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Caffe Aurora Coffee Beans 1kg $8.99 @ Woolworths

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The best supermarket coffee bean for the cheapest price ever!

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Am I blind?

    Or like the Southern Aurora, they've disappeared?

    • The link shows them for me, maybe victoria only?

      • OK, must be that, because the only Caffe Aurora shown on the Woollies site for me are the capsules. That's a shame, because that's a great price.

        • +1

          And I'm an idiot. When I actually logged onto the Woollies website, magically it appeared. Thanks OP!

      • I'm in Victoria, it does not show for me in your link and if I search aurora, I get ground coffee and the capsules, no beans

        • Hmmm not sure then! Both beans and ground both show $8.99 for me. Maybe a mod can sort out my link if I have done something wrong?

        • I think you have to actually log into the their website before you even see this coffee. At least, that was my experience. I'm in Queensland.

        • @Gofast: just opened in IE and it was there. Nothing in chrome. Ground coffee is also on special. Thanks OP.

        • @carmar:
          i'm not logged in and in Qld, I see the beans fine. (firefox)

  • How are these compared to Vittoria Coffee beans?

    • +1

      Pretty sure anything tastes better than burnt dirt.

      Saying that these are produced by Vittoria anyway.

    • +1

      These are the worst beans, perhaps only slightly better than the Coles brand - but pretty bad. Really nasty after-taste

      • You are saying these are worst or vittoria? When I use the aurora beans on a well setup commercial coffee machine and good grinder the result is very good for a supermarket bean.

        • Can't speak for Vittoria much but no I was talking about Aurora.

      • I agree. If these are made by Vittoria then both are extremely bitter and leave a bad aftertaste in your mouth for hours. Harris all the way for me when it comes to supermarket bought coffee beans.

  • sorry, I dont like these beans, and I can drink nearly anything. but they are cheap.
    these are only $19 for a KG and are pretty good https://www.woolworths.com.au/Shop/Browse/confectionery-snac…

    • +1

      Also, Lavazza gold is currently $20 for a kg of beans at Coles.

      • yep, they're good too.

    • +2

      So many factors. Personal preference, milk or not, machine setup, and so on.

      • thats right, personal taste. these and Harris I just dont like for some reason. (only drink flat whites, maybe these beans arent good for that)

        • +1

          They have a more bitter flavor, if you have some still they make great coffee for mudcake.

  • +3

    I don't mind these beans, took a while to find the right grind setting when I first started using them. I didnt find any harsh or burnt taste and have consumed many bags of these, i typically have a double short black, with the mrs having a latte..

    Nice find op!


  • +1

    So weird that people buy their beans from Woolies/Coles. Please, no matter what your setup, find a local roaster, ask for their cheapest beans, and support a local business, and get some yummy fresh beans! There is a huge huge huge difference. I pay $15kg from a local roaster. And will never ever buy supermarket beans again.

    • +1

      The ones I have seen have been a ridiculous rip off.
      My guess is they think they can charge more because to them only elitist inner city snobs drink home ground coffee.

      • Yes, you do have to shop around, but I am not talking about buying from a coffee shop that sells fancy beans on the side for $56 a kilo or something. Search for a roaster that does nothing but roasts on the premises. You won't regret it. The ones I buy have no labels, no nothing, just great fresh beans.

  • +2

    Been using the Woolworths Select brand for over 2 years - very nice and the cheapest
    Used Aurora before…..bad mistake! Burnt taste.

    • Yeh don't mind the woolies ones! Shame the Coles ones are so bad though, since they're Fair Trade

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