Samsung Australia Is trying to Scam Me, please help

I tried to get my samsung tablet serviced under warranty as it stopped charging. I had the tablet inspected at Sydney George Street and was told that the damage may not be covered as it is due to physical damage. I didn't think it was anything I did so I asked how I can get it escalated. The technician said that he can book it in for a detailed assessment and it will take 48 hours to get back to me and I might get charged if the damage is indeed due to misuse/abuse which I agreed. I saw the technician wrapping the device in a static bag just before I left the Samsung shop. A minute or 2 after I left the Experience Centre I received an SMS indicating that the cost of repair is $120 for the charging port as it is due to physical damage or the assessment fee of $39. I SMS'ed back to complain about it as it was not probably assessed so I'm not obliged to pay for the assessment fee and asked them to have the case escalated. A few days later I received a call from their case manager who refused to listen and insist that I have to pay one of the fees.

It's a pretty old tablet, tab 3(I think) so it's probably not even worth $120 but I'm quite annoyed by the way how Samsung Australia is trying to rip me off by charging for a service they did not provide. Can anyone offer any assistance on what I can do or share your experience of the struggle you had with Samsung Australia or common Samsung device defects that you know of.

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  • +3

    Fair trading

  • +1

    Why don't you think it was assessed? Did the technician say "48 hours" or "UP TO 48 hours"? Not sure either why you SMS'ed them back as the message would be auto generated from a random number.

    Tell them you want it reassessed but is there anything else that could have caused it? non manufacturer repair of the screen? Abnormal damage? Cracked screen?

    Did you have to sign anything when you left your tablet there?

    I think you will have to pay the assessment fee. You would have agreed to that. The technician even warned you about that.

    • I was told that the detailed assessment maybe charged but as soon as I walked out of the shop I received an SMS indicating the charges which didn't give them very much time to unwrap the static bag, let alone inspecting the device. The tablet is in pristine condition, no scratch, no crack. The technician indicated it will take around 48 hours to get back to me and I do remember signing the paperwork.

  • +6

    You're obligated to pay service/assessment fees for assessment if a technician determines that it's a user-created fault and they disclose the possibility of this up front (i.e. when you drop it off: "we will assess the device for a warranty; should the claim be a user-fault, you will be liable for an assessment fee").

  • +10

    lol at title.

    • +15

      if things didnt go my way = scam :) :)

      • +2

        Their entire multi billion dollar international organization was conceived only to "scam" Mr. onlinedeals. A long term, fiendishly cunning plan to get $39. And it worked!

        If the text came "a minute or two" after you left the shop why didn't you just go back and confront them on the spot? And has it occurred to you that the assessment was already made while you were in the shop? You just didn't want to hear the physical damage diagnosis.

        • I was on my way back to work and I did complain in my reply to their SMS. As indicated in my original post, the guy wrapped it up and I pretty much left straightway. I don't mind paying if the assessment was done and a reason was provided indicating how they came to the conclusion that the fault was due to misuse/abuse.

  • +2

    I think you are the one who tried to scam Samsung Australia.

    Get this through your thick skull, will you ?

    They have provided you a service by performing an assessment on your tablet. It was $39 (instead of free )since it was a user fault which wasn't covered by warranty.

    Buy a dictionary, look up the definition of the word 'scam'.

    End of story.

  • +5

    I used to work at the Samsung repair centre and fortunately you have not been scammed.

    He already advised you that you 'may' be charged, but you wanted to go ahead and he put forward the claim.

    Almost everywhere does it, if you want it properly looked at, you'll have to pay an inspection fee.

    I've had so many customers say "I didn't know this, it's not my fault" blah blah and all I do is sigh.

    FYI physical/user induced damage/wear & tear is NOT under warranty - This includes excessive wear from the USB port - users not paying attention to the direction of the plug and forcing it in.

    • +1

      If it's like my daughters tablet we replaced the USB port because it had the same problem with not charging.

      I don't think it was from forcing the plug in though, it seems like it was because she was using it while it was plugged in and the movement of the cable eventually caused issues with the port.

      Also knocking the cable every now and then by accident while it's sitting on a desk would also be a contributing factor possibly.

      Didn't even think to log a warranty claim since it was wear and tear induced.

      People do the exact same thing with their laptops by tripping over cables or moving the laptop around while it's charging then eventually kill the charging port too and wonder why their laptop can't charge.

    • just out of interest, do you carry out repairs on site at your George Street office? also, is a couple of minutes all you need to inspect a fault? Mind you that includes unwrapping, inspecting, and sending out a SMS (adding notes to your system). I was expecting Samsung to take a good look at it and at very least provide a reason why it is not normal wear and tear that the device should be able to withstand. I don't mind getting charged for the service provided but not happy getting charged for nothing.

      • First of all, how old is the unit and do you still have proof of purchase?

        I can't comment on the George street office as it depends on the store. To the honest, Yes. Usually hardware faults can be diagnosed on the spot, it's the intermittent faults which are the pain in the ass. The guy already advised you that if you want a proper technician you'd probably get charged, sometimes all it takes is the guy at the back to confirm it when he's seem 100 other devices with the same fault.

        Repair centres usually try to achieve the fastest turn around time, so you're actually lucky you didn't have to wait 5 business days to be told what you were told.

        The tablet's condition/age is also taken into consideration whether its been cared for. Not saying you haven't taken care of it, but if its well past 2 years(warranty period) and it looks like it's seen better days then obviously its been through excessive wear and tear.

        • the tablet is just under 2 years so it is still under warranty, no scratch, no dent, no crack. Been using the case since the beginning. As stated in my previous comments, i don't mind paying for a genuine service but in this case, I don't think detailed inspection was conducted. If it was then I'll like them to provide me with a reason why it can't be repaired under warranty, not just blindly sending my the quotes.

  • "took it in for a detailed assessment and it will take 48 hours to get back to me and I might get charged if the damage is indeed due to misuse/abuse "

    You were advised you would get a detailed assessment - with the implication that this was in some way different to what had just been performed, for free, on the spot.

    I agree it is unlikely that the detailed assessment was worth $40 and also done within the 120 seconds of you leaving the store.

    You have been charged for a service that was NOT CONDUCTED AS DESCRIBED. (I don't care whether it was the service or the description that was incomplete, I just know they were not BOTH complete).

    Hence, I will complain to the (insert acronym here, ACCC?).

    If they attempt to keep the device after having to refund the money for their lack-of-detailed inspection, is that theft?

    • How "detailed" do you expect it to be. If it's not charging it's extremely likely it's the charging port?

      • "more detailed than available for free" - that would satisfy as more detailed.

        I expect an offer of an assessment which costs $40 to take longer than 0-120 seconds unless you are a tarot reader or a bullshit artist

        But to take your point - rather than simply answer it autistically…

        Suppose it was already known that the charging point was the problem, what is the $40 for then? If the matter was already resolved as the issue was known, then why was the OP sold something he did not need?

        Finally, if you are suggesting someone took the tablet out of a static bag within 2 mins of the OP leaving the shop, and assessed it, you are a trusting individual and I have a bridge to sell you.

        • +2

          Why would he need to give it a more detailed assessment when it does not need to be. The $40 fee seems to be a set fee whether it takes 1 minute or 1 hour. A lot of services have a minimum set fee regardless of how long it takes(tax returns, computer diagnosis). You pay them for the job, not by the hour.

        • +1

          As you seem to have suggested a subsequent 1 minute assessment actually took place - I must admit I cannot say for sure whether this is true.

          However, would you like to buy a bridge? You can choose, it only takes a minute.

        • @ozbjunkie:

          Lol you're not making any sense or have realized you're wrong.

        • +1

          hmm, your failing to respond to actual questions and claims leaves me thinking you are not reading, or thinking. That's OK, nobody can make you.

        • @ozbjunkie:

          You want me to buy a bridge? I don't mind if it only takes a minute as long I as get the bridge I agreed to buy.

  • Also, if its a Tab 3 from mid 2013 - I'd be arguing that I expect things to continue to work i.e. charge when I clearly take care of them (no dents, screen works). ACCC state the minimum of 1 year, but this can be extended where there's reasonable expectation product will continue to work (ie phones for at least 24 months etc).

    misuse/abuse is not equal to physical damage (through intrinsic defect) - charging ports on my old electronics generally work for 5 years or more.

  • Isn't this thread really about:

    a. not having bought an iPad and being unable to go to Apple George St for a Group Hug?

    b. the relationship the OP had with their Father?

    c. Lack of Chocolate?

    • +1

      When in doubt, choose C… but I'm partial to chocolate anyway.

      • +1

        I thought it was marmalade?

  • Talk to your consumer affairs department in your state.

  • I don't see the point in reporting this to the ACCC or fair trading. You did not read the fine print and now you're getting penalised for it.

    • +1

      He did read and agreed to it. He is upset that they assessed it so quickly.

      • I wouldn't be upset if they took a good at the device and said we saw blah blah blah and that's likely due to accidental damage or whatever. The fact is the device was wrapped up and stored away waiting for the next available technician if that's where they do their repairs. I don't think they needed to wrap it in static bag if there was a technician sitting there waiting for a faulty device to turn up. The job was logged in their system and notes added, I was under the impression that they were going to ship it somewhere (I could be wrong) but no matter how good you are, a couple of minutes is never going to be enough even if the inspection took place.

        • Many places don't look at items that might be repaired under warranty for free or else everyone would just bring their stuff in for every little thing that goes wrong, so they set an assessment fee.

          If the item is due to a manufacturer's fault, the assessment fee is waived, if not the fee is charged. Your issue is very likely the charging port. Once he looked at it, he probably could tell as I doubt it's the first time that happened.

          a couple of minutes is never going to be enough even if the inspection took place.

          It is for something like a tablet not charging.

  • ALSO… most warranties aren't worth the paper they are printed on. (They do save money in the printing of these things though, eg: 1 point size font.) That being said… most people DON'T even know what "lifetime warranty" means. The short story is, when it stops working, that's the END of its lifetime and NO warranty applies.
    Suck it up and buy a new one.

  • Hang on for a minute! Pun intended.
    I had my Samsung note 1. Bought it when it first came out. After 2 years the charge port wore out. I had extended warranty and they (service centre)gave me the same rhetoric about abuse/use. looking up in the net it turned out to be a COMMON problem amongst note 1. First evidence.
    Second does Samsung think I would buy an $800 phone for only 2 years use then throw it out, when my wife's (other brand) cheap phone was still working after 5 years.
    Yep, they were nice enough to repair it.
    And third…
    A year or so later I did buy the note 3.
    Good service pays to keep customers buying your product.

    So check price vs years of service and research if that was reasonable use and if it was a COMMON problem.

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