Amazon Germany have decided to beat the UK deal, and now it is over $8 cheaper than yesterday. Vat is removed at checkout, bringing the final price down to 182,94€ (~AUD $275).
Well this is embarassing, sorry to those who jumped on the last deal :(
Amazon Germany have decided to beat the UK deal, and now it is over $8 cheaper than yesterday. Vat is removed at checkout, bringing the final price down to 182,94€ (~AUD $275).
Well this is embarassing, sorry to those who jumped on the last deal :(
How long until jumps in with a better price?
or until Amazon AU jumps in with a better price… oh wait…. :)
pricematch+5% at OW?
Can't tell if your joking or not but seeing as your newish here:
OW won't match Amazon at all.
OW don't stock SSDs at all.
In germany they actually do, to bad they don't in Australia
Officeworks is in Germany?
@blighst: no most stores here in Germany do actually price match with so i assumed the user was using the same notion for Australian stores.
Well that's just irritating….
How do I change the damn language :/
Under the search bar at the top there is an option in English to click on - "In English - Beta". Click on it :)
That or Chrome has inbuilt translation that works rather well for most sites/languages.
How do you guys order from Amazon? Do you use a shipping forwarding service?
There are no forwarding services; unless otherwise stated, amazon is able to deliver nearly all items to your address :)
Oh okay. I tried buying stuff off the US site and it couldn't deliver to AU, I just assumed it was the same for Amazon DE as well.
The same item may be sold by other suppliers. You have to click where it says "### new & ### old" then it will give you a list of sellers that will deliver to you
I usually use my c/card:)
look at this guy with his fancy credit cards
It's showing up as $285.41 AUD shipped for me.
AU$275 is the rough conversion if you are going to pay for it in euros with a fee free credit/debit card such as 28 Degrees
Looks like I'll be applying for a(nother) 28 Degrees Card then :) Thanks @lyl & @raydragon
as lyl says, if you pay for it euros and let your credit card do the conversion it may work out cheaper than having Amazon convert it to AUD for you. Your mileage will vary depending on the credit card used but cards such as 28 Degrees end up basically bang on the official exchange rate.
The same applies with paypal purchases, you can tell paypal to use the 28 degrees card, keep the purchase in it's "home" currency and then you get a better price rather than be at the mercy of Paypal's god awful exchange rates.
Come on Aussie come on……..SSD 240/250GB……..waiting waiting watching watching
Now I feel ripped off… Not really.
This time Germany wins.
its not the first time :(
1TB (or thereabouts) SSD under $300…. What a time to be alive.
In other, less exciting, news… polio incidence has dropped more than 99 percent since the launch of global polio eradication efforts in 1988. According to global polio surveillance data from February 3, 2016, 73 cases of wild poliovirus have been reported in 2015: 54 from Pakistan and 19 from Afghanistan.
Is using the Visa debit card of Citibank plus a good way to pay? I don't have the 28 deg Master card.
Yeah it has no currency conversion fee as well :)[]=fee&s[]=free&s[]=cards
It's how I pay for all foreign purchases. You'll pay an equivalent rate to the 28 degrees.
currently in Germany to bad can't take the VAT off.
VPN in from an Australian server.
It depends on the delivery address I guess.
yeah its actually the delivery location.
The price is soooo gooood but i dont need that much storage and already have 512gb. MUST RESIST!!
Ok nevermind just bought one :(
thats the spirit….
Until next deal :)
Many thanks for this. Being under $300 means I should be able to expense the whole amount in tax return, rather than needing to depreciate.
I thought you cant claim tax on something purchased outside the country since you never paid any local taxex on it in the first place? Happy to be proven wrong here.
I thought you cant claim tax on something purchased outside the country since you never paid any local taxex on it in the first place? Happy to be proven wrong here.
You are wrong, you're confusing GST and claiming this on your BAS and claiming a work related deduction on your tax return or via your business as an expense.
Never bought SanDisk SSD - always bought Samsung or Crucial. I do need one but want at least 512GB. These any good for OS drive?
Sandisk are very good (given they started the SSD revolution). I prefer them over Samsung for longevity/stable if the last drop of I/O isn't required (and why I didn't suffer from Samsungs 30 day bug). Though I usually go for the Extreme version, Ultra II is more a general usage model like a Samsung 850EVO verses 850PRO
Expired :( 239 euro again for me.
Being a TLC drive, how would it fair up for longevity vs MLC ?
son of a gun….