This was posted 9 years 1 month 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

FREE: DxO Optics PRO 8 Elite Edition for PC & Mac


Been extremely popular previouly. Simply enter your email address and instantly receive your free license key. Download the software from the links provided. Enjoy :)

Thanks to DxO OpticsPro’s exclusive technologies, instantly correct all the optical defects of your equipment, remove digital noise even at high sensitivities, recover fine details and textures in dark or burnt areas, and bring out all the nuances of color in your images.

Source: HUKD

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closed Comments

  • Thanks TA!

  • Great software - noise reduction tailored to your camera maintaining great details.

  • Thanks OP!

  • Thanks TA

  • Thanks TA :)

  • +13

    You don't need to enter a legit email address, the code is displayed immediately after entering an email and inputting the captcha.

  • Thanks mate.

  • Thanks TA. Had a bit of a play and found that this version supports my Nikon D90 but not my Nikon D610. Drat.

  • How this is better than Lightroom? Any expert opinion?

    • +22

      Without knowing anything about this product, it's pretty clear to me that the price is better.

    • It's Free..

    • +1

      It's not "better", it's at least 2 versions old and V10 has a number of improvements. That said, in some ways it's more powerful than LR but is a lot clunkier to use IMHO. Raw Therapee and Darktable can also be described that way, both are also free. Where it is "better" is that it does not require a ****ing subscription!

  • Yessss supports my D7100
    We'll see how good this software is compared to lightroom/photoshop

  • I dont have lightroom so I cant compare but its fantastic for fixing raw files before putting them through photoshop.

    • Used it just now, it's easy to use so I might be adding it to my process, pre-lightroom :)

    • +3

      Why would you expect v8 to support it when it's not on the list of supported cameras for v8?
      On the deal link page, underneath the Submit button, you'll find this line:

      "You will find here the list of cameras supported by DxO OpticsPro 8."

      • -6

        I would it expect it does because of how similar it is to the D600. Additionally even if you can't use automatic correction, the program doesn't even let you attempt manual correction.

        • +7

          They clearly say your camera is not supported, so you shouldn't expect it to be supported. DxO didn't test the D610 with v8, so even if it's 100% identical to the D600, the software wouldn't know that it was.

          You can convert your .NEF file to another supported RAW format, or edit the EXIF data and change the model to D600. It might work then.

          Don't forget that it's a piece of highly-regarded software that's being given away for free. If conversion or editing is too much hassle for you, then buy the latest version, or just skip it altogether.

          I don't use it much myself, I just think not recommending the software because it … doesn't work with a camera that it doesn't support … is a little unfair.

  • Will not work with my 7D mark II :/

  • +1

    DxO, meh…

    • AOK, bro…

  • DXO 8 was free last year and I think the year before too. Waiting for DXO 9 to be free. They used to release a newer version of their older ones each year.

  • +1

    Thanks for this…I bought the last Pentax K-r for my daughter at a crazy price from OW a year or so ago & I was lucky to get the $398 - $100 rebate Nikon D3300 + Sigma 70-300 zoom @ $99 this year (thanks to OB!). Both cameras & lenses supported! Yay!


    • Hi @Geekomatic
      did you get this version to work with the D3300 ?
      According to the website the D3300 is only supported in version 9.
      I haven't tried myself yet, just wondering.

      • Lol, as soon as I get a chance to install- I'll try to remember to let you know…But if it doesn't, hopefully it'll still work for my daughter's.


  • Bear in mind that it's not the latest version (v10 is newest) but in saying that, it's an excellent piece of software and best of all it's free!

  • Sadly I'm getting some activation error when manually inputting and copy/pasting the code given :(

    • +1

      Was having the same problem on Mac. Try inputting the code WITHOUT capitals, it automatically capitalises for you.

  • Pretty good if it supports your camera.
    This and capture one pro have the best raw conversion for nikon files. Lightroom is just easier to work with.

    Depends on the photos, they get raw conversion in certain software.

  • What exactly is it for?

    • +5

      It can organize your photos like Lightroom, but its claim to fame are its excellent RAW image correction algorithms for noise, distortion, CA, etc tailored for specific cameras and lenses.

      Review for version 6.
      Review for version 8
      Review for version 10

      • Totally no idea what you're talking about, but I'll download anyway since its free and sound cool lol

        • +1

          It's for advanced image editing.

        • @aero8:

          He probably won't get that either lol

  • Does this include the PRIME noise reduction module?

  • Thanks TA! Good way for a newbie like me to get to grips on image editing!

  • Currently downloading at 20kbs……………….

  • It's not allowing me to activate..

    ‡<í}ˇ (line 2, pos 41, status 11)

    Did anyone have this issue?

  • thnx TA :)

  • I can't seem to download more than 21mb of the setup file. Download ends every time around 20MB.

  • "This app can't run on your PC". I get this when trying to install on Win 10

    • It installed fine on my Win 10 PC. Corrupted download?

      • I'll give it another go

      • Looks like you guessed it right. I redownloaded and it installed fine. Cheers

    • I seem to remember it may be 64bit only?? Not sure though.

  • Shame the version they are giving away doesn't support Panasonic GH4 nor the A7R Mk2.

    Might still get it for its NR on some of the older cameras I still use sometimes

    • Thankfully, my GH1 is supported. Guessing the newer/newest versions support GH4

      For those who want to check, if this software is even of use to you…

  • does it look like it is now expired?

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