Myth or Truth? Casein, an Animal Protein Esp in Cow's Milk, Causes Cancer

Watched on an award winning TV documentary program.
Then start to google keywords "dr colin campbell milk cancer"

random pick any of the returned results. example

News start around 2012, but first time I learnt this myself in Australia.
Slightly concern as our kids drink milk daily at home.

Is this fact or myth?

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  • 16
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    I don't know


    • So what these studies are saying is that men only have two choices, Prostate cancer or Osteoporosis.

      Glad there is no third option.

  • +4

    I find that the stools from people that drink milk makes the finest jenkem!

    • +4

      Oh no. Why did I google that?

      • +1

        mind blowing!! I just google that too.

        • +1

          I learned my lesson from 2G1C, for my own peace of mind I'm not going to give in to the curiosity. ;)

  • +6

    Ahh the single scientific study… un replicated anywhere else with non-reproducible results. All published in a book you can buy for $29.95

    We're not talking about a large weight of evidence here. Despite MANY MANY other lifestyle studies on millions various populations and cancer patients.

    The China Study describes a monumental survey of diet and death rates from cancer in more than 2,400 Chinese counties and the equally monumental efforts to explore its significance and implications for nutrition and health.

    I"m going to stop reading now. For one, "Cows milk" in China… lol!…

    I'll let you read through the various issues with cows milk in China. Or any of their animal based products causing issues. That it causes cancer is no surprise to me.

    Book should be called:

    Chinese Animal "Food" Causes Cancer

    and we can move on to protecting our children from those evil governments trying to vaccinate them

    But here are some other robust criticisms of the book if you're interested, mostly related to the authors extreme cherry picking of the data that suits the narrative and ignoring anything that doesn't:……

  • The Mediterranean diet contains among other things, olive oil, and dairy foods, especially cheese and yoghurt (which contains casein protein). The raw milk versus pasteurised milk debate aside, I doubt that any sane dietician or nutritional scientist anywhere in the modern world would state that cheese or yoghurt causes cancer due to casein content. Most scientists and experts have blind spots or areas of irrational prejudice, and when a blind spot blinds the scientist, the science becomes as objective as essay writing. The secret ingredient in Italian cheese is raw milk which contains casein. People in the Mediterranean area have been eating cheeses and yoghurt for a very long time. The book The China Study was written at a time when all animal fats and proteins were considered the enemy. Today, it has become trendy to blame sugar for our problems instead. The idea that casein causes cancer is like saying that the Mediterranean diet causes cancer, where is the evidence for this? There is a new branch of science developing concentrating on the importance of healthy gut bacteria, and this idea promotes the hard cheeses as being very good sources of healthy bacteria for the gut, especially Gouda cheese, cheddar and parmesan.

  • -4

    There are soooooo many things out there that are NOT good for you, but we constantly shove 'em in our mouths anyway.
    The one thing that really makes me laugh is "Power-walkers / joggers", that think they are getting fitter by running down the footpaths or side of the road.
    Apart from the obvious dangers of running on the road, the exertion makes you breathe harder & deeper.
    Nothing wrong with that, except for the fact that WHERE you are doing it exposes you to excessive Carbon Monoxide (among other deadly chemicals) produced from motor vehicles.
    You might as well wrap your lips around a running car's exhaust-pipe and inhale. You'll die quicker, saving all that time you spend, and pain you go through jogging, to end up with the same result.

    • So it would be okay if those people just walk at a steady pace on the side of the road.

  • -1

    It’s a myth, but over-consumption of dairy products do lead to increasing cancer.

    • +3

      Over-consumption of anything is generally not good…

  • +2

    Casein is a protein that makes about 20-50% of human milk. It doesn't cause cancer.

  • i slept with my phone in my pocket for years…. trust me it hasn't done any good

    • +1

      Permanent indentation on your buttocks?

      • +2

        nah, phone just has a solid scent

  • You need to rethink your search terms.

    If you're searching for the results by a specific person, you're going to get the same results. Unless the person has multiple personalities.

    And no. Casein doesn't cause cancer nor does it even have a legitimate link.

    Source? You do not reference what does not exist. (well, you can… But not for this… Not for this…)

  • +2

    There are thousands of little cancers appearing in your body everyday.

    Just eat healthy, eat unprocessed foods (fast food is processed for the dumb ozbargainers) , drinks lots of water, avoid soft drink and you'll be fine. Get an allergy test and blood test done if you haven't already done so. I know people in their thirties who have never had a blood or allergy test done. They're pretty healthy people, but it won't hurt.

    • +1

      But but….$9 for 9! =(

  • +6

    I've also watched Forks Over Knives, and several similar docos. It does raise some questions.

    If you liked it, I can also highly recommend this -…

    I'm not so 'binary' about the whole thing, although I was drinking a lot of whey protein as part of my gym/eating health routine. I switched to a combination Rice/Pea Protein (from Bulk Nutrients). Tastes pretty much the same. A simple change massively reduced the amount of dairy based protein in my diet. I'm not that concerned about completely eliminated it, but reducing things like this (and meat) is a good balance for me.

  • everyone is different, some react better than others, for those who is not might caused problem

    my friend took some supplement and allergic to it and nearly died. he might be those 1 in a million, the rest benefited from it

    so dr always recommend - eat the real form than extract

  • +1

    Lots of health reasons to reduce dairy intake. I would have liked my parents to eliminate it for me during my childhood. It has been linked to increased risk later in life of prostate and breast cancers in children who consume cows milk, even if they give it up later in life.

  • thanks for the link.
    guys…declining sperm count…fear or not?

    • declining sperm count…fear or not?

      If I was a sperm, I'd be somewhat concerned about it I suppose…

  • +1

    Put your feet up, crack open a nice big bottle of cancerous milk, and get to it. After all we all know how the story ends, no one gets out alive. Some incencse falls on the gravestone now, some later. There's no difference.

  • +1

    Life's hard, everything causes cancer nowadays (not sure if all true though), so I've given up on avoiding those things, just try and eat healthy and live happy.
    Alcohol, tea, meat, smoked/processed meat, non-stick pans, sex (HPV), phones, water (in certain areas), sun, and polluted air all give us cancer.

    • -1

      Thank Merck for Gardasil!

  • +2

    Got milk?

  • -2

    Ozbargain causes cancer.

  • Cow milk causes cancer? So does honey, sun ray and heaps of other things. Just eat/ drink in moderation and do your best

  • +1

    I've given up on all cow milk altogether after connecting all the dots

    1) Humans artificially impregnate the cows so they can start producing milk( it just doesn't come from nowhere )
    2) Humans then take their calf away ( and the cow knows it, gets deeply distressed as any mother would )
    3) Humans then kill the calf for veal if male.
    4) Cow then gets hooked up to machine to suck milk/pus/antibodies out dry.
    5) Process then gets repeated again for the next 5-6 years.
    6) Until the cow is so exhausted and not able to produce anymore, she is then killed.
    7) All the high consuming dairy countries are the ones most affected by bone/calcium problems.. e.g osteoperosis
    8) Why is it only humans who drink another animals milk AND we drink it through all our lives ?
    9) Its not natural and I know a people benefiting from not drinking it.. e.g sinuses, mucus buildup, acne, skin breakouts..etc..
    10) I seen babies who all they do is drink milk formula and they literally blow up into a blob

    For all these reasons AND HEAPS MORE REASONs.. it just doesn't make sense to me for anyone to drink it..

    • I was willing to suspend my credulity, and have a good laugh at your amusing list. Obviously you were engaging in some form of ironic hyperbole.

      But then I got to:

      "10) I seen babies who all they do is drink milk formula and they literally blow up into a blob"

      Say what??? Literally? Blow up?

      This is a national scandal. And you have seen more than one baby literally blow up? OMG! You poor thing. What were the post mortem results? The coroner's findings? I would have thought with this baby-blowing-up epidemic there would be more warnings about the use of formula.

      Oh… I get it now.

      All the Chinese buying our formula…. this is clearly a big pharma-big medicine-big government-big dairy-DFAT plot to undermine China's economy by causing masses of babies to literally blow up.

      *** You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. ***

      • +1

        Some people have different interpretations of what blowing up means..
        In this context it is like "blowing up" a balloon.

        Your interpretation of blow up = explode
        My interpretation is to balloon up into a blob.

        Perhaps you should direct your question of I do not think it means what you think it means to yourself.

        And why all the attacking ? Have I said anything untrue ?..

        • The issue is literally.

        • @endotherm: Which reminds me of good old Oatmeal:

          I see two problems. 1. Words like literally or exponentially get overused for effect without thinking what they mean. 2. People need a more varied vocabulary. Swell, expand, bloat, and many more I'm sure could have been substituted for blow up.

        • +1


          The issue is reading the whole sentence not just picking out just the word.

          "..literally blows up INTO A BLOB" ?

          Sure I could have used other words, inflated.. but wanted to have the same resonance as blowing up a balloon so the wording is fine..

          next thing you are going to say is well I could have used a different word for "blob".. blah blah blah.. some people too critical.

          Chill and relax.. ( or should I use another varied vocabulary ? )

        • -1

          @wchau: You are of course free to voice your opinions but I disagree with them. I was only noting a trend in English usage. You are the one who seems to take umbrage at dissenting views.

        • -1

          @greenpossum: Whatever makes you feel good Shakespeare.

        • +1

          To be honest, I launched into (admittedly pretty lame) sarcasm mode in reply to your 'list' because, well, your assertions and anecdotes are basically really just easily contestable opinion.

          And experience has shown me (and yes, this is anecdotal and opinionated) that people who argue from a basis of personal anecdote, and broad-based, wide-sweeping opinions, are often not really very amenable to persuasion by clearly thought-out arguments and fact-based discussion. (cf, recent so-called controversies in popular media regarding vaccination and WiFi. There is NOTHING; there is NO POSSIBLE EVIDENCE that will actually change the minds of those who are anti-vax or who genuinely think that WiFi signals are damaging humans. That is (one of) the major difference between them and those who adhere to critical thinking and science.)

          I'm sorry to so blithely put you in the same category. But I do tend to have the feeling that there really would be nothing anyone could present you with which would change your mind and accept that cow's milk is beneficial and/or harmless to humans. You are so totally prepared to use absurd irrational and non-related arguments which bolster your ideology.

          Hence, my sad attempt to ridicule you with mild sarcasm.

          Wchau, I don't think you need to justify your non-milk drinking with all that nonsense. Seriously, "Why is it only humans who drink another animals milk". That's an argument? It's really just word salad.

          No. You don't need that to justify. Simply stick with your moral argument. If you believe that homo sapiens should not exploit other animal species, that's a perfectly valid point. Worthy of respect, even if many disagree.

          But surrounding your (one good) point with a stinky pile of (bovine) excrement is completely unnecessary.

        • @Roman Sandstorm: Except your one gracious point that you are prepared to concede is actually a fallacy too. Youtube is full of other species drinking a dissimilar species milk.

          etc. ad nauseum.

        • @endotherm: hahaha. Roman Sandstorm, please speak your words to your youtube believing peep. obviously he believes in this is natural and there was no human involvement.

        • @Roman Sandstorm:

          Again you prove that you need to understand words in their context, such weakness.

          Are the following from my list not true ?

          humans dont' impregnate cows artificially ?
          humans don't kill the baby calf for veal ?

          Points 1-6 are 100% true. If this is an opinion then I think someone needs to be re-educated on this term.

          Points 7 - is based on various research ( I'm not going to give references, just look up yourself )
          Points 8 - is a question, not a statement which then leads to 9
          Point 9 - Tell me, as an adult do you drink human milk ? if not why do you drink cow milk ? Why do we have to force a cow to get pregnant so we as adults can drink it ? If this is natural then your natural differs from mine. Tie it altogether.

          Point 10 - If I've seen this then more often than not, you cant contest opinion that I haven't.

          So really what you are saying is contestable opinion doesn't sit anywhere.
          And everything else you say is a stinky pile of (bovine) too, takes one to know one, so you should look at oneself and how you attack others not looking at yourself.

          At the end of the day I'm fine with my reasons, and obviously it has deeply mentally affected you so I do apologize.

        • @wchau: There are hundreds if not thousands of such videos. You can believe they were all bestiality atrocities committed by humans if you like. I was started on cows milk by a human so I must have been set up too so that one day I could be put on youtube.

        • @wchau: These are all irrelevant in an argument about drinking milk. If you have any other agenda about how animals are treated and farmed for food, you can deal with that separately.

          2) Humans then take their calf away ( and the cow knows it, gets deeply distressed as any mother would )
          3) Humans then kill the calf for veal if male.

          Predators in the wild kill young all the time, it is quite natural and the circle of life, it has been happening for countless years. Seeing a lion taking an antelope has never made anyone ever say that they would stop drinking milk.

          6) Until the cow is so exhausted and not able to produce anymore, she is then killed.

          Chickens are raised and farmed for their eggs, then eaten for meat when they are older. All animals reach an age when they stop reproducing. This has nothing to do with drinking cows milk either.

          Understand that nobody cares whether you choose to drink milk or not. They are your personal choices and you are entitled to your beliefs, even if they are misguided. What we object to is your pontificating on your personal views and trying to justify your position as righteous. I don't know who you are trying to convince, us or yourself? Go save the planet and the whales or whatever in your own time and stop trying to force your politics on everybody else, they are entitled to make up their own minds and make their own decisions for themselves. Spare us your fascist totalitarian collectivist ideology.

        • -1

          @endotherm:Everything ties in if you understand about it being natural or not, obviously you don't understand natural
          And it is obvious you care, otherwise you wouldn't be responding so intensely about it.

          Did I anywhere force you or others not to drink milk ? Did I say people are not entitled to make up their own minds ? So your comments about me forcing anything on anyone is absurd and nonsense.

          This is a FORUM so that everyone can have their own views, I am able to do that with open discussion.

          I don't care what you think of it, and I will express my views as I want. You can agree or disagree, and like you said no body cares so go elsewhere , but neither you or anyone can stop someones view point.

          If you want to entertain with your words go and drink your cows milk or even better maybe you should try dogs milk which seems to suit your ideology.

        • @wchau: Natural? What the hell has that got to do with anything that has been discussed? I can't think of anything more natural than lifeform > hungry > eats whatever it can for nutrients and energy. Sounds a lot like "killing and destroying the earth" to me too.

          Care about the subject? Not really, I just don't like people spouting out pseudo-fact trying to change people to their way of thinking. I don't have much to do at the moment otherwise.

          You openly declared your politics and the fact that you decided to avoid milk, then endlessly argue that everyone else should do the same thing. In response to a comment where it was said

          …you can only bring the horse to the water - looks like there are already a few of us who already avoid dairy. It's now up to the rest to discover this in their own time.

          You agree and support the position, lamenting the lack of supporters of followers. Sounds a bit like an agenda to me. Your 10 point plan is as silly as me saying "I don't like red cars, I've joined all the dots, you should all hate red cars too, I can't understand why everyone else doesn't hate red cars…" Nobody cares that you don't like them, by why on earth create a list on a forum trying to justify your position, then pick a fight with the world crying you weren't trying to force your views on others?

          I've said precisely that you are entitled to your views, you can discuss them openly, just stop trying to impose your values on others. If the argument goes your way, all is good, but the minute there is dissent suddenly they are the problem.

          I don't care what you think of it, and I will express my views as I want. You can agree or disagree, and like you said no body cares so go elsewhere , but neither you or anyone can stop someones view point.

          Apparently you are allowed to say what you like and express your views, but if I disagree and want to say what I like or express my views, I have to go elsewhere or shut up and don't defy the group-think. That is where fascist totalitarian collectivist ideology is born. Much like global warming, anyone who questions the "science" is called names and ridiculed. Don't debate the facts, just fall into step comrade. There was a time when scientists thought the world was flat, and if you went against the group-think you were killed for witchcraft. I'm not stopping your viewpoint, but you are trying to stop me from expressing mine.

          …maybe you should try dogs milk …

          And there it is — the parting insult — the fallback of a poor debater. On one hand you condemn drinking other species' milk, then you are promoting it? Cows are bad but dogs are good? I'm confused now. Why pick on dogs? Some people on this planet have to rely on dogs for food so apparently they are wrong for trying to stay alive? They should just stop, go away somewhere and die silently in your view? I've thought about drinking dog's milk at your kind invitation, but

          I've given up on all dog milk altogether after connecting all the dots

          1) Humans artificially impregnate the bitch so they can start producing milk( it just doesn't come from nowhere )
          2) Humans then take their puppy away ( and the bitch knows it, gets deeply distressed as any mother would )
          3) Humans then kill the puppy for dogmeat if male.
          4) Dog then gets hooked up to machine…

          …you get the point.

        • -1

          @endotherm: Glad you like the insult as it was directed at you because it is clear you can not accept other peoples viewpoint. Yes you are confused, because you don't understand the whole point of a view and that I'm saying any animals milk ( besides human ) not just dogs.. shouldn't be consumed .. derr, I chose a dog as an example.. didn't you understand it was an example that? or do you want me to say, cats milks, rats milk for you??

          You can go talking all you like, theres nothing that you can say that can stop me sharing a view point that MANY believe to your unfortunate satisfaction.

          As for your videos, you AGAIN DON'T UNDERSTAND CONTEXT, survival is a different scenario, people will even resort to cannilbalism to survive, do you think this is right, of course not but one can accept this because of survival, in poor countries, people will do what they have to survive, I doubt they have the technology to impregnate and do what the western countries do.

          Your low level of understanding is quite reflective of how you view things in black and white.
          So for you who accept that cows milk is natural for adult humans to consume can go and drink your dogs milk or any other animal milk , for other people they can decide for themselves what they choose.

          You seem to be SO offended by it like as if you can't live without it.
          For you personally have your dog/cat/cow/pig/rat milk what ever you like and get over it.
          No point in going on when your vibration frequency is too low for comprehension.

        • @wchau: I seriously don't get what point you are trying to make. I don't get any of your examples and none of them are pertinent to the discussion. You seem to be arguing with yourself and going around in circles. You are jumping to conclusions that I am offended, don't understand, see things in black and white, assuming I don't support cannibalism, or that I am trying to gag you from expressing your viewpoint. I am quite happy for you to share your views, always have been, but it is YOU who is promoting your values and insisting that everyone follows your lead. I am not. Never have, you are welcome to review my comments. You don't have any idea of what's going on in my head and seem not to be able to grasp that concept.

          Just now you have admitted insulting me because I didn't accept your values. The only reason I couldn't accept your values is that I am confused, couldn't possibly be independent considered thought, right?

          This is the problem, you say

          I'm saying any animals milk… not just dogs… shouldn't be consumed

          You are running around telling people what to do. I am not. I haven't said anywhere that anyone should drink milk, despite what my views are. My views are mine and haven't been imposed on anyone. I have disagreed vehemently with you with respect to pushing your agenda or telling everyone what they must do. I haven't infringed on your right to free speech, despite your allegations to the contrary. You seem to be arguing for the sake of arguing.

          No point in going on when your vibration frequency is too low for comprehension.

          Banging on about crystal energy or other cuckoo mystical new age "science" reflects more on you and your ability for reasoned debate — no wonder you believe the things you do. You're not likely to endear yourself to any followers with that sort of metaphysical reasoning. I'm sorry that my thought processes are firmly rooted in black and white facts and science, that I can form my own opinions and conclusions from critical thinking. Quite independent from the alignment of planets or orientation of random minerals.

        • -2

          @endotherm: Truly, go and figure out what you do want to say because you are talking just for the sake of talking, look at who doesn't know what he should do with milk, trying to outdo yourself with nothing to show. Always quoting my writing cause you can't put a point yourself, going on and on about nothing when the real question is either drink milk or not, I favour the not.. you don't even know what you want to favour? Just want to talk about other peoples words and pick on them like the first post , picking on peoples words without even reading the whole sentence, not understanding context at all, which you have shown multiple times. I find it a lost cause..

          So if you want.. you can quote me again.. cause thats all that you do and then you go on about arguing in circles because you can't answer yourself the root of the question of which you are firmly rooted in black and white, but of which you are so critical thinking that you end up at square one …and you boast of others going in circles.

        • @wchau: Let me help you by quoting myself:

          I seriously don't get what point you are trying to make.

          I have an opinion, but I'm not trying to shove it down someones throat like you are. If I were, I would be accused of pushing my politics on others, like you are doing. I don't know how you learned to argue or debate, but it is a bit hard when you are gagged by the other party who doesn't allow you to pick up an erroneous point the opponent has made and discuss that. Sounds a bit like censorship to me. A slippery slope to that fascist totalitarian collectivist ideology I was referring to. Again, you seem to be allowed to say what you want but everyone else doesn't get reciprocal rights?

          You might want to brush up on reading comprehension. You are reading into this what you want to hear, not what is written. You are so busy trying to defend your position about drinking milk, you fail to comprehend that I am calling you out for telling everyone what they must do. Please re-read what I have said, not what you think I said. There are plenty of independent thoughts and valid points that are my own.

          …the real question is either drink milk or not, I favour the not.. you don't even know what you want to favour?

          No, that is what YOU think the question is. I know what I favour, but I'm not pontificating to the world that they need to follow my lifestyle because of 10 revelations that have magically appeared to me. I've told you, nobody cares if you drink milk or eat bananas or veal or whatever.

          This started with you asking

          Are the following from my list not true?

          I pointed out fallacies in your list and you got upset, presumably because some of your rants were about animal cruelty or some other peripheral issue — NOT whether drinking milk is good or bad and listing the pros and cons of the argument. I wasn't arguing about drinking milk, YOU WERE. I called you out for your emotive politics and your agenda to prevent others having the right to decide for themselves what they will do. Perhaps instead of trying to accuse me of arguing in circles and being confused and unable to make a point, you should brush up on your own skills of actually making a valid point which is on topic, and being able to support it with relevant facts!

        • -2

          @endotherm: There are no fallacies in my list,I have already gone through it, I guess its one more time for the dummies as they say. Just people like you who choose not to believe. The facts are there, bother to do some research. Millions of cows don't get pregnant and product milk from no where. This point alone makes it already unnatural. As I have already pointed out my facts which you are so unwilling to contemplate.

          Again quoting out things, is this all you can do ?

          You have this perception of words being thrown down your throat like someone is being forced with it.. really ? Its a simple case of not being able to handle the truth .It was knowledge that you obviously didn't know, couldn't accept it and regurgitated it . The only truth you can accept is your own which you get so big headed at every attempt and what facts have you presented.. urr. nothing ( sorry youtube facts, good one ) which didn't coincide with the discussion anyway.

          Bottom line, stop the whinging like a baby over spilt milk that you desperately crave, and you keep on whinging about nothing.. and do you understanding that arguing takes 2 ? unless you are arguing with yourself ( I understand if you do given you just go in circles )

          Literally .. actually not literally.. but everything you are saying about someone else is a contradiction to yourself.. Suggestion to look at your own words .

          You can't go away without attacking peoples views. They call these people trolls.
          And it looks like we have serial one.

        • @wchau: Again FROM MY PREVIOUS POST

          Natural? What the hell has that got to do with anything that has been discussed?

          Again you are banging on about natural. It has nothing, NOTHING, to do with what we are discussing. Whether or not humans are involved in the process is equally irrelevant. Learn to quote relevant information in support or rebuttal of an argument.

          You don't listen to the point anyone else is making, what is wrong with quoting what you said to point out the problem? By the way, it is what you said so I'm not making it up. If you don't like what you said, don't say anything!

          I'm not whinging, I'm not craving milk. You percieve that is the case, despite me never saying that and correcting you time and again.

          Actually it would be literally. Exactly as I have written. Don't bother arguing if you don't understand the language.

          I am not attacking your values or views, I am pointing out where your statements are false and tainted with a political agenda — saving the earth, the cows, the veal, new age crystal energy — the list goes on. You are the one demonizing anyone who drinks milk, no-one is demonizing you for your views.

          It is clear you read what you want into these words and can't discuss the actual issue relevantly with a level head, resorting to personal attacks and insults when the heat is applied. You might want to take a good hard look at yourself first.

          Your rambling has become pointless, I will waste no more time on you. [drops microphone on stage and walks off]

        • @endotherm: Clearly you have completely lost the plot from start to finish. All throughout your talk you still have not been able to convey which statement is false ! Your nature is nothing short of a parasite just waiting for the next thing to pick on.

          Who said anything about saving the earth or the cows that you talk about ? And who is demonizing anything, where is it said ? Where have I forced anyone to stop the milk ?

          "It doesn't make sense FOR ME that anyone should drink it "

          Read this 10 times.. and tell me if that is forcing anyone not to drink it like you say..

          You are too eager to point out, correct, analyze, criticize, make mockery, provoke, accuse others . Time to step back and do the same to yourself for a change.

        • @wchau:

          Wow. From reading your comments, I get the impression that you're telling me (and anyone else who is reading) should stop drinking milk, and if I do continue and disagree with your view, I'm basically an idiot.

          You think quotations are irrelevant to discussions and debates?

          No one gives a crap about your lifestyle or what you think. But when you try force your opinions onto others, then yeh, some of us have a problem with that. Not even sure if you understand what endotherm is saying.

        • @Ughhh: You belong in the same group as endotherm. I don't really care what you think or anyone else for that matter. If you are reading that I am forcing you then good for you so be it and if you feel that you are an idiot then again good for you… Some agree some don't. Its like that dress that people can't tell what colour it is because of the angle they view it at..

        • @wchau:

          What group am I and endotherm in?

          Right…if you think the dress is yellow and I think the dress is blue, thats fine. But you're the one telling everyone who reckons the dress is blue/red/rainbow is a dummie who can't see the truth and telling everyone is dress is in fact yellow. Thats what you have been doing. It seems you have been unable to understand other peoples point and is just talking crap. I pray for you.

          ps: metaphor used.

          Anyway, doesnt matter. It's not like you have any affect on society, so continue on doing what ever tickles your pickle.

        • @Ughhh: Please explain where it says you are a dummie. If you want to make that up to impose on yourself you are more than welcome. You seem to like to degrade yourself because of how you interpret something and put the blame on others, maybe you have been surrounded by negative things and have a natural reaction to accuse.

          Its quite the opposite to your analysis, I'm saying it is in fact yellow nothing else, but through your rosey glasses are seeing it as blue/red and then you ADD ON that because its not the same there fore he is calling me a dummie ( made up by yourself )

          I play my part and will continue to do so, on the contrary the same people who believe in what I do are making things change.. have you not seen the surging rise in almond milk , soy milk, rice milk and other non dairy milk. People are getting educated and are beginning to make informed choices, not just default market infused blanket ones.

          Change happens one at a time, and I hope to see that even one day your pickle starts to shed its pricks.

        • @wchau:

          'm saying it is in fact yellow nothing else, but through your rosey glasses are seeing it as blue/red and then you ADD ON that because its not the same there fore he is calling me a dummie ( made up by yourself

          There you go.
          You: the dress is yellow, nothing else, it is a fact
          Others: It probably is yellow, could be light orange, dont care, but don't shove your view down my throat

          I dont know what you're on about with "add on that because its not the same". The whole point against you is, dont try to convince/force your opinions on others. But then you rabble on about naturals and crap.

          Well done on changing the world, bringing almond milk etc into the world! Where Did I degrade myself? Me expressing what your words kinda imply (to general public, not at me) (which you probably dont see or notice) means Im degrading myself?

          I will continue to play my part, do what I wanna do and not shove them into peoples throats. If you want to join a cult, drink paint (like Charlie from Always Sunny in Philly), drink cows milk or never drink water again, thats your choice and Im not gonna stop you, I'm not gonna tell you that you shouldn't, try to change your lifestyle or rant about why people are doing that stuff.

          Your pickle has definitely been 'tickled' here, you obviously stand very strongly on your views… and very angry.

        • @Ughhh: Don't get agitated ..There is a difference between presenting facts and shoving it down ones throat.
          Again you claim to be forced.. If that's the way you perceive it I really don't care anymore.. Its like you want to be forced and no matter what I say you keep on with it..forcing yourself. Keep on attacking with this forcing crap and you will end up believing you get forced to do everything.

        • @wchau:

          Haha. Are you a comedian ?

    • I've given up on all cow milk altogether after connecting all the dot

      Good, that will make it cheaper for the rest of us reasonable people.

    • Do you know that Milk-based formula use purified proteins from cow milk? ..

    • Points 7,9 & 10 can be blamed on sugar/wifi/anti-bacterial soap/car exhausts, etc.
      Point 8: Evolution or perhaps thumbs.

    • Don't see many elephants curing polio or chimpanzees wearing condoms either. Were the only animal who drink another animals milk but we're also the most successful animal on the planet and right at the top of the food chain so we're doing something right.

      • Most successful in killing and destroying the earth too. Well done.

        • And the only thing preventing other species from doing the same is their inability.

        • @FatBlanket: So lets go and kill and destroy more shall we because we can. Good logic.

        • @wchau: yes, because that was my point…

  • Reading too many alarmist posts on OzBargain causes cancerboredom. Yawn.

  • What was being sold as the alternative ?

    Was it just marketing BS like with Celiac disease ? [Dr Karl Kruszelniki claims only 2% of population has this problem but health food companies have convinced 40% of the population they have the disease, who is profiting].

    • +2

      gluten free. is anyone keen to start another thread? : )

  • +1

    Ask this Guy. He loves caseins.

  • +2

    I feel that a lot of people fall for miss information a lot of the time.

    • A "study" is not accurate, fact or science, unless it has passed peer review or passed a double blind test.
    • A scientific documentary is not fact or science, unless it is based on peer reviewed, double blind tested, facts.

    Vegans and Anti-vaxers fall into this trap all the time. No matter how flashy it looks, or how smart the person presenting the study is, a study can not be trusted unless it has passed peer review, or a double blind test where applicable, and generally has had the results published in a Scientific Journal.

    Until then it is just BULLSHIT.

    • +1

      Even if its peer reviewed and double blinded, in many instances after 20 years they conclude "oh there's evidence that previous research was wrong and xyz causes such and such conditions" and suggest an alternative

      Then the companies jump on board and make a huge hype and market new products

      And then the cycle repeats itself . Lol

      • You also get the problem of significance. Summed up nicely by one of my favorite comics.

        This is where you need to consider the weight of evidence. Not something and "news"paper is going to do as it would get in the way of headlines and sales.

        • +1

          You also need to consider that its your own health after the results change. I didn't look I to casein and cows milk but for example artificial sweeteners in coke zero will probably be linked to some negative health outcome by the end of the decade regardless of whatever evidence they have today. And the consumer will have to deal with the impact. Then the company will come out with an alternative and repeat the cycle

        • @CandyMan: True, but it's often a focus on one narrow aspect that causes issues.

          For example, lets say cows milk does in fact cause a very slight increase in cancer risk if you consumer more than 3 glasses every day. We ban cows milk (or hook people through a misleading book into giving up cows milk). Millions end up with calcium/vitamin D deficiency as we can't change enough behaviors for people to get their calcium/vitamins from other sources.

          I look at the example of bicycle helmets. There is no doubt that they are effective at preventing some brain injuries in the event of a crash. And you can see why surgeons argue so strongly for them, they fix brains. But what your average surgeon has no clue about, is the impact that enforced helmets have on the population. Less cycling, less active population, more heart attacks, diabetes, strokes etc etc

          Similar thing with Coke. The sweeteners in coke zero might be bad. Do we ban those? Yeah, people might stop drinking coke zero, what if they take up drinking regular coke. I'm pretty sure regular coke is far far worse given the amount of sugar it contains.

          Lets say sun cream causes a slight increase in a cancer. We ban sun cream…. we get skyrocketing rates of skin cancer.

          Nothing in life is so simple, especially when considering social interactions, behaviors and large populations. It's often living with the lesser of evils and moderation.

        • @ChickenTalon: Hence my previous comment about moderation :)

    • +2

      I feel that a lot of people fall for miss information

      On that note, congratulations Miss Information 2016!

  • -1

    dare double expresso ice coffee is pretty tasty

    • +1

      That's all the sugar.

  • +1

    Over consumption of water kills you.
    Overconsumption of oxygen, ultimately kills you.

    Everything kills you.

    Avoid the absolutely obvious, and you'll have a better life than most. then anxiety of worrying about everything you put in your mouth? That kills you.

    • Oxygen=Murder!

  • +1

    We've stopped drinking milk now for the last 7 years or so. Kids have never drank cows milk. That stuff is full of saturated fats, antibiotics, bacteria, blood and nasties.

    Calcium you can find in veges, normal everyday food. There is even debate if we can use the 'calcium' found in milk. Go for blood tests (free/bulk billed of course XD) every year or so. And just in case you're wondering, no, we have not fallen over from calcium deficiency or had any health problems over the years. In fact we have a very low number of sick days compared to others at work/school.

    Cows milk is for cows. Human milk is for… babies. Even human mothers milk is a different constitution and consistency depending on the day, season and stage of growth of the child.

    If you don't drink rats milk, you probably shouldn't drink cows milk either.

    Remember, the earth was once flat…

    @rogr I posted the above very early on in this thread, by now it has accumulated over 20 negs and is hidden from normal view. It is not difficult to find out about all the nasties that go into milk, nor is it unreasonable to understand how it is possible/probable, that all the nasties end up in it (the way we claim).

    They say you can only bring the horse to the water - looks like there are already a few of us who already avoid dairy. It's now up to the rest to discover this in their own time. You'd think that there would be more of an intellectual discussion rather than negs and pointless comments… That just puts people off and personally I've got nothing to prove and have stopped responding to those comments/trolls.

    • So true. Nothing to prove or to gain except for the awareness for others. ( who then gives you a negative ).. so much for trying to be helpful.
      At least you tried and for good intentions.

      • I think the problem is highon2str was blabbing that out like it's a fact, when it's just a personal opinion and experience.

        I drank milk during my primary school years, my sick days is 1 (and I faked that to finish the assignment). Does that mean I can conclude a milk a day keeps the doctor away? No.

  • Lets put it another way….

    I like milk.
    I'm not dead yet.

    <my parents like milk,
    They're both over 75.

    In 100 years.. all new people.

  • +1

    Sponsored by A2 Milk

  • Casein is in any mammal's milk. Not just from cows but humans, goats, and so on.

    I thought usually debates about this is sodium caseinate not casein itself.

  • +1
    • Actually doesn't mention cancer, but paints a bleak picture of milk (not cheese though)

      • yes, mention of cancer only death.
        honestly don't know.
        are they serious or just another propaganda?
        less milk consumption = less land for pasture and more land for development?
        no marketing money from industry to PR companies = negative PR to damage industry?/

    • If you read it properly, it only pertains to the elderly. Not a single bad thing said about anyone under 50 consuming it.

      • The point isn't that it says anything bad, the point is that they couldn't show that drinking milk has any positive benefits. Despite learning as a kid, how milk is great for you (thanks dairy association), there's no proof that it is.

        • No, it is a poorly authored article, written as click-bait, intended to be alarmist and pushing an agenda rather than just reporting the facts. I'm sure the comments are based on cherry-picked statements and conclusions taken out of context from the review and studies.

          IT DOESN'T SAY THAT DRINKING MILK HAS ANY POSITIVE BENEFITS and that's part of the problem. THEY DO SAY that it does not provide the benefits that you may expect (fortifying bones) IF YOU ARE OVER 50. IT DOES NOT SAY drinking milk >50 is dangerous, apart from the bleeding obvious: Elderly falling down and breaking bones can lead to death, drinking milk can cause gastrointestinal issues (if you are lactose intolerant), it can cause heart and arterial diseases (fatty deposits and cholesterol, which can be caused by a multitude of foods and nothing exclusive to milk), kidney stones (from excessive buildup of minerals that are not flushed from the system, maybe aggravated by excessive consumption, but caused by many other foods.

          They leave it to their readers to make the conclusion that if we can't prove it to be good for you then it must be bad for you. The article is clearly talking about the elderly and excessive consumption (go back and read it carefully, I'll wait…) They make NO MENTION of the health impacts in infants, children, adolescents, young adults, middle aged. Why? Perhaps it conflicts with the tone of the article and there ARE some benefits in the younger end of the population. It probably doesn't apply to the elderly too well either, aside from milk in tea etc., I don't see too many guzzling ice-cream, pizza dripping with cheese, overdosing on dairy products, consuming bowls and bowls of cereal etc. The point that over-consuming supplements is helping you none and can be detrimental, is well made. It is never a good idea taking supplements unless medically indicated.

          The article (and the source studies and review) can be condensed to: drinking milk/consuming calcium will fortify your bones when you are young, giving you a healthy head-start when you mature. Drinking milk when you are older will not harm you but it will not reverse the effects of weak bones or make them stronger, you need to have them strong from earlier in life. Overdosing will cause complications.

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