• expired

TPG Mobile $1 No-Contract PAYG Plan, Great for Minimal Users Includes 50MB Data


I've seen a lot of mobile deals come up recently but still haven't seen this one posted. Please delete if it is a dupe.

Mobile Pay As You Go Budget $1 Per Month - No Contract
Monthly Charge $1
Standard National Calls (per minute) 9.9¢ (billed per second)
Standard National Calls Flagfall 10¢
SMS National (per message) 9.9¢
Included Mobile Data
150MB - TPG DSL Customers
50MB - Non TPG DSL Customers

Charges for data usage on Pay As You Go Plans:
^ Data usage on Pay As You Go Plans is charged at 0.275c per 100KB session block, and displayed in MB format (1MB = 1000KB).

Startup costs:
$20 for sim delivery +
$20 refundable deposit used as credit. Once your deposit/balance falls below $5 it is topped back up to $20 but it does not expire. Once you cancel your balance is refunded.

Considering the call rate is 0.165c per second this is great value for such a low end plan where call costs are normally quite high. Note that this plan mainly suits domestic callers and texters as MMS is quite expensive and it does not include video calls.

Referral Links

Referral: random (7)

Referrer gets $100, up to $1000 a month.

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closed Comments

  • -1

    usage charges: http://www.tpg.com.au/mobile/callrates.html
    Note the high call rates for 13/1300 numbers: $0.35 flagfall + $1.02 Per Min,
    and 1800 numbers: $0.35 flagfall + $0.62 Per 30 seconds

    I do believe this is a good plan for people who don't use their phone very often, but I don't really understand why people are posting phone plans on ozbargain.

    • +5

      why not?

      • +1

        Yeah why not? :)

        My mobile cost is ~$3/month, mostly data with Exetel's HSPA plan. Looks like I am going to save some money if I migrate both my ADSL and HSPA mobile plan to TPG.

        • Please elaborate Scotty, I'm very interested in how this HSPA plan works.

        • plus if you are using nokia and install your skype. with 150 MB, i can talk around 7 hrs with my skye

        • why don't you share the exetel's deal on ozbargain?

    • Yea maybe they should just sms us all instead LOL

  • +1

    billed per second for the calls is good - usually you pay by half minute (so call someone for 1 minute and 1 second, you get charged for 1.5 minutes.

    the data charges are actually pretty cheap, 1 gb for $27 is decent enough on a pay as you go plan..

  • What's a 100KB "session block"? Sounds similar to Optus's 10KB increments thing, which still makes little sense to me because there's about ten different ways you could interpret it.

    • I believe (for example):
      if its $1 per Mb and its 100kb session blocks. For every 100kb they will charge 10c, and then at 200kb its 20c, but if you go to 250kb its still 20c overall until you reach 300kb, which is the extra 100kb session block. Its just a way so that you cant use 800kb and not be charged until you reach 1mb.

      • Not a bad deal for the mobile data alone for existing ADSL customers. I occasioanlly use my mobile was a wireless modem (with my netbook) when I travel, to cheack email etc. With this plan I could get an extra sim for $1 a month with 150MB (won't use it for calls)….More than enough for checking emails and surfing the odd webpage on the road.

        $12 a year for 1.8GB data.

    • The deliberatly make these plans as complicated as possible, because it makes it harder to compare to other companies. This is a despicable act that all Telephone companies in Australia and the US use.

  • +3

    What is damn off putting is the initial charges.

    • I agree, however depending on your current spend, the savings could outstrip the initial cost.

    • Sure is considering you can get a Virgin sim card for $5 with free delivery and some credit.

  • Im already on their $20 a month plan.
    I only use it to use the free time to call my brother interstate on same plan.
    I have no idea what my calls are. I just get debited $20 each month.
    Maybe I should look at this.
    I see no mention of free time however.

    • There is none on this plan. It's more for minimal use I guess (or use to people on other networks)

  • +5

    There is also an $11 fee charged by TPG if you ever choose to port to another carrier later on.

    • +1

      That's a really good pick-up. Probably not something people will tend to notice, but where did you see that?

      • I got charged that when porting out / they told me when I called to change :D

      • +1

        It was on the terms and conditions that they sent after I had signed up

        • Yep, just saw that too - when you start the sign up process, they give a link to this PDF: http://www.tpg.com.au/mobile/Mobile_Plan_Brochure_with_PAYG_…
          … and item 7 of that PDF says "7. If you port your mobile service number to another carrier a port out fee of $11 is payable in addition to any other charges."

  • This deal looks like a winner for me.

  • +1

    Who's mobile network do TPG use?

    Edit: Google tells me Optus. I've been looking for a replacement for iSim. This looks promising.

    • +1

      Yea it's Optus. To be specific it goes.. Optus -> Soul -> TPG (if I'm not mistaken)

    • +1

      yep isim is great, too bad they are shutting down now

  • +2

    i left optus (postpaid) a few months ago and went to lebara prepaid. then lebara raised their prices and i went looking for a better deal. happened to come across this plan and made the change at the start of this month, so i'm back to optus via tpg.

    voicemail deposits cost 15c/30secs, unlike most other plans which only charge for retrieval. so turn this off if you don't need it - the missed call service is free and good enough for me. anyways am recommending this to a few other family members who could benefit.

    additional comments/discussions on whirlpool if anyone's interested: http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=1391574

  • I signed up for this plan a week ago and got my sim within 2 working days which was great. I'm yet to give full feedback but as a TPG customer I get an extra amount of quota for data (150MB).

    Personally, I thought the plan was common knowledge, oh well.

  • This plan looks absolutely brilliant. Really good plan. And wow I can't remember the last time I saw "per second billing" as opposed to "per minute billing" which seems to be the 'in' thing for telecommunications companies these days.

    • there're still per second billing available

      but seeing competition around is a good thing, specially 3(THREE) just gone to per MINUTE billing on their new plans

  • +1
  • Primus SIM only should match this :-) i prefer primus as they are using Telstra network instead of Optus. and Telstra has heaps better signal where l live.

    • iPrimus only uses Telstra for voice only SIMs (2G only). All other SIMs are using OPTUS.

      Besides, 40c/30s and 25c SMS is not really better, but I agree it has heaps better network coverage.. :)

  • +1

    Good deal. Also worth considering http://www.planetisp.com.au/mobile.php

    Good for people with occassional use "in case of an emergency" (ie, elderly relatives, car breakdowns, etc) or if you make lots of "where are you?" calls as it doesn't have any flagfall and no min per month. SMS more expensive though. Have to use phone at least once every three months to stay connected ;-)

    $0 per month - Spend what you use but they don't include some free data
    No contract, stay as long as you want.
    No Flagfall on any mobile calls to any other services or networks.
    Billed in 1 second increments
    33 cents per minute flat (includes GST).
    SMS 16.5 cents per message (includes GST).
    Voicemail 11c flat rate (As long as you like - Not time based)
    Data 33 cents per MB, charged in 1 KB increments (includes GST)
    They use Vodafone.

    I’ve been with with them for ~2 years on this. No problems. I can’t believe how overpriced other telcos are in comparison. Move to one of these and save your money for other bargains! :-)

  • I hope this deal is still available come August! I don't want to pay $75 to unlock my phone from Vodafone when I can get it unlocked for $25 in August. (If only they had released this last year and Optus released their prepaid E63 last year as well …)

  • ohh this is just what i'm looking for, since i hardly use my phone and always have lots of leftover credit! thanks!

  • +1

    another $0 per month mobile provider www.rabbit.com.au, via UniTel on the Telstra network. If you need to make a call once a year on a Telstra network then check rabbit out.
    We have 2 active and 2 standby handsets, with a combined spend of less than $100 per year. Happy with the service for the last 2 or 3 yrs. Cost to get a sim but is great for the "spare" phone if you need Telstra in your area.

  • +1

    Dunno what rabbit's data rates are like?? I'm with http://www.slimtel.com.au/index.php?v=Mobile_Plans&sv=VIP_$0_Plan - our bill often says we didn't spend enough so they'll roll it onto next month's. But unfortunately their data rates suck.

    I already have internet with tpg so this deal would be great except I'm not paying $40 up front, and I'm also not keen on $1 per month. (Yes I'm that cheap.)

    Someone will surely fill this gap soon??

    • What if you consider the $1 per month as payment for 150MB of mobile data? That's kinda cheap :)

      $40 upfront does kinda suck, however remember that $20 of it is turned into usable credit :)

  • How to become wholesaler for optus / telstra like rabbit slimtel planetisp? How much to invest?

    • used to work for a 3rd tier telco. u can buy from telstra optus vodafone if u buy in hundred of thousands dollars worth of service. these firms then on sell the services to other smaller wholesalers. essentially everyone just use a different billing system and take a cut of the pie.

  • If you consider buying a new prepaid, have a look at this spreadsheet (http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AkTXsjWOGc6odDk2UHFF…) and see the chart 1.

    On Chart 1 clicking the Color flag on right would show the cost for that specific plan.

    On call cost/second comparison TPG is the clear winner. Even smspupmobile gives good value as it only costs you $10 to receive $130 value which means spending REAL $1 gives you $13 value.

    TPG costs ~$0.40 for 2 min 25 sec call

    smspupmobile costs ~$2.30 for 2 min 25 sec call

    though it costs almost six times of TPG, in real monetary value it is chepaer as you get $13 value only by spending $1.

    • Hang on, what exactly are you saying? Are you saying TPG's $1 pay-as-you go is the clear winner or another plan? Your last line suggests that you're saying SMSPup Mobile is cheaper, but you say "TPG is the clear winner".

      Assuming you're saying SMSPup Mobile is cheaper.. I've analysed these before and although you are technically not wrong, that is not always the way to look at it.

      What if you would actually spend less than $10 on your monthly phone bill, even on TPG? If you consistently spend less than $10, then in "real monetary value" it is cheaper to be on TPG.

      Also, consider this. TPG also has a $20 ($19.99) per month plan, giving $300 credit - that means every real dollar spent gives you $15 of cap credit. That should mean TPG's $20 per month is the clear winner, but if you would usually just use about $50 of your credit, then you might as well use SMSPupMobile. Obviously there are other factors to consider (such as the fact TPG's $2/month plan has 'yes' time).

    • +2

      I like the spreadsheet, but I dislike the statement "REAL $1 gives you $13 value". It all depends on how many calls you make.

      The problem with so-called "cap" plans (like smspupmobile above) is that the moment that you use up the included value you are stuck with inflated call rates.

      From the above example if you made 100 calls in a month, 2 min 25 sec long, then:
      TPG costs $0.40 per call + $1 per month = $41
      smspupmobile costs $2.30 per call -(up to $130 value) + $10 per month = $110

      If you made 4 such calls then:
      TPG costs $0.40 per call + $1 per month = $2.60
      smspupmobile costs $10 per month = $10

      If you make 56 such calls:
      TPG costs $23.40
      smspupmobile costs $10

      • Oh yes that's right - I didn't mention all this in my post, but this is exactly right.

        Caps are very good, provided you pick one that is really appropriate for you.
        Once you go over your cap, using an alternative plan such as this TPG one, or Virgin Bean Counter just till the end of your month is a good choice (because call rates aren't inflated).

        Sometimes people pick caps, lock themselves into 24 month contracts and they pick the cheapest available cap (they think '$19 cap 24 months free phone yay') where the phone is free, believing that it is pretty much the cheapest they can get the phone for. However, once you start getting your bills, just because you went over your cap by $61, $80 a month of 6 months out of the 24, you realise that you should've just gotten the $39 or $49 cap and it would've been cheaper. You also would've been able to get a better phone too.

  • i dunno if this is any good.

    please comment:

    i was planning to go on that after my isim expires. but tpg looks a tad better. though I also don't like the initial charges.

  • im with tpg mobile now on the 14.99 plan, i just signed up to port over to liveconnected as for like 23.99 (without ads), i get same amount of calls/sms but also 300mb data, works for me

  • man this will be awesome to use in alarms/car GPS alarms!

    no monthly fee, gps tracker

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