Dazza610 » user profile

Member Since | 26/08/2013 |
Last Seen | 19/02/2020 |
Location | Bundaberg |
Recent Activities

There is a special function... Find you power button and press it...

Because they are working from a prepared statement, and don't have a clue how anything works...

Can I remind you that the ALP had a plan which included FTTP... The idiots at the L/NP were the cheapskates that said they could do it…

Dazza610 commented on When Did Telstra Become So Bad?
The government owns 51% and they sold the rest, and the rest resold on and on... So does that answer your question..? Nobody can co-operate…

Dazza610 replied to
SBOB on Brand New apartment pre-installed dryer fell off wall due to shoddy work

This is what happens when, instead of using "Australian" certified Contractors & Tradesmen, The Property/Owners/Builders import Workers…

It seems like there's a lot of people that DON'T know how to position their Ear-buds... Simply, when inserting, say the Left-side, reach…

So.... everything else is "round" to fit on the bun... why not make round cheese slices instead of buying their stock from the supermarket?

Dazza610 commented on Contents Insurance - Worthwhile?
Has anyone thought that some of his *(old shit)* might be VERY valuable collectables? What might be crap to a 20 -30 year old... Just might…

Firstly... Can't afford to buy one. Secondly... Can't afford the installation cost. Lastly... *(This is the reason why people whine about…

Yeah... Then you get those ignorant drivers that cut in front of trucks, buses,(large vehicles), that are leaving enough room for them to…

Seriously... Who, in this day and age, actually reads ALL of the T&C's. Especially since they ALL seem to start the same way. Then halfway…

Dazza610 commented on $1 if You Return at Least 1 Reusable Plastic Bags Purchased/Acquired Previously for Free When You Pick up Your C&C @ Woolworths
The way that this bullshit is perceived is that **"single use bags"** *(which are used more times than not, for something else)*, are the…

Dazza610 commented on How Often Do You Buy a New Computer and Why?
Maybe you should look at HOW you use your "Laptop"! Even though it is called a "Laptop", you should probably **NEVER** use it on you LAP,…

Dazza610 commented on Why Are Plumbers in Australia So Expensive?
Admittedly, I haven't read most of the above comments... (sorry no time, busy, busy). The problem is that there is a MASS shortage of…

Dazza610 commented on 21st Birthday Present for a Male
Show him the DOOR, unless you want him hanging around "burning YOUR electricity" forever. Possibly that trip into reality, might just…

Sounds exactly like my youngest...

Is this a serious question??? If your interested, I have a rarely used, in perfect condition, *[insert whatever bullshit item here],* for…

Dazza610 commented on Purchasing Island Good for Investment?
Check the High tide mark...

It probably is **NOT** a cable positioning problem. You should see the "spilled spaghetti" cabling I have running, around... under and…

Like he said...

Dazza610 commented on Purchasing Island Good for Investment?
Then.... You may also have Storm & Tidal problems. The way that the climate is going, pack your floaties. Me.... I will probably end up…

Dazza610 commented on Help, a Nest Is Growing outside My Balcony
Didn't read all the other replies... *(in a hurry)* It's a Wasps nest. *(I call 'em Mud-Wasps)*. **Be careful, they do get angry...** I was…

Knock on their with a cricket bat... With, a few bikies, as backup.

Dazza610 commented on How Often Do You Shower?
At the moment... I feel like moving my bed into the bathroom, it is soooo hot here.

Dazza610 commented on How to protect Samsung S8 Screen?
Have you ever thought about one of those stick-on-the-back finger-hole things. I have NEVER dropped mine, because you either have it in…

Yeah... and then there is all those meat factory workers that take so much care with cleanliness !!!!!

[@John Kimble](/comment/5091065/redir): Yep.... **That's me**

OK guys... Give me a break. Like I said, "I'm OVER 60". and not really up on newer, and newer technologies. It seems like there's something…

**I don't know which is scarier**... My card is NOT 28 degrees, but that is besides the point, *in my case.* I hardly ever use my c.card;…

Dazza610 commented on Centrelink Has Asked Me to Provide Payslips from 2014 Onwards to Confirm Employment Income
**Yeah**... I have found with Centrelink, what **ONE** person says, is not necessarily what **IS** the right way... *(or the wrong way)*.…