the average/lowest price when you add the drink? i.e. is it worth spending the money on a drink to double the sub?

    • Cheapest level of subs is $5.45 + $3 for drink, so ur looking at $8.45 upwards

      • Gee, can get a footlong cheaper than that anywho

      • Hope this helps its a Subway price list for Melbourne - https://www.zomato.com/melbourne/subway-2-cbd/menu#tabtop Also 600ml Coke price is supposed to be $3 according to an email I got, so not the $3.95 quoted in the Zomato link. All the other prices seem to be legit but

  • Damn it, I bought a foot long today :( Could've gotten a free drink (and pay about the same price)!

  • Been using the $7 for any footlong sub yesterday and today. It runs til like idk a few more days or so.

  • Not without a thumbnail.

  • +2

    Does this work with the $5 6" and drink combo?

    • I asked last night and they advised it does not.

  • is it one time only or until the deal expires?

  • It's so inconvenient to activate and get the deal. Subway really need to make it easier. Try once. Not worth the hassle. Never try again.

  • +1

    Foot long, who's got the Foot long?

    • Roof
      Very funny tinee

  • *Conditions apply. Offer expires XXXX. Free Subway Footlong® sub must be the same as the sub purchased. Extra cost for additional meat, cheese, bacon, avocado and other extras. May not be combined with any other coupon offers, discounts or special deals. One coupon per customer per transaction at participating restaurants. No cash value and not for sale. Void if transferred, sold, auctioned, reproduced or altered.

  • It's actually 3 hours, not 4.
    It says 4 but when activated counts down from 3.

    • +1

      Just like their foot long subs which aren't a foot long.

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