This was posted 15 years ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Imation 100x CD-R - $9.88 & 100 Pack Disc Sleeves $1.12 at Target


Was scanning a few items from the shelves at Target today and discovered these 100 pack of imation CD-Rs for only $9.88. Never seen CD's this cheap.
I scanned a few packs of CD's and only the imation ones that have this packaging as pictured comes up at this price. Scan it first before taking it up to the counter just to be sure.

100 packs of paper sleeves also a good bargain to go along with these so you can distribute all these discs to your mates.

These were at Target Roselands (Sydney) but i'm hoping the pricing would be the same across most targets in NSW or nationwide?

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  • both are good deals :) the sleeves are hard to find at a cheap price. Pos from me :)

  • Nice one.
    Hopefully it's all over, not just scanning errors at a single store.

    • Well the paper sleeves (multi colour and white) are $1.68 at Bankstown Target, bought some last week.

  • Nice find, well done, even cheaper than the last lot of Base CDs for $6.49 at Target. Although I think I bought the last spindle of CD-Rs I will need a while back.

  • good on you

  • Great deal (these haven't been posted before have they?)

  • is this valid in WA ?

  • +1

    nice find… i needed some as sacrificial lambs for my car's cd player….

  • its not a priceing error its just target doing things on clearance cause there not moving enough(one sold 40gb ps3 for 200 when the 80gb were 700)

    clearances are normmally target specific but can be similar at different targets

  • -1

    Anyone seen this in Melbourne?

  • Do these have any music on them or completely blank?

    • -2

      cannot believe someone can ask this stupid question … why would target selling CD-Rs with music on them!!!

      • +6

        People have all different levels of understanding of technology. My Dad (71) could well have asked the same question, and yet he has two science degrees.
        What I am saying is, something that is dead obvious to you may not be for some others, especially folks from a generation or two back.

    • +2

      completely blank mate.

      You can use them to back up files/music etc. They're around 700mb in size (CD-R).

      Slowmo is referring to making backups for his Cars CD player so if his car is stolen, they've only got burnt CDs which have no second hand value.

    • +2

      Blank CDs mate.. you need to copy data into them.

      I like cheap CD media because it allows me to copy an entire CD album (which might happen to be a collectors' edition), and have it 'permanently' in the car… as we all know, the heat in a car parked outdoors will destroy plastics like CDs (if it doesn't get stolen in the first place).

      That's why I refer to them as sacrificial lambs. Everything in my car is expendable… so I won't feel too much of a pain if its stolen.. (and since its a toyota, I kinda wish it is stolen, so I can get a dangerous looking prius) :P

      • Wouldn't it be simpler these days to buy a FM transmitter widget and plug that into your portable MP3 player. Assuming your car has a radio of course.

        • +1

          I haven't seen any good quality fm transmitters - crackly music etc. Technology may have improved, but it also depends where your antenna is.

  • +1

    In case anyone's chasing something similar and happens to not get this one, I noticed my local officeworks had a 50 pack of TDK's for $5.04 (I think) on clearance. Yes, I know that makes 100 slightly more expensive than this deal, but just in case you miss out at your local Target.

    There were tonnes of them there at my local OW store in Townsville, and probably the same elsewhere.

    • TDK have switched CDr manufacturers. I find the new ones to be of poor quality. They don't even play in my car CD player

      • TDK switched manufacturers (to CMC Magnetics) many years ago. I agree the original TDK CDrs were great (mine from the late 90s are still ok).

        By the way, these Imation discs are from the same manufacturer as the TDK discs. They're 'acceptable' quality, but still more reliable than CMC MAG DVD-Rs..

        The discs you really have to avoid are the made in China discs with fake media ID codes (because they're too dodgy to get drive manufacturers to produce a proper burn strategy) as a consequence, the burn quality tends to suck. In the other thread mentioning Base discs at target mentioned that these were made in China and with fake media ID codes - avoid!

  • Just a quick remark about this offer.
    Yesterday I went and bought Base DVD-R 50 pack @ Westfield Ingaloo in WA.
    The price was $14.95, but when I checked out it printed $8.95 on my receipt.
    Colored DVD sleeve, with marked-down of $2.88 but checked-out @ $1.60
    Not sure if it is the system problem, but it seems like whole Target is having this promotion!

    • Yes I noticed most of the stuff in their blank media section has been heavily reduced. Keep scanning those barcodes people, you will find a bargain…

      • -1

        Got a big sign of 40% off Base media in Hurstville Target. Have at least 30+ DVD+ discs on shelf for those who missed out last time 50% off.

    • Sounds like the DVDs from this price reduction a while back are still available in their branches.

  • Shame it's paper sleeves, otherwise awesome. :(

    Not too fond of Imation at the moment, after bad experience with their DVD-RW's in my DVD recorder.

  • Thanks - I just picked up the last 3 boxes of Sleeves at the Target store in Melbourne CBD. $1.12 a pack of 100 is excellent. Last time I ran out it cost me $4 for 50.

    They had reasonable prices on other things also - 7 inch digital photo frames for $30.

    • I will file this under "R" for "Read Matt88's comments BEFORE going to the Target Melbourne VCBD store". Grr. Just got back from there…

  • Broadway shopping centre in Sydney city NSW are doing them for $19.98 which is still a pretty good offer, still slightly dissapointed though…

    • +1

      Was the spindle shape and packaging design the same? because I did scan another set of imation cd-r with different box design and it showed a different price.

      • pretty much the same though I can't be 100 percent. I didn't notice any slips, I was more interested in the CDs…

  • No Imation CD's (or DVD's) in stock Shellharbour, but had the sleeves @ $1.12/pack
    BASE products all 40% of as others report above.

  • None in Rhodes NSW, they do have the 100pk sleeves though.

  • +1

    I went to get the disc sleeves at Target Chatswood and the packet was opened, so they gave me a further discount. I ended up paying 61 cents for a 100 pack of colour sleeves!!! Thanks for the heads up!!!! :)

  • Target in Highpoint (Maribyrnong, VIC) had 8 packs of coloured sleeves + 12 packs of white sleeves left at 12pm today.

    Interestingly, there was a pack of 50 paper sleeves (same brand) discounted to $1.79 whilst the 100 paper sleeves packet was discounted to $1.12. I think it's based on the original price? The in-store price checker noted the original price of 100 sleeves as $1.88 not the shelf price of $3.88 so I think that's why they're so cheap.

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