• expired

AmEx Platinum Charge Card 100,000 Bonus Rewards Points ($1200 Annual Fee & $100,000+ Annual Income)


OK, this deal is not for everyone: the fee is $1,200, and you have to report an income of $100k+ (though in my experience AmEx don't check this thoroughly). The value proposition, however, is compelling:
Spend $1k in 2 months, get 100,000 points (or get 120,000 points using the referral link of a fellow Ozbargainer https://www.ozbargain.com.au/wiki/american_express_referrals…), which can be redeemed for the same number of points with Qantas, Velocity (Virgin), Singapore, or a whole host of other airlines.

125,000 Velocity points will get you return to Europe with Etihad (economy), but also one way in business class.

110k will get you one way to Europe with Singapore first class - that includes the insanely luxurious suites, if you can manage to get a flight on the A380.

The 120,000 points more than justify the fee.

The rest of the features of this card are brilliant, and make it a great deal when thrown in with the bonus points:

Other features include:

  • Unlimited airport lounge access (cardholder/supplementary cardholder and a guest) to Virgin (if flying Virgin), Amex, Priority Pass, Delta Skyclub lounges
  • Free Platinum Reserve credit card (on request) which just means a free domestic flight or a night in a luxury hotel
  • A $300 travel credit to spend on Amex travel (for hotels and flights booked through Amex's travel site)
  • Access to AmEx's Fine Hotels & Resorts service (ie book luxury hotels through the Amex platinum site) which means: 4pm late check out, breakfast, often a $100 USD hotel credit (for room service eg food/drinks), room upgrades, noon check in. I had a look and could book rooms at Melbourne's Park Hyatt for $285 a night and get all of these benefits (inc $100USD hotel credit).
  • Elite Loyalty status: Starwood Preferred Guest, Club Carlson, Shangri-La Golden Circle, and Hilton HHonors
  • Usual platinum credit card insurances, but what is unique is that it offers Roadside Assistance cover (up to $200)

In a nutshell - if you're planning on doing a bit of traveling in the next year, and aren't on a shoestring budget, this is a bloody brilliant card to have.

Note that the usual Amex promotion condition applies (people who've held in the previous twelve months excluded), but, like with all recent Amex promotions, this doesn't seem to be enforced at all by Amex. I got the bonus despite already holding two Amex cards (got 80k sign-up bonuses on both of them, too).

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (10)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

American Express
American Express

closed Comments

  • +6

    Had an Amex for years. So few merchants would want to accept it.
    And hotels levy a hefty surcharge. But this deal is good just to get the points.

    • +15

      Well, acceptance is improving, I have to say. I'm going to enjoy using this card to get free stuff, enjoy the perks of travelling, all for as good as free (given the points as good as pay for the annual fee).

      • -2

        I agreed with the first poster, and basically made the same point and neg'd to -8 now? lol.. Geez you guys are precious..

        • +11

          I didn't neg you, but I think there is a tendency to those that appear to be just having a whinge ("It's pointless in oz.")

          First poster appeared more rational and gave credit where it was due ("..good just to get the points")

    • +1

      A relative had an Amex card but chose to cancel it. Most utilities take Mastercard/Visa only, as does the local council. My local petrol stations take Amex, but only after adding a 2% surcharge. None for MC/Visa. Likewise with retailers like JB Hifi.

      • +7

        Maybe for those who want the best of both worlds should look into something like a amex/mc/visa (2 in 1); where you are given two cards, usually amex/visa, and you get the choice of using both cards where it suits you best.

        • I wouldn't say it's a best of both worlds as you miss out on many of the offers and benefits associated with Amex issued cards if you get an Amex through a bank. There are still advantages, the CBA issued Amex rewards card for example earns reward points at a higher rate than the MasterCard. The bank issued cards can still participate in some Amex promotions, but certainly not all.

          For a closer to best of both worlds you'd probably want to go a bank issued card and an Amex issued one.

        • +11

          For bills that can pay with POSTBILLPAY pay via that option then can pay with paypal and no fee for amex if have in you paypal..

        • @wako: that's awesome, usually utilities charge around 1% for cc, so can we get past that with PayPal?

        • +1

          @montorola: What's more, you'll get 1 points per dollar with Amex, rather than the usual stingy 0.5 points.

        • +1


          Yeh basicly, I always choose postbill pay if its an option just cuz I know can use amex via paypal no dramas no fees.

      • +24

        There's a workaround for any provider that accepts postbill pay. Pay through Paypal with linked Amex. This has worked for me on many utility providers and council rates.

        • Thanks for the tip!

      • +37

        I rely heavily on my AMEX. You need to try harder if you can't figure how to use it.

        Most supermarkets accept them - Coles, Woolies, IGA.
        Most petrol stations I use accept them - Shell, Caltex, 7-Eleven
        Most higher class/bigger restaurants accept AMEX. Eg McDonalds.
        Energy Australia accepts AMEX
        Anything that accepts Paypal accepts AMEX as you can add an AMEX card to your Paypal. Eg Sydney Water can be paid via Paypal with AMEX.
        And as above, Post Billpay —> Paypal —> AMEX.

        It's not that hard.

        • +14

          dont forget even places like supercheap auto, repco, officeworks, myer, david jones also accept without any issues.

        • +2

          Great for supermarkets (and some AMEX cards have 3 points per $)
          Petrol stations - fill up at those that do accept them w/o surcharge. If your local does not, then see if you can find a workaround. You can get Wish gift cards from Woolies (3 points per $ remember) and use that to pay for your petrol at Caltex Woolies.
          Many restaurants charge a surcharge for AMEX - I wouldn't call McDonalds a restaurant (more like a fast food outlet), and definitely wouldn't call it higher class.
          Paypal + AMEX = useful.

        • +2

          @ltwo: As per this comment, buy a WISH eGift Card first for 5% off before you fill up at Woolies. You still get 5% off and 3pts/$ (on $95 instead of $100 though, assuming $100 GC).

          As per AMEX definition though, McDonalds is a restaurant. Even something like Yogurberry, I believe, should be technically considered a "Restaurant".

          I think a more appropriate word to use instead of higher class would've been "established" or "big", but agreed that it is really just a fast food outlet. Luckily for us, it's a restaurant in AMEX's book.

        • +7

          When I said higher class restaurants, I'm thinking Quay, Tetsuya's etc. I'm sure they take AMEX.
          When I said "bigger" restaurants I meant bigger chains like McDonalds, KFC etc.

      • +11

        Likewise with retailers like JB Hifi.

        If I'm about to spend a significant amount at JB HiFi, I'll use my Amex Platinum Edge card to buy an appropriate quantity of JB HiFi gift cards at Coles or Woolies first, and pay JB HiFi with those. End result is three points per dollar, and no surcharge. :)

        • +3

          This is definitely good, but something you'll need to keep in mind is that you'll forego the insurances that you could've gotten from buying straight from JB Hi-Fi.

          The solution?
          Go to officeworks/Harvey Norman/TGG/Dick Smith (lol), price match and but from them since they don't surcharge AMEX!

        • Buy the Woolies egift cards from cashrewards and get 5% off as well … (still triple points using the Amex Plat edge)
          Then use voucher for JB, ebgames,hoyts, google credit, etc _any gift card that they sell at woollies)

        • @kspara: woolies gift cards purchase incur a fee.

        • +2


          Not the wish e gift cards (they are bought online via cashrewards - and are emailed to you) . You then use this e gift card to buy a Physical gift card like a ebgames gift card @ woollies.

        • I don't know about your card, but as mentioned above you're sacrificing some stuff. For me, it:
          - Free extra 1yr warranty
          - 3 (or 6?) month price protection. If an item is much cheaper soon after purchase, pay a small 'excess' and get the difference back.

          Both of these, ESPECIALLY the insurance, are worth a lot to me.

        • @StickMan:

          Oh another thing to keep in mind. If you think you may refund an item, keep in mind that they have to refund it to the same payment type. That means if you paid for an item with gift cards, they will refund you gift cards too (which I personally would not want). So you also have reduced flexibility if you choose to do the "buy gift cards from supermarket using Plat Edge to get 3pts/$" method.

          On the balance of everything, I would choose to forego the 5% discount (discounted WISH eGCs) and additional points (3pts/$), and save the hassle of going to a supermarket and buy it direct so that I get extended warranty, purchase protection and better refund flexibility.

        • @illumination:

          All valid points by you and stickman. I think it is horses for courses in what you are after and what works for you.
          I don't know that ** I ** would personally buy x thousands of dollars worth of jb hi fi gift cards at woollies to then take over to jb to buy that tv or iPhone or whatever, I believe that the gift voucher values are like $50 or $100 .. You might have to buy 10,20 or 30 of them…and then get them activated and the receipt is like 3-5 metres long. ( and most stores don't carry that many jb gift cards)

          An example is Colin2905 who already does it .. Might as well get 5% off as well :)

          I was just informing others of the POSSIBILITY of doing it this way.
          BUT I have read of people who are happy to do that to save the 5%.
          You may not want to do it this way for a $3000 item, but for a $500 pS4 ? Why not?

          I also believe that the purchased product would still have all the statutory warranties as if purchased with cash.

          I, myself have used it to get a few hundred $ worth of eb games vouchers which I redeemed 5 minutes later.
          I go through a lot of egift cards - use them at woollies and petrol and dan murphys, bws etc. I get them for family and friends.

          I acquired my platinum edge in jan 15 and so far have amassed over 150k points.

        • @kspara:

          And I'm not invalidating your point either ;)

          Like you, I was just pointing out what you would probably want to consider when doing it. I myself have done it before for JB Hi-Fi products worth about $1300ish. Now that I'm recalling it, I'm now remembering the effort involved + the hassle + slight feeling of guilt at having to get the checkout person to put through all those gift cards. I won't lie though. It felt good saving the 5% + getting the 3pts/$!

          The statutory warranties are all well and good, but if you purchase direct with the merchant, the added advantage is that you have the manufacturer's warranty and credit card warranty before you have to even think about exercising statutory rights.

          Btw curious - what have you done with all those points so far, or are you still building them up?

        • +1


          Building them up. Never flown higher than economy ever.
          Have also amassed about 800k of QFF, but never travel, so am lowly bronze at the momen with 0 status credits.. The missus has 465k velocity FF but again is lowly red.

          Been reading lots at point hacks and Australian Frequent Flyer, but it's so overwhelming and confusing. Earning the points is the "easy" part — redeeming them .. Lol. I have read that people like iflyflat help you redeem the points for you .. At a (fairly substantial) cost though.

          The dream is a qantas RTW trip with up to 15 stops and (35,000 miles) in business @280k QFF points per person for me and the missus. Doubt I can get the 2 kids on as well in J at the same time.

          Suites sound good too, now that I have come across them in the comments … :D

      • Which petrol stations adds a 2% surcharge? FYI the only one I know about is Caltex on Smith Street on the way to Board Beach, Surfers.

        Obviously I never refuel there ever again.

        • +1

          United Petrol Station in Melbourne does

        • lots of Caltex in Melbourne……

        • @davidl2: from my experience only those that arent woolworths cobranded have surcharges. also means often they wont have 4cpl discount either.

    • +9

      Not the best card for everyday spend. Has it's uses and definitely has benefits. For many people, the $1200 fee is justifiable on an ongoing basis without 120k points each year. You just need to be in a position of being able to take advantage of it. So probably geared to users who travel frequently for work and such like. But as OP says, not for everyone..

      The idea of being able to fly singapore suites to europe for just over 110k + $500 is pretty impressive. So for $1700 you get suites to europe plus free night hotel stay somewhere. Factor in the accomodation and your flight can be as little as $1400. To me that's pretty impressive when the outright cost of the flight can be well in excess of $8000.

      In my opinion there are better deals out there for the masses, but 120k points (plus 1 night accom & free domestic flight and lounge access) for $1200 is great in my opinion.

      I'm genuinely surprised this wasn't a deal before as it's been 120k points (with referral) for a while.

    • +10

      Link the Amex card to PayPal

    • +5

      I have the dual amex/visa from ANZ… actually use the amex almost everywhere. Supermarkets, petrol stations, transport, paypal (this covers a lot of retailers) and a lot more… I think acceptance has grown quite a lot in the last few years. The only people who I've really encountered who don't accept it seem to be smaller stores.

    • Colesworth, fuel stations and Maccas accept it. What more do you want? :)

    • +13

      Because the points are worth the annual fee, and so the benefits that come with this card are effectively free.

      But hey - I said the deal wasn't for everybody, and you're clearly somebody who won't get value out of all these travel perks.

        • +6

          Different value propositions - this one doesn't suit everybody's circumstances.

        • -5

          @JohnHowardsEyebrows: Agree, so I am going to stay away,

        • +14

          I am going to neg this deal.

          Why? Just because it doesn't apply to you and isn't the best deal for your circumstances isn't a reason to neg.

      • +1

        Not a deal. It's called an offset.

    • -2

      If you dont have $1200 to start with you dont have to worry about applying for this card.

      • +4

        If you are meeting the income requirements you need to work on your budget if you don't have access to $1200

    • +1

      Because the benefits outweigh the cost.

  • +39

    Well done OP on providing such a well written post including a great explanation of the benefits.

    • +5

      Much better written than the 82,500 for $249 one
      Looks like that OP has done a runner. Yeah.

      • +4

        Lol I wonder who else realised that was you!! HAHA

        • +3

          It wasn't wasn't me, it was the other me.

      • @muncan

        Yes, when it comes to the layout and explanation of the benefits of the deal - the OP's post is far superior.

        However there is no doubt the deal you linked to is also a great offer.

  • I note that this is a 'Charge' card. Which I am guessing merely means that there is not a credit limit, and that it must be paid in full on the due date.
    Is there any risk that current American Express Card Members may get the card and be charged the $1200 but not qualify for the bonus points/miles?
    Lounges are particularly beneficial to people flying cheaply on AirAsia and transiting Kuala Lumpur (Although I rate the KLIA2 lounges 2/5). I access those lounges inside using my Diners Club card. DC does not give you access to the PP lounge outside.

    • From my understanding, if people are going to be denied points, Amex will call them to advise them that is the case. Some postings in Whirlpool forums seem to indicate less chance of being denied if using referrals (I know that is a self-interested thing to say, but that's what I read).

    • @peck, is it just a matter of showing your Diners card?

      • Yep. They compare it to your boarding pass, swipe it, and you sign. $135 annual fee for the Diners Club. No guests allowed on it though.

    • Got the points overnight. Already have two Amex cards, and said so in my application.

  • I assume we pay the annual fee at the end of the 12 months right?

    Anyway thanks OP

    I got approved

    • +6

      They're not silly enough to give away 120k points and charge annual fee nearly a year later.

    • +7

      In my experience the annual fee comes at the end of the first statement cycle.

    • You have to pay the first $1200. You can cancel when the 1st anniversary comes around.

  • -5

    Weird rich list people are also ozbargainers.

    • +10

      That's how they got rich. I hear that some of the richest people are also the 'tightest' people! Chicken or the egg!

    • +8

      why would you not? having a high income shouldnt exclude you from being able to hang on ozbargain.

    • +19

      100k isn't much.. especially when you have a family.

    • +4

      I did loans for ozbargainer. Some are one 200k+. No joke

      • -3

        That's a bit unprofessional, imho. If you are lucky enough to gain business from Ozbargain I would think they would expect you to keep their income to yourself.

        • +4

          Well he really didn't reveal anyone's identity..
          It would almost be like me saying I heard one of the senior executives in my university earns 500k+. I'm not identifying anyone. All you know is that it's one of however many hundred executives that works at my uni.

          Same here. All you know is that it's one of however many members there are, and there really would be no way for you to narrow it down (I hope?)

        • -6

          @illumination: That is true, however if it was me (and I really wish it was) I wouldn't be happy to see that comment.

        • +2

          @robbyjones: I guess you'd be more sensitive knowing that it was you, if you had spoken to him about getting a home loan.

          However like I said the rational way of thinking would be, well, there really is no way anyone else would know.

        • +4

          lol did i mention any name?

        • +3

          No ? Guess not. I guess you'll label me unprofessional for stating some ozbargainers are female too.

        • +1

          You disgust me, tomleon.

        • -2

          @tomleonhart: No I wouldn't. Just an observation, make of it what you will.

        • +3

          @robbyjones: well you did so next time perhaps keep your negative observation to yourself ? In the end of the day it's not nice going around accusing people of being unprofessional based on one's own narrow opinion. As many people negged your comment would agree. Cheers.

        • -2

          @tomleonhart: Oh grow up and don't be so touchy. You did the wrong thing mentioning your clients financial details, regardless of whether you identified them and you know it. I wouldn't choose you as a broker on this alone, your attitude just confirms it. As for the negs, if you are using that as a professional marker then that speaks volumes.

        • +2

          @robbyjones: I beg your pardon. Grow up? You are the one who are accusing random people of wrong doing based on your own opinion and you're telling me to grow up?

          How did i mention my client financial details? Ozbargain is a community and I simply stated a fact about this community. Gender or income are anonymous information about this community and they're treated the same way. There are no way for anybody including my client to identify who I were referring to, they can't because I weren't referring to anybody, it is just a general fact. Not at anytime have my client privacy been breached by my comment. Just because you are over sensitive doesn't make what I did wrong.

          My attitude? I am simply protecting my reputation from people who are accusing me of wrong doing based on their own opinion. You're defaming my name and nobody likes to be defamed.

    • rich people don't get rich being spendthrifts ;)

    • +2

      Interesting thread you guys may want to check out: High Earners of OzBargain, Whats Your Reason for Being Here

    • +13

      I earn $100K+ but I have 2 kids, one with ongoing medical issues, a mortgage, two cars to run, and my wife is lucky to earn $30K some years. So the real question is, why wouldn't I hang out on OzBargain??

    • +1

      100k is hardly rich.

      • i think 100-150k is the norm nowadays.
        dont even surprise me if you make $300k

        but its much rare coming across people making $1m a yr

  • +22

    Should post it to our Whirlpool buddies over there everyone earns $200,000

    • +12

      LOL Whirlpool seems to be Ozbargain on a 1990s forum platform.

  • If i wanted to utilise the hotel accomadation benefits how soon after being approved with that kick in? Is there somewhere that explains what sort of benefits you get. Ive got a few stays at the shangri-la and the park royal in mind for the next few months and perhaps this could come in handy.

    • +3

      You get a free hotel night with Accor Plus, note you need to apply for Accor Plus separately after you receive your card.
      Also you can apply for a free AMEX Platinum Reserve companion card, the Reserve comes with a free Virgin Australia return flight or a free hotel night a year.

      Plenty of good info and ways to maximise your 120k AMEX Platinum Charge card points & benefits at the Australian Frequent Flyer thread below:

      • +1

        WARNING: I'm a successful applicant of the Platinum Charge from this promotion. I'm spoken to now 3 AMEX customer representatives who are getting internal comms that the free AMEX Platinum Reserve companion card is available, but my applications for it have been rejected because they product is now removed from their system… It seems it's now decommissioned (or in the process of being decommissioned). It seems like a bit of a marketing/product/comms mess over there, and they're still trying to see what they can do for me… Anyone else experiencing this?

        • +1

          I applied for the Platinum Reserve companion card last week using the form rashed linked to in one of the last comments. Cards arrived yesterday without an issue.

        • +1

          Thanks NMNH. I suggest that you put this at the bottom as a new comment to the entire post, or people may not see it.

        • @pickme: OK just got a call back saying they'll process my Reserve. Any new applicants should definitely call up to check before they apply… They're in the process of removing all intranet comms about this legacy product being available for Charge card holders!

        • For those who have the reserve companion card, can I ask if a credit check has been involved? Given my husband has his eye on the ANZ black as his next app, trying to be careful about the amount of activity on his file…

        • @adelee: I asked this to a customer rep, and the response I got was it's treated as a separate card application.

          Please be aware of the difference between a credit vs charge facility… https://www.nerdwallet.com/blog/credit-cards/charge-card-aff…

    • +1

      Your loyalty benefits shouldn't take too long (I had two come through within a few days, but Shangri La not yet), and you can call them to get it expedited if need be. The hotel programs are all one click enrolments in your Amex account.

      The Accor Plus and the free night from the Platinum Reserve you might need a month's lead time until you're ready to book the freebies (note you have to ask them for the Platinum Reserve - it's not automatically done).

  • Are the benefits justifiable to keep paying the $1200pa fee?

    • +1

      For me they probably won't be. You'd have to travel quite frequently with either Virgin Australia, Delta, or US international airports, in order to get your fill off this card (though the hotel and flight benefits go some way to mitigating the cost).

  • Looks like a good deal for those 100% visiting Europe at least once a year and perhaps flying internationally 2-3 more times. OP, how does Amex 'check' your income? How do you 'report' it? You state they dont check thoroughly?

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