1kg from $23.35 Moments to Memories Blend + Delivery ($0 with $69 Order,C&C, 500g + Delayed Disp Avail) @ Lime Blue Coffee


Hey Oz Bargain Community,

Keeping this one short and sweet for you. The long awaited new shipment of our Swiss Water Process Decaf has finally arrived. I know a lot of Lime Bluers have been eagerly awaiting this shipment based on the number of messages we've received. To celebrate we're having a restock deal party featuring our Decaf, Moments to Memories Blend and our Half Strength Full Flavour Moments to Memories Blend. You ask, we listen, so here we go!

To celebrate the arrival of the new shipment we're offering you a 50% discount off our much loved Moments to Memories blend. As well as a 40%saving off our delicious Swiss Water Process Decaf Coffee, and our in between/Goldilocks option Half Strength Full Flavour Moments to Memories Blend (it's a 50:50 blend of our Moments to Memories blend and SWP Decaf), see links below:

1) Moments to Memories, only $23.35 per 1kg (usually $46.50 per 1kg) and only $13.63 per 500g (usually $27.25 per 500g)

2) Swiss Water Process Decaf, only $35.82 per 1kg (usually $59.70 per 1kg) and only $20.31 per 500g (usually $33.85 per 500g)

3) Half Strength Full Flavour Moments to Memories Blend, only $31.86 per 1kg (usually $53.10 per 1kg) and only $18.33 per 500g (usually $30.55 per 500g)

Deal valid for orders placed until Wednesday 19/03/2025, unless sold out before. Dispatch can happen for you as near as Monday and as far as the last Thursday in June (26/06/2025). Once a given dispatch date is at full capacity the green circle will be removed and date will turn red, first in best dressed :)

Some helpful info:

  • You're welcome to place multiple orders scheduled for dispatch at various dates (delayed dispatch) to make the most of this deal, we strive to dispatch our fresh coffee within 72 business hours of roasting
  • We're happy to accommodate dispatch date and click and collect/pickup changes, you just need to select a new dispatch date either via clicking the "Edit or View Your Order" button in the order confirmation page or simply logging into you Lime Blue Coffee account at least the day before the current date you have selected for your order
  • One dispatch per order
  • Please ensure you use the "shipping" dispatch date selector on the cart page if you'd like your order delivered to you and that you use the "click and collect" date/time selector if you'd like to pickup your order. If you plan to pickup your order please ensure you select the "pickup in store" delivery option on the checkout page, as this not only eliminates the shipping fee for you, but also allocates your order to the click and collect system we have in place, so it means you'll receive different notification messaging to assist you towards a smooth pickup experience
  • Any existing orders are unable to be changed from delivery to click and collect due to the different tech systems in place
  • If you select 500g as a quantity please ensure you also select 500g as the packaging option. If 500g is selected as a quantity with 1kg as the packaging selection the product will show as "unavailable"
  • 500g bag packaging (it's resealable) is also available for orders larger than 500g this is an extra $4 @ 50% off and $4.80 @ 40% off per kg including the discount (normally $8 extra per kg) to cover the extra bag/s, label/s and time it takes to pack
  • Complimentary gift notes can be submitted via a reply message to your order confirmation email
  • The largest bag size we use is 1kg and it has a zip (it's resealable), for example if you order 4kg with 1kg packaging you will receive 4 x 1kg bags, you will not receive a single huge 4kg bag

FREE SHIPPING for orders over $69. For example, 3kg of our Moments to Memories Blend via this deal is $69.75 thus unlocks the highly sought after FREE SHIPPING. We recommend freezing any excess bags purchased to quality for free shipping, without compromising on enjoying fresh coffee.

  • $0.00 for Click and Collect from 15 Cochranes Road, Moorabbin, VIC 3189
  • $7.99 No Delivery Company Preference Flat Rate Shipping (No Parcel Locker/PO Box/Collect)
  • $8.99 Courier's Please Flat Rate Shipping (No Parcel Locker/PO Box/Collect)
  • $8.99 Australia Post Flat Rate Shipping (Parcel Locker/PO Box/Collect available)
  • $12.99 Express Post Flat Rate Shipping (Parcel Locker/PO Box/Collect available)

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Lime Blue Coffee
Lime Blue Coffee


  • Do you have a shop front in Moorabbin? Can I rock up any time?

    • $0.00 for Click and Collect from 15 Cochranes Road, Moorabbin, VIC 3189

      • Yeah I saw that thanks, I just meant is it click collect only deal…. or is it a shop/cafe?

        • Morning @Skramit always best to check first!

          At present it's just delivery or click and collect. However, in the future there will be the additional option of just "rocking up," but click and collect vs. rocking up may have slightly different deals based on stock availability :)

          • @LimeBlueCoffee: Thanks. Im local so was just gonna turn up if I could :D

            • @Skramit: Sure thing, makes sense!

              You can achieve a similar outcome with a slight life admin detour until we're walk in ready…just order click and collect via our site and if you don't see the pick up date you'd ideally like, simply send a reply email requesting a different pick up date, if we can make it happen for you we will :)

  • Is the Half Strength Moments to Memories the best for milk based coffee like Coffee Latte?

    • Nice question!

      It's terrific for milk based coffees as there's nice notes of sweet malt chocolate, which goes really well with milk, but it's also delicious black, so it's fairly diverse :)

  • what kind of roast is the moments to memories? do you offer light roasts?

    • Moments is a medium omni roast, we do sometimes offer lighter roasts for certain Single Origins, but most of our options are available as a medium omni roast :)

  • Thanks for restocking the decaf! We've been on supermarket beans waiting for this. Ordered a few kgs.

    • Terrific to know it's been worth the wait for you!

      Thank you so much for another fantastic order, it really does mean a lot :)

  • Been waiting for some decaf, cheers!

    • Fantastic to hear :)

      Thank you so much for the order, it's truly appreciated!

  • Nice deal! I'd like to order some, but on the product pages the only 'size' option is "beans". Do you do pre-ground?

    I usually order my coffee already ground for my espresso machine.

    • @LimeBlueCoffee - Do you do pre-ground?

      • Hey @barge-in hunter appreciate the double check!

        At present we exclusively only sell whole beans. It might be a great opportunity for you to take the plunge and get a grinder so you can grind on demand. The switch from pre-ground should improve your coffee experience ten fold, especially given the fact you use an espresso machine. We've got a few specials running on coffee grinders, the Opus should suit you well. Otherwise you should be able to find a few bargains for burr coffee grinders online :)

  • I brought Brazil São Paulo Single Origin last time - what's the deal with grinding/brewing? I'm using a Breville machine, i usually do a fine grind with most beans. But with this one - if I do fine, I get a little brew, if i do a coarse, then its hardly comes out. I have discovered that a single shot grind and double shot brew is manageable. Keen to know if its normal and what's recommended? For the figures - I'm doing 7 atm (single grind and double shot extract), if i go down to 5, its hardly coming out and if i go above 7, let's say 8-9-10, its not good. Any suggestions?

    • Morning @b0nd appreciate you taking the time to reach out!

      Could you please let me know the exact model of Breville machine you and how many grams you're dosing into the coffee basket? Also could you please clarify what you mean when you say "single shot grind and double shot brew?" Are you saying you push the Breville factor setting of 1 shot grind and then the double shot brew setting? Once I have some more info I'll be able to provide a helpful answer :)

      • you saying you push the Breville factor setting of 1 shot grind and then the double shot brew setting - Yes
        This is what I have https://www.breville.com/en-au/product/bes880
        Grams around 7-9 (tested all). - the current setting is grind size 7 and time 9 seconds.

        • +1

          Very helpful response thank you!

          Pushing the 1 shot grind and double shot brew on the factory setting is not going to get you a consistently delicious coffee when using fresh coffee, this is simply because the burrs wear down with use and heat up when more than one coffee is made in a row. Furthermore, brew pump pressure can vary over time. In other words the amount dosed today by pushing those buttons will be different to the output 6 months ago and again different 6 months from now. When aiming to make delicious coffee consistently your best friend is a simple set of kitchen scales. For your specific machine I'd recommend dosing 16 grams of ground coffee into the single walled double shot basket. From there you should aim for a 1:2 ratio, by this I mean you should grind 16 grams of coffee : which should extract 32 grams of espresso liquid : and the extraction should take 27 seconds from the time you hit the brew button. If you have any more queries in the future please feel welcome to send a reply email to you order confirmation email :)

          • @LimeBlueCoffee: Cool, thanks. Will try it with a single-walled basket. I'm not a pro, so confirming - 16 grams fine grind and extraction time of 27 seconds, right? 😉😉

  • That photo looks like a nostalgic 90s adventure game on PC.

  • is it roasted daily?

    • Hey @kungfuman always better to check than wonder!

      We generally roast several times a week and on super busy weeks we can roast every day. Whether the week is super busy, normal or a bit more relaxed "we strive to dispatch our fresh coffee within 72 business hours of roasting" :)

      • I usually only got with Airjos because they roast every day. but I will take a look.

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