App Of The Week Deal
ES File Explorer/Manager PRO $0.20 . Cheers to Hukd :)
ES File Explorer/Manager PRO $0.20 @ Google Play

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Nice find, Thanks
Sweet, almost bought this last week
Thanks mate. Made 20c last week from Google survey.
sick, might do that
It's pretty good…paid for a few things…Nova prime for 20c a couple of games and a few apps.
Nice one mate, just installed google opinion rewards from the play store, went through the 5minute sign up rigmarole then got a survey instantly and earned $1.
Definitely should. I've been using Google Rewards since 30th November 2014, and to date have earned $34.10. Only spent ~$15 of it so far, it's difficult to find things to use the credit towards…
Beginner ;)
$120+ here :)
I've only ever received 1 survey request, in November 2015. The App says I will be notified when another survey is available. How does one receive more survey requests?
Ive earned i rekon almost $100 bux so far, currently sitting at $30 credit, i get surveys at least once a day if not more. Maybe its GPS not sure… im very happy with this system…. so much better value over time factor than any other survey system i used. I just keep collecting money till i see things worth buying… ive bought quite a few :)
@bakery: Yes, seems most surveys are location based generic "Did you visit store X? When did you visit store X? Rate your experience out of 5…".
It picks these up based on you being in the vicinity of those stores, of course. So likely based heavily on location services.
does the credit expire 1 year from when it's earned? or does the expiry date roll over with each new amount?
@lddv04: Turn your location tracking on. Google sends you surveys based on places you visit. That's what I get mostly anyway.
EDIT: Oops… others have said the same thing. I didn't read them before posting. My bad.
@caprimulgus: The credit you earn will expire one year from when you earned it. So if you do a 20c survey today, you'll lose 20c (if not consumed) on this day in 2017.
@caprimulgus: Rolled over with each new amount added I believe. I've only earned ~$5 in the last 1 year, yet my credit total is still ~$25 so my earnings since 2014 don't appear to have expired.
Thanks for all the replys. Living in regional Victoria may not help lol
Haven't received a survey since 14/7/15. And that was the first survey :P
Got it thanks
I am getting $2.99 as price. is this country specific? I am on a custom rom with a rooted phone.
Surprised no one has replied to you..
I'm on a custom rom with a rooted phone too (Xiaomi Redmi Note 2) and I got it coming up as $0.20.
I found it on the "home screen" of the Play Store, but I'm sure if I searched for it manually it would've come up the same price too.. it would link to the same app after all
Same here $2.99. Sometimes discounts are for specific countries and other times you need to wait few hours depending your time zone.
I have a Nexus 5 with stock ROM and not rooted. I am from Colombia.
I can confirm that I was getting $2.99 until I changed my address back to Australia and bought it for 20c.
where did you change your address to get 20c price?
Use the same Google account you use with Google Play to log in at, then click on settings (the gear icon) and edit your home address.
Still the same issue..even after changing to local address. google does want me to get this deal..LOL
I use Solid Explorer Pro, does ES Pro do anything Solid Pro doesn't?
Solid Explorer has less bloat. Stick with Solid.
now that's something I'd be interested in. ES has gotten away from it's clean core functionality and has gone too far feature wise and annoying 'analyze' 'cleaners' 'app suggestions' 'virus bs' ect…
I originally liked it for it's ability to stream media from my PC LAN shares to MXplayer, many back in the day couldn't, they'd start to copy the file to the phone/tablet to play.
Though I do like ftp, wireless functionality -wifi server ect, other methods of file transfer.
Solid Explorer will happily play media files on network shares to your device's native player. It also has a built in caster that will send it straight to a connected Chromecast. I have tested both and they work very well.
^This. I paid for ES only to have it become a total bloatware app in the end. Solid Explorer does everything I used to use ES for, without the bloat.
I changed over from ES Explorer to Solid Explorer after ES started bundling bloatware. Even at 20c I'm reluctant to trust their pro version. Solid Explorer is just a solid performer (aaaah hawhawhaw).
Yeah I've changed too, but I still gave ES Explorer my 20c because I got great value from it for several years.
Given that ES was sold off and is no longer being developed by the same people, I'm not inclined to support their scummy practices of packaging bloatware. Would have been more than happy to buy a pro version to support the developers but not after they pulled off this stealth bloatware nonsense.
I'm much happier giving the Solid Explorer team $2.50 than giving the new ES Group 20c.
There's always one person who posts this. Why, I don't know. You either already have the discount (making the comment pointless) or it's not worth signing up to google music at a cost to get 2c back.
it's a free trial, where's the cost?
Why waste the free trial for 2c? Use it when buying more expensive apps..
Es Explorer used to be great but they added a ton of bloat and garbage to the free version to promote(?) their pro one. I finally ditched it a few weeks ago for MiXplorer :
It does everything ES does with a better interface. Solid Explorer is another alternative.
I recommend you stay away from ES!
I tried to stop using ES after it started spamming notifications at me.
Only thing I found solid explorer didn't do was copy from internal disk to external sd card - which seems weird and a common thing to do.
Yep. ES got sold off.…
Then they tried to monetize in the worst way possible. Spam and bloat to force people to "upgrade". Does anyone actually want to do business with such a company?
There are plenty of alternatives out there. ES is history.
Personally I use the free version of FX, its fairly basic with a good interface, but I don't really need anything else.
Time to give MiXplorer a go - thanks for the lead. Almost feel guilty downloading it with ES Downloader.
I am confused. Using a PC I visited the xda forum and clicked the Download APK link. I got a ZIP file instead. What do I do next? How do you install the ZIP file?
I clicked on "Get MiXplorer v6.1.7" and the apk was downloaded, which installed fine. I don't see any "Download APK" link.
Okay I got it now. If you use a smartphone to download, it will have the APK extension. If you use a PC to download, it will have the ZIP extension.
I have the older version which seems to be doing fine, best feature is app backup.
Not sure which version you're talking about, but do not upgrade!
I, thankfully, backed up the apk for version 3.2 and 4.0.2, before they added the bloatware that they have now…so I'm still using those versions as well.
Bloody typical. Bought it last week. Good deal.
Yep same here
ya paid $4.14 to use telstra credit
The bloat on the regular version was getting out of hand and that stupid APK analysis is driving me insane every time an app is installed from the play store. I actually didnt mind giving them 5 bucks seeing as they have been my favourite app for the past 5 years. However, I wasnt sure even the Pro version got rid of all the Bloat/Spy/Ad ware that has become an issue of the standard one. For 20c, have to give it a go and try.
let us n00bs know how you go, interested if it comes out clean.
see below on my first impressions
Why do you want to supporty company that fills their app with bloat/spyware/ads?
Because I havent found anything else better yet. Root explorer? File Commander? Xplore? Solid Explorer? Astro? Been there and tried them all out but keep coming back to it as being the App that I've known for years since I first moved to Android from Symbian. Hence why I'm willing to give them a benefit of a doubt.
FileExpert is/was a good alternative. But again, gone from great to bloated and buggy.
I have been hunting for a file manager for a while and like you, I've tried many many and many file manager. And most just bloated so badly or just too complicated for what I need.
I never thought what I ended up using but I am using ASUS' file manager, it's surprisingly simple and effective for what I want it to be. And the interface looks a little dated but good enough. All in all, it's free, I don't ask for more.
Same here, found it to be perfect for my needs. Still purchased this one as I have heaps of credit from Google rewards and the price was just right for me to give it a try.
Look it's a good price but I would still give it a big fat NEG if the people on OzBargain aren't so sensitive about NEGs, the reason being that they have done a number of dirty tricks with the free version is bundling Adware even outside the app itself on the free version, so I will not support them on principle.
I recall the days when ES file explorer was the goods. Then the Holo update happened and the dreaded feature creep began…
It used to be an indispensable app that you had to have (well, apart from Root Explorer which up to this day is as spartan and as ugly as ever, but still damn functional).
I find this a difficult one as well for the same reason. I loved the original free version at the app how it used to be, that I would pay for the pro version wayyyy more then measly 20c. BUT with all these underhanded tricks, bloatware and just how bad the free version has become, it makes it difficult for me to put any money into a company who would do this sort of thing.
I know I don't really have any moral grounds to take the high road or anything, and I will probably end up giving this a plus because it is a great /deal/ but still makes me dislike inside.
What is the adware outside the app that you're referring to?
Baidu adware that streams ad's and reports on statistics back.…
Arguably this is no different to say, Google Ad's being built into the OS layer of Android. Except most people are Sinophobic when it comes to security and dodginess.
it's not Sinophobia at all. It does not even come into it. There is just as much chance that Baidu are secretly reporting to the PLA as Google are reporting to the NSA (both are likely possibilities).
It's that a 3rd party who the user has no relationship with is collecting data about them without limits or controls on what they can and can't collect, and without permission or even knowledge that this is happening.
Google are upfront about their collection - it is clearly documented in their policies, of which can easily be turned off, and you are already having a consenting relationship with them when you use their services with as well.
Not only that, but ES File Manager has sideloaded more 3rd party apps than just ES itself, with notifications area spam.
Pretty much everything you have said is untrue. There's no additional app, no sideloading, nothing. No separate Baidu app outside of ES File Manager. There is the ES File Manager sending very limited anonymous information to the Baidu server for the purposes of analytics. Like most apps from Chinese developers, they have used the Baidu SDK to integrate with Baidu services. Some use the Baidu Push Notification framework, this one uses the statistics (Baidu Tongji). The fact is that Baidu Tongji is more reliable than Google Analytics in China. ES Global is sending information to Baidu so they can use their analytics tools and you did give them permission to do so when you installed the app.
Further, ES File Manager is upfront about their collection. They clearly say that they will collect anonymous usage statistics in their privacy policy. They clearly say it won't include any of your personal information.
If what you say is true, please tell me the names of any executables installed outside of the app, what specific personal information is sent in breach of the privacy policy, or any way at all the ES Global has been underhanded or shady. Because there's no evidence of any of that.
@dazweeja: Well I can say with 100% certainty that last time I installed es (free) via. Google Play store, I definitely got more than I bargained for.
What other apps were installed as you claimed? What personal information was transmitted?
Some details to back up your previous claims would be appreciated so that other users of this app can make an informed decision.
@dazweeja: I was caught by surprise. At the time, I did a quick Google Search which confirmed eStrongs as the culprit, and then I uninstalled, without giving it a second thought in having to do a forensic analysis so that I could later present evidence to some random person on OzBargain.
I agree. I reckon it is better than ES File Explorer/Manager.
I hear people complaining that the free version is bloated? So the pro version is still good like it should be?
Interested in the answer to this too.
I bought it since I had 50cents in my account, it seems snappy to me and my phone is a Sony Xperoa m4 aqua which is slow at times =)
no its still just as bloated, just no ads
Seems responsive to me?
OK.. initial impressions so far (installed onto my Note 4 Edge and Sony Z5 Compact):
1) Good - gone is the stupid landing homepage. Goes straight to default folders now. Homepage is still available but can now be removed totally (cannot remove on Standard version)
2) Good - uninstalling an app doesnt nag you about an APK still held by ES
3) Good - no more about wanting to clean up your disk space (although the disk cleaner option is available in the tools menu)
4) Good - installing a new app doesnt ask you to analyse it for attributes and permissions (PAINFUL previously)
5) Good - no ad's have been showing upSubjectively its still quite bloated with a number of mini tools that you may or may not use. I'm fine with it.
Recommended people - based on the caveat that I havent had time tonight to deep dive and check for underlying malware or do various scans on it. Only 20c so knock yourselves out.
BTW about point 1, in the free version, if you long press on Home in the slide out menu, you can Set as start page. Homepage is still around, but not the default.
Thanks for the review.
Bought. I like ES and removal of ads alone is worth the 20c.
So true. Worth the 20c.
Yeah Thanks, for 20c may as well.
I'm a bit confused. The free and pro are 2 completely different apps.. I thought the pro would just be the free version but with features unlocked and ads removed.
Is it possible to sync the settings in pro with what I have customized in free?
There's an option in settings to save and load the configuration file to the SD Card. Not sure how well this is going to work between pro and non pro versions or if the other crap will be carried across too. I'd just start again and do the config this way.
I did this, seems ok
Thanks OP. My goto file manager so glad I've got the Pro version now.
I use File Commander (pre-installed with the phone) and have since paid for the premium version. But for 20 cents might as well get this one also.
I give you my vote mainly because of the huge discount. Would be nice if you can show off the X percents off :P
ES explorer is a good app.
Bought it with Telstra credit. But like others have said, I miss the old days of ES. Consequently decided to waste $2.49 for Solid Explorer.
Any more apps I should buy with the Telstra credit?
Solid Explorer :)
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finally. lucky waited and didnt buy at full price $5+.
been using root explorer for ages but i heard this one is good or maybe better